Oh, wait, Mark Ruffalo totally did spoil Endgame

Aux Features Film
Oh, wait, Mark Ruffalo totally did spoil Endgame
What a stinker. Photo: Rich Polk

[Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. ]

It’s a known fact that Mark “Loose Lips” Ruffalo is one of the worst when it comes to accidentally spoiling Marvel’s secrets. It was a joyful surprise, then, when we all thought he made it through the biggest Marvel movie to date without giving one single thing away. Ruffalo himself even posted a video in which co-star Brie Larson congratulates him for keeping his mouth shut.

It turns out, though, that she was wrong. We were all wrong.

Way back on April 8, almost three weeks before Avengers: Endgame premiered to the world, Ruffalo revealed he was given fake scenes in his script to make it harder for him to spoil something. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen,” Ruffalo told E! News. “I shot, like, five different endings to this movie. I didn’t even get a whole script to this movie.” Even that couldn’t silence him, though, as just moments later he points to Chris Evans and shouts, “He gets married in this!” Ruffalo’s tone makes such a moment sound ridiculous and, on its surface, it does. But so was him revealing that a bunch of Avengers die in Infinity War.

As Evans said in the E! News interview, Ruffalo is pretty much a liability at this point and, hilariously, has to explain the Ruffalo why. “Because you have zero cred,” Evans told Ruffalo. “You have earned no trust in the Marvel universe. You, like, leak like a bodily function.” It’s possible Ruffalo thought it actually was a fake scene, since he wasn’t a part of either scenes involving old Cap or the last dance with Peggy. Or maybe he was privy to it all, and decided to throw fans off. Which worked, until you actually see the movie.

So when we wrote that Mark Ruffalo made it through without spoiling the movie on Monday, we were Boo Boo The Fool on this one. As such, our rule is now this: If Ruffalo says anything, take it to heart.

[via Buzzfeed]


  • mullah-omar-av says:

    I now assume that they filmed a celebratory scene of Hulk marrying Cap to throw Ruffalo off the scent.

  • tramplax-av says:

    He definitely spoilt it as retaliation for the film not earning it’s big ‘girl power’ moment. 

  • theclassic-av says:

    I actually seen that earlier in a compilation clip of them doing various press junkets and thought to my self ‘wait, that was totally his most obvious leak so far why wasn’t this more widely shared?’

    • bcfred-av says:

      Given his history and the fact they were feeding him fake scripts, at this point how much stock could you put in his spoilers for Endgame, though? You wouldn’t know until after you saw it if he’d spoiled anything or not.

  • g22-av says:

    Wait… DOES Cap get married? All we see is the dance. Maybe he just had the dance and went on his way and left Peggy with the guy she eventually married?

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    They told him most of his scenes were for The Kids Are Alright 2: The Kids Meet The Hulk.  It didn’t make any sense to him, but he did sign on for a sequel, so he showed up for work.  

    • dirtside-av says:

      Honestly, the world would be a better place if all of Ruffalo’s future performances were replaced with Professor Hulk. Not because he’s not a great actor (he is) but because we just need more movies with Professor Hulk.

  • det-devil-ails-av says:

    “ In the movie I throw a bench. I have no idea WHY I threw a bench.”

    • yummsh-av says:

      Anyone notice that when Hulk throws the bench, it’s kind of a throwback to when Hulk threw a bear back in the ‘80s TV series?

      • anthy-himemiya-av says:

        …no.  Him throwing that bench was absolutely NOTHING like how he threw the bear. They weren’t even standing in the same poses.

        • yummsh-av says:

          Hence my phrasing – ‘kind of a throwback’. He threw it over water, there was a forest behind it, kind of a throwback. I didn’t say it was a shot-for-shot recreation, Mr Kubrick.

          • drzarnack-av says:

            I though it was a rip off of Bull Durham, when the pitcher throws the ball that time. Both were movies, and the pitcher’s nickname is Nuke, and the Hulk gets his powers from radiation. Pretty obvious, and I’ll be listing it in my 48 minute Youtube video about Endgame Easter Eggs.

          • anthy-himemiya-av says:

            That doesn’t make it a “throwback”. With that logic, Jurassic World is “kind of like” Godzilla: King of Monsters, simply because giant dinosaur-like creatures are fighting and there are humans running around trying to survive. With that logic, Toy Story is “kind of like” Child’s Play, because there are toys pretending to be inanimate whenever humans are around. With that logic, it’s “kind of like” The Matrix being a “throwback” to Tron, etc. My point (and I wasn’t trying to be mean) was that many things are “kind of like” other things, but it doesn’t mean it’s a “throwback”…and yes, I realize this response is like a MONTH late. For some reason I JUST got a reply notification.

        • det-devil-ails-av says:

          Did you really just “well actually” the Hulk throwing a bear???Tip o’ the hat, sir or madam – because that’s beautiful.

        • mrcrumley5-av says:

          The bear tells a different story.

        • loudfunnywords-av says:

          When he threw the thing, did it remind you of him throwing the thing? You know, that thing he threw in that one thing where he threw a thing?

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        That was ten times more amazing than anything Hulk has done in the movies 

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Thank you.  Was just going to say the same thing.  A buff dude in green make-up beats CGI every single time.

      • popescooby-av says:

        I definitely thought about the bear scene when I saw him throw the bench, whether it was intended by the directors or not.

      • JKLauderdale-av says:

        ***No Hulks were hurt in the filming of this scene

        • yummsh-av says:

          I’m really hoping the ASPCH (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Hulks) was present on-set.

      • ender21-av says:

        Oh my god that was the most awesomely ridiculous ‘80s clip I needed to see today.

  • thecapn3000-av says:

    So are we still under the impression that all of these “so and so spoiled it 5 weeks ago” things aren’t planned in order to go viral this week?

  • g1nk5-av says:

    Boo Boo the Fool was always my favorite Avenger!

  • nextchamp-av says:

    We need Ruffalo and Holland to team up in a movie.

    • zeldafanjtl-av says:

      If he actually comes back. It seemed like Hulk and Thor were set up so that it’ll be easy to keep using them or entirely write them out of the universe.

  • roboyuji-av says:

    Good thing I never watch or read any of these pre-release interview things for movies I’m interested in that I don’t want spoiled. I pretty much went into that movie fresh.

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      I’ve spoiled myself for most things, but didn’t for endgame and this week’s game of thrones. And boy was it rewarding….mostly 

      • mifrochi-av says:

        I don’t watch Game of Thrones, so casual spoilers tend to be meaningless word-salad. But I was still surprised when the ending of this past week’s episode popped up in a bunch of headlines on my newsfeed – like, no spoiler warning, just “OMG, (Blank) killed (blank)!” as headlines from a bunch of entertainment sites. It actually felt kind of good. I’m tempted to watch that episode with no background in the series, just to experience the muddy cinematography. Ironically, I’ve had a similar experience with several other movies – I finally get the ending spoiled, and then I can take a step back and say, “I wasn’t really interested in seeing this movie apart from the ending, so now I can move it down on the list.” There a few movies I’m really glad I saw without knowing the twist, and there are a handful that I wish I could’ve seen blind, but recently I feel like spoiler-aversion is just a manipulative marketing tactic, and I resent it.

        • normchomsky1-av says:

          I’d say people have done a much better job avoiding endgame spoilers than game of thrones. Within minutes it became pretty obvious what happened if you didn’t see it 

          • gussiefinknottle1934-av says:

            Surely watching on TV lulls people into a false sense of “everyone saw this at the same time”.(It’s a pain in the arse as due to being UK based, having a job and preferring to not be a sleep deprived zombie I can’t watch GoT til Monday evening)

          • laurenceq-av says:

            It’s also much worse to spoil a movie than an episode of TV.With TV, most people have more or less the same opportunity to catch it as it airs or within a reasonable amount of time. Not everyone has the ability to make the necessary arrangements to see a film in its opening days, though. It’s much, much easier to plop down on your couch and watch TV than it is to head out to the theater.

  • yummsh-av says:

    That guy who plays the guy who was essentially created in a lab looks like he himself was created in a lab.Also, Ruffalo is clearly tripping balls. Clearly.

  • harrold-av says:

    You gotta feel for the guy.  I mean, everyone else is standing around in relatively normal gear, and he’s constantly wearing some stupid mocap outfit standing on a scissor lift or something.  He probably has no idea what’s going on in relatively normal scenes anyway.

    • reoweedspagon-av says:

      Especially for this movie, he got like one scene as regular bruce and even that was entirely(?) in the hulkbuster suit

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      To be fair, Downey, Cheadle, and the guy who plays Rocket Racoon are also dressed in mo-cap suits.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Other than it being a way to give his brother some work, why the heck is Sean Gunn, a 6 foot tall actor, doing mo-cap for Rocket anyway? So he can constantly be lying on the ground? Is there seriously ANY point or advantage to doing that?

        • hannah-z-av says:

          Because hes apparently really flexable and walk in a crouch? Can you? More better, why the hell do you care who plays the motion cap for Rocket?

        • zeldafanjtl-av says:

          I don’t think the actor’s height really matters for motion capture. They can make the character model whatever size they want in the film.

          • laurenceq-av says:

            It’s not really “motion capture” per se, he’s also the stand-in for Rocket on set as well (not just in the FX house or whatever.) That’s the part that seems strange, he’s a tall, lanky dude crawling and crouching on his knees to “play” a 2 foot tall character.

        • invanz-av says:

          Because he’s good at it? Andy Serkis isn’t actually Gollum-sized, either…

        • rockbottomremainder-av says:

          Bradley Cooper would be too expensive to have on set full-time, and Sean has the comedic chops a stand-in wouldn’t. 

  • jvbftw-av says:

    I hope they filmed a scene where Cap married that guy from his support group. 

  • anoldgui-av says:

    I would watch that pretendables movie tonight if it were a thing.

  • commoncents108-av says:

    its called marketing. shit isn’t by accident.in this day and age where outrage culture is the new trend, gossip and controversy are what drives sales and gets clicks on websites.

  • strizo-av says:

    There’s also a chance Ruffalo made it up and didn’t know about that storyline at all.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Meh, if you didn’t assume something really bad was gonna happen at the end of Infinity War…Also, if they gave him a shit ton of fake stuff to read/shoot then how does he know what he’s talking about is a spoiler.Not to mention “Cap gets married” doesn’t really spoil anything considering that even if you assume time travel is involved there’s at least two different women that could’ve been.Hell, this movie has both a Time Stone and a Reality Stone. When we heard they recast Cassie Lang as someone older, it could’ve just as easily been either of those two things.

  • sailoralphacentauri-av says:

    I have to say that I’m more in love with Mark Ruffalo for being “that guy” than ever before. I don’t know why, but finding out that he’s terrible at keeping secrets (even though that would personally drive me crazy in everyday life) just makes him so much more…human.

  • senecaty-av says:

    On of the most skillful methods of lying is to tell the truth, but tell it so unconvincingly that your listeners assume it is a lie. This is what I was taught when I was six by my trainer in sociopathy, Dad.

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