Papa Roach thinks Donald Trump's new catchphrase could make a good Papa Roach song

Aux Features Donald Trump
Papa Roach thinks Donald Trump's new catchphrase could make a good Papa Roach song
Photo: Papa Roach (Burak Cingi/Getty Images); Donald Trump (Mark Wilson/Getty Images

On Saturday, in the midst of what must have been a particularly ferocious bowel movement, Donald Trump went on a long, racist diatribe about congressman Elijah Cummings and his district in Baltimore and all the usual bullshit you’ve come to just tune out. Since then, plenty of Baltimoreans have provided thoughtful responses to Trump’s rantings, from The Baltimore Sun to John Waters to, of course, The Wire creator David Simon.

Someone you might have not expected to score a put-back dunk on the All-Beef President, however, was none other than nu-metal legends Papa Roach. Staying out of mid-Atlantic politics, Papa Roach instead cast new light on Trump’s latest catchphrase, which will now be stuck in your head for the rest of the afternoon.

As you may recall, this is not the first time, somehow, that Papa Roach has taken the opportunity to clown a GOP figurehead in the last few years. The band previously used the stymied attempt to repeal Obamacare to mock Paul Ryan, and later offered him a job as a roadie when he announced his would not be seeking reelection to the house. When they’re not doing good politics tweets, the band has been touring and releasing new music. Papa Roach put out a new album and single last fall, which we described as “actually pretty chipper.”

Cheers to Papa Roach, jeers to our racist turd of a president.


  • boggardlurch-av says:

    Why I enjoy being a Democrat:I am allowed to read this, say “good job, nice shot” and still dislike Papa Roach and not feel compelled to man the barricades if someone says something mean about them.

    • borisyeltsined-av says:

      Replace Papa Roach with Beyonce and watch what happens.

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        I… I really just don’t get the BeyHive thing. It’s R&B. Even if it’s somehow provably the best in the genre (a genre I am not remotely familiar enough with to even give an informed opinion), it’s entirely to the tastes of the listeners as to whether it’s good to them.*shrug*

        • abesimpsoncrackpot-av says:

          Quit reasonably refusing to play by the internet’s scorched-earth, umbrage-for-the-sake-of-umbrage rules!

        • santoast-av says:

          You and me both. Never heard a song by her I’d go out of my way to listen to twice. But hey, if she’s your jam, rock on. Or rhythm & blue on.

      • blagovestigial-av says:

        A lot of very confused 30-40 year olds who just wanted a fun trip down memory lane. Why did you think this was funny?!?!

      • mosam-av says:

        Meh, I was on team Kanye and I abandoned that pretty well. Values over tribes, it’s a hell of a concept.

    • darthsilverstar-av says:

      Papa Roach tends to get a free pass around here. They were the subject of the very first Hatesong which was a shitty feature to begin with a were really good sports. Like their music or not, they seem pretty chill.

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        Totally cool. Glad they’re good people. They seem to at least sympathize with several of my views. I still don’t feel the need to defend them, or any performer really. Heck, I know for a fact a lot of people hate what my band’s done frequently due to their loudly informing me to my face – the venue is heavy on the booze and has multiple stages, which means we get cranky drunks who didn’t realize they were passing out in the audience of a music stage. I still don’t see a point in defending it with much beyond “It’s not your taste. I totally get that. Now let’s point you somewhere you won’t bother us and won’t be so angry, or at least I won’t care if you are.”

        • heatherbee-av says:

          I feel like I need to see your band now. That was an extremely well done bit of publicity. And I’m not being sarcastic. I really want to see if I would hate your music.

      • bartfargomst3k-av says:

        Having millions of dollars probably helps them stay mellow.

    • txtphile-av says:

      > There is nothing about being a Democrat that gives you that ability.- Democrat

    • triohead-av says:

      Isn’t that a Filter song, though?

  • 3ei-av says:


  • tmage-av says:

    I received a Last Resort notification for this.(sorry)

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    If Papa Roach hadn’t included their only famous lyric in that tweet, I honestly wouldn’t have remembered which indistinguishably shitty late 90’s one-hit-wonder band they were.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    “Mister President, we’ve lost the Papa Roach Vote!”“My God!”

    • aneural-av says:

      “That’s ok though, all their fans are 13 to 16 years old.”“Sir, Last Resort was released 19 years ago.”“Mother… of… God…”

  • tekkactus-av says:

    It’s cool and good that AV Club will always be there to alert me whenever Papa Roach makes a funny tweet.

  • hallofreallygood-av says:

    Sure. It’s okay for them to laugh about it. They’ll be the only ones that survive the nuclear fallout left behind when Trump finally goes ahead and starts launching our arsenal. Well, them and Fallout Boy, I guess. 

  • toronto-will-av says:

    […] a good Papa Roach songThat’d be a first.

    • rfmayo-av says:

      Yeah, “nu-metal legends” my ass. Papa Roach was better than Linkin Park, but that’s about it. They’re still (somehow) worse than bands like Limp Bizkit and Korn that actually warrant the dubious title of “nu-metal legends”.[I do have some nostalgia for ‘Dead Cell’ and ‘Getting Away with Murder’ though.]

      • inhuvelyn--av says:

        You can be a legend in lots of terrible ways. Olive Garden is a legend of mediocre to bad Italian entree purveyance. Korn is definitely a nu-metal legend, for better and worse. I do like a couple of their songs. That bassist is such a douche, though.  Anybody remember Jimmie’s Chicken Shack?  

      • baniels-av says:

        How is this so inverted? LP, Papa Roach, LB, getting hit by a bus, korn

      • mothkinja-av says:

        worse than limp bizkit? how was the trip from bizarro world? nothing is worse than limp bizkit. and i say that as a guy who thinks nu metal gets a bad rap (while being filled with bad raps). limp bizkit is and has always been, unlistenable shit.

        • blastprocessing-av says:

          Buddy, you can take that opinion, and stick it up your yeah.*

          *Not actually defending Limp Bizkit, agree that they are unlistenable shit.  

        • rfmayo-av says:

          If Papa Roach has every done anything as good as ‘Pollution’ or ‘The Truth’ then I’d be intrigued to hear it. If such a song exists it’s certainly not on Infest, Lovehatetragedy, or Getting Away with Murder, and iirc after that they managed to go in an even worse direction than nu metal by embracing glam, so I remain pretty doubtful.

      • hallofreallygood-av says:

        Papa Roach was Guidance Counselor Rock. All their songs are about how they’re feeling emotions because their parents broke up or whatever. Say what you will about Korn, they represented their genre well. It isn’t a good genre, and it certainly doesn’t stand the test of time, but if you are a fan of Nu Metal, they’ll give you some Nu Metal.And yes,  I’m fully aware that the tongue was basically blasting through the cheek when Papa Roach was described as Nu Metal legends. 

    • martyspookerblogmygod-av says:

      nu-metal was a collective hallucination that created monsters

  • gordonbombaysdui-av says:
  • merve2-av says:

    Papa Roach is clowning on the President? What the fuck even is this timeline?

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      The list of minor celebrities who defend the president is pretty thin these days

    • formerly-cubone-libre-av says:

      Hey man that’s just life here in Universe B. A demented mattress salesman from Queens is the president, they cancelled Firefly after 11 episodes, and people think facial hair is a good idea.

      • mosam-av says:

        Oh thank goodness I found you – I think that if we just shave all the beards and mustaches, we might just fix this timeline.

        1. Shave the beards and mustaches2. ?3. Trump is no longer President

  • firemantim-av says:

    I made the exact same joke 2 days prior, you don’t understand how angry I am.

  • fcz2-av says:

    “Now now boys, play nice and you can have a fresh baked cookie once they cooled.”-Mama Roach

  • atnightmostly-av says:

    Did he just tell Trump to kill himself?

  • youngrutiger3-av says:

    CUT MY COW IN TWO PIECES!(Are we not doing that anymore?)

  • graymangames-av says:

    Pfft, yeah okay Papa Roach, never dug before, dug you right then. That was pretty funny. 

  • cigarette38-av says:

    Now this is podracing.

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