Phoebe Bridgers only has two special little words for our country right now

The singer also led an explicit chant following the overturning of Roe V. Wade

Aux News Phoebe Bridgers
Phoebe Bridgers only has two special little words for our country right now
Phoebe Bridgers Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer

During her performance at Glastonbury Music Festival today, singer Phoebe Bridgers told the audience “Fuck America,” and led a chant stating “Fuck the Supreme Court.” Her justifiable (and correct) comments are in response to the official overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court of the United States. The court ruled in favor of a Mississippi law which bans abortion at 15 weeks, effectively outlawing abortion in nearly half the country.

During her set at Glastonbury, Bridgers took a pause, saying, “It’s super surreal, but I’m having the shittiest day. Are there any Americans here?”

After leading the chant, Bridgers says, “Fuck that shit. Fuck America. Like, fuck you. All these irrelevant old motherfuckers trying to tell us what to do with our fucking bodies. Fuck it.”

Earlier this year, following the leak of the majority opinion draft in which the Supreme Court revealed its plans to overturn the decision, Bridgers shared her own experience receiving an abortion.

“I had an abortion in October of last year while I was on tour,” she tweeted. “I went to Planned Parenthood where they gave me the abortion pill. It was easy. Everyone deserves that kind of access.

In a new interview published by The Guardian, Bridgers opens up about sharing experience with the world, and how the Supreme Court’s decision will affect her differently than people with less access to abortion care.

“As a white, upper-middle-class woman from California, even if it were to be overturned, I will always have access,” she says. “I have a friend who went to medical school–every time I need a doctor, I say, ‘Do you have someone that you recommend?’ So I would just go: ‘Hey, where do I go for the thing? Wink-wink.’ The people with access will always have access. What pisses me off is that we’re not talking about me. It’s so easy: I played in Texas the same week, and then I went home and was like: oh my God. Made the appointment. It was 12 hours of my life.”

And no, she was not torn to bits about the procedure.

“I wasn’t fucking emotional at all. Hormonally crazy! But I don’t think you should assign ‘it tore me up’ to me. No! I don’t think about it as a baby, of course not,” Bridgers says.


  • bustertaco-av says:

    I know it may feel or sound nice to say it, or maybe you wish it were true, but those old fuckers are the exact opposite of irrelevant. Their relevance is the reason you’re upset. The old man next door yelling about the gays is irrelevant; the old men making the laws are very relevant.

  • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

    The United States as we know it will not exist by 2030. Stack your money, move, figure out some type of exit plan to somewhere safe.But something wicked this way comes. 

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Buy guns for when the Proud Boys Sheriff comes to your doorstep in 2025 to kill you with the full backing of the local LEOs and President at the time.

    • schwartz666-av says:

      I got my wobbly stool ready!

    • capeo-av says:

      Your read these rulings and the conservative majority basically wants to return America to the 18th Century. Ironically, Thomas is spearheading this regression. Using his own arguments, states should be allowed to reinstate miscegenation laws. We are fucked as country unless Democrats go full nuclear now. Eliminate the filibuster and expand the court. Even if they were able to pass laws to protect reproductive rights this SC will find them unconstitutional. Same with gay rights and same with voting rights. Hell, wait till a Republican State government brings a case about how it shouldn’t have to ratify an election that it thinks was “stolen.”

      • milligna000-av says:

        Unless Democrats go full nuclear now? They don’t have the ability to remove the filibuster. They need more votes in the Senate and greater voter turnout for 10-15 years to undo a lot of this bullshit. But who wants to talk reality? let’s pretend they have some magic ability to “go nuclear” and refuse to do it because “both sides are the same” or something.

        • capeo-av says:

          By “now” I didn’t literally mean tomorrow. That’s obviously impossible with Manchin and Senima. By “now” I meant actually saying that is the intention. For the old guard of the party to put it out there and run for it in November, instead of this endless polite equivocating. At least go down fighting. 

        • lilnapoleon24-av says:

          Stop excusing their lack of action!!! The dems have had nearly 2 years to do something, anything! Stop providing them cover for their failures. They wanted roe v wade abolished so they could trick idiots like you to donate more. Ffs.

        • turbotastic-av says:

          They can remove the filibuster; they could do it today. 48 of the 50 needed votes are already there. But they are being blocked by two senators who think the stupid filibuster is more important than anything else.
          But that also means we only need two more senators to turn the tide and fix this shit. So anyone who tells us it’s hopeless is wrong. Don’t tell me we can’t elect two fucking people.

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          thank you for responding appropriately to the matter of fact recommendation to “remove the filibuster.” Dems DON’T HAVE THE VOTES nor do they have the spine. I *hope* this galvanizes the Democrats in Congress to do something but honestly having 2 80-year olds running the party (Pelosi’s “mournful” response to the ruling was particularly irritating and tone-deaf) does not make me hopeful. If this bullshit doesn’t lead to Dems taking control of Congress then I’m gonna start looking at other places to live because this shit will never change because of the insane minority and the feckless majority.

        • tml123-av says:

          Thank you Milligna000 for inserting some sanity to this conversation. A frustrated Democrat (who is otherwise very politically aware) said this to me this weekend – that the Democrats haven’t come through. My answer is: you need more of them. Lots more. Our political system is designed to maximize minority influence (which has been taken and run with my the GOP). If you want to change this, as Captain Queeg said, we are going to need a bigger boat. Vote Democratic and continue to do so. Encourage others to vote Democratic and continue to do so. Don’t complain about the impossible (for now) rules. Elect Democrats to vote to eliminate the filibuster. Its going to take a long time. Don’t give up. As the late, great Senator Thomas Eagleton wrote in a farewell letter read at his funeral: “go forth in love and peace — be kind to dogs — and vote Democratic.”

      • dirtside-av says:

        Using his own arguments, states should be allowed to reinstate miscegenation lawsLike, did he forget he’s married to a white woman?

        • geralyn-av says:

          Did he forget that under the original constitution he’d be a slave?

        • jomahuan-av says:

          lol, the rules they make don’t apply to them, silly.
          all of these gov’t representatives in all of these bible ban states will still be able to procure a safe abortion for their wife/mistress/daughter/____, ban or no ban.

        • drips-av says:

          If I’m not mistaken, overturning Loving v. Virginia would not nullify preexisting interracial marriages, it would only ban future ones. They can’t “undo” a marriage, no matter the races or genders involved. So Tommy Boy and his wack-a-doo wife will be fine.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          No, he just forgot that he isn’t also white.

        • rotheche-av says:

          He didn’t mention Loving as a case that should be “revisited”, funnily enough.

        • waylon-mercy-av says:

          Maybe he’s ready for a divorce?

          • dirtside-av says:

            “I’m really sorry, hon, but my hands are tied. The law is the law. I guess we can’t be married any more OKTHANKSBYE”

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        There are so many people here who just don’t see how big a deal this is. Like you say, this isn’t just about Roe V Wade, the Republican Leadership are to do everything to get rid of every Amendment post 10. Not only that, they’re going to neuter the Presidnetial branch to the point that, it doesn’t matter if they lose the Presidential election ever again, cause they’ll control the senate and they’ll just keep going state by state. People think this is something that will blow over with time and fighting, and it’s not. This is the end of American democracy. This is the end of American republic.There will be another civil war, in our lifetimes. 

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          And it’s hard to see a way out of it with how state republicans are allowed to redraw district lines to hold onto their control.  We can’t win when the game is rigged and the institution that’s supposed to keep it fair–the court–has chosen a side.

        • waylon-mercy-av says:

          The interesting thing about Civil War I was how clearly geographically defined it was with the North and South. CWII will be a lot more spread out and that complicates things (militarily). 

      • ageeighty-av says:

        They won’t. They will allow themselves to be bulldozed in midterms, because that’s what they do. With a few exceptions who will never win widespread support, they’re a party of meek, center-right milquetoasts. My maybe-not-so-crazy conspiracy theory is that the DNC learned years ago that they raise more money when they’re the minority. I don’t know how else you explain the amount of local Republican gerrymandering they’ve let pass largely unchallenged, or the way they seem so terminally incapable of putting together a cohesive platform despite having majority public support for most of it.

        • capeo-av says:

          They really are, with a few exceptions, stunningly meek. Especially the old guard, who seem to still toil under the assumption that the majority of Republican lawmakers will be reasonable and compromise, despite well over a decade of evidence that the party was getting more and more extreme and willing to do anything to win at all costs. There has been some pushback against extreme Republican gerrymandering but by the time the cases reached the SC Kavanaugh was already appointed and it was forgone conclusion that they would fail. Hell, the conservative majority went so far as to say redistricting can’t even be challenged in federal courts. So legislation is the only option and the Democrats have been woefully inept on that front. Multiple competing bills. Then an attempt to merge them into one giant bill, and despite a slim majority they still can’t get that passed. The biggest overall failure of the Democratic leadership though, is just not seeing this shit coming. The signs were there as far back as Obama’s first term. Republicans were winning elections on more and more extreme platforms. Eventually completely unqualified, conspiracy and hate spouting nutjobs were getting elected and embraced by the Republican party, in a win at all costs scenario, even if that meant getting into bed with white supremacists and other extremists. Trump’s nom was the ultimate outcome of that, AND still they acted like there was no way he could get elected. 

      • cody2isdown-av says:

        Expanding SCOTUS, while possible (indeed, it’s been done before), is a BAD idea – if the GOP ever gains power again (which they’ll do in November if people don’t fucking VOTE), then they’ll just expand the court AGAIN so that they can push their heinous agenda.

    • of-mice-and-horseradish-av says:

      My only quibble is that 2030 might be too far out … but, yeah.  Spot on.  Something wicked for sure.

    • dinoironbody1-av says:

      We had an actual civil war and managed to survive it.

      • schwartz666-av says:

        Always gotsta up the ante for the sequel tho.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        Yeah, and looks at how things are going, the South won. 

        • dinoironbody1-av says:

          3 of the last 4 winning presidential tickets have included a black person.

          • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

            And the Republican Party is using the Supreme Court to weaken any Executive Power by making as much as possible a State’s right. There also gerrymandering states so that only rich white districts have more power in the state, while also limiting voting as much as possible to minorities.

          • dinoironbody1-av says:

            Gerrymandering and weakening executive power wasn’t the worst the South did.

          • giantclaw-av says:

            And the last two popular vote winners have included women on the ticket.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          The South was playing the hell out of that long game.

      • therealbernieliederkranz-av says:

        2% of the U.S. population died, so SOME people survived it.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Not as the nation was before the war. He didn’t say the US wouldn’t survive. Just that the US as we know it wouldn’t survive.

        • dinoironbody1-av says:

          But the US after the civil war was better than before.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            The US was marginally better after the Civil War than before.  And we’re not headed toward a civil war.  They aren’t using war.  They’re using our legal systems that are already in place.  There won’t be a big event.  It’s just going to go on piece by piece like this, overturning settled law, redistricting until you don’t have two liberal voters in the same district, stealing court appointments, and so on and so on until they have total control and we are living in a country governed by their warped and sick interpretation of Christianity.  

          • dinoironbody1-av says:

            You think there’ll be no pushback?

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            There’s pushback to everything. So far it has been ineffective and I don’t see that changing.

    • bustertaco-av says:

      Please tell us which “United States as we know it” you mean? The 2022 US or the 2019 US? Or is it the 2012 US? Or is it the United States in 2000? Perhaps you mean the United States as I knew it in 1990? Because they ain’t the same. The 2030 United States will not be the same as the United States of today, and that’s a good thing. It ain’t exactly all sunshines and rainbows, ya know. The old will die off, and they’ll take their antiquated and out-of-touch ideas with them. The US will change, as it’s always done.

      • capeo-av says:

        The fuck? It ain’t exactly all sunshines and rainbows, ya know. The old will die off, and they’ll take their antiquated and out-of-touch ideas with them. Are you fucking serious? Fucking, “it’s not all sunshine and rainbows?” Newsflash: this isn’t about antiquated ideas dying off. On the contrary this SC just rolled back miranda rights, the ability to affect gun control, and basic human autonomy IN A WEEK. All long standing precedences. Thomas’s concurrence goes so far as to state that he thinks that states shouldn’t just be able to outlaw same sex marriage, but that they should be allowed to criminalize same sex acts and contraception. All of this stuff isn’t even close to the polling of the US populace. Republican gerrymandering has gone unchecked, so their voting districts look like the arms of an octopus and only include their voters. That’s how you end up with a Democrat being governor in a state via popular vote and a State Legislation that’s waaaay more Republican than the actual population.
        Point being: you’re concept of “antiquated” ideas had already been surpassed for decades, even centuries, BUT then was quickly revoked by a majority of unqualified Federalist Society appointees, who lied under oath, and were appointed by a fucking moron who tried to overthrow the US government. 

        • waylon-mercy-av says:

          “…like the arms of an octopus” lol. An apt metaphor for Republicans’ reach: as if their tentacles are taking over

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        “The 2030 United States will not be the same as the United States of today, and that’s a good thing”Get your fascism apologia in early, I guess.

      • drips-av says:

        I guess I envy your optimism?  But we really need to let go of this “the old bigots will die off and everything will be good” pipe dream.  Because there is a LOT of young bigots out there today.

      • mlc818-av says:

        The Supreme Court just literally said they’re about to do away with the rights of anyone who isn’t the right variety of rich white man, it’s entirely possible that it will be illegal to be gay or have sex outside of marriage within the next year.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        “The old will die off, and they’ll take their antiquated and out-of-touch ideas with them.”I used to believe that but not anymore.  They are teaching their children the same thing.  Kyle Rittenhouse was a kid, and there are millions learning the same thing that led him to that protest ready to kill.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      I did not move here for political reasons, but I just got my Canadian permanent resident application approved today. Eerie timing for sure.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        I think one of the next big political moments in the next few years will be Canada openly offering asylum to Americans fleeing red states. 

        • dinoironbody1-av says:

          Unfortunately, that would make America redder.

        • weirdandgilley-av says:

          Please include blue with that.

        • largegarlic-av says:

          I’m trying to get the idea out there that the blue states should secede and merge with Canada. If the northeast, upper midwest, and west coast states joined with Canada, it would still be a contiguous country, and Canada would be getting the majority of the U.S. economy and the majority of top U.S. universities. So, the new country would still be a global power. 

          • idelaney-av says:

            Well that’s fine, we’re a gracious and polite country, but you’re gonna hafta leave your guns behind, okay? Thank you kindly.

          • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

            If I was a leader in the Democratic Party, my first plan would be to start working on a relocation plan. Move blue voters from red states into red areas in blue states and into pink states (Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Jersey, Georgia, Nevada, Oregon,Washington ). Second, I’d be pushing Guam and Puerto Rico to push for statehood now before a Republican President is elected again and treats them like Trump did. Thirdly, I’d go nuclear. Join the Republicans and defund the federal government. Make federal income tax illegal, and pull an Amy Sherman Palladino and blow it up before leaving. Fourth, would be to join Canada as a nuclear option. Secede, let red states fend for themselves.

          • sassyskeleton-av says:

            I’m in for that. I’d love to live in an actual country run by adults.

          • megasmacky-av says:

            If seceding didn’t work for the south, why do you think the red states would be ok with letting the huge chunk of your nations wealth that’s concentrated in blue states leave? There would also be the problem of millions of left of center or even moderate conservatives abandoning southern cities. What would Houston or Atlanta, or dozens of other southern cities look like after losing 90% of their educated/professional class? These are just issues I quickly thought of, I’m sure there are dozens more.No, sorry. The conservatives are out to rule over ALL of you. It isn’t any fun if you can’t own(literally) the libs.I don’t think we’re very far from the first US citizens seeking political asylum in Canada, or other countries.

        • megasmacky-av says:

          That’s the one big mark on history American progressives can still achieve. It’s over in the US but you can come up here and help us permanently destroy the Conservative Party of Canada.

        • gernn-av says:

          That would make both countries more conservative.

    • seven-deuce-av says:


    • cody2isdown-av says:

      I want to tell you to fuck off with your doomposting… but you MIGHT be right. MIGHT.I should probably start learning Hebrew right about now.

    • sybann-av says:

      This is the last gasp of a corrupt ruling class. They have no support or they wouldn’t have to gerrymander and stack the courts to get anything. Now, if only the “big tent” inclusive DNC would stop being such a bunch of wafflers and take a stand on a few things that would help drive this passion to oust the ruiners. 

    • anthonypirtle-av says:

      That’s fine for you. I’m too poor to flee. I guess I’ll just have to put in the work to make this country a better place instead.

    • ghostofghostdad-av says:

      2030 is optimistic 

    • megasmacky-av says:

      There were record numbers of “how to move to Canada” Google requests over the weekend. It’s far from perfect up here but there still is a chance here to beat far-right conservatism. I don’t believe that possibility still exists in the US; I think it’s over for liberals/progressives in the US. So if you can, come up here. You can fight a losing war in the US or you can help us permanently destroy the Conservative Party of Canada.Global warming is hitting us hard so don’t worry about the winters. If you’ve spent a winter in NY or Boston, you’ve already experienced pretty much what Toronto’s winters are like.

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    I’ve just watched it on the coverage over here on the UK, and she was fuming throughout the entire set, not sure how she got through all of it. That song where she screams at the end was a big one this time.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    If you’re gonna ‘fuck America’, you best use a thick condom.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    business interests pulling out of the anti-abortion states would probably be more effective than voting for democrats, protests or violence. Money talks the most.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Indeed, fuck us.

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      AV Club user dirtside confirmed for Phoebe simp

      • ray6166-av says:

        AV Club user the unnumbered one confirmed for moron.

        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          He said “fuck us.” You know… like sex? I was making a joke?

          • ray6166-av says:

            …joke?If that’s a joke, then you need to work on your material… desperately.

          • theunnumberedone-av says:

            You call people morons. I could not possibly care less what you think of my sense of humor.

          • gargsy-av says:

            Is that you DIDN’T explain that you were making a joke? Because you DON’T care what others think?

            K. Tell yourself that.

          • ray6166-av says:

            You call people simp.Now move along and go back to your friends on “truth” social.

          • theunnumberedone-av says:

            Ironically. We’ve established I was using it ironically. You understand “simp” is commonly used among the younger generation, usually in the same ironic context as a gentle rib? Why the fuck did you peg me as a conservative for this?

          • ray6166-av says:

            There was nothing “ironic” about your comment.Now go work on your material if you think you’re being humorous… or “ironic”

          • theunnumberedone-av says:

            I’m a Phoebe Bridgers fan. Punisher is one of my favorite albums. In what world does that not constitute irony?Whoa, does that not fit the entire personality you constructed by misinterpreting what I wrote? Holy shit!

          • ray6166-av says:

            If you think what you wrote is irony then you have a lot of learning to do, child.

          • theunnumberedone-av says:

            Holy sweet mother of God, you have to be the most condescending person I’ve ever encountered online and that’s a high fucking bar.

          • ray6166-av says:

            Maybe spend less time on the Internet then?

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    Did she smash her guitar to completion this time?

  • emodonnell-av says:

    That’s amusing since she usually has so many more words! You see, because her lyrics are so voluble.

  • worstofwa-av says:

    Fourth Reich, anyone?

  • winstonsmith2022-av says:

    When you say “I don’t think of it as a baby! Of course not”, well, that’s exactly what RvW opponents are talking about.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      There are no Roe v Wade opponents anymore, since that case was overturned. More to the point, people who oppose abortion access aren’t going to say, “It’s okay to get an abortion as long as you feel really, really bad about it.” And apart from that, a fetus isn’t a baby. Babies have been born – it’s one of the two defining parts of a baby. 

  • butterflybaby-av says:


  • Sarah-Hawke-av says:

    No clue who this person is beyond this article but good on her!I’m pretty sure I left the exact same comment a couple days ago on one of these gizmodo sites. Not even American but holy shit, fuck America.

  • c2three-av says:

    I have three little words for America – Elections Have Consequences.

  • fjb1488-av says:

    This is a fun one, because first, abortion isn’t in the constitution. Second, the male partner should get a say in whether or not to abort. Third, how do we consider bacteria life on Mars, but cells don’t count as life on Earth? And Fouth, Fuck you Pheobe for not giving your child a chance at life.

    • sirslud-av says:

      Third, how do we consider bacteria life on Mars, but cells don’t count as life on Earth Jesus christ, how is it possible to be this stupid? I’d think it would be impossible, but clearly it’s possible. Your stupidity, it’s in ample supply.As you’ve astutely noted, cells count as life on earth. For instance, a horse is comprised of many cells. I think it’s safe to say that we all consider the horse to be alive. However, the horse isn’t a person and therefore should you kill the horse, you will not be charged with murder. In fact, we ever permit the killing of horses under specific circumstances. A fetus is comprised of cells, and is there qualifies as “life” in so far as it is indisputably made of cellular matter, but where your point becomes fucking brain dead is how it implies that we all agree that killing cellular matter is implicitly amoral or wrong. This couldn’t be farther from any reality you or I live in. You kill cellular matter all day. You’re killing some right now.What’s next? Are you going to protest against cancer treatment? Because I have bad news for you – curing various types of cancer involves killing cells inside humans as well as well you poor, stupid, objectionably dumb person. Look, if you want to be against abortion, uh .. good luck with that .. but for the love of god can you not offer an argument that makes me feel stupider for having read it?

      • fyjones-av says:

        100% this. But let’s take this further. If a state outlaws abortion, then jerking off should also be illegal for the guys. Sperm are “alive.” They have cute little tails, swim all over there place, and eventually turn into babies. They’re also “viable” the moment whatever pornhub-stepsister-video just becomes too much to contain them. They can “live” in a freezer for years and years. So if we’re gonna fuck over 50% of the populous in this country, let’s at least level the playing field a little bit.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        When someone is obviously trolling, to the extent that they misspelled “Fourth” in their list of nonsense, it’s best not to engage with them. But you do you – feeding a troll is as good a way as any to vent all the troll-food boiling up inside of our brains this week.

        • sirslud-av says:

          That’s a sincere line of reasoning put forth by anti-abortion interests (that a fetus is “life” by broad definition, therefore abortions are amoral prima facie.) Clearly I’m not changing his mind, but it’s still worth the rebuttal for the benefit of others who may find it useful. Additionally, I think your assertion that a typo or misspelling is indicative of trolling (at least in the classical definition of advancing an position in bad faith in order to elicit a response) is tenuous at best. In fact there was a typo in my reply to him, and I’m not trolling.

    • skully-bojangles-av says:

      Between all the children god kills in the bible and the culture of pedophilia in Christian churches, I would say that your death cult cares a lot less about kids than you would like to believe. Something to consider next time one of your flock’s kids die because they’d rather pray to Jeebus than take ‘em to a hospital.P.S. Speaking of murdering children, how many bodies have they found near residential schools lately? A few thousand, was it? Where does raping and torturing indigenous kids to death fall into “the sanctity of life” according to you? Because I’d love to know.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Second, the male partner should get a say in whether or not to abort.”

      Unless the male partner is pregnant, he can fuck off.

      “Third, how do we consider bacteria life on Mars, but cells don’t count as life on Earth?”

      Bacteria is not human life. Did you really not know that?

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Oh fuck you. Do the world a favor and cut off your dick.

  • hamburgerheart-av says:

    From where I’m laying in this humble bunk bed in this time and place, fuck that go plan B is the option making sense.

    I’m not pregnant, I am fed up with shoddy “family” decision-makers… they aren’t my family, they don’t want or appear close to knowing what’s best for me, and i’m struggling to identify any reason to maintain contact… or even awareness.

  • madwriter-av says:


  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    “What pisses me off is that we’re not talking about me.”-She said, as she went on to humble-brag about her privelage

    • gargsy-av says:

      Wow. You’re just unbelievably stupid, huh?

      Nope, it was rhetorical. That means there’s no need for a response.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    “Fuck America” seems harsh, since most of America is against this ruling.

    • tml123-av says:

      Agreed.  As James Crumley wrote in “the Last Good Kiss”: Fuck ‘em all and sleep till noon.  I just really like that quote.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Phoebe Bridgers was in that Apple commercial where they used The Pixies song Gigantic. It fucking sucks that the Republicans are taking away our freedoms but we can at least take a moment and laugh at Apple for not realizing the song Gigantic is about gigantic cock.

  • nacsar3-av says:

    Don’t come back then. Says a lot of words, does nothing about it.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Phoebe Bridgers only has two special little words for our country right now”

    “Fuck that shit. Fuck America. Like, fuck you. All these irrelevant old motherfuckers trying to tell us what to do with our fucking bodies. Fuck it.”Math’s your strong suit, I see.

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