Okay, this is precious: Kelly Clarkson’s kids ask Jason Momoa if he knows Ariel

Aux Features TV

Kelly Clarkson appears to have a hit on her hands with her new talk show; when she’s not performing song requests from her audience, she is, like most hosts, entertaining guests. When she had Jason Momoa on this week, Clarkson couldn’t resist having her Aquafan kids, River and Remy, on to ask him their burning Aquaman questions.

The whole thing is pretty adorable, with Remy too stunned to speak and River rocking what looks to be a really cute pair of pajamas. Soon they get down to brass tacks though: River wants to know if Momoa knows the Little Mermaid, as the entire audience goes, “awwww.” Momoa confirms that he does know her, commenting to Remy that Ariel’s “a redhead. I’m gonna teach you about redheads someday” because “they’re a very passionate people.” Oh boy.

Then the kids ask another, more practical question: Where does Aquaman go to the bathroom? Momoa gleefully announces “Everywhere!” which makes total sense. The kids even made an octopus drawing for Aquaman. Honestly, if you want a two-and-a-half-minute cuteness break from the impeachment proceedings today, look no further than this Kelly Clarkson clip.


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