A year after her death, Olivia Newton-John keeps visiting her family as a blue orb

While watching "paranormal shows," Newton-John once promised her daughter she'd visit her as "one of those orb things"

Aux News Olivia Newton-John
A year after her death, Olivia Newton-John keeps visiting her family as a blue orb
Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling in 2019 Photo: Rodin Eckenroth

Here’s a bit of handy life advice for everyone out there: Promise to your loved ones that, when you die, you’ll return to visit them as one of those floating orbs that they make such a big deal about on shows about ghost hunting. That’s what Olivia Newton-John apparently did before her death last year, and it really seems like it’s helping her loved ones deal with the loss. And if that sounds sarcastic, it’s not. Grief is hard, and if seeing blue orbs helps you get through it, then good for you.

This all came up in a People profile of Newton-John’s widower, John Easterling, and daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, who both noted that they’ve had a “supernatural year” since Newton-John’s death. Lattanzi says her and her mom would watch “these paranormal shows” together, and she once told her mother that she had to “show up” for her after her death. Apparently, Newton-John then promised that she’d “show up as one of those orb things.” Sure enough, two weeks after Newton-John died, Lattanzi took a picture of her dog and saw it: A little blue orb, the same color as a pendant necklace she was wearing that had belonged to her mother.

Easterling’s story includes less hard evidence, but the details line up. He says he took a trip to Peru recently with Newton-John’s ashes to commemorate what would’ve been their 15th wedding anniversary, and in a photo he took of the spot where the two had gotten engaged, he saw a blue orb. Again: We’re not here to judge anybody. If it helps them, it helps them.

According to a website called Haunted Rooms, one of the first… open-minded websites that came up in a Google search about orbs, these kinds of orbs (or “light balls”) are “generally thought to be the manifestation of energy.” Some aren’t actually “‘ghostly’ in nature,” but are “mere refractions of the light on the lens of a camera” or just a bit of dust, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t real ghost orbs floating around.

This website, which we’re going to assume is an authority on the subject because it’s giving us precisely the information we’re looking for, even notes that there are different colors of orbs that tend to mean different things. White orbs are just kind of neutral, black orbs involve powerful negative emotions (but not necessarily “evil” ones), and green orbs are associated with nature and the soul. But what about blue orbs, like the ones Easterling and Lattanzi have seen? They reflect “the presence of a calming or healing energy or spirit” or could appear when you’re “trying to contact a specific spirit from the afterlife”—all of which lines up with they’re saying!

Take that, cynics! There is magic in the world (if it helps you to believe that there is, especially if you’re grieving and it makes you feel better to think of your loved one still being out there somewhere watching over you, because there’s nothing wrong with that).


  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    “ You have to believe in magic”…

  • rayoso-av says:

    Now she’s metaphysical
    She’s now metaphysical
    Got so metaphysical
    No longer can her body talk
    Her body talk
    No longer can her body talk

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    It’s a shame, really. She used to get so physical

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    This isn’t a big deal to me. I fully intend on storing my life vapor inside an energon pod when I die. So blue orbs seem legit. 

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Take that, cynics! There is magic in the world (if it helps you to believe that there is, especially if you’re grieving and it makes you feel better to think of your loved one still being out there somewhere watching over you, because there’s nothing wrong with that).Look, either go full on dick and rag on these people for believing in magic spirit orbs or just report the facts in a neutral manner. This “have your snark and eat it too” approach just comes across as patronizing.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      It’s shitty Content Generation at its worse: trying to appeal to- sorry, “engage with” as a extremely as possible with the widest range of people possible.“Haha, this stupid thing is stupid, amirite?  j/k lol! It’s not stupid. We apologise to all the morons who are dumb enough to like this thing. We truly love you. Is that sarcasm? Well, that’s on you to decide, depending on whether you hate or like this thing – we can go either way depending on what pushback we get and come out looking pure. We think.”

      • izodonia-av says:

        It’s weird – the first time I read your post, I read “Content Generation” as the name of a the writer’s generation, like Millenials or Gen-X. And then I thought, maybe we really can call Gen-Z (which is clearly a placeholder name) the Content Generation. Work for you?

  • recalcitrant-doogooder-av says:

    No she doesn’t.Garbage content. 

  • muttons-av says:

    I told my family I’d return as a rod.  I should be easy to spot if you take some video of a bunch of bugs flying around.

  • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

    I plan on being a foul odor when I die.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    This is actually brilliant. If I make it to old age and I’m approaching death I’m totally going to sew little hints to family based on fears I know they have of paranormal dramas. That’s actually kinda brilliant. And then just leave it to them to think they see things in their day hahahaha go Olivia.

  • mshep-av says:

    Easterling’s story includes less hard evidenceThat’s remarkable, considering that Lattanzi’s account contained zero hard evidence.

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Olivia Newton-John keeps visiting her family as a blue orbNo, she doesn’t. This is fucking stupid.

    • hugegaybuns-av says:

      Reading this article made me stupider. Then I got to the smarmy finish and I was both stupider and enrageder

  • NikolausNikkelbok-av says:

    Stupid camera stricks. How can I tell if it’s really Olivia Newton-John or just aliens in a UAP?

  • orbeliver-av says:

    Seeing an orb would be super rare! I’m talking about with you’re own eyes. Not dust on video. I think only about 3% – 5% of people have seen one. My brother and a friend of mine, we were 0getting ready to go to sleep in the living room of my grandma’s house late one night, my brother laying on the couch and my buddy and were on the floor two feet from the floor console TV. (This was in late 1980s, not sure how old I was) I remember the room was dimly lit by the oil lamp ontop the TV. Lamp had a naked angel figurine in the middle and was surrounded by several clear fishing from top to bottom with oil running down the line in beads to mimic rainfall. A pump recirculated back to the top. A low wattage bulb, like in a fridge was at the top so you can see through the oil. Really cool!Less than 4 feet from our heads a bright bluish orb, about the size of a soccer ball appears mid air just floating less than a foot from the carpet close to the wall and the TV, moving an inch or two before disappearing. My brother said, did you see that?! That’s all I remember! Last time I talked my friend that was with me that night was on messenger and we were talking about the times remembered, a story my grandma told to us late one night. She said she had regular conversations with my grandpa in her room before bed, like it was totally normal to do! I believed her about 98-99% she was telling the truth. I don’t remember if this was before or after we seen the orb. And Im not sure how long after grandpa passed away but, a few months or weeks maybe. We’re chatting on messenger when my friend said, “remember the orb?” When something like this happens you don’t forget. And the older you get the more harder it becomes to remember something like that really did happen! Imagine if you saw a ghost when you were a kid 30+ years ago. You’ll constantly question yourself if that really did happen! It’s NO different than seeing a ghost! I have been researching the internet the last 2 years for an understanding. Rare it is! Only a few stories from people I’m sure their telling the truth. The size of the orb and when they saw the orb are exact similarities . All happened just after a relative dies and is soccer ball size. And with all the UFO sightings, some on video, are of bright orbs isn’t helping lol! Anyways, if anyone reading this has been lucky to see an orb with your own eyes NOT ON A VIDEO!) I want to hear it! For the non-believers commenting here, I am NOT bullshitting! Orbs are real. Please believe in them is all I can tell you!

  • orbeliver-av says:

    Why hasn’t my comment been approved yet??? Mods???? 

  • orbeliver-av says:

    Where’s the MODERATORS at ??????? Why no more comments why are comments still pending for I am contacting mods and admin!

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