Pink kicks man out of concert for circumcision message

After a summer of bizarre concert behavior, Pink threw an audience member out for staging a protest

Aux News Pink
Pink kicks man out of concert for circumcision message
Pink Photo: Andreas Rentz

2023 may be known as the year concert etiquette went off the rails. Every other week, it seems, there’s been a new tale of some artist being startled or even maimed by an audience member throwing something at them while on stage. Then there are other disruptions, some of them stranger and even more upsetting, some of them comically ridiculous, some of them just plain baffling. Just ask Pink, who recently had a guy thrown out for staging a protest about circumcision.

During a quiet moment of her set, this audience member caught Pink’s eye with enlarged text on his phone screen. “Oh, you’re making a whole point right now, aren’t you? Do you feel good about yourself? Are you gonna be all right?” Pink said derisively in a video of the altercation posted to social media. “He wants all of you to read it. He came here tonight to talk about circumcision.”

The singer marveled that the man “spent all this money to come here and do that,” saying she felt bad that he wasted his own time. That didn’t stop her from having him removed from the audience, going so far as to instruct her security to “get that cancer out.” She joked, “I’m gonna have to buy a Birkin bag with that ticket money.”

Specifics of the protest aside (suffice to say, there’s a dedicated group of adults out there staging demonstrations to raise awareness for their cause), Pink may take the prize for having the most bizarre concert interruptions of the year. Though unlike Bebe Rexha she has thus far escaped without injury, she did have to deal with someone throwing their mom’s ashes on stage. “I don’t know how I feel about this!” she announced nervously, and quite reasonably, at the time. PSA, for about the hundredth time: please stop throwing things at artists, and while you’re at it, please only attend a concert if your end goal is actually to enjoy the concert. Your fellow audience members thank you!


  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Pink loves circumcision confirmed

  • daveassist-av says:

    No snippy messages at Pink concerts?

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I’m glad that audience member caught pink eye!

  • luasdublin-av says:

    I mean , not really the place to protest it ,but guy’s not wrong . I’ll never understand why Americans seem to think they’re doing their kids a favour by lopping off foreskins at birth . Looking slightly aesthetically pleasing to some other people isn’t worth a body part that’s supposed to be as sensitive as your tongue to having about as much feeling as your elbow.

    • gargsy-av says:


      Are you fucking retarded?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “a body part that’s supposed to be as sensitive as your tongue to having about as much feeling as your elbow.”

      Tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about while I jerk off my incredibly sensitive, cut cock.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Dude I want your elbow.

    • unfromcool-av says:

      My partner and I watched Naked Attraction and she was appalled by the uncut dongs on the show, so if I had to choose between her and “a little more sensitivity” down there I’d choose her every time.

      • atnightmostly-av says:

        I certainly wouldn’t choose to be with someone that has such strong feelings in favour of genital mutation that the idea of an unmutilated genital is appalling. But that is just me.

        • unfromcool-av says:

          Well, not everyone can be as unbearably pious as you, so.

          • heartbeets-av says:

            And not everybody’s squicked out about natural bodies. 

          • bgunderson-av says:

            What is “pious” about opposing the genital mutilation of children? It is a practice which serves absolutely no useful purpose. It was, in fact, actively championed by a pious zealot convinced of the imminent arrival of the Second Coming and obsessed with combating the “evil” of male sexual pleasure. He also favored female genital mutilation to achieve the same general goal of making sexual intercourse unappealing as he saw no need for humans to continue breeding since were all going to be raptured in a couple years anyway (in the early 1900s, that is). But for some reason (gee, I wonder why) the female genital mutilation part never really caught on.

          • atnightmostly-av says:

            Wait, what? Pious? I do not understand the logic here. I must be devoutly religious because the idea of not mutilating a child’s genitals isn’t appalling to me? Your wife is horrified by the idea of a child’s genitals not being mutilated and anyone who in anyway is accepting that maybe some genitals are not mutilated and that is ok must be some hardcore religious zealot? I must be the unbearable one. 

          • unfromcool-av says:

            Damn, dude. Take a breath, go for a walk. Then come back, read the rest of the thread, look up how the word pious has multiple meanings, and maybe take a look in the mirror and realize that this noble comment crusade of yours comes off a bit dickish, eh?

          • daddddd-av says:

            I’m indifferent on this but judging from your dramatic reply – yes, you are the unbearable one, no reason to question it

        • heartbeets-av says:

          Right? If my partner was so easily disturbed by versions of my genitalia that differed in appearance than mine, I’d be very concerned. 

          • unfromcool-av says:

            Dude, it’s crazy, ever since watching the show she’s gone totally off the rails. Started half-peeling all the bananas in the house. Cut off all the hoods on my sweatshirts. Frantically tears off my socks whenever I put them on. But now…honestly? I think she’s determined to make sure that no penis is ever uncircumsized ever again. She said as much at dinner the other night, kept staring at her baked yam as if it were some alien thing. “They shouldn’t be allowed,” she said.I thought she was just making a joke…but then the other day, I saw her in the hallway. She’d grabbed a scalpel and pincers and had this crazed look in her eyes, kept muttering something to herself, sounded like, “unclean…so unclean”. Luckily I grabbed her before she went who-knows-where. Had to cuff her to the radiator in the basement for now. Hoping she cools off. But I can still hear her through the registers. Whispering to herself (or maybe to me?), in this slow, ghastly rhythm: “Cir…cum…size…”

          • heartbeets-av says:

            I laughed.

          • unfromcool-av says:

            ;)In all seriousness: she’s a good lass. Just hadn’t seen one uncut before, so it was surprising to her. Prefers it the other way but certainly would never impose that upon anyone.  Was genuinely surprised she’d never seen one so it gave me a laugh. Suppose the word “appalled” may be triggering to some but I meant it in the wealthy dowager clutching her pearls poking-fun way. Fun to see it get so twisted, but that’s the internet, eh??

          • heartbeets-av says:

            Well, in my defense, I’ve seen a lot of dicks in my life, so I’m inured. 

          • bgunderson-av says:

            Well, in my defense, I’ve seen a lot of dicks in my life…So have I.Dick van Dyke.Dick Cavett.Dick PattonDick Nixon,Dick Cheney.Dick York.Dick Sargent.Dick Clark.Dick Durban.Dick Gephardt.Dick Butkus.Dick Smothers.Not so much in person, though.

          • carrercrytharis-av says:

            Did Geico branch out?(…oh, you said inured. Carry on.)

          • bcfred2-av says:

            I think that’s more of a Chubb policy.I’ll show myself out.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I keep telling you to stop showing your dick to wealthy dowagers.

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            We were all deafened by the incessent cries of “Well, I never!”

          • unfromcool-av says:

            It’s my cotillion, I can do what I want!

          • insectsentiencehatesnewaccounts-av says:

            The dowager’s hump makes more sense now

          • youcancallmeluke-av says:

            Uncircumcised guys are wildly sensitive about their hooded dicks. They are all over the internet getting insanely buttmad anytime someone suggests a preference for the alternative.

          • necgray-av says:

            The number of fucks given in these comments is genuinely surprising to me. And from sources I thought were mostly reasonable.

          • unfromcool-av says:

            Yeah, but what’s late-stage AV Club without a bit of pointlessly inflated conflict in the comments, eh? Think everyone’s just a bit melancholic that Summer’s over. I know I am.

        • sensored-ship-av says:

          Circumcision isn’t genital mutilation, it’s a cosmetic procedure that if performed correctly has absolutely no effect on sexual feeling or function. You are not oppressed.

        • Rev2-av says:

          The person you’re responding to may also be pro-“gender affirming care”, so I don’t blame you. Genital mutilation is no joke.

      • jimjiminez8080-av says:

        Yea, most women are horrified and disgusted by uncircumcised penises, it’s why the OP and the guy in the video get so fucking mad about it.  Circumcised people don’t actually give a shit, it’s just the butthurt anteater dicks that get so angry about it. 

      • ididntwantthis-av says:

        No one has a problem with you choosing anything. The issue with circumcision is that it is done to infants who cannot consent and with no medical need. 

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        And that’s fine! But it should be your choice, not one made for you when you’re a day old. Plus sometimes they go wrong.  I’ve heard of times they cut too much and every erection for the rest of his life is painful because the skin is too tight.  And I have a friend who had to get her son’s redone because they didn’t cut enough the first time!  All I really know is I don’t want anyone cutting pieces off my lady parts.

        • unfromcool-av says:

          Oh, I totally agree. It should absolutely be a choice; when that choice can/should be made is a whole ‘nother can of worms that I honestly don’t have an opinion on. All I know is that episode of Nip/Tuck where the son tries to do it himself still gives me the willies (pun 1000% intended).

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            See that (the Nip/Tuck) can be avoided by maintaining an open line of communication with your kids, I think.  I’m assuming that kid was a teenager probably?  Okay fine if he says he really wants one, and you listen, and say okay let’s wait a month or so and see if you still feel that way, and then he does, then fine let him get it if it’s really important to him.  Just like letting a kid decide they want to get their ears pierced.  Though I let my girl decide on her ears at 4, which is too young for deciding on a circumcision, but ear piercing is reversible. Also if I knew she had a tendency to keloids, for instance, I’d discourage it and make her wait until she was much older to decide because of the risk for long-term damage.

          • unfromcool-av says:

            I don’t remember the episode beyond that but my guess for the motivation was “Ryan Murphy wants to make you uncomfortable”, as he’s wont to do.The ear piercing analogy just has me imagining someone going down to the mini mall so they can get a circumcision at Mohel’s.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Ryan Murphy does enjoy doing That’s funny about Mohel’s.

      • GameDevBurnout-av says:

        But this is just conditioning to enforce the status quo. Your dilemma is created by the act of circumcision. So your conclusions are self-defeating in that sense.

      • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

        It is mostly a generational thing. In my day practically all guys were circumcised and you would stand out for not being so (if anyone noticed of course). But currently in the US the circumcision rate is around 50-60% on average, and the west coast is actually down to around 10-25%.

    • manosoffate123-av says:

      No lack of sensitivity here, me and my slightly more attractive penis are doing just fine, thanks!

    • lineuphitters-av says:

      Was it Eric Clopper? This sounds like the work of Eric Clopper.

    • presidentzod-av says:

      It’s better to look good than to feel good darling.

    • yllehs-av says:

      Clearly, you’ve never had a circumcized man arrive unexpectedly at completion during a particular act with you.P.S. It’s not just Americans. Have you met a Jewish person?

      • bgunderson-av says:

        Clearly, you’ve never had a circumcized man arrive unexpectedly at completion during a particular act with you. Are uncircumcized men exempt from this?Yes, I have met a Jewish person. A few, in fact. And every time anyone tries to argue against default circumcision of infant boys in the United States, certain political action groups scream “antisemitic”.  Because it’s the only “argument” they have in favor of continuing the practice.

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        Or, you know, a Muslim one (of which there are literally billions of in the world as opposed to only about 15 million Jews). Just like how Halal is basically Kosher, they copied the circumcision part too from Judaism.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Non-American here. Circumcision is mutilation.

    • morkencinosthickpelt-av says:

      For some people it’s a religious obligation.Not saying it’s right, I am saying not everyone does it to aesthetically please other people.Though I do find the image of a rabbi reassuring my parents that my future partner will really like the job he did kind of funny.  

      • bgunderson-av says:

        For some people it’s a religious obligation.And those people can have themselves circumcised. When they reach the age of reason. They have no right to impose their religious obligations – and the irrevocable results of a surgical procedure – on their children.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      Yep. It’s literal mutilation. And while there’s tons of religious and cultural baggage attached the practice, the reasons behind circumcision’s continued popularity in the (predominantly white, Christian) U.S. are extremely stupid. Namely: “150 years ago sex-obsessed cereal magnates thought it might discourage jerking off and we never bothered stopping to reassess that insanity,” “my dad had me circumcised so it must be normal and I don’t want people to think my kid is weird,” and “it’s, uh, more hygienic?”
      ETA: And from the comments: “but chicks dig genital mutilation!”

      • bgunderson-av says:

        “my dad had me circumcised so it must be normal and I don’t want people to think my kid is weird,”Far more likely to have been the mom permitting the procedure.

    • evanwaters-av says:

      On the one hand I can see the arguments against, on the other, I’ve literally had it done to me and have no memory of it, and my elbow is nowhere near that sensitive.

      • nilus-av says:

        That’s how I see it.   I think the evidence for its use being “healthy” is highly subjective but I also don’t seem to have any issue with it being done to me as a baby.  When my first son was born we did it without a second thought but when my second son came along we decided to not do him and give him the option to choose later if he wants it.  

    • theeviltwin189-av says:

      Well, considering actual medical studies have proven that male circumcision reducing sensitivity is a myth and that it has religious and cultural significance in Jewish, Islamic, and many non-Western cultures (and it is more prominent in Africa and the Middle East than either the US or Canada), I’d say you not understanding is your problem, not theirs.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        If it reduced sensitivity then if I were uncut I’d last about 30 seconds.  No one wants that!  Well, except maybe me.

    • frycookonvenus-av says:

      If you truly “can’t understand” why some people favor circumcision, perhaps you’re not as educated on the issue as you think. 

    • sensored-ship-av says:

      Wrong. Circumcision has absolutely no effect on any sexual function or feeling.It also has no benefit, but it’s not “making sex worse.” That’s an MRA/repill adjacent meme that gained traction with men who want something to feel victimized by.

    • Rev2-av says:

      I have no idea who the guy is but he’s wrong. My parents did me a favor because I sure as heck wouldn’t have wanted to go through circumcision when I was older and I don’t want a schong that looks like a Dune sand worm, thanks.

    • sandsanta-av says:

      Yeah it’s forced mutilation of a child without their consent. Doesn’t matter the reason, it’s just wrong. And if they still want it when they are 18 then there’s nothing stopping them, but leave them be before that.

    • paulfields77-av says:

      Learning that this happens routinely in the US outside of religious communities for whom it’s a ritual, was definitely one of the more WTF? moments in my life.

    • murrychang-av says:

      That’s not how it feels at all though?

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Plus it’s only aesthetically pleasing because we’re used to seeing it. But fewer people are doing it now. I remember when my son was near due I had decided not to and I talked to the pediatrician just to get confirmation that it was medically okay for a boy not to be circumcised, and he was like it’s totally fine, and he said he had had his son circumcised years ago, but it was because he (doctor) was married to a man and he thought his son would already have enough trouble being different by having two dads so he wanted to make him as “normal” as possible, but if he were making the decision today (or 5 years ago when I asked him this) he would have chosen differently because more and more people aren’t doing it so it’s becoming more normal.Anyway, long story.

    • youcancallmeluke-av says:

      You…don’t really know what you’re talking about.

  • leogrocery-av says:

    This whole story makes a lot more sense if you read that last word in the headline as “massage.”

  • happywinks-av says:

    There are ways you can “regrow” it back.

    • jimjiminez8080-av says:

      Nah I’m good, I prefer having a clean dick free of dick cheese that women aren’t horrified when they look at it, you do you though bud. 

      • happywinks-av says:

        I prefer being cut as well. Just posting for informational sakes.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        If you have foreskin you can just…wash your dick. You do know you’re still supposed to wash your dick even if you’re circumcised right?

        • jimjiminez8080-av says:

          Listen man, sorry that women recoil in horror when they see your disgusting cheese filled dick (or at least they would if you ever got that far) but you really don’t have to take it out on us, we really don’t mind being circumcised and don’t need anyone to fight our battles, we promise.

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            Normal people: Isn’t it kind of weird that we’re just randomly lopping off dick parts without consent for no viable medical reason?Weirdos: NO IT IS NOT WEIRD AND YOU’RE THE WEIRD ONE FOR THINKING IT’S WEIRD MY DICK IS PRETTIER THIS WAY OKAY AND YOU’RE PROBABLY SMELLY AND DIRTY YOU WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD PERSON WITH YOUR WEIRD INTACT DICK. WEIRD!

          • Bazzd-av says:

            While there is a small but common medical reason to perform circumcision, it’s not necessary with attentive hygiene.However… while it is 1) weird that people are randomly lopping off parts of dicks, it is also 2) weird that anyone is obsessed with other peoples’ circumcised dicks, and 3) weird that people equate it to getting the female equivalent of your dick head cut off just for emphasis.The obsession with the foreskin has swung wildly in the other direction over a combination of child bodily autonomy concerns and just sexual angst. The foreskin is just… kind of there. It’s useful for facilitating thrusting during non-lubricated sex, but research has confirmed it’s scientifically the least sensitive part of the penis while the most sensitive part isn’t even exposed by circumcision. It’s a non-issue for adults — other than the less than 1% chance of scarring.So “stop circumcising kids” is a fine sentiment. But once they’re not kids, then it’s not really a discussion worth having.

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            I mean, “stop circumcising kids” is the beginning and the end of my stance on the issue, so you’ll find no disagreement here. As far as I’m concerned adults can do whatever they want with their bodies,—hence “without their consent”—and I’m mostly just pushing against the the dude who thinks it’s very important that people agree with him that intact penises are gross and dirty and unattractive.I am curious about this assertion, though: It’s useful for facilitating thrusting during non-lubricated sex, but research has confirmed it’s scientifically the least sensitive part of the penis while the most sensitive part isn’t even exposed by circumcision.I haven’t found any studies concluding that the foreskin is the least sensitive part of the penis, just studies that conclude that overall sensitivity isn’t reduced with circumcision. The only info on the sensitivity of foreskin itself is this one ( The present study shows in a large cohort of men, based on self-assessment, that the foreskin has erogenous sensitivity. It is shown that the foreskin is more sensitive than the uncircumcised glans mucosa, which means that after circumcision genital sensitivity is lost.

          • sensored-ship-av says:

            The anti-circumcision movement is an offshoot of general MRA/redpill misogyny and is literally just another way these men want to put the blame for their unhappiness on anything but the patriarchal system that created it. (Because if they admit that men are not oppressed based on their gender they have to take more responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.)

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I hate when my foreskin swings wildly.

          • paulfields77-av says:

            Are you one of those guys (mostly rugby players IIRC) who used to brag about how many 10p pieces they could fit into their foreskin?

          • necgray-av says:

            100000000000%. The fucks given by some of these people…

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            Children also can’t consent to vaccination. Or, in most places, being educated with a curriculum chosen by an insane parent or an insane state. Or for that matter, a reasonable curriculum that they disagree with for their own dumb reasons.

            There’s literally 4000 years of human men who did not find it mutilating. The chance that you are enlightened on this subject in a way that every single one of them was not, while not zero, is very slim. The person you’re talking to is being, well, a dick about it, sure, but it’s also pretty dickish to announce to the room that you’re the only normal one in it. And I agree with the other commenter that there’s more to do with sexual angst in the age of the Internet than actual data that has brought such a loud minority to talk about this in such stark moral terms.

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            “Children also can’t consent to vaccination.”No, but vaccinations are unambiguously good for both children and the population. There is maybe some evidence for the health benefits of circumcision, in that it might help prevent the spread of some STDs, specifically during vaginal sex. Maybe. I highly doubt that was the reasoning behind the origins of the practice, however. For the most part it was just…a thing some cultures did, most likely to differentiate themselves from other cultures who didn’t. And I accept that, and I understand the religious of significance behind the practice for Jewish people. I don’t think they’re evil as a class for doing so, but I’m also personally morally opposed to it as it’s both disfiguring and medically unnecessary.  If it was a longstanding cultural practice to just jab children with needles for the heck of it I’d be opposed to that too.“There’s literally 4000 years of human men who did not find it mutilating. The chance that you are enlightened on this subject in a way that every single one of them was not, while not zero, is very slim.”This is a terrible argument. There are literally 4000 years of human men who thought slavery was fine and dandy. (Note, this is a reductio ad absurdum: I am definitively not equating circumcision with slavery.) Values change. I don’t pretend to be uniquely enlightened, but I’d like to think I have a pretty well developed and coherent set of moral beliefs, and I’d appreciated it if you didn’t reduce them down to some psychosexual pathology, thank you.

          • tsume76-av says:

            “4000 years of human men who did not find it mutilating”

            These same people frequently found “rubbing cow manure mixed with honey into my burn” as medicine, so they may just be long-dead idiot shitheads.

          • kman3k-av says:

            Sure, because “Normal” people totally think about other peoples dicks.

          • ml66uk2-av says:

            Women produce more smegma than men, and their genitals are harder to clean, but we don’t cut parts off baby girls to make it easier. Hygiene is about washing, not surgery.Plenty of men (a lot more than you seem to think) really *do* mind being circumcised too, especially when they find out what they’re missing.

          • necgray-av says:

            Fine and good.You know where you DON’T make a big fucking deal out of that fact?A fucking Pink concert.Which is the fucking entire point of the fucking article.

        • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

          A pro tip pro-tip!

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


        • nilus-av says:

          Look at this fancy lad washing his dick liked he’s the King of England!

        • gouranga56-av says:

          Then how do you maintain the perfect shade of the moss that gross there?

      • malciredex-av says:

        I mean, you could always bath regularly and properly clean yourself.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        I mean …you know you can still clean it if there’s a foreskin , right? 

      • mortiestmorty-av says:

        You don’t know how to wash your dick?

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        I prefer having a clean dick free of dick cheese that women aren’t horrified when they look at itSounds like you need to wash your dick, you disgusting fuckwit.

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      you tippin’? (sensitip, that is)

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Yeah but you end up looking like this:

    • malciredex-av says:

      Not really. You are stretching other skin. More comparable to say a skin graph. I mean yeah, it’s skin. But it’s not necessarily the same in nerve endings and such.

    • nilus-av says:

      You can stretch what you got left but that gets you into real weirdo territory 

  • ummagummibear-av says:

    I’m just marvelling at Pink’s eyesight. How could she read that tiny text from the stage?

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      One of several questions I am left with after reading this article 

    • mckludge-av says:

      I haven’t seen the guy with the cell phone, but there are apps out there so that when you wave your phone back and forth it makes it look like a banner.

    • notlewishamilton-av says:

      Do NOT doubt Pink’s many superpowers!I actually did see her concert many years ago, opening for…Lenny Kravitz! There were sort of two audiences in the amphitheater—teen girls (with moms!) for Pink and then the Kravitz fans, with some cross-over (fans who stayed for both…Hi!). FWIW: they both rock but Lenny is the epitome of “rockstar”—the look, the clothes (he could wear a tutu one night and dudes would be shopping for that the next day), the music, the attitude, everything.

    • jendaflooid-av says:

      Almost like all the crazy stuff happening at concerts lately were staged to nab extra headlines. Almost…

  • Snarkastic-av says:

    Was he screaming something about Jews or am I just projecting?

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      There is a group of very vocal folks against circumcision. I get what their point is and don’t disagree but not anywhere close to the point of public protest. When the super bowl was in miami a few years ago there was a brawl between two protesting groups angling to be the center of attention: anti-circumcision protestors vs. locals that didn’t want a formula 1 race

    • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

      There is a weird, convenient symmetry between people who are rabidly anti-male circumcision and who also have really strong opinions about shit like “the Irish were slaves too!”, and Norse religions despite being three generations removed from Scandinavia, and Celtic tribal tattoos despite being 5 generations removed from Ireland, and all sorts of other stuff that while it isn’t quite racist suggests they are really really really into being White/Western/“European”. I’d also bet a Venn diagram of these folks and folks who believe vaccines cause autism would be close to a perfect circle. That said, I think there are some normal people out there who genuinely believe male circumcision is unnecessary. How strongly those people feel about it, and whether they’d devote much time/energy to making a big public stink about it, I have no idea. Personally if folks don’t want their own kids to have it, fine, whatever. But this weird need to demonize it is certainly telling. It’s not a huge deal and while the hygienic/health benefits are minimal, they do exist. Saying it’s strictly about culture or aesthetics is a bit of a red flag for me. 

      • luasdublin-av says:

        …er OK then

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          If you disagree with child circumcision you’re an anti-Semitic white supremacist anti-vaxxer—what’s so hard to understand?

          • tarst-av says:

            He said “rabidly”, which I think is an important qualifier. You can be personally against circumcision, not want it for your kids, whatever when you start interrupting concerts with anti-circumcision protests or commenting a dozen times on a pop culture article about how the practice MUST be ended…it goes from zero to Nazi real quick. Maybe that’s not everyone’s intention but the company it attracts is pretty grim.

          • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

            I was crystal clear. There are normals who think it’s unnecessary as well as fanatics who likely have some ulterior motive. Your wild and blatant mischaracterization of my comment indicates what camp you fall into. 

          • mark-t-man-av says:

            If you disagree with child circumcision you’re an

          • necgray-av says:

            Thermodynamics in a vacuum.

      • sensored-ship-av says:

        People who believe circumcision is unessesary: “You don’t have to do it. It’s fine, there’s no benefit or detriment either way.”
        Redpill racists dogwhisting about circumcision: “iT’S oPRESSING mE.”

    • malciredex-av says:

      Why would you assume a random American would associate circumcision with Jewish folks. Most of them don’t even know why it’s a common practice in the US, let alone know about the cultural practices of the Jewish community.

    • stillhallah-av says:

      Pink is Jewish and has a son, so I don’t think he chose her concert at random.

      • Snarkastic-av says:

        That’s what I was thinking, but I wasn’t sure. It seems to always go from zero to antisemitic in a flash.

  • sk3pt1c4l-av says:

    So P!NK, who has positioned herself as a liberally bent artist, presumably supporting classic democratic ideas, kicked someone out of her concert for exercising his right to free speech? Classy stuff, P!NK. Sure the guys free speech was used at arguably the wrong time and in the wrong setting, but it’s HIS right to free speech. The P!NK mocks him afterwards about how she is going to buy herself a purse with the proceeds of his ticket; classy. I lost a ton of respect for an artist I always thought the world of; total hypocrite!

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    I’ve heard of protesting phrenology at a Steely Dan concert, but protesting circumcision at a Pink concert? Now I’ve heard everything!

  • kendull-av says:

    it’s called MGM and needs to be outlawed along with FGM

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      I agree that it’s mutilation, but we should be clear that FGM is way, way, way worse. We’re cutting off foreskins, here, not the equivalent of the entire glans.

      • bgunderson-av says:

        You are incorrect, sir. MGM varies enormously among cultures. As does FGM. Some mutilations of either sex are severe. Some are barely noticeable.And none of that matters. Because the issue is the unnecessary, ritual mutilation of children. You either agree that parents have the right to mutilate their children or you do not. If you agree that they do, then your quibbles over what constitutes “too far” is simply an arbitrary line in the sand no more valid than any other line in the sand. What opponents of child genital mutilation are saying is “This isn’t your beach. Stop defacing it.” And your response is “I know it isn’t my beach. But I’m only using a shovel, not a backhoe. And I’m only digging up certain beaches, not all of them. So chill out and leave me alone while I mess up this beach.”

      • ml66uk2-av says:

        Actually the most common forms of FGC do less damage than the usual form of male circumcision. It seems bizarre to me to suggest that female and male circumcision shouldn’t be compared. Firstly, in countries where female circumcision is done under unhygienic conditions, male circumcision is too (broken glass, no anesthesia, etc). Many males die each year in Africa from tribal circumcisions – over 100 young men each year in just one province of South Africa. In some countries though female circumcision only involves the removal of the clitoral hood – the anatomical equivalent of the foreskin – and is done to babies in sterile conditions, even with pain relief. Check out how it’s done in Egypt, Malaysia or Brunei, for example. Circumcised women choose to have their daughters circumcised, claiming it’s cleaner, good sexually(!), reduces secretions and smegma and is generally hygienic, and also mentioning studies showing circumcised women have lower infection rates. Basically the same reasons that people use to defend male circumcision. It’s just a cultural difference.The people who cut girls (usually women who are cut themselves) compare FGC to male circumcision all the time. US doctors who were promoting female circumcision till the 1960s did the same egCircumcision of the FemaleC.F. McDonald, M.D. – Milwaukee, WisconsinGP, Vol. XVIII No. 3, p. 98-99, September, 1958(“If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female?”)More recently, the AAP’s Bioethics committee changed its policy on female cutting in 2010 saying “It might be more effective if federal and state laws enabled pediatricians to reach out to families by offering a ritual [clitoral] nick as a possible compromise to avoid greater harm.”They were forced to retract this about six weeks later. Dr Diekema, the chair of the committee said “We’re talking about something far less extensive than the removal of foreskin in a male”.The German Pediatric Association said this:“Therefore it is not understandable that circumcision of boys should be allowed but that of girls prohibited worldwide. Male circumcision is basically comparable with FGM types Ia and Ib that the Schafi Islamic school of law supports”

      • ronlow-av says:

        MOST of the FGM on earth affects the hood only, making it perfectly analogous to male circumcion.  Even a pin-prick to draw one ceremonial drop of blood is illegal for 96% of the world’s females, with no religious exemption.  Just protect boys and intersex children equally.  

      • lazyblazer-av says:

        Except, sometimes there are “accidents”. Yes, the occurence is very minimal, but it still happens. Plus, there is no consent for an infant to lose a part of their body.This can be, somewhat, the same thing as removing an infants appendix since it is “not useful” and could harm you one day, maybe.

    • evanwaters-av says:

      Okay see this is why nobody takes you seriously because FGM is SO MUCH worse, and designed deliberately to A) make women incapable of feeling sexual pleasure (not that it necessarily works, I’m not clear on this) and B) enforce virginity until marriage. Like you’re comparing an outdated and unnecessary medical procedure to misogynist social control.

      • Rev2-av says:

        I can’t believe nobody’s called you a transphobe yet… Hopefully people here understand why gender clinics are starting to get shut down. The lawsuits are just starting…

      • ml66uk2-av says:

        Doesn’t look way, way, way worse in this picture.Male circumcision was also popularized to reduce sexual pleasure. It’s worth remembering that no-one except for Jewish people and Muslims would even be having this discussion if it weren’t for the fact that 19th century doctors thought that :a) masturbation caused various physical and mental problems (including epilepsy, convulsions, paralysis, tuberculosis etc), andb) circumcision stopped masturbation.Both of those sound ridiculous today I know, but that’s how they thought back then, and that’s how non-religious circumcision got started. If you don’t believe me (and it seemed bogus to me at first too), then check out this link: A Short History of Circumcision in North America In the Physicians’ Own Wordsor just look for any medical text from about 1850-1950 that mentions male circumcision or masturbation. Heck, they even passed laws against “self-pollution” as it was called.Over a hundred years later, people keep looking for new ways to defend the practice.The more you find out about the various forms of FGC/FGM and of male circumcision btw, the harder it is to see a real difference between female and male genital cutting. I’ll spare you pics of what happens with African tribal male circumcision, but it kills hundreds of young men every year, as well as resulting in several amputations.

      • ronlow-av says:

        Even a pin-prick to draw one ceremonial drop of blood is illegal for 96% of the world’s females, with no religious exemption. Just protect boys and intersex children equally.

        MOST of the FGM on earth affects the hood only, making it perfectly analogous to male circumcion.

      • kendull-av says:

        Why should we stand for either? One is clearly worse and more dangerous and destructive but both are unecessary unless in the very small percentage of cases where it’s necessary. Even then most would argue it is not needed. Why do we do it to anyone, male or female? Certainly not for reasons that aren’t based on anything logical.

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      Except it does no particular harm when done right and any such law would specifically target Jewish people. The history there is not pretty. To be clear, I don’t think there’s much rational point in circumcision, but you can’t just pop off about making laws.

      • malciredex-av says:

        I mean, it’s heavily common in a number of communities in the US. White citizens regardless of religion. People from Northern Africa (it actually predates Islam to my understanding), some kinds in Sub-Saharan African peoples.Jewish communities are the only ones I aware of have a ceremony and non-medical personel do it (but I think that’s more limited to super Orthodox Jewish communities).But even if it targeted Jewish people. So what? If it is seen as mutilation, why would one community having cultural requirements for it be reason to not outlaw it?

        • jhhmumbles-av says:

          It’s considered a commandment (not universally binding but still), so freedom of religious practice issues running up against health and safety laws. Complicated thing to dive into culturally and legally, so the opposite of “so what.” Laws should absolutely, positively dictate safety practices so it is not traumatic or harmful, or very minimally so. And, as it is a medical procedure, they do. There are health benefits, albeit inessential. Slapping a mutilation label on it isn’t really accurate to how it is generally done. The ethics of an inessential medical process is a serious thing to debate, but you don’t want to just bulldoze over the reasons people choose to do it with a blanket ban. It’s easy to criticize from an armchair, but when people talk about outlawing things, they’re talking about implementing an actual policy in the actual world. Given the complications and the fact that a properly executed procedure is generally not traumatic in any lasting way, the question is WHY people get so up in arms about it. This is where I get my hackles up about the Jewish aspect. There’s a lot of coding out there, you know? Again, to be clear, if circumcision faded entirely as a cultural practice, I would be fine with it.  I’m Jewish and didn’t circumcise my son because…why?  But it should be a choice.  

          • malciredex-av says:

            I mean, I always think health concerns should trump religious concerns for minors (I don’t particularly care what willing adults do). Same as my view with Jehova’s Witnesses (no blood transfusions), Christian Scientists (often fairly anti-medicine in general), Scientologists (anti-psychiatric care), and those cooks who drink poison and dance with snakes.That’s not to say that is how things legally pan out (though the snake dancers aren’t suppose to have children participate in those ceremonies).As far as it being non-harmful, that’s been dibated on and off. Only talking about where not medically necessary obviously.

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            I mean, since we’re discussing outlawing something, I think it’s all about how things legally pan out. Jehovah’s Witness, Christian Scientists and Scientologists might all claim exemption from laws or potential laws based on religious practice, sometimes legitimately, sometimes not. Look, in my view health concerns absolutely trump religious concerns in terms of what I choose to do, but the issue is complicated enough medically (who gets to say it’s medically necessary if the practice is outlawed?) and culturally that you can’t just close the door. Again, we can debate it from a distance, but I don’t we’re really groking what an implemented policy outlawing the practice would mean. I think the downside of that far, far outweighs any downside of circumcision.  

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “Laws should absolutely, positively dictate safety practices so it is not traumatic or harmful”

            Laws should protect fundamental human rights. Circumcision of infants is a violation of basic human rights.

          • mortiestmorty-av says:

            Wait so the default left of center position is that religious convictions should be legislated against re: abortion and birth control but it is ok to respect them when it comes to mutilating baby boys?

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            The default left of center position as far as I’m concerned is that the world is complicated and that cultural context matters.  Sorry! 

          • mortiestmorty-av says:

            So should Muslims in the US be allowed to FGM their daughters?

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            No, I don’t support FGM for the reasons I stated clearly above.  

          • mortiestmorty-av says:

            FGM is a religious commandment for some people.

          • necgray-av says:

            You’re having a lot of fun with religious commandments. I suggest you research more of them and figure out why some are allowed and some aren’t. (Hint: We’re not a theocracy.)

          • necgray-av says:

            Should Christians in the US be allowed to murder Wiccans with stones?

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            Just to add something to my earlier response because you mentioned abortion. The coat hanger argument is one of the most common put forth when we talk about banning abortion. Circumcision is a religious commandment for some people. Don’t you think the equivalent would occur if it were outlawed?

          • mortiestmorty-av says:

            Please tell me you take a similar approach with guns.

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            Well, I think the big difference there is that guns were involved in over 43,000 deaths in the US last year and circumcision is non-lethal. So it’s a little bit of a different issue.

          • mortiestmorty-av says:

            So you think that the 20k murders all occurred with legal guns? Do you not realize hundreds of thousands of lives were ended by legal abortions? So as usual, it’s about dogma, not logic. 

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            Sorry, I’m not going down this rabbit hole with you. Take care.

          • mortiestmorty-av says:

            Typical. Use bad stats, ignore the obvious analogies, run away. 

          • necgray-av says:

            FWIW, abortion, birth control, and circumcision are largely medical matters that *happen* to sometimes involve religious dogma. The “default left of center position” is leave your fucking church at your fucking church.(And even then that’s not inherently true as there are plenty of religious leftists. Mostly I’m pushing back against your dumbshit political binary trolling.)

          • necgray-av says:

            The label of “mutilation” is one of those fun tricky assholey semantic things. Because *technically* circumcision IS mutilation. But that word carries a pejorative meaning that makes it fun to weaponize for people who care waaaay too much about the subject.

          • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

            Yeah, technically ear piercing is mutilation too. And all those other weirder piercings too.

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            Ear piercing is reversible.

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            There ya go. And there’s the question of WHY people care. If we all need a sense of who likes to come to these parties, check out this little goober who managed to get themselves flagged for hate speech.

          • ronlow-av says:

            EVERY circumcision alters sex dramatically forever. Forced genital reduction surgery is unethical. 

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            It really doesn’t.  

        • fever-dog-av says:

          Why are we all forgetting the Muslims? Muslim communities also have a ceremony although the boy is much older.  Not sure if they use non-medical personnel.  But sure lets prioritize the Jews at the expense of the Muslims as usual.

          • malciredex-av says:

            I’m just not all that familiar with what is a Muslim religious practice vs what is a cultural practice to a community of Muslims. I know circumcision was common in a number of parts of Africa (which is were a fairly large portion of Muslims live) for instance prior to Islam, but no clue what Islam’s requirements are on it specifically. So no clue if it’s a common practice in say South East Asia (which also has a fairly large percentage of the Muslims in the world), or the Middle East (which is the area most people think of when they think of Islam despite having relatively low population density comparatively). So no clue what is shared between say Muslims in Jordan and say the Philipines religiously outside some of the basics of the Muslim faith.So much more like Chrisitianity as far as the variety of cultural interpretations as opposed to Judaism which as a much more ethnically localized faith seems to be much more homogenous.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Circumcision is ubiquitous in all Muslim communities.  It’s not in the Koran but it is in the hadith which means it’s technically debatable but it’s not one of those things that Muslim communities or scholars tend to debate.  How it’s practiced varies from culture to culture but it in fact is much more like Judaism than Christianity in its practice.  You would be very hard pressed to find a non-circumcised Muslim from a practicing family.  

          • malciredex-av says:

            Thanks for the info.

      • jarobr-av says:

        perhaps we should start targeting Jewish people

      • ididntwantthis-av says:

        It is always harmful to cut people’s body parts off without their consent and with no medical reason.

        Anyone who truly believes in human rights, especially the right to own and control your own body, should be against the circumcision of infants.

      • missleo1-av says:

        Not correct. Some practices are child s a and that type of practice by whomever must be stopped. Religions mostly wanted kids so we should keep letting them. If we go by that then pink needs to go home and submit to her man. We do have laws you cant sa kids. Paint it how you want it still is that. Overlook has to do with how people view males as not victims of it.

      • ml66uk2-av says:

        There are laws against cutting off a girl’s prepuce, so why is it considered ok to cut off a boy’s prepuce with no medical reason. You can’t cut healthy normal living tissue off any other part of a child’s body, and even making a pinprick on a on a girl’s genitals genitals is illegal, so why don’t boys get the same protection?  His body, his decision.

        • jhhmumbles-av says:

          Because female gential mutiliation carries a high likelihood of pain, immediate and long term medical complications, and psychosexual scarring, or so says the WHO. It also takes place in a FAR different cultural context. Circumcision does not carry these risks and may even have some medical benefits, albeit inessential.  Outlawing it isn’t really protecting anyone from anything.  

      • kendull-av says:

        As a Jewish person I would have no problem making this law. There are also practices in plenty of other religeons that I’d outlaw, so lets do them all at once so it doesn’t feel like we are targeting anyone.

      • h3rm35-av says:

        Oh, come on now. Freedom of religion (or lack of religion) trumps all this stuff anyway. You have to get your kid vaccinated unless your religion says you shouldn’t. Then you don’t have to. That’s just one example of many. Don’t get dramatic and start waving the flag of religious persecution over a damn hypothetical that can’t be explicitly examined because it doesn’t even exist.

    • tinker-bell-av says:

      Indeed. Do what you like to your own adult body…but mutilating children needs to be stopped.

    • sensored-ship-av says:

      It’s called Metro Goldwyn Meyer.And science says you’re wrong. You are not oppressed.

    • notlewishamilton-av says:

      Fuck off with that.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      You want to outlaw Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer?

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      Outlawed? I had to have mine nipped off for medical reasons.I don’t miss it.

      • ml66uk2-av says:

        If you’re happy to be circumcised, that’s great. Plenty of men are seriously pissed about it though.I’d pay a year’s salary rather than be circumcised or have my son circumcised. Why would I want the most sensitive and pleasurable parts cut off? That little bit of skin makes a big difference (it’s not just there to protect the glans).Why don’t we just let everyone decide for themselves whether or not they want irreversible genital surgery? It’s their body after all.It’s not like it can’t wait. I think it’s only the USA (at around 60% and dropping) and Israel where more than half of baby boys are circumcised. Other countries circumcise, but not till anywhere from the age of seven to adolescence. Only about 12% of the world’s circumcised men were circumcised as babies. Around two thirds of the world’s men (including 88% of the world’s non-Muslim men) never get circumcised.

        • alferd-packer-av says:

          Well, it was better than the alternative. I’m only saying that making a necessary medical procedure “outlawed” is not a great way to go.I think the American thing of doing it by habit is very strange.

      • kendull-av says:

        The vast majority are ‘nipped off’ for non-medical reasons

        • alferd-packer-av says:

          Yes, of course. But FGM is a fucking nightmare and should definitely be illegal (as it is). Outlawing circumcision is a step too far in my opinion because sometimes (rarely) it is necessary. I’m sure we agree that surgeons should not be doing any unnecessary operations. Particulary on children. I think that should be the rule.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    You can tell this comments section is mostly male because the blog is about how not to behave at a concert but, yes, we’re talking about dicks.Good for you Pink.

    • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

      “Article about protest leads to discussion of protest’s subject”

    • malciredex-av says:

      Thw article is about an anti-circumcision protestor getting kicked out of a Pink concert. So the focus on dicks, is fairly on point. Compared to the usual.

    • ididntwantthis-av says:

      Is just having a message on your phone screen a rude thing to do?

    • kikaleeka-av says:

      THANK YOU.

    • tarst-av says:

      Right. Why would men discuss a controversy that affects them directly when they can have a hot take on how to behave at a concert?

      • necgray-av says:

        Because that’s not what the article is about. If you want to show up at a bunch of TED Talks and shout about your dick go ahead. It’s kinda tangential.

        • tarst-av says:

          The article is titledPink kicks man out of concert for circumcision messageso it’s not like the topic came out of nowhere.

          • necgray-av says:

            Right, but you’ll notice that the subject of the sentence is “Pink” and the action is “kicks man out of concert”. And then the article talks about the various other weird things people have been doing in concerts. So it’s not actually fucking ABOUT circumcision, that’s just what the dingus at the concert wants to believe. And apparently a whole lot of dinguses on this site.

          • tarst-av says:

            Well, that is not how this played out. I guess some people take the small stuff real seriously.

          • necgray-av says:

            And the more seriously they take it the smaller I suspect the stuff is.

          • tarst-av says:

            We’re still doing that whole thing, huh?

          • necgray-av says:

            I try to meet the tone of the room.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        “People shouldn’t be rude at concerts.”“Agreed.”“So anyway, about dicks…”

    • mortiestmorty-av says:

      I am almost 100% certain that AV Club has defended protests at concerts and other live shows when the protest is part of the ‘approved’ dogma.

  • timmace28-av says:

    The fact that there is an article written about it shows it was a pretty successful protest in that he’s getting the word out. I wasn’t at that concert but now you got me thinking about dicks.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    There was additional footage of the incident, but it was left on the cutting room floor…

  • malciredex-av says:

    Is there a reason to protest circumcision at a Pink concert? I mean is she openly pro-circumcission or something? I mean just at getting a message out, I don’t really get why protest at a Pink concert. She is hardly as relevant as she use to be, so you aren’t going to get the eyes you would at a more relevant show.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    Under those circumstances, it must have been difficult for him to circumstand his ground, especially with the circumcise of the crowd…His next step is probably to travel all round the earth looking for allies. (Circumnavigate it, if you will…)

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I assume the protester was advocating for more circumcision, including getting a circumcision booster every year.

  • recognitions-av says:

    The fact that literally everyone in this post missed that this was just a guy who wanted reasons to hate women

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    If you think this guy has a point, you are an anti-semite.  There is nothing to the point of view that circumcision is harmful, mutilation, or anything, it’s just propaganda.  I mean, it protects you from disease but that’s beside the (trimmed) point.  The point is that people oppose it because Jews.

    • whaleinsheepsclothing-av says:

      Counterpoint: People can have opinions about things relating to their bodies or even the bodies of people they know, like their siblings or children. Labeling anything that gets within a neighborhood and a half of being vaguely critical of something relating to the Jewish community isn’t advocating for Jews, its just suppression of speech that uses a people and the tragedy that was visited upon them as a rhetorical cudgel to crush dissent.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        Countercounterpoint, the only reason why this is discussed is not because it’s dicks, it’s because it’s Jews. This is specifically targeted at Jews, and people who pretend that it isn’t are like people who pretend saying Israel shouldn’t exist aren’t also saying all Jews should die because that is and has proven to be the same thing. Maybe people are stupid tools, but I give them enough credit to believe they are responsible for what they advocate. Circumcision is not something tangential to the Jewish community, it is only controversial because people want to kill Jews. And calling someone like you a dipshit or a toolbox willing to be used by antisemites isn’t suppressing your speech or using a cudgel to crush your dissent.  In fact saying that a minority is suppressing speech or using a cudgel to crush dissent when they are objecting to crypto hate speech is some serious Nazi shit.

        • sensored-ship-av says:

          Your manifesto needs more pizzazz.

        • sulfolobus-av says:

          You’re making a lot of assumptions about people you’ve never met. Plenty of adult men wish they could know about what their own penis could’ve been like if their parents made a different decision. It’s also obvious that you have zero gay male friends. Not *everyone* is a bigot, but you might be.

        • ididntwantthis-av says:

          “Countercounterpoint, the only reason why this is discussed is not because it’s dicks, it’s because it’s Jews.”

          I discuss this because I care about basic human rights. I care alot about the right to own and control your own body, if I ignore this it’s hypocritical. I’m as opposed to the circumcision of infants as I am in support of the right to abortion. 

        • nilus-av says:

          You do know there are Jews who say Israel shouldn’t exist right?  It’s an apartheid state 

          • necgray-av says:

            Right?! I’m just waiting for the No True Scotsman dipshit retort.

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            I know that, with respect to “mutilation” and “apartheid,” people need to read dictionaries.

          • nilus-av says:

            Says the guy calling people against a procedure done on children of many different religions “anti-semetic”  

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            Not while misspelling it I wasn’t, but appears to reflect your level of knowledge about hate groups and willingness to be a cat’s paw.If you are weighing in and expressing an opinion that a minority that is targeted through dogwhistles and misdefinitions of words like “apartheid,” and you are denying their oppression, and you can’t even spell the type of hate…maybe you should shut the fuck up and read a book?

        • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

          Holy shit dude, shut the fuck up.Btw, I think Israel should not exist, AND I’M JEWISH, so how about you fucking k*ll yourself, colonizer 

        • mortiestmorty-av says:

          So you’re saying people are bad for thinking it weird that an old man cut off a portion of days-old baby’s penis without anesthesia and then suck on it until the bleeding stop? You think THAT is just a normal, healthy, thing? 

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          You know a lot of people who are not Jews have their boys circumcised?  Most people in the US circumcise their sons.  Most people in the US aren’t Jewish.

          • ronlow-av says:

            The child genital cutting rate in the US is down to about 50/50. Globally, only about 5% of non-Muslims cut children.  Of the 30% of earth’s males who are cut, 2/3 are Muslims, which is odd siunce the Qur’an says not one word about genital cutting.  

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            That’s good to know. I knew the rate was going down but hadn’t figured it was down to 50% already. I did know it was mostly uncommon outside the US outside of certain groups.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          YOU HEARD IT HERE, FOLKS: IF YOU’RE NOT A CRIPPLE-DICK, YOU’RE NAZI. Classic ‘Murrican: take a massive global issue and frame it in the pathologies of the United States.

        • okaytheniguess93-av says:

          Uh, are you okay, dude? Do you need us to call someone?

          Anti-Semitism has existed for centuries and baby penises was not a particularly large component of it, historically; in fact, it was also a common practice among many Christian and other Abrahamaic religion communities and still is. The “hey, let’s maybe not cut off part of our babies penises without their ability to consent” movement only started becoming a thing around the time that bodily autonomy itself became a more open cultural discussion.I look forward to your borderline incoherent rejoinder.


          A Jew.

        • GameDevBurnout-av says:

          Given the manifest popularity of circumcision I just can’t see this argument as holding water. I mean if I run with the pretext, I get to how the gentile default for ages has been to functionally be more like jews, so….how….is … is this all supposed to make sense?Don’t modify a babies genitals unless you have a very good reason seems common sense. Is it because if we stick to this line of thinking the Hebrew practice shifts to appearing more barbaric? So we need to keep clipping those dicks so we don’t come to a place where that is conspicuous?This is a wild ride we are on.

        • lazyblazer-av says:

          Wrong. One can oppose circumcision without being antisemitic. Most cultures do not perform this act because it is completely unnecessary. Also, there is very little to no benefit in regard to hygiene, especially if one is hygienic.

        • signeduptoyellatyou-av says:

          hey hi hello, snipped gentile here, want to respectfully say that you’re just a bit much

        • Room13-av says:

          So the only way to not be an anti-semite is to be in favor of genocide? Got it. 

        • senpai71-av says:

          Um… In many countries, circumcision is rare because it’s a weird fucked up thing to do. I was born in the UK (where it’s incredibly rare), live in the US (where it’s fairly common but becoming less so), am not circumcised and if I’d had a son, would not have had him circumcised. Not so much because I’m not circumcised and I’d want him to look like me (that’s a weird argument most often used by those in favor of circumcision) but because it’s a WEIRD FUCKED UP thing to do.For me, at least, it has nothing to do with the Jews. Or Muslims. Or the various other groups in favor of it. I think that’s probably the case with the vast majority of those outside the US, but what do I know – in your book, I’m a rabid anti-semite.

    • refinedbean-av says:

      I mean that DOES track, I get it, but also, it is…it is kinda fucked up, yeah? Like “let’s not remove something from someone who can’t consent to it” kinda fucked up? It absolutely does have at least some physical repercussions in sensitivity, etc.I dunno. It’s just so odd how it caught on. 

    • hudsmt-av says:

      We do need people to care about bias and discrimination. When people post moronic assumptions and lies, it doesn’t help.

    • jarobr-av says:

      I’m an antisemite but that’s honestly not the main reason I support the guy here

    • ididntwantthis-av says:

      “If you think this guy has a point, you are an anti-semite.”

      Dumbest comment here. Being opposed to the circumcision of infants is about basic human rights. It’s wrong to cut body parts off people without their consent or medical need. 

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      Lol, I love how people here keep acting like mutilation is an “eye of the beholder” type of thing. If you permanently remove a body part from someone they have been mutilated. I admit it’s a pretty minor form of mutiliation, and we can debate how harmful it is (long-term, I think it’s unambiguously pretty painful at the time), but it is what it is.

      • necgray-av says:

        Lol, I love how you don’t at all acknowledge that words have pejorative meanings.Circumcision is semantically mutilation. That is an accurate noun. But it carries a lot of ethical/moral judgment, which is not appropriate to the way people like you use it.

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          “Mutilation” has negative connotations because most people agree that cutting off someone’s body parts without their foreknowledge or agreement is a bad thing. I am one of those people. If you can think of a less pejorative word a phrase that people like me(?) should be using, I’m all ears. Nonconsensual amputation? 

          • necgray-av says:

            Except mutilation *can* be consensual. So no, that doesn’t work.Mostly I think you need to take a deep breath and back off on the angry rhetoric. I think there are plenty of reasonable arguments on both sides of the circumcision conversation, none of which are served by the “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MAH DICK!” or “IF YOU’RE ANTI-CIRCUMCISION YOU’RE A FUCKING NAZI!” shouting matches taking place in these comments. You ALL need to take a chill pill.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        I think mutilation is an “eye of the dictionary definition thing.” Mutilation is defined as a violent and disfiguring injury, serious damage.  This ain’t it.

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          Oh, have we reached the cherry picking dictionary definitions phase? Here are a couple more:1. “an act or instance of destroying, removing, or severely damaging a limb or other body part of a person or animal”
          2. “an act or instance of damaging or altering something radically”( sure, let’s accept some semantic wiggle room around “severe.” Let’s say I’m walking past you and suddenly lop off your earlobes—have I mutilated you? I haven’t done any severe damage to you, and your quality of life hasn’t markedly changed, so I assume you’d be okay with that? And I assume you’d be okay if we routinely removed children’s earlobes for absolutely no viable medical reason?

    • artor-av says:

      That’s a dumb take. I’m not Jewish, so why did I get snipped? Of all the circumcised men in the US, I’ll bet the Jews are a small minority. 

    • paulfields77-av says:

      Some anti-semites use hammering Israel over Palestine as a way to be anti-Semitic while being able to argue they are not anti-Semitic. Some supporters of Israel use accusations of anti-Semitism as a way to suppress (legitimate) criticism of Israel. Anti-Semitism is a big issue in the world, and it’s fair enough to be sensitive to dog whistles, but accusing everybody that says anything critical about anything that can potentially be linked to the Jewish religion doesn’t help anybody.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      If you think this guy has a point, you are racist. There is nothing to the point of view that circumcision is harmful, mutilation, or anything, it’s just propaganda. I mean, it protects you from disease but that’s beside the (trimmed) point. The point is that people oppose it because 9/11.See what I did there?

      • ronlow-av says:

        Hundreds of thousands of men – Jews and Muslims among them – are non-surgically restoring their foreskins to undo some of the predictable sexual damage of childhood circumcision.

        Foreskin feels REALLY good. Seriously, it’s the best part. Forced genital reduction surgery on healthy normal non-consenting children is patently unethical.

    • adohatos-av says:

      This is bullshit alarmism. Bad actors hiding under the cover of existing movements does not make those movements the same as those bad actors. I’m sure there are BLM members who outright hate white people but that in no way makes BLM a white-hate organization. Keep crying wolf and no one will pay attention when the wolf shows up to huff, puff and blow your house down, little piggie. Now go ahead and pretend to yourself that last bit was some sort of insult about dietary laws rather than a reference to a classic fairy tale. Also, since it’s relevant, I’m Jewish. Are you? If you’re taking it upon yourself to tell people what is and isn’t antisemitic I sure hope so. But if you are our shared heritage is equal so my opinion cancels out yours and now the subject is up for debate.

    • samvimes78-av says:

      So there are absolutely no Jews that are against circumcision (or are they anti-semitic jews?)? And the man that got thrown out can’t possibly be a jew?
      And I’m an anti-semite because i like my little pal just the way it is? And I (a born Roman Catholic, so of course an anti-semite per definition) must also be against Roman Catholics, because I’m against celibacy?

      Religions used to be a fine thing as long as they were only about “there must be a higher being that created us all and we should behave because that being may become fed up of our shit and bad things may happen to us if we mess up as a society”. The 10 commandments were religion at it’s peak! Simple rules for living together in peace. It should have stopped there!

      “And now they had their rules and lived happily ever after…”But NO! From then on everything went pearshape and people interpreted more into that religion stuff than necesarry. Today we have so many overly complicated rules and rituals in ALL religions that serve no logical purpose (other than “because!”) and just take the fun out of it all.

    • nintendoentertainmentsysdom-av says:

      There are ramifications of circumcison, but there’s also ramifications when not doing it too. My parents did not do it to me, but it’s a very specific care for those who do and do not want it to be done

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      If you’re against pedophilia does that make you anti-Catholic? Also the protection from disease is *extremely* minor, and can happen just as easily with good hygiene.

    • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

      “People only oppose infant genital mutilation because they’re anti-semites” is the most insane take I might have ever heard.

    • luasdublin-av says:


    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      If you think this guy has a point, you are an anti-semite.

      That’s complete horseshit.
      There is nothing to the point of view that circumcision is harmful, mutilation, or anything, it’s just propaganda.

      It is mutilation.
      I mean, it protects you from disease

      No, it doesn’t.
      The point is that people oppose it because Jews.

      Wow, it’s not an act. You really are that stupid.

    • spiraleye-av says:

      I can tell you’re rational by the way you immediately lump people into a hate group.

    • ronlow-av says:

      Foreskin feels REALLY good. Seriously, it’s the best part. Forced genital reduction surgery on healthy normal non-consenting children is patently unethical.

      Hundreds of thousands of men – Jews and Muslims among them – are non-surgically restoring their foreskins to undo some of the predictable sexual damage of childhood circumcision.  

    • GameDevBurnout-av says:

      Am I really an antisemite because my personal frustration with my own circumcision and the fraud perpetrated on society by the medical profession that caused it, and feel that outside of the religious context the practice should not be tolerated? Huh. 

    • gh777-av says:

      Dude, about 20% of the men in the world are circumcised, Jews make up less than 1% of that total. Muslims, Koreans, Filipinos, white Americans, lots of Africans are routinely circumcised. The Jews did not even invent the practice. Not everything is about Jewish discrimination (not that it doesn’t exist).   

    • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

      Seriously, the west coast of the US has a 10-25% circumcision rate these days. Not because of rampant antisemitism in CA or WA, but mostly because a more liberal population is equating it more and more with an unnecessary medical procedure. That and the fact that so many guys in porn are uncut that it has probably normalized the appearance more.

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      oooh I got the grays all riled up

  • pocrow-av says:

    Left out of this story: Pink starts every show with circumcising a dozen babies.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I was wondering, why’d he pick a Pink show for this particular test-of-pro? Is Pink known to have made some particular statements on the subject or something?

      • umbrashift-av says:

        What happened is a few years ago she shared a picture where her toddler was naked, and people zoomed in on his genitals and determined he was circumsized, leading to the anti community going on the attack and sharing it around protesting her decision – so she could obviously connect the dots that those weirdos were back at it to protest at her concert for having done that – she already went through the wringer of being called a monster and bad mother for the decision 

    • kman3k-av says:

      Omg, thank you, I literally snorted at this. So good, so, so, soooo good.Again, many thanks!

  • mdemonheimer-av says:

    Why is Pink posed like the same Taylor Swift bending over picture that keeps getting used here? Is there an epidemic of back issues among popstars?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    or how ‘boutPink kicks man out of concert for circumcision

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    Pink has had to put up with the most shit this year.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Pink acted quickly to snip this in the bud.

  • dddd54-av says:

    As someone who didn’t have it done I wish I had. I’ve had problems most of my life especially my adult life.

  • bumblelion-av says:

    I’m circumcised (white, Gentile, über-Chirstian upbringing). When my son was born my wife and I decided to have him circumcised. I sort of regret it now and wish we had left him intact to make the decision on his own when he was older (although, for all I know, he may be glad it was taken care of when he was a mostly awarenessless infant; I know I am).Anyway, I really just stopped by to say that we called it his Scarlett Johansson.

  • youngwonton-av says:

    I’m gonna tug and grown my foreskin back again. No it’s not TMI – I shared it cause we’re friends!

  • tx-gowan-av says:

    I think a really important fact seems to have been left out:Pink identifies as Jewish.Now it makes a lot more sense why a) she’d be offended and b) he’d pick this particular venue to voice his opinion.All that being said, I don’t think he was being anti-semitic (from what I could hear) and I think she gave him way more attention than he would have gotten and really overreacted.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    It looks like the crowd here would have been happy to be at that concert. That guy got exactly what he wanted – everyone talking about his dick. That was easy. The misogyny aimed at Alecia Moore would make the old AVClub cringe.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    Was her response really in proportion to the offense? I mean, FFS, call him a cancer and throw him out for holding up a phone with a message against circumcision on it? Was that it? He wasn’t otherwise being a nuisance, or being overly aggressive, or anything? Get a grip. 

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      As mentioned in another comment, hardcore anti-circumcision folks came after her because she posted a photo of her child as a naked toddler and they “image enhanced” to determine that he was circumcised. She also identifies as being jewish, so i understand how this could be taken as personal/over the line and not a concert-goer protesting some random cause

      • h3rm35-av says:

        can’t believe I’m the first one to star you. been reading this section through, and this is the first I’ve seen mention of her being Jewish. Sheds a lot of light on the topic.

    • necgray-av says:

      He specifically chose to do that shit at a quiet moment in the concert. He wasn’t there to listen to her, he was there to make a protest point. Yes, he needed to get the boot. Calling him a cancer was a bit much, but she’s been hounded by anti-circumcision folks for a while. It’s understandable that she’d be pretty frustrated.

  • gouranga56-av says:

    I mean all the multitude and opportunity for jokes aside, people do need to chill the hell out on their behavior. I get he is very passionate about his cause and it means a lot to him. There is an old adage, right time, right place. An entertainment venue where folks go to for recreation is not the place. I don’t care WHAT your cause is, you are not going to sway me by interrupting my recreation. Also, that stage is Pink’s office. That’s where she does her job. She takes her job seriously and wants her fans to enjoy it. Now 1 fan thinks he is so important that he gets to impact her ability to do her job and take joy from everyone else. Its just poor etiquette. Glad she threw him out.

    • greginchehalis-av says:

      This. Also, Pete Townshend was justified in hitting Abbie Hoffman over the head with his guitar at Woodstock. 

  • 1234567qwerty----------av says:

    Feels like this guy had a pediatrician with a shaky hand

  • sinatraedition-av says:

    Hurting nobody. Helping a few people. But kick them out? Fuck that shit. Pink can suck it. 

  • bupkuszen-av says:

    Pink the Moil. Who knew?

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    I like Pink, and I think she was totally within her rights to throw him out because he was interrupting the show, but that said, circumcision is kind of shitty, and also I don’t like her joke about buying a Birkin bag with his ticket money. Concert tickets have gotten entirely out of control. Not only does a normal person have to save up for months to afford one, but also the purchasing process is a huge headache. I get that it’s the performers’ main revenue resource but the Birkin bag comment sounded like she doesn’t mind how her audience was getting fleeced.

    • h3rm35-av says:

      100% this.

    • necgray-av says:

      It sounded to me like she’s happy to spend his ticket money on something he would likely find trivial.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        The “cheap” Birkin is $10k. It wouldn’t just be his money. She’s happy to spend all their money on something trivial. She was saying idgaf about you being mad at being thrown out because I still get your money, which I know was a whole lot, and that’s what I’m here for.

        • necgray-av says:

          Dude, she said a few things, not just the crack about the bag. One of the very first things she said was, paraphrased, “Is this why you came here?” Clearly it’s not just a matter of “hee hee, I have your money now!” It’s the very reasonable reaction of someone who likes what they do and recognizes that what they do costs money for people who ALSO like what they do. It’s asking “Why would you spend that money to come here and ruin your own good time as well as the good time of people around you?”Sure, the specificity of the Birkin bag is maybe tone-deaf. But let’s not pretend she said that shit in a vacuum.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’m not a dude. And you don’t have to agree. *I* said I didn’t like it and that’s how it sounded *to me.* It doesn’t mean you have to dislike it as well or think it sounded the same.“Sure, the specificity of the Birkin bag is maybe tone-deaf.”Literally my whole point.“But let’s not pretend she said that shit in a vacuum.”I didn’t.

          • necgray-av says:

            It’s very beside the point but at this moment in history “dude” is a gender-neutral term as I applied it.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            It’s actually not “beside the point” that I don’t consider myself to be a “dude” and don’t want to be called one, and you don’t really get to decide that. You do get to decide to continue calling me “dude” over my objection if that’s the kind of person you are, though.  I have no control over your actions.

          • necgray-av says:

            I’m sorry, pedantic asshole.Is that less objectionable?

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I didn’t ask you to be sorry. All I said was “I’m not a dude,” to which you could have chosen to say “okay” or nothing at all. There was no reason it had to turn into a fight. “Pedantic asshole” is obviously not less objectionable, but I think we can go ahead an end this conversation as you have shifted from talking about the actual thing we were talking about to just looking for ways to call me names because it somehow pissed you off that I agree with you that Pink’s comment was tone deaf. I hope the rest of your day improves and that whatever put you in such a bad mood resolves.

  • nooyawkah-av says:

    She did him a favor, throwing him out got his message out.  If she just left him there no one would have cared. 

  • necgray-av says:

    Huh, weird. Suddenly I’m seeing anti-circumcision groups sponsored by TicketMaster…

  • zwing-av says:

    This is an incel/Men’s Rights thing right? I’d never heard of this before a few months ago, someone I know posted about how circumcision is mutilation and makes sex less pleasurable. It’s so fucking funny to me that a bunch of dudes who jack off 5 times a day looking at the most gross and desensitizing porn known to man turn to blaming circumcision for why their dicks have lost all feeling and why they can’t orgasm the few times they actually do have sex. And of course calling it genital mutilation so they can convince people they have it just as bad as women in backwards third-world countries where the women are basically stripped of all autonomy including the chance for sexual pleasure. And don’t fuck with Pink, Pink’s awesome and still punk rock, dude’s lucky she didn’t call him onstage to give him an adult circumcision.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      “This is an incel/Men’s Rights thing right?”Nope.

    • tsume76-av says:

      I mean, I’m gay, married, and would describe myself as a feminist ally, and I still think a non-consensual, unnecessary, and unreversable medical procedure on one’s sex organs as a matter of cultural norm and aesthetics is pretty fuckin’ yikes.

      • zwing-av says:

        I’ll take you at your word and say when I hold positions that are espoused by toxic people whose views are usually antithetical to my own, I generally see why they hold that position and reexamine my view. Sometimes I change my opinion sometimes I don’t, but it’s a good exercise.If you’re a gay feminist ally, keep in mind that the people promoting what you just said essentially use the same language to be virulently anti-trans, anti-Semitic, and anti-women by minimizing female genital mutilation.  Reading about it, it’s also not that dissimilar from the tactics and language anti-abortion activists used for years. Just like not everyone who didn’t like abortion was part of the anti-abortion crowd of nutjobs, I’m not saying everyone critical of circumcision is part of this group of whackos. But generally the whackos take advantage of the middle-of-the-road people to solidify their extremist positions and take power. Just food for thought, in good faith.

        • tsume76-av says:

          I’m not sure what the solve is there, then. Because if a bunch of eugenicists were arguing the merits of vaccination, I’m not going to suddenly become an anti-vaxxer. I can also acknowledge that the anti-vaccination sentiments that come from POC based on a profound history of white supremacy and abuse directed at their communities are not the same anti-vaccination sentiments that come from Jimmy Ray Shithead who thinks vaccines have a bunch of uranium in them so the radio bases on the moon can communicate with your kidneys.

          Like, I’m just not interested in building an ethical or moral framework in-relation to how I feel about other people who adopt similar viewpoints, especially if those people are a small number of the loudest, most annoying people on the internet. A broken, racist clock can be right twice a day – but I also don’t have any interest in paying attention to a stupid, broken racist clock. And I don’t really love the idea that if I say it’s 3pm and that happens to be the time the broken, stupid, racist clock is telling then I’m somehow culpable for the other 1438 minutes a day that it’s wrong.

          • zwing-av says:

            I didn’t say don’t have your thoughts on the subject. I’m just saying it’s an impetus for reexamination. 

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            Or maybe instead of being a lecturing, sanctimonious prick to someone who disagrees with you on this issue and is manifestly not a weirdo incel you could take your own advice and reexamine your priors.

          • zwing-av says:

            Oy lol

      • necgray-av says:

        I would argue that the jury is still very much out on “unnecessary” and it’s odd that you mention that it’s a medical procedure but only identify it as a matter of cultural norm and aesthetics instead of a medical procedure with medical benefits. (And look, you can argue all day about the supposed benefits. There’s not a medical consensus on it so have fun with that.)

  • recalcitrant-doogooder-av says:

    I want my son to eventually get laid (by who is no of my concern), so he got the snip day 1. 

  • segnbora-av says:

    This entire thread is full of people making a mountain out of a mohel.

  • sh90706-av says:

    All the people below claiming this circumcision is a body mutilation? Says the person with a huge disk in their earlobe, rings in their nose and/or lip, tattoos all over… And its not just Jews people. ITs common practice for decades. Really there are better things to complain about. Or maybe, just don’t complain and protest for other people that really just don’t care.

  • gh777-av says:

    I love how when women are circumcised its automatically mutilation and barbaric, but when it’s boys, then it’s pretty and hygienic and the natural penis, is ew gross LOL. By the way, it isn’t always prettier, there are some butchered penises out there, not every doctor or mohel does a good job. From what I’ve seen in the USA, (as a gay man I’ve seen lots) there is a tendency to cut very tightly and produce nasty and un-even scarring. Once in while there is a real pretty one, about 5% maybe. But consider that babies can’t give consent and yeah there is a loss of sensitivity and a change in function. 

  • h3rm35-av says:

    “2023 may be known as the year concert etiquette went off the rails. Every other week, it seems, there’s been a new tale of some artist being startled or even maimed by an audience member throwing something at them while on stage.”Can’t wait til this starts happening at megachurches!!!

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