Pius XIII goes on a reunion tour and Voiello takes center stage in a stellar New Pope

TV Reviews Recap
Pius XIII goes on a reunion tour and Voiello takes center stage in a stellar New Pope
Photo: Gianni Fiorito

It took a while, but the protagonist of The New Pope has finally become clear. It’s not Lenny Belardo, even though he’s a magical saint who can do miracles. It’s not John Brannox, even though he’s the titular new pope, and struggles the most with his own failings over the course of the season. It’s not Sofia Dubois, although she’s made a substantial change in her life by splitting with her husband. No, the protagonist of The New Pope is Angelo Voiello.

When Voiello was introduced in The Young Pope, he was an enemy—the avatar of the system trying to keep Lenny from enacting his vast agenda of change. He had supported Lenny’s election as Pius XIII, thinking the photogenic young American would be a puppet. But we were seeing the Vatican through Lenny’s eyes, and anyone who opposed him came off as foolish. This penultimate episode of The New Pope completes Cardinal Voiello’s face turn, making the case for him as a rare liberal reformist with his heart in the right place. As he tells Brannox toward the end of the episode, “You are the pope, and no one blackmails the pope. No one touches the pope. No one questions the pope.” And that, friends, is why Voiello was the longest-serving secretary of state in the history of the Church.

Silvio Orlando is absolutely masterful here, from his opening scene with Bauer—a low point for Voiello, who somehow did not know about Brannox’s drug addiction—to the scene when Brannox eventually visits Voiello to ask him to return as secretary of state, to his all-too-brief scene with Lenny, and, of course, the culminating moment of the season, when Voiello eulogizes Girolamo. Throughout, Voiello completes the integration of the two halves of his personality: the ruthless, omniscient operator and the melancholy, sentimental sad sack. But we’ll get back to that.

For both Pius XIII and John Paul III, this episode is about setting up a confrontation, one that feels inevitable even though it’s the penultimate episode of the season and it still hasn’t happened. Lenny has returned to the Vatican, getting a warm reception (and plenty of Cherry Coke Zero) from his old compatriots. In a few of the episode’s (many) highlights, he reconnects with his old friends Cardinals Gutierrez and Voiello. In a different show, there would have been real obstacles to these meetings—after all, Assente, the current secretary of state, forbids Gutierrez from meeting with Lenny—but in The New Pope, the prospect of that procedural storyline is just flat-out ignored. It’s more interesting to watch these people interact, and it’s too much fun to not let Assente be the butt of the joke.

In Lenny’s scene with Gutierrez, both Jude Law and Javier Cámara bring a degree of tenderness that has been absent from much of the season—Gutierrez’s faith has been validated, while Lenny’s has never been more delicate. Mostly, they lay out the stakes—millions of believing Catholics who have invested in Lenny, including the children whose letters fill an entire room. (This, of course, foreshadows Assente’s eventual ouster when the nuns record him talking about how much he hates orphans.) And in his scene with Voiello, the two act, more or less, as equals, former rivals who respect each other. They scheme together, rather than in opposition, trying to figure out how to defuse the fundamentalism that threatens to take over the world. They banter about Voiello’s book sales. And, of course, Voiello can’t resist asking the resurrected pope about Napoli’s future performance.

Meanwhile, Brannox has fled from the Vatican, winding up in hiding at a ski chalet owned by the Church. It’s the perfect setting for his seemingly final meeting with Sofia, and for us to actually learn what happened with Adam: John was too strung out on heroin to seek medical attention, inadvertently causing his brother’s death. It’s not quite outright murder, but it’s still pretty bad. Even this revelation is subsumed to the eventual emotional arc Brannox goes through in the episode, in which he comes right up to the edge of admitting his romantic feelings for Sofia, then sends her away after letting her breath on his neck. It’s some of the better acting John Malkovich has done thus far, letting the season follow its obsession with earthly pleasures to its natural conclusion: will the pope choose his attraction to Sofia, or will he recommit to the job of being the pope? It seems as though that confrontation has actually made him stronger, and better able to handle a weight he was deeply unprepared to bear.

And in the capstone of the episode, and perhaps the season, Brannox agrees to Voiello’s conditions for coming back—saying Mass at Girolamo’s funeral. For a brief moment, Voiello has the entire church under his thumb, an opportunity he uses to eulogize his friend. The speech is a little bizarre, to say the least. It’s beautiful in some ways, and Silvio Orlando delivers it with extraordinary heart and feeling. We really do believe that Girolamo is basically the only person Voiello has ever cared about, at least with this degree of emotion. But it also serves as a sort of mission statement for The New Pope’s treatment of disabled characters, one in which Girolamo is the only person who knows “the anguish of suffering, the beauty of sacrifice, and the power of love.” It is, in essence, utterly instrumental, reliant solely on Voiello’s mind and understanding of the relationship. That makes sense from the show’s Catholic point of view, but being able to explain why the show does this doesn’t mean it’s good. (Sorrentino should feel deeply grateful for Silvio Orlando, as should we all.)

After the funeral, Voiello vanquishes Assente—he returns as secretary of state, and has free rein to send Assente to Kabul, blackmailing him with photos of his tryst with Luigi Cavallo. It’s a sweet moment of Voiello using one of Lenny’s tried and true tactics, complete with the blunt speech laying out the consequences of Assente’s machinations. (Though he doesn’t use the punishment globe, still gathering dust in the pope’s office.) It also happens while Bauer and the utterly delightful, Coen-esque Essence absolutely destroy the evil triad, confronting them with video of their pedophilia.) These moments are satisfying, but they also feel like a way for the show to clear the decks, to dispose of the people who have served in antagonistic roles this season so we can spend the finale on the meeting of John Paul III and Pius XIII. As the episode ends, Lenny stands in the middle of a fountain—nude for some reason—eying his old papal garments. He’s finally ready to put them back on, to reclaim the papacy in whatever form he will take it. It’s on.

Stray observations:

  • Lenny: “You will always count, Voiello.” Not going to lie, I cried a little. (Though not as much as I laughed when they awkwardly try to hug before Voiello simply kisses Lenny’s ring.)
  • The Voiello-Lenny scene also features the return of Levo’s “Recondite,” a classic callback to the soundtrack of The Young Pope.
  • Lenny wordlessly embraces Suree when she comes to bring him his clothes. He has, finally, come around to the power of friendly relationships.
  • Before setting up the meeting, Brannox says, “What is to be done, as Lenin used to ask?” Feels like the erudite, shut-in pope should be able to reference Chernyshevsky, but go off I guess.
  • See you for the finale next week! I can’t believe this season is already over. It’s been quite the journey.


  • zorrocat310-av says:

    Whoa! Tonally what a difference from last week. But what a delight to have Voiello shine. His dialogue with Lenny, well the whole scene how it was framed and shot was masterclass. But at the end, when they walked towards each other, camera following , in that cavernous Sistine Chapel of a workout room both balking at how to express friendship, fealty or proper protocol was perfectly sublime. And goddamn, Jude Law in a white running suit.  He alone could turn around thousands of lapsed Catholics. 

  • xiko-av says:

    “nude for some reason”?! The reason is giving the people what they want!

  • kumagorok-av says:

    Voiello was the liberal reformist since day 1, and his relationship with Girolamo was always there. That was the wonderful contrast defying expectations in The Young Pope: that the titular young person was the reactionary, while the scheming old cardinal whose immense power was entrenched in the system was actually the one with the more modern outlook on the Church.And did you really see Lenny as the hero in the previous series? He was clearly the villain, at least during the first half of the season. And chillingly so: he was the one trying to send the Church back to the Middle Ages, all but ready to go back to burning homosexuals at the stake. Lenny was a shocking monster, while Voiello was the questionable hero trying to stop him by any means necessary.

    • roboj-av says:

      Uh, Voiello aint no liberal. You see the way he initially handled the Nun’s strike? And he wasn’t mad at Lenny for being a fanatical ultra-conservative, he was more upset and concerned that Lenny was costing the church money and ruining its reputation by not doing the public appearances, eschewing the sales and marketing, and antagonizing everyone.
      Voiello is more of a middle of the road pragmatist who just wants calm, orderly status quo, and to be able to control and manipulate the Pope in that direction if needed, but that hasn’t been happening with any of his choices. Getting fired by Brannox and seeing how that was a mistake too is leading him to crawl back into the arms of Lenny.

    • wmterhaar-av says:

      trying to send the Church back to the Middle Ages The weird thing about early Lenny to me was that he came of as a fundamentalist Protestant, with all the emphasis on literal bible interpretation, the sinfulness of men, refusal to offer an easy way out of the sinfulness and his unwillingness to show himself to be worshipped. I was half expecting him to unleash an iconoclasm on the Vatican. So to me it was more like Lenny was taking the Church out of the Middle Ages, into a Reformation from within the Church.

      I feel this also connects somehow to the subplot about the moslim fundamentalists somehow, but that’s maybe just because Islamism and Protestant fundamentalism share so many traits.

  • pabloduganheim-av says:

    Fantastic episode! It was about as close to perfection in every way that you can shove into a one hour time slot. Hilarious, sad, thoughtful, just everything and the absolute gorgeousness of the cinematography is only matched by the superb acting and directing. The last season was great, but they really pulled out all the stops for this season. I’m a bit bummed that next week’s episode with be the season finale, but I am really looking forward to it! I really hope that there is a season 3, because I’ll be hurting if I don’t get my fix of nuns cavorting around a giant neon crucifix around this time next year.

  • antononymous-av says:

    The New Pope reminds me so much of Twin Peaks The Return. Both are nothing like what I expected them to be, and yet I’m utterly compelled week after week. Holding back the Pope vs Pope stuff for the final hour (and, next week on trailer aside, I’m still not 100% sure it is even going to happen) is very reminiscent of what David Lynch did with Dale Cooper’s return, but in both cases we got so much other good stuff along the way it doesn’t bother me.Also, did I understand Bauer correctly that he thinks Lenny killed Woke Pope?

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    Loved the episode. Voiello is truly the protagonist of this series. I love Orlando’s matter-of-fact, slightly stilted way of speaking, I could listen to him all day.One question, though: are we to believe that the Cult of Lenny has all sacrificed themselves by walking into the ocean in the previous episode? There was no reference to them here, and while their act seemed to be pretty symbolic of cleansing themselves (isn’t it kinda hard to drown yourself in the ocean?), are we to believe Esther and friends are now gone? Hope the show gives us some closure on this topic before it ends, even if it’s a sad confirmation that they’re indeed gone. 

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