Oliver Stone, the world’s most self-serious director, is not a fan of the Barbie movie

The Oscar-winning director also has some thoughts on John Wick: Chapter 4

Aux News Barbie

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  • murrychang-av says:

    Damn this guy just can’t get over the clouds and how white they are now that he’s old, eh? With their big puffy whiteness all up in his sky! ‘GET OUTTA HERE YOU STUPID CLOUDS!’, he yells, angrily. 
    Did he even see Barbie? Because it’s better than a lot of his movies and it’s actually less cartoony than some(Scarface, I’m lookin at you).

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    The Kinja Caffeine Spider, one of the AV Club’s most respected and starred commenters, isn’t particularly surprised to hear this.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I mean, Barbie did utterly fail to talk about how the military-industrial complex conspired to keep the world in a state of perpetual war.

  • stalkyweirdos-av says:

    Why on earth would anyone care what Oliver Stone thinks about anything? It’s not 1991.

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    I liked Barbie. But the idea that is such a perfect movie that it is above criticism (even bad criticism) is really boring and bumming me out.

  • dloveland1-av says:

    It’s kind of amazing how far his career (and reputation) have fallen since his peak in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. I mean, on the one hand, I guess that it’s not, since it happens to a lot of directors (I.e. Barry Levinson), but still… it’s hard to believe that he was once a name brand director that was sort of a household name. I was recently looking at a site that ranks directors based on their critical reputation, and Stone is barely hanging on in the top 250 for directors, and the only film he has in the top 1,000 is JFK. He will probably be off both lists in the near future as well. If you look at the trajectory of his career, you can see that it clearly started going downhill in the mid-90’s and never recovered.

  • Ruhemaru-av says:

    Alternate Headline: Guy who used to make decent movies but now looks like he just chose the wrong grail says he doesn’t like what theatergoers currently like in order to have some relevance in the modern day.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Hollywood: “now it’s all fantasy, fantasy, fantasy.”We’re in the midst of an ice storm, the power could go out any time and we might freeze to death and I’m just “Hee hee hahahahaaa, Sir, do you know why Hollywood happened?”

  • sharilah-av says:

    Lots of people really upset that someone said something vaguely critical about the children’s movie about a plastic toy made as part of an IP exercise by a massive corporation.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Cinema’s truthteller is mad because Ken doesn’t have any junk and, even though they don’t – by golly – they should.He couldn’t even give a shout out to the “It is literally impossible to be a woman” speech.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Cinema’s truthteller is mad because Ken doesn’t have any junk and, even though they don’t – by golly – they should.”


  • communitynotification-av says:

    I have zero respect for this man after all the nice thing he has said about putin and all he has done to spread russian propaganda. 

  • browza-av says:

    He’s clarified and apologized (the comments came based on the title, not seeing the movie). An actual apology, too, not “if I offended”. Hope you cover that, too.

  • sybann-av says:

    Funny. It wasn’t made for him. Odd how that works. 

  • worsehorse-av says:

    As mentioned above, Stone offered a proper apology and clarification:https://deadline.com/2024/01/oliver-stone-apologizes-barbie-comments-1235801554/comment-page-2/#comments

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