Podcast Calculator determines how much "dead time" you could be filling with sweet, sweet podcasts

Aux Features Podcasts
Podcast Calculator determines how much "dead time" you could be filling with sweet, sweet podcasts
Photo: South Agency

While there’s something to be said for taking every possible opportunity to sit in absolute silence and stare into the middle distance of a room as your mind wanders over times you embarrassed yourself or made bad decisions in the past, podcasts are an ideal alternative for filling those spaces in the day that aren’t already occupied with other activities. In order to help show how many podcasts you can jam into your life, there’s the Podcast Calculator.

The Calculator is designed, as its site puts it, to take advantage of the “many minutes in our day when we’re doing something but not really doing anything actively.” It calls this “dead time,” and provides examples like commuting, working out, cleaning, or dog-walking. Obviously in the pocket of Big Podcast, the Calculator suggests listening to different shows instead of contemplating the void where our attention span used to be while doing these activities.

It works by asking users to estimate the time they spend doing boring, mindless junk during the day, input the length of a podcast, and choose how focused on the audio they think they’ll be while listening. The Calculator then spits out the number of podcast episodes “you could go through weekly, monthly, and yearly.”

The site’s copy says that the tool is meant to help users “find out how long it would take to learn something new about the world, history, or yourself” by filling their dead time with podcasts. What it doesn’t seem to consider is that we’re much more likely to subscribe to shows exploring the Jeremy Renner app, audio of a cat influencer purring, or tales of people shitting themselves than anything constructive.

Still, if you’d like to give the Podcast Calculator a whirl, check it out over here.

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  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Isn’t the time zero now, since everyone is apparently busy recording their podcast?Speaking of podcasts, would you like to appear on my podcast, Irony, where I complain about podcasts?

    • robert-denby-av says:

      Sorry, I already have a recording session scheduled for my podcast PodPodCastCast where I interview podcasters about their favorite podcasts.

    • uyarndog-av says:

      No time chief. I have to record my latest episode of Pod Cast, the podcast where we interview the cast of the 2015 horror movie Pod. This week: Dean Cates!

      • nilus-av says:

        Dude!! People are going to get confused with my podcast PodCAST about the 2019 music video Cast

      • snagglepluss-av says:

        What about PodCast Podcast, where we talk about podcasts? And then somebody could do an oral history of the Podcast Podcast which will, of course, be turned into a podcast. It’ll be the Podcast Podcast Podcast

      • bartfargomst3k-av says:

        If Tide Pods isn’t your sponsor I will be livid.

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      I’d like to start a podcast but I’m having issues in that every unsolved mystery has already been solved

    • nilus-av says:

      Can I buy an add on your show. I own a company that delivers a Mattress, silver underwear, CBD oil and an easy to use meal kit in a box so small it will “Amaze you” for a low monthly price. If your listeners sign up today with the promo code “Irony” they will save 50% off their first order and receive a free vial of male enhancement gel

    • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

      Sorry, but I’m too busy with my pod cast. I need to get this pod cast into a major city center pretty soon if I’m ever going to get the ball rolling on my real-life Body Snatchers scheme.

  • snagglepluss-av says:

    I’m waiting for the app that allows you to skip through the 10-15 minutes of the hosts blabbering away and get straight to the actual subject of the podcast

    • nilus-av says:

      I feel like if you have that opinion then Podcasts are not really for you.  Most of its people blabbering away with the occasional talk about a subject. 

      • snagglepluss-av says:

        “today’s podcast is about the meaning of life and whether or not there is a God, but first….here’s twenty minutes of me and the other podcast host talking about knitting”

    • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

      That’s a feature, not a bug. Podcasts are basically just millennial Coast to Coast AM: disembodied voices discussing stuff you don’t care about just so you can trick your brain into forgetting about your soul-crushing loneliness.  

  • nilus-av says:

    Someone should take these podcasts and start putting them over radio waves!  Maybe fill the blank time with some music!   Add a couple ads and we will all be swimming in money!

  • rtpoe-av says:

    Overrated: Podcasts. I can read faster than you can talk. Write an essay and post it on a blog. It will force you to be more coherent and informative as well.Underrated: Audio dramas. Professionally made, with sound effects, these are no mere “books on tape” where somebody reads to you. There are many online archives that have collected “old time radio” shows of the past – shows which were designed to fit into a half-hour time slot. And for the Halloween season, you’ll find a whole bunch of horror/thriller/suspense shows there for free downloading….

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