Please enjoy some glorious clips from Law & Order: SVU's episode about incels

Aux Features Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

This week’s episode of Law & Order: SVU continued the show’s tradition of ripped-from-the-headlines stories with an episode completely dedicated to the internet’s most embarrassing hate group—Incels. The episode, titled “Revenge,” finds our elite squad of detectives hunting down a group of “involuntary celibate” men who have been committing a series of assaults and communicating via the “darkweb.” It’s pretty bonkers and borders on self-parody, but damn are there some good quotes in this one.

Watching Benson and the rest of the gang slowly suss out the meaning behind incel codewords like “Stacy” and “Chad” is like watching your parents encounter a Pepe The Frog meme for the first time. It’s equal parts embarrassing and horrifying, and at least a little bit funny. But, as with any police procedural, SVU is forced to trim some of the nuance from the investigation, and the detectives get their first big break when they discover a website literally titled “Incel Message Board” where users named “Phalluspower,” “Hateful-One,” and “KOBSKiller” discuss their nefarious plans.

It’s good to see that, well into their twentieth season, SVU has managed to maintain the same level of gloriously batshit writing we’ve come to expect. And if John Mulaney ever wants to revive his Ice-T impression, there are some choice lines he can crib from this episode.

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