Paramount moves Top Gun: Maverick, Jackass Forever, Mission: Impossible 7 to 2022

The three films join numerous movies that have pushed back release dates due to the Delta variant

Film News Jackass
Paramount moves Top Gun: Maverick, Jackass Forever, Mission: Impossible 7 to 2022
That’s Tom Cruise saying he’ll see you guys in 2022. Photo: ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP

The litany of film delays due to the pandemic continues. Paramount has announced a slate of upcoming films that will be moved back to 2022 release dates. Top Gun: Maverick will now hit theaters Memorial Day weekend in 2022 instead of this Thanksgiving weekend, and Mission: Impossible 7 won’t land until September 30, 2022. Those with a hankering for some Tom Cruise action will simply have to wait.

Not wanting to leave Jackass Forever out, Paramount moved the film from October, with stunts and mayhem now set to arrive on February 2, 2022. This leaves Denis Villeneuve’s Dune and Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch facing off on the once bustling October 22 release date. After numerous delays for both films, they seem to be sticking firm with their October arrival. Following the release of the final trailer yesterday, No Time To Die seems to be clinging to its October 8 release date… for now.

If you’ve been taking on the arduous task of keeping track of every film release date change since the beginning of the pandemic (thank you, Vulture), these three films join a host of films being moved back again due to COVID-19. Swooping in minutes after Paramount announced Top Gun: Maverick’s move, Sony shifted Ghostbusters: Afterlife back one week to Maverick’s former slot on November 19. Sony recently pushed back Venom: Let There Be Carnage’s theater debut by three weeks to account for the on-the-rise Delta variant, and it may move again. Another large beast, Clifford The Big Red Dog, currently has no release date set after Paramount pulled its Sept. 17 opening slot.

Some folks are undoubtedly more worried about going to the theater in the face of rising COVID-19 cases due the Delta variant. According to Deadline, moviegoer comfort level has decreased by eleven points since July, with moms the most hesitant to bring their kids to movie screenings. Their comfort is at the lowest level since April. However, those still interested in viewing films in theaters will have a few choices still, with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings hitting theaters this weekend, Dear Evan Hansen later this month, and Matrix Resurrections due December 22.


  • mchapman-av says:

    No Paramount+ for Tom Cruise or Johnny Knoxville. You know, the big hitters.

    • defyne0-av says:

      Now I’m wondering if anyone’s considered putting Knoxville in a Mission Impossible movie.

      • schwartz666-av says:

        Well Johnny does do all his own stunts too!“Picture this.. Special Agent John Knox (codename: The Ringer) heroically gliding in a wingsuit and evading helicopter fire before a split-second landing on the Eiffel Tower… nuts first.”

        • defyne0-av says:

          Tom Cruise’s ego wouldn’t allow someone who doesn’t need 9 months of training to get their nuts blasted, which is why he would be the perfect villain both on-screen and off.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Tom Cruise does a perfectly good job injuring himself.

    • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

      You jest, but they did put Knoxville in the first Ninja Turtles in 2014 on somewhat short notice, almost certainly as a bonus for how well Bad Grandpa did the year before.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    People who are very good at numbers, very good at predictions, love making money, and whose ability to make money is based on their goodness at numbers and predictions, are essentially saying buckle the fuck up for the rest of they year. If your clown cousin is trying to guilt you into attending a wedding or your dumbass boss is trying to push you into going on a business trip, recommend you stick to your guns and hard pass.

    • MookieBlaylock-av says:

      This.  MAGAt disphits are allegedly guided by some economic principles and undying faith in free-market capitalism.  Delta hitting their unvaccinated employees with a $200.00 surcharge for insurance.  NFL treating unvaccinated players wholly differently.  The free market is speaking, and you dumbfucks are REALLY DUMB!!

    • dirtside-av says:

      Who are these wizards who are actually good at predictions? All I’ve ever seen are people who are good at convincing others that they’re good at making predictions, or are Texas sharpshooters.

      • bryanska-av says:

        I worked at a Fortune 500 food company that was pretty damn good at knowing how much yogurt they were gonna sell 12 months from now. Shit on MBAs all you want, but get a few of them together and see how 50 or 100 million is made. 

      • mifrochi-av says:

        In fairness, “predicting” that there will be a lot of Covid (and anxiety about Covid) in the near future is a bit like “predicting” that there will be rain the day a hurricane makes landfall. The baffling thing is that people think an alternative scenario is possible. That said, the US is actively normalizing social activities in the face of the pandemic. There are debates to be had about the wisdom and necessity of doing so, but it’s unlikely to stop. So the question is less “will people get Covid at movie theaters” (yes they will) but rather “will the fear of getting Covid prevent people from going to movie theaters.” That’s a moving target and definitely not one that the film industry (a notoriously skittish, risk averse industry) is capable of predicting.

    • bryanska-av says:

      I can tell already it’s gonna be another shut-in winter. 

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Remember, however, that movies are likely to be one of the LAST things people feel OK doing. You’re sitting in an indoor space for several hours, surrounded by people. And the activity is entirely optional — no one’s going to meaningfully suffer because they had to wait a while to see Jackass.None of that is to say that this is an encouraging sign for the next few months of the pandemic — it isn’t. But it may suggest a short-term future as limited as the one you’re imagining.  Yes, you probably won’t be able to safely go to movies, but there are lots of things you can safely do before movies become a smart activity.

  • nuerosonic-av says:

    You’d be forgiven for thinking Tom Cruise was appearing in all three of those movies.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I can’t be the only one who would pay good money to watch some of these films in the relative safety of my home.

    • g-blatt-av says:

      Some of these, but my double vaxxed ass is gonna see Dune in IMAX, same with Mission:Impossible

      • cartagia-av says:

        Shit, I was ready for a full jackass theatrical experience.  The first movie might be the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my life, and the third is the best use of theatrical 3D I’ve ever seen.

    • gseller1979-av says:

      I’ve been pretty cautious about going back to movie theaters but I have to admit I want to see Mission: Impossible on a really big screen. It’s a franchise that tends to do pretty well with size and spectacle. 

      • razzle-bazzle-av says:

        Me too. I saw Fallout on an actual IMAX screen (not the ones at regular theaters) and it was amazing. My biggest movie regret is that I didn’t get to see Ghost Protocol in the same format.

  • recognitions-av says:

    I feel like they should combine all the movies in the headline into one big movie.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Ah. It begins anew.I feel like this is gonna (at least should) be the fate of all the big Fall / Holiday theater releases. And seriously what does Sony think pushing a movies back by few weeks is gonna accomplish?Theater chains just need to finally nut up and require Vaccination status for attendance. Same for all concerts and sporting events, tbh.

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      Ontario Canada just said vax pass is going to be required for theatres and sporting events and concerts starting in a few weeks with an app coming in mid-October (and masking is still required for entry) so I’m much more comfortable about the situation now. 

  • roadshell-av says:

    I get moving Top Gun and Mission Impossible, they’re huge movies and you can’t take risks with those investments… but Jackass?  That should be cheap enough to risk a COVID release on.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      They should probably also release Top Gun and Mission Impossible very far apart from each other. Who needs two Tom Cruise action sequels in the same damn month?

    • Mr-John-av says:

      I’m sure there would be a correlation between Jackass fans and anti-vaxxers so it’s safer this way.

      • radarskiy-av says:

        It would be maximally embarrassing if they were anti-correlated.“We understand calculated risks, and our calculations for movie theaters says ‘no fucking way’.”

    • cartagia-av says:

      I think it is more about the potential for it to make money that the potential losses on it.  A lot of people were really excited for it – like a lot – so my guess is that they are expecting it to be a pretty high ROI.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Ghostbusters also moved by Sony.  Thank god.  Fuck Jason Reitman!!!

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    I found one error in this article: due the Delta variant—> due to the Delta variant

  • medacris-av says:

    It’s weird that there’s already toys on clearance that were supposed to coincide with when Top Gun 2 was originally supposed to come out.

  • taumpytearrs-av says:

    I just don’t even know why they are assuming they can release in 2022 at this point. Reality has proven that thanks to the politicization of fucking medical recommendations and vaccinations there is a significant part of the USA’s population that refuse to stop or even attempt to mitigate the spread of Covid. They literally booed their God Emperor Trump for suggesting they take the vaccine, and he wussed out and started equivocating immediately. After seeing that shit, who thinks there is any way to convince these people to protect themselves and those around them? We’re all gonna have to just keep getting booster shots and wearing masks until the vulnerable portion of the asshole population dies and the healthier portion of assholes form antibodies after catching it.

    • croig2-av says:

      Your last sentence is the most optimistic conclusion I’ve come to on how we’ll finally get out of this. I’ll feel better when my (and all) little kids can get a vaccine finally. I just hope we don’t get a breakthrough mutation while all this is shaking out. And none of how this played out makes me feel better about how the human race will be able to handle climate change. We’re doomed.

    • MookieBlaylock-av says:

      This!  Correct.  I long ago resigned myself to the fact that we will be getting boosters for this virus forever, and those that die, will die.  It will “actually” morph into the common flu they have been screaming about; common in that it’s always here, uncommon in its mortality rates.  Feels like the window to stop it closed.  

  • mullah-omar-av says:

    Tom Cruise is gonna look 45 by the time these movies come out.

  • aplus1234-av says:

    I’ve been waiting for Top Gun: Maverick Jackass for this long, I can wait a little longer.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    it’s getting really funny that they’re still filming these 200 million dollar movies with no way to extract that money from an audience anymore. even china is basically going ‘nah we’re just gonna support chinese movies, we’ll get you a release date sometime, maybe’

  • toddisok-av says:

    Tom Cruise has been through the movies in a car with no doors,

  • gruesome-twosome-av says:

    Makes sense for the Tom Cruise blockbusters, but the Jackass movie? Just put that on Paramount+ in October.

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