Now you can eat shit at Toronto’s Poop Café

Aux Features Food

Accurately billed as “Toronto’s first toilet-themed dessert bar,” the Poop Café opened over the weekend, according to UpRoxx. Co-opting the adorable poop emoji as its mascot, Poop Café offers drinks in urinal-shaped mugs, and mounds of soft brown dessert piled high in novelty toilet bowls. And while you’re there, you’ll be sitting astride poo pillows and non-functioning toilet seats.

Owner Lien Nguyen told the CBC that she was inspired by dookie-style restaurants she had encountered while abroad, with Moscow, Seoul, and Tokyo each boasting their own poopie-influenced eateries. But Nguyen acknowledged that reminding patrons of bowel movements might not cater to the tastes of everyone.

“I just want to make something fun. So if people want something fun, they come,” Nguyen said. “A lot of people they don’t want to come, that’s fine, too… my goal is people laughing and people already did… who doesn’t laugh when they hear about poop?” A number of unamused constituents come to mind, including neighboring business owners, assisted-living caregivers, those urgently hoping for a public bathroom, and Mom.

Despite the absence of a hot lunch on the menu board, Poop Café has already started grinding out a heavy volume of viral awareness. As of the writing of this article, the modest dessert bar dedicated to night-soil confections has already been tagged in 633 Instagram posts. If you’d like to feast on “Nutella and Oreo Bingsu’s served in mini toilets”, or munch on a “Red Bean Poop Waffle,” you can visit Poop Café in Toronto’s Koreatown, located at 706 Bloor St. W.

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