Ozzy Osbourne disavows “antisemite” Kanye West’s use of an “Iron Man” sample

"He is an antisemite and has caused untold heartache to many," Osbourne wrote about West on social media

Aux News Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne disavows “antisemite” Kanye West’s use of an “Iron Man” sample
Left: Ozzy Osbourne (Photo: Mauricio Santana/Getty Images), Right: Kanye West (Photo: Brad Barket/Getty Images for Fast Company)

[Note: The original version of this article stated that the sample in question was from “War Pigs,” per Osbourne’s original tweet, which has now been deleted and replaced.]

Ozzy Osbourne has taken fire at Kanye West on social media today, condemning the rapper as an “antisemite” who has “caused untold heartache to many.” (Take it as read that we’re translating these accusations from Osbourne’s typical all-caps social media presentation.) More specifically, Osbourne is calling out West for using a sample of a live recording of Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man during an album listening party for his upcoming release Vultures in Chicago last night.

“I want no association with this man!” Osbourne wrote on Twitter, noting that he’d previously been approached by West’s people about including a non-vocal sample of a 1983 performance of “Iron Man” on his upcoming album, but promptly shot him down. Which doesn’t appear to have stopped West from using the song in the semi-official form an album listening party, which has been a standard way for him to roll out versions of his endlessly tinkered-with songs for years now. (Even as he’s claimed that people are blocking him from booking arena gigs due to his public comments, which doesn’t appear to have… stopped him from booking a bunch of arenas for these sold-out parties.)

As people with eyes and ears and brains living in 2024, you’re almost certainly well aware that West has spent the last decade or so systematically demolishing his reputation, with the same vigor with which he once so vigorously pursued superstardom—most notably through his often contradictory, endlessly inflammatory embrace of antisemitism, followed by “apologies” for saying antisemitic shit, followed by saying some more antisemitic shit. It’s actually managed to be even more exhausting than his whole “I’m putting the album out, wait, no I’m not” schtick, which is also in effect on Vultures, which was supposed to come out today.

Anyway: It’ll be interesting to see if West tries to get away with including the “Iron Man” sample on the actual album; it’s very much of a piece with his entire lifestyle/strategy to try to get away with something like this in a less official form, before apologetically scrubbing the offending sample from the official release.


  • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

    Right this moment, in a sparsely styled windowless room, Ye is recording himself eating a bat. The act will be considered genius by stupid people.

    • crews200pt2-av says:

      Sure, everyone brings up the bat. That was an accident (Or so he claims, who knows how much of the 80s he actually remembers). Nobody ever talks about the two doves he bit the heads off of, on purpose, during a meeting with his record label.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Electric Funeral’s riff is a great sample for slow jams.

  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    Ozzy remains a legend. 

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      “Adolf Hitler had a charisma, in a bad way, and I kind of admired him,” he said, “He was a freak, he was a lunatic, but he had summat about him, you know. It was bad what he did, it was terrible what he did, he killed all of these people and whatever, but it was like, erm, he had something about him, you know. I admired him, not for what he was, but for people; I suddenly stopped and thought, hang on a minute, if somebody put that in a positive way, for the good of mankind… whatever anybody says about me, I might be the biggest lunatic that you’ve ever met in your life guys, but I’m here for you guys, I’m here for people, I’m here for enjoyment, I’m here for giving people my life, my soul, my everything.” -Ozzy Osbourne

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Tony Iommi remains a musician.

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Why did William Hughes leave out Ozzy’s history of praising Adolf Hitler?  Also Ozzy is a animal abuser. That’s worse than anything Kanye has ever done. “Adolf Hitler had a charisma, in a bad way, and I kind of admired him,” he said, “He was a freak, he was a lunatic, but he had summat about him, you know. It was bad what he did, it was terrible what he did, he killed all of these people and whatever, but it was like, erm, he had something about him, you know. I admired him, not for what he was, but for people; I suddenly stopped and thought, hang on a minute, if somebody put that in a positive way, for the good of mankind… whatever anybody says about me, I might be the biggest lunatic that you’ve ever met in your life guys, but I’m here for you guys, I’m here for people, I’m here for enjoyment, I’m here for giving people my life, my soul, my everything.” -Ozzy Osbourne.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:


    Sue him?

  • mycroft222-av says:

    I don’t much like anything that Kanye has to say, but I do feel a bit of pity for him. I truly think that his mind snapped after his mother died of complications during the plastic surgery he’d arranged for her. I can’t pretend to know how I’d react in that situation. I don’t exactly cut him any slack, but he’s obviously mentally ill.

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      Think how much racism Kanye has faced in his life from racists like Ozzy Osbourne. “Adolf Hitler had a charisma, in a bad way, and I kind of admired him,” he said, “He was a freak, he was a lunatic, but he had summat about him, you know. It was bad what he did, it was terrible what he did, he killed all of these people and whatever, but it was like, erm, he had something about him, you know. I admired him, not for what he was, but for people; I suddenly stopped and thought, hang on a minute, if somebody put that in a positive way, for the good of mankind… whatever anybody says about me, I might be the biggest lunatic that you’ve ever met in your life guys, but I’m here for you guys, I’m here for people, I’m here for enjoyment, I’m here for giving people my life, my soul, my everything.” -Ozzy Osbourne

  • c2three-av says:

    What a hoot it would be if Ozzy bit his head off like that bat!

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    “Adolf Hitler had a charisma, in a bad way, and I kind of admired him,” he said, “He was a freak, he was a lunatic, but he had summat about him, you know. It was bad what he did, it was terrible what he did, he killed all of these people and whatever, but it was like, erm, he had something about him, you know. I admired him, not for what he was, but for people; I suddenly stopped and thought, hang on a minute, if somebody put that in a positive way, for the good of mankind… whatever anybody says about me, I might be the biggest lunatic that you’ve ever met in your life guys, but I’m here for you guys, I’m here for people, I’m here for enjoyment, I’m here for giving people my life, my soul, my everything.” -Ozzy Osbourne

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    This is such nonsense. Ozzy can’t stop Kuntye (dig what I did there?) or anyone else, from sampling or interpurpleating or mashing-up or whatever the fuck else passes for making “original” music these days. But whenever one of these no-talent shitheads does sample or inntapoople their work, they have to take to all the social media to declare that they’re not racists, or misogynists, or transphobias, or what the fuck ever else.
    Ozzy Osbourne should not have to remind the world that he’s not a piece of shit just because a piece of shit “borrows” his work. Kan’tYe Kan’t play or sing a note of music unless his producer is scratching someone else’s record or auto-tuning his “singing”.
    Ozzy Osbourne is a piece of shit for a number of reasons, but he shouldn’t have to male a special point of declaring that “I’m not an antisemite” just because an antisemite copped his music. This is bullshit.
    Oh yeah, since I’m talking about KanYeah in this comment, I should probably take to the threads to let the internet know that I am not an antisemite, a racist, a misogynist, a rapist or a transphobic (that’s the only one that doesn’t trip spellcheck).

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I think this is the longest comment I’ve ever seen you write.

      • justin-queso-av says:

        Don’t make eye contact, don’t move too quickly or make any noise, just back away quietly. We don’t want to encourage him to write more.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Well, I don’t have that much faith in Ozzy’s abilities; but I do think this is some horseshit that if someone cops your music (or whatever else) you need to go on a press tour to announce that you’re not a piece of shit as well.

        • jomahuan-av says:

          well you kinda do, since the polite and legal thing to do these days is to ask permission to use the sample and then pay to use it.using it implies that these two things were done, and that ozzy….ok, sharon… decided that yeh, it was totally cool, give us money to do that thing.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I am not an antisemite, a racist, a misogynist, a rapist or a transphobic. The Kinja Caffeine Spider approves this reply.

    • chandlerbinge-av says:

      I agree with your general point but your understanding of sampling in hip hop makes you sound like a boomer who posts Minion memes on Facebook.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Geb X, actually. But I realize the two have become kinda interchangeable.

      • tvcr-av says:

        I don’t know how someone isn’t aware that Kanye himself is the producer. Just a stunning lack of knowledge about a towering figure in popular culture. The Minion meme analogy is apt.

    • marty--funkhouser-av says:

      Mercy … someone is jacked on caffeine!! : )

    • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

      Ozzy can’t stop Kuntye (dig what I did there?) or anyone else, from sampling or interpurpleating or mashing-up or whatever the fuck else passes for making “original” music these days.I get your larger point about him not being responsible for the actions of someone who samples his music (and about Kanye being a cunt), but if Ozzy still owns his publishing he can very much stop Kanye or anyone else from sampling his music.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Oh yeah, and what the shit is with KYe always wearing clothes that make it look like his torso is 3 to 5 times as wide as his head should be?

  • adamthompson123-av says:

    No scare quotes needed. Ye is an antisemite.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    I’m not sure why we have to put antisemite in scare quotes to refer to a known and vocal antisemite, but I guess bOtH sIdEs or some bullshit, right?

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Whenever I see someone whinge about “bOtH sIdEs” they’re invariably the type of person who is incapable of seeing anything that isn’t tunnel visioned and curated by their own self-reinforced biases.

  • ambrosechapel-av says:

    I have to say, Kanye is a terrible person and Ozzy is right to have refused … but I’m really curious to hear how Kanye would use a bit of “Iron Man” in a song

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