Disney pulls Patty Jenkins’ Star Wars movie from the schedule

Rogue Squadron isn't happening soon, if it happens at all

Aux News Patty Jenkins
Disney pulls Patty Jenkins’ Star Wars movie from the schedule
An X-Wing Photo: MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images

As if millions of voices suddenly cried out and said, “yeah, I saw this coming,” Disney has apparently dumped Patty Jenkins’ Star Wars movie Rogue Squadron from its upcoming release schedule, meaning the film—if it’s happening at all—won’t be happening any time soon (that’s according to The Hollywood Reporter).

The reason that doesn’t seem surprising, beyond the fact that Disney just makes Star Wars TV these days and not Star Wars movies, is that we heard last year that Jenkins reportedly didn’t really have room for Rogue Squadron in her schedule. She has Wonder Woman 3 coming at some point and is working on a Cleopatra movie, and Star Wars movies tend to be a lot of work (you’ve gotta make those miniature spaceships, you’ve gotta CG all puffins into Porgs, and you’ve gotta lock down your Twitter account so people can’t send you hate mail).

Whatever the reason, it must be a good one: When Jenkins first announced the project in 2020, she pitched it in a teaser video as an intensely personal film that would’ve addressed both her love of Star Wars and the death of her fighter pilot father when she was a kid. The teaser was all about her putting on a Star Wars flight suit and hopping in an X-Wing, so in lieu of any footage of detailing the premise, they were just selling it on the fact that Patty Jenkins was going to make it and that she really wants to make a movie about fighter pilots.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron – Official Teaser (Directed by Patty Jenkins)

As far as we know, the only Star Wars movie that is currently in development at Lucasfilm and Disney is Taika Waititi’s project, which we know nothing about (beyond safe assumptions you could make based on the rest of the Waititi canon, like his sense of humor and his tendency to give himself cameos). Or maybe there will never be a Star Wars movie again, which… may not be the worst thing? The TV shows are okay, with their lower-stakes and eager-to-please fan-service. Maybe Lucasfilm should focus on not ruining Indiana Jones 5 for now.


  • milligna000-av says:


    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      You could say that Disney’s generous severance fee is sending Jenkins to the Antilles, although that wouldn’t be strictly accurate. She’s also considering the Bahamas.

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        Wasn’t she also supposed to make Thor 2 before getting replaced by Alan Taylor?

        • nuerosonic-av says:

          No, that was Michelle MacLaren who is probably best known for her work directing Breaking Bad where she directed more episodes than anyone else and was a huge influence on the look and style of the show. Although, she was originally attached to write and direct Wonder Woman.

  • mullah-omar-av says:
  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Put a Porkins it – this movie’s done.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      *Disney greenlights Porkins: A Star Wars Story

      • d00mpatrol-av says:

        You know what they should do? Make a movie about the actor who played him, William Hootkins. He was Munson in Flash Gordon (“you’re crazy!”), Captain Eaton in Raiders (“Top men.”) and fucking ECKHARDT in Batman. And he’s played everyone from Churchill to Teddy Roosevelt.

        Fuck, he was on set during the filming of Superman IV and he’s been directed by Robert Redford (!)

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Being an American actor in England leads to all kinds of roles in American productions which inexplicably film in England!See also:  Ratzenberger, John.  And the guy who played Admiral Motti who was also in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”.

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Remember in Wonder Woman 84 when WW used the body an unconscious/non-consenting man for sex and put it repeatedly in harm’s way?Thats what Star Wars needs. 

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      Imagine the possibilities with Force Ghosts!

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        “Imagine the possibilities with Force Ghosts!”

        Like that deleted Ghostbusters scene except Force Ghost Leia wakes up some random resistance pilot with a dry 70s-style handjob and Obi-Wan just watches.

    • srgntpep-av says:

      I was honestly thinking “she chose WW 3 over a new Star Wars movie?  Did she even see WW 2???”  And then I realized she probably did, but immediately forgot it just like everyone else.

    • gterry-av says:

      What is crazy is that even if you get rid of the unconscious sex, WW84 is still a not very good movie.Also it is worth noting that Wonder Woman had sex with the body of a person she didn’t know, in the middle of the AIDS crisis. At very least how did no one catch that?

      • maulkeating-av says:

        At very least how did no one catch that?AIDS, or the fact that she raped someone in the middle of the AIDS crisis?

      • soveryboreddd-av says:

        The fight at the end with that cheetah lady was something out of a Ed Wood movie. 

      • bcfred2-av says:

        She’s impervious to disease, duh.

        • gterry-av says:

          Except part of the movie’s plot was the whole deal with the devil thing and how in exchange For getting the love of her life back she ended up losing her powers. Plus I am not sure that a guy who died during WWI and a woman from an all-women island where they live like it’s ancient Greece would really understand the importance of safer sex.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Weighty issues indeed.I’d frankly be concerned about getting fucked in half by any woman from (looks it up…) Themyscira.  Talk about unsafe.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        Sadly, 1984 wasn’t really the middle of the AIDS crisis. I mean, there wasn’t even a blood test for HIV widely available at that time, so people largely considered the disease something that “only” affected gay men and IV drug users a the time. The big shift with AIDS breaking into the public consciousness as a heterosexual STD happened in 1985, when testing started and (ironically) Rock Hudson died. For a lot of people, 1984 was an extension of the 1970s, in terms of their sexual attitudes.

        • hardscience-av says:

          Regan, the soon to be treasonous ex-governor of an area that contained San Fransisco, had already spent his first term ignoring his son could die from a “gay cancer” spread by man on man boning.I would say that is a crisis, if even just in the most powerful address on the planet.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            I agree, it was definitely a crisis by 1984 that should have had full public attention at that time, and didn’t, because the people perceived to be affected were “others”—gay men and intravenous drug users. People in healthcare, particularly in urban areas, knew it was a crisis. But the public in general wasn’t treating it as such or changing their behaviors, until testing brought it home that there was heterosexual transmission. At that point the public went from ignoring the crisis to panicking about it (first aid-qualified people refusing to do rescue breathing, for example, out of a really misguided fear of contracting AIDS). But that was later in the 1980s. The big spike in condom use didn’t come until 1987, when the Surgeon General recommended condoms to prevent HIV transmission.

      • saratin-av says:

        What drove me the most bonkers is that Jenkins had her main character, who is something of a feminist icon at this point, spend half the damn film pining over a dude she knew for like a week almost half a century previous.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          So the rape was less of an issue for you?

          • saratin-av says:

            Really? Your Extremely Clever Takeaway is that I brought up something else, so I support rape? Holy shit man, someone else in the comments talked about Top Gun Maverick, must mean they care more about Tom Cruise than rape. You should go annoy them.

      • Ruhemaru-av says:

        WW84 is good only if you pair it with the Christopher Reeve Superman films. Visuals aside, the content fits right in with it.

      • bringbacknathanrabinyoucowards-av says:

        If you added up all they “how did they not catch that”s in WW84 you’d have a list that would put CVS receipts to shame

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      They probably just watched the movie and realized do really want her to direct a Star Wars movie.

    • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

      That was confusing, didn’t she think it was Chris Pine’s character? And didn’t know it was him possessing a random guy’s body until the end? Did his body become transformed into Chris Pine’s or was it only an illusion? Very bizarre movie.

      • antsnmyeyes-av says:

        She saw him as the guy whose body he was in, but we, the audience, saw him as Chris Pine to make things simpler and know it was his character Beyond treating his body like a meat puppet and doing sex stuff to him, they also did many illegal things that could have ruined this guy’s life and even gotten him killed. And it was played for laughs.I remember when Buffy covered similar territory in the 1990s, and even back then they knew how horrible such a thing was. 

        • egerz-av says:

          Yeah if I found out Gal Gadot repeatedly had sex with me while thinking I was her dead boyfriend from WW1, I’d stop at nothing to have her thrown up under the prison on rape charges. I totally wouldn’t, like, just pretend to be a dead WW1 soldier.

          • menage-av says:

            It’s hilarious some people actually think the guy would have a deep trauma from a bit of casual adult sex with a supermodel. Besides taking it all way too seriously of course. The woman can fucking whip fly.

          • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

            But you wouldn’t remember any of it! Stupid magical curse

        • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

          That’s freaking nuts lol I was so confused at the end of that movie

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Ugh. Everyone is so up in arms about the alleged “non consent” in WW84.Guys, Wonder Woman didn’t take another guy’s body and have sex with it non-consensually! I’m so sick of this “woke” crap.She just killed a guy and put the soul of her dead boyfriend in it. And then had sex with it. So the original guy was just dead! Perfectly consensual with the new body’s owner!And then, as a gesture of largess, she brought the original guy back to life!  So, no harm, no foul!

    • menage-av says:

      If you start thinking about drivel like that too deeply everything is up for discussion.It’s just a really bad movie

  • takeoasis-av says:

    Man I hope they axe Waititis Star Wars. I’m worried this level of fame has completely ruined him as a filmmaker, Love and Thunder and Jojo just seem like they were made by a guy who’s full of his own shit. Dude has gone full fuckboy so maybe he’ll get himself cancelled and force their hand. I don’t like any of Jenkins movies really but I would have rather seen her Star Wars movie.

  • rogueindy-av says:

    Probably for the better. I get that it was something personal for her, but if there’s one thing that doesn’t belong in Star Wars it’s reverence toward the US military.

    • 7893726695255707642245890764324679852477865478-av says:

      So I guess Space Force is part of the dark side…something something something darkside

    • captain-splendid-av says:
    • agentz-av says:

      What are you talking about?

      • kngcanute-av says:

        She dedicated the movie to the all the pilots that served in Vietnam.Lucas was vehemently anti Vietnam war, and has said multiple times that the Rebels in Star wars were stand ins for the Viet Cong fighting against the USA, who is the Empire in this scenario.I will say that this is generally not well known, though a lot of fans are aware of it, the general population isnt, so she likely just didnt know.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        Watch the teaser.

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      She should do a quick rewrite, call it Top Gun: Rogue Squadron, and sit back as the money trucks drive up.Edit: I see this joke has been made a dozen times already. Well…. so what.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Considering how much Top Gun: Maverick lifted from Star Wars already, if they just released the exact same film but with X-Wings and orange jumpsuits, it’d be among the best SW movies ever and I don’t think anyone would care.

  • pocrow-av says:

    The TV shows are okay, with their lower-stakes and eager-to-please fan-service.

    Are they, though? There’s one good (live action) Star Wars show and several others that exist.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    She seems a bit

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    She should direct Top 3un… T3p Gun… To3 Gun?

  • shindean-av says:

    She passed on Star Wars to make two Gal Gadot movies?
    If WW1984 didn’t prove that she was starting to be creatively bankrupt, this will do it. 

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    long gaps between Star Wars movies isn’t a new thing, if anything it just primes the pump for huge openings ala Phantom Menace or Force Awakens. There’s a whole metric ton of Star Wars TeeVee anyway for Star Wars fix.

    • killa-k-av says:

      Announcing several movies and then quietly cancelling them absolutely is new though, and says a lot about the state of the franchise for Disney.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        They also shouldn’t announce so much content so early in the process.  Like, may hold off until a project is in literal pre-production.  

  • brianjwright-av says:

    This is starting to sound like what WB’s doing with DC – if they can’t make two billion dollars every single time they’re not even interested.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      People say that everyone should STFU about franchise flicks killing off smaller movies – but this is exactly how it happens. Instead of making two $30 million and one $100 million movies that rake in $2 billion collectively, execs would much rather one $160 million movie that rakes in $2b at once.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Which is such a risky proposition that it’s never made sense to me.  A single misfire can fuck a studio financially for a year or more.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          Exactly: Eggs -> Basket – singular. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what got WB bought out by Disco – endless attempts to out-piss Marvel. But I imagine superhero films are especially seductive for the suits. And here’s the thing: there’s nothing stopping a $30 mill movie from earning $2 billion itself. It’s not easy, or perhaps even likely, but it’s possible! A lot of those smaller movies – the $30-$50 mill ones – are the ones you don’t see any more, like romance and comedies. The hand-wavy “No, those movies can still be made” excuse is just bullshit. I suppose it’s easier with franchises, since, inevitable, you movie also act as marketing for your next one. And the TV show. And the video game. And the other TV show. And…

        • Spoooon-av says:

          That’s exactly what killed Cannon Studios back in the late eighties. They made tons and tons and TONS of movies for low budgets, relatively speaking. Menahem Golan was famous for saying “I wouldn’t know what to do if someone gave me 10 million dollars. I guess I’d make 10 movies!”And then they moved into bigger budget movies like Superman IV and Masters of the Universe, movies that totally faceplanted – and that (amongst a couple of other simultaneous bad financial moves) sank the studio.

          • kngcanute-av says:

            No, putting out BAD movies with huge budgets killed that studio.  if they had made better movies, they would have been fine, but look at the examples you give.  They were TERRIBLE even for the time.

      • hendenburg3-av says:

        Except that movie budgets that are released don’t include the marketing budgets.

        So now, you’re marketing for 3 movies instead of one

  • snooder87-av says:

    Hopefully this just means it gets handed over to a director who can do it well. Although the original Rogue Squadron series is really better structured as a tv show, to be honest.God I loved those books.

  • shadowofdreams2323-av says:

    Its funny because this is the 3rd time Disney has cancelled/thrown into limbo a film by a director who was hyped up to be joining the universe only to have their star dip dramatically-Colin Trevorrow was supposed to do Rise of Skywalker before Book of Henry bombed critically (and was supposedly a complete nightmare to work with on Jurassic World 1)-Weiss and Benioff were supposed to do a trilogy before GoT ending bombed critically-Now Jenkins is getting out after WW84 bombed criticallyI can’t tell if this is evidence of good or bad management, like on the one hand they keep bringing on creatives that are shown to be way overhyped, but on the other they are smart enough to cut their losses.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    Tearing up Solo because the tone was too light + employing Taika Waititi = coherent strategy.

    • milligna000-av says:

      I still feel so bad for Lord & Miller on that, good thing they got their revenge by continuing to be successes. What a shitty thing to do to talent, give them the slot knowing full well who they were, then not backing them to the hilt.
      That could’ve seriously hurt their careers. Like what they did to Gareth Edwards.

      • dwigt-av says:

        The issue with Lord & Miller is that they had decided to go off-script without telling the producers (including Lawrence Kasdan who had written the screenplay with his son), while they were supposed to be more like Taika Waititi, who injects some levity in the dialogs but doesn’t challenge the whole structure of the project by relying on a lot of improv during production. Lord & Miller wanted to do something that was a Lord & Miller film first and a Star Wars film secondarily. Disney wanted the opposite, a film that was definitely part of the same universe as the main Star Wars entries or Rogue One, but with a little more of a comedic touch. Sure, their version of Solo may have been more interesting, but it was never part of the deal they signed.For Edwards, I’m not sure Rogue One has affected his career. It looks like it’s more due to Covid or the pace of development for his next projects if he hasn’t released anything since 2016. From what’s been said about the situation, he shot Rogue One as he shot his previous films, with some ending that was not entirely settled during principal production, as he considered that some inevitable reshoots would address the issues. And the producers were okay with this way of doing things. Tony Gilroy ultimately handled the reshoots, but this was not a Justice League-Josh Whedon situation, and it was much more of an amicable decision. Actually, even if Tony Gilroy was supposed to direct most of the first season of Andor, he also had to give up on this, because of the pandemic, not because he was disavowed by the chain of command at Lucasfilm or Disney.Edwards has a new film coming next year. It was announced in February 2020, and it’s a 20th Century Studios production, which means it’s bankrolled by Disney. That’s not what blacklisting is. Blacklisting

        • teageegeepea-av says:

          I did not know about the studio behind Edwards’ next film. Was that deal arranged prior to Disney acquiring Fox?

          • dwigt-av says:

            Disney completed the Fox acquisition in March 2019. The announcement about the new sci-fi project by Edwards happened in February 2020. The project, now called True Love (and starring John David Washington and Gemma Chan), is being produced by Regency. It’s Arnon Milchan’s production company, which is now housed at Disney, taking over from Fox.If there was any bad blood between Edwards and Lucasfilm, you can be sure that Disney would have vetoed the project. That’s definitely not a Josh Trank situation.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I’m not familiar with any behind the scenes drama surrounding Rogue One, but as a finished product it’s top 5 Star Wars for me.  Better than any of he prequels and all but The Last Jedi among the sequels.

          • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

            I won’t have you besmirching ROTS like that. That movie was legit. 

          • bcfred2-av says:

            It was fine, especially compared to the other two, but still not better than Rogue One.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            There were massive reshoots to Rogue One, written and directed by Tony Gilroy. They were notable because a lot of the dialogue and scenes featured prominently in the movie’s teaser and early trailers were not in the finished film, and people wondered why. In part because of this, there were a ton of leaks about how the reshoot material was half or more of the film and how Gilroy saved the project. Edwards kept his directing credit and promoted the film, steadfastly only saying that reshoots were always part of the plan. Gilroy’s been a little more candid, saying that the movie was in bad shape when he was brought on, and that he saw that the key was turning it into a movie about sacrifice.It’s miraculous that Rogue One turned out as well as it did given that you can feel some big, raised seams in terms of characterization and tone from scene to scene and act to act.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Can’t same I’m surprised by that synopsis.  I do remember the teaser, which had some pretty cringy dialogue. “I’m a rebel; I…rebel” was notably terrible.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            I know people hate that line, but I had an odd hope that it would work in the movie, much like the similar line from Matrix Reloaded where Morpheus reminds his fellow Captains that they all share an “affinity for disobedience.” While I love Rogue One, Jyn Erso herself is the weakest thing about it. She’s supposedly a jaded grifter and thief who never successfully tricks anyone and switches with no warning to being a painfully earnest and kinda naive daddy’s girl mid-movie. Similarly, Saw Gerrera makes a hairpin turn from scary and paranoid guy who feeds people to Bor Gullet to benevolently paternal guy who decides to die for no damn reason. Regardless of whether people considered their trailer dialogue cringeworthy, I’m left wondering if the original versions of those characters were a bit more satisfying.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            I agree the Gerrara thread didn’t make a whole lot of sense.  After all that he just decides to give up??

          • funkbutter-av says:

            A. That wasn’t actually the line in the teaserB. But it worked when Chuck D said it

          • bcfred2-av says:

            A. I have a specific memory of it, unless I’m fucking losing my mind.B. Regardless, always works better when Chuck D says it.  

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            It’s close. I think the actual one is “This is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.”

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Yeah, that actually sounds right. Still can’t say I’m disappointed it didn’t make the final cut.

          • funkbutter-av says:

            At 27 seconds. You aren’t the only one that has that memory, I’ve found.

          • dwigt-av says:

            Hey, that’s quite a low bar. Seeing the prequels was about as joyful as having a mandatory routine health checkup. And The Rise of Skywalker was one of my most miserable experiences with a blockbuster. It looked like something designed to entertain a 4-year-old kid with ADHD by shifting the attention to a new planet every few minutes just to hide how weak the story was.There wasn’t apparently that much of a drama with Rogue One. The original script didn’t have the main characters dying, as Edwards assumed that would not be in line with Disney’s expectations. Everybody agreed that it would work better with the heroes sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. But, among others, the quickly revised ending that Edwards had shot instead of what was in the original script had its share of issues, and Lucasfilm asked Edwards to take a backseat and to let writer-director (plus apparently highly sought script doctor) Tony Gilroy handle five weeks of reshoots and the editing, possibly because Gilroy had a reputation for putting projects potentially spinning out of control back on track and on schedule. He had previously done this on The Bourne Identity, which was produced by Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy’s husband, and originally directed by Doug Liman (a director with methods quite similar to Edwards, and whose recent Chaos Walking actually went awry).That said, Gilroy didn’t magically “gain” control of the whole Andor/Rogue One side of Star Wars. The new Andor show was originally handled by a different writer, Steven Schiff, then Gilroy was brought once again on ship, and replaced him officially as a showrunner one year later.

          • Ruhemaru-av says:

            Rise should’ve been 2 full length films with the split at the Chewbaccca cliffhanger. There was just so much it had to accomplish after TLJ wiped all of the prior setup. Unless they just wanted to end with Rey vs Kylo, there’d at least need to be a new big bad. Though.. I’ll admit that I originally thought the trilogy was gonna end with Rey going dark while Kylo went light after seeing the ‘Dark Rey’ in the trailer.
            Just spitballing:
            First one should’ve covered Kylo and Hux losing command of the First Order and Knights of Ren but being stonewalled when asking who was in charge. Leading to the hunt for answers via the Sith artifacts. While Rey tries to train herself and Finn in a new Jedi path based on the old texts. Lead into her being able to use dark side abilities without ill effects as TLJ implied during her training with Luke. Put her on the search for the Sith artifacts after a talk with Anakin’s force ghost. Meeting with Lando, etc. End with the force lightning cliffhanger
            Start Ep10 with the Palpatine’s big announcement. Finish the search for his hidden Sith world while gathering allies and dealing with the bond between Rey and Ben. Rescue Chewbacca, while Finn goes to meet the other ex-Stormtroopers. Have a major Knights of Ren encounter where they’re trying to capture Rey and kill Ben. Maybe include ‘Dark Rey’ as the solution for the encounter, where she snaps and massacres them all with telekinesis and lightning while a wounded Ben watches. Have Ben nearly dying trying to get Rey to snap out of it after Anakin’s ghost tells him that Palpatine engineered a similar scenario to cause Anakin’s fall. End film with big budget encounter with Palpatine and his superweapons but without playing life-force roulette.

          • dwigt-av says:

            I’ll tell you something that shocked me, even if JJ Abrams had been given the unenviable task of wrapping up the main plot of the Star Wars movie for good with something like 18 months to put together a whole film due to Colin Trevorrow (whose ideas were actually more interesting, even if it pains me to acknowledge this) departing the project due to creative differences.We have two sides in the climax. The light side and the dark side. That’s something that suggested some striking visual imagery. And how does JJ Abrams handle the ultimate battle between the two sides? With audio cameos of Jedi knights…

        • hardscience-av says:

          Do you have your receipt?

        • milligna000-av says:

          Meh, their contributions were far more valuable than Kasdan’s hackneyed bullshit. The mediocrity that resulted is nowhere near as entertaining as their best work. She knew the deal going in and she failed to protect her talent and failed them as a producer.

          • dwigt-av says:

            Her job is to preserve the franchise and the brand. Lord & Miller are great when it comes to repurposing “intellectual properties” that have no actual reason to exist on the screen. There were no real expectations about a film version of 21 Jump St. or a Lego movie, so they had every opportunity to make something out of it.With Star Wars, on the other hand, they were dealing with a very codified universe and people, like Lawrence Kasdan, who was very attached to characters and stories he had developed decades ago (and who lately had an hand in The Force Awakens, which had given renewed legitimacy to his position). The producers would have tolerated from L&M some rewritten lines or some flair for comedic scenes, etc. which is basically the stuff that Waititi delivers for Marvel. But they didn’t want them to experiment too much, and to turn Solo into a proper Lord & Miller comedy, which was apparently the big bone of contention, just like Marvel would have fired Waititi if he had turned Thor: Ragnarok into a mockumentary called What We Do in Sakaar’s Shadows behind the compnay’s back.Now, there have been some rumors, or more exactly allegations, that the stuff that cost them the directors’ seat was that they never put their heart into shooting Kasdan’s script as intended. They would do a few takes relying on the script, as they were supposed to, then do more takes with improv and ad libs, as they were allowed to. A decision regarding the better takes would have been made during the editing phase. But they deliberately botched the takes based on the script, which meant that they couldn’t be considered for the final cut. It was forcing the hand of Lucasfilm (without telling them, as they hadn’t viewed the dailies), and it backfired on them, as Lucasfilm did everything they could to be sure that Ron Howard would be responsible for more than 50% of the footage in the finished cut, which meant that they wouldn’t be allowed in the editing room.

          • evanwaters-av says:

            You say all that like it wouldn’t have been an improvement

          • dwigt-av says:

            It may have been an improvement, but Lord and Miller made the major mistake to try to outwit people who were in a position of authority, and actively involved in the project. I love some good old “Nerds vs Jocks” story, my sympathies would go to the underdog, but, if the June 2017 story in Vanity Fair or the March 2018 article in Vanity Fair are to be believed, Lord and Miller were quite laid-back, they took their time to make decisions on a set where every minute costs a fortune, and it was a relief for the crew when they were replaced. It wasn’t very professional of them to take them hostages in some kind of power play. Not to mention that their lead actor faced a lot of pressure trying to replace Harrison Ford in an iconic part and that this kind of indecision, like the lack of feedback, may have not helped him to find his voice, resulting in the well publicized hiring of an acting coach.I simply think that it was a mistake from the start to make a film about the early years of Han Solo, and that it was a mistake to hire L&M as directors, hoping to inject some comedy in a film about a character who may be wisecracking but who isn’t exactly comedic to begin with. And it was a mistake from L&M to accept the gig. Alden Ehrenreich did his best in such a doomed situation. If Lord & Miller had completed their version, it might have been looser and funnier, but it wouldn’t have fitted in the Star Wars universe, and it would have been regarded as a failure too.
            And I don’t think that L&M have a perfect track record. The Afterparty had a ton of deadweight for instance.

    • mattthewsedlar-av says:

      Yeah, by all accounts from insiders, that’s not what happened with Solo.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      After Episode 7: I’m Going To Reset Everything, Episode 8: Hah! I’m Going To Subvert Your Reset and Episode 9: Oh Yeah? Well I’m Going to Reset Your Subversion! why would you expect a coherent strategy from Disney?

      • alferd-packer-av says:

        True, true… trouché.

      • Ruhemaru-av says:

        Episode 7: “Have some nostalgia, we’re here for round 2, now with with an enthusiastic group of young people. We’re here to have fun ya’ll”. Episode 8: “How much can I subvert to make people not notice that Rey must be a time traveler for her story to work? Lets also make the new kids just the worst at following plans to the point that they all fail at their goals so hard that they succeed just because all of the failure being concentrated in one area causes a singularity of fail that means nothing actually happens other than a lot of people dying after an extremely long chase scene. We’re here to talk about war profiteering ya’ll” Episode 9: “Yeah we could just do 4 films and actually pace things out properly but Star Wars = Trilogies so… lets just ignore that last film by bringing back Palpatine in Fortnite beforehand, then having the first half of this film run on fast forward until a clear cliffhanger point that could have led a fully fleshed out and well-paced Episode 10. Then go with Death Ships instead of Death Star and Death Planet. We have to do something with the side characters so… give Finn some comrades, write Rose as a minor part because the fanbase is so toxic the actress had to leave social media, and make Poe have a love interest who’s wardrobe is taken from Mass Effect’s Quarians. We just need to get this done ya’ll. JJ has to go reboot SeaQuest or something”

  • kencerveny-av says:

    I’m guessing that Disney/Lucasfilm executives finally got around to watching WW84 and, in a moment of clarity, decided to reconsider.

  • bashbash99-av says:

    Good thinking. Having just watched Top Gun rake in all the money and then some, let’s pull the plug on our fighter pilot movie

  • murrychang-av says:

    Good, let’s get someone better in here to do it.  WW’84 was not a good film.

  • mattthewsedlar-av says:

    That’s a bummer. A Rogue Squadron movie sounds like fun.

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Could be worse: she could be brought in making a flick for Warner Bros besides about Wonder Woman and have it canceled after the whole thing is shot.

  • schaughnwulph-av says:

    You know, when this project was first announced, I was pretty excited. Something different than the Skywalker saga that this universe sorely needs.However, after the disaster that was WW ‘84, I couldn’t be more relieved and happy that this project has more than likely been scrapped. I’m still hoping another director picks it up eventually, but I’d rather it never be made than to let Patty Jenkins muck it up.God, that movie was terrible.

  • zappafrank-av says:

    WWIII? Really? People want that?

  • mike-mckinnon-av says:

    What’s so colossally stupid about this is that Top Gun: Maverick just made like twelvety gazillion dollars.On the other hand, I was getting roasted on the Star Wars Speculation subreddit for months, every time it was stated this movie would definitely come out in 2023, and I said No friggin’ way.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    I assume she filmed that teaser before Maverick was released, because I think “best fighter pilot movie ever” is probably spoken for at this point.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    If this is the Patty Jenkins of Wonder Woman, that sucks this is a big loss.If this is the Patty Jenkins of Wonder Woman 1984, oh well not a big deal.I am curious to find out which is the real Patty Jenkins.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Patty was one of the writers on ‘84 and I think that was part of the problem.

    • boba-wan-skysolo-av says:

      The success of the first Wonder Woman film won her more creative control for the second, so it seems ‘84 is more representative of Jenkins as an artist.

  • Spoooon-av says:

    I cant say that I’m sad about this. Wonder Woman 2 was pretty awful, and I think the only reason the first one was so well received was it was a brilliant gem floating in a vast sea of DC Superhero diarrhea.Taken on it’s own? It’s an extremely mediocre movie.

  • systemmastert-av says:

    Really looking forward to next Star Wars Day or whatever, where they announce the same shows they announced in 2020, but like… half of them.

  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    a lot of people might think Disney massacred star wars by turning it into a series of mid budget streaming shows.I think George realized the IP was dead when he sold it!

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    There’s clearly no public interest in nostalgic movies about fighter pilots.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Lord help me, if they stopped making Star Wars content altogether, I would be fine.  Even enthused.  

    • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

      Even if just for, say, ten years. Let people miss it a bit. But I guess then we wouldn’t know what Mon Mothma ate for dinner the night the Death Star was destroyed, AND WE NEED TO KNOW. 

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        These young whippersnappers don’t understand the reason Star Wars became so special for an entire generation is that we had seventeen years without it. And of course they don’t care. And shouldn’t. But still.

        • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

          We made do with licensed tie-ins, and we were all the better for it! 

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Well, not necessarily. It was because it was a really great series of movies which, despite being merchandized fairly heavily in its heyday, also didn’t overstay its welcome. In the mid to late 80s, we thought Star Wars was gone for good. It was a fond memory and there was nothing whatsoever wrong with that.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        “We not only need someone who can do this Death Star trench run but also didn’t have fish for dinner!”

      • hamiltonistrash-av says:

        there were no Star Wars made between 1983 and 1999 and in the middle of that, the west won the Cold War.Just sayin’.

    • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

      I surprised myself with how easy it was for me to decide I don’t need Star Wars in my life. When I was 20 I never would have imagined that I could get so sick of that universe. 

    • hardscience-av says:

      And when they reboot “How I Met Your Mother” again, the R2D2 joke will seem fresh, again.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      hear hear

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    I was hoping WW84 would be the end of the franchise. Sad that I’m wrong. I’ve been off the Star Wars fanwagon for a long time, but a movie about X-Wing pilots would be frigging awesome. 

  • colonel9000-av says:

    WW84 was a horrible, shitty movie.  Jenkins joins Trevarrow on the list of people who torpedoed themselves off of Star Wars by releasing a full bore shit bomb movie. 

  • ninjaiceberg-av says:

    The only Star Wars thing I want is a Rogue/XWing thing. I am sad.

  • ibell-av says:

    Fuck it, it direct it. I can start in January. 

  • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

    Geez we might have to come up with some new ideas for movies or something 

  • tinyepics-av says:

    I really can’t see Waititi’s  getting off the ground either. Star Wars doesn’t do comedy and he only does comedy. 

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