AVQ&A: What’s your pop-culture New Year’s resolution for 2023?

The A.V. Club team shares the movies, TV shows, games, and books they’re planning to consume in the coming year

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AVQ&A: What’s your pop-culture New Year’s resolution for 2023?
Clockwise left to right Crash Landing On You, John Wick, Fire Of Love, The Godfather II Image: Netflix, Summit Entertainment, Sandbox Films, Everett Collection

New Year’s resolutions can be so restrictive or boring, it’s no wonder they don’t tend to last very long. Here at The A.V. Club, we believe resolutions can be fun, too. Instead of giving up our vices or limiting our options, we’re setting goals for things we actually want to do this year. Whether it’s finally getting around to that movie, TV show, or book we missed out on, watching more of a particular genre, or just broadening our entertainment horizons, these pop-culture resolutions should be easy to keep. Maybe they’ll even inspire you to make some of your own for 2023.

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Sign up for a classy streaming service
Image The Criterion Channel

I’m not going to suggest I have trashy taste in films, but I will admit that the vast majority of movies I watch are about the Avengers. So my resolution for next year is to sign up for one of those classy streaming services—a Criterion Channel or a Mubi—and spend more time watching actual films. I don’t really expect my cinematic preferences to change, but it’ll be good to eat some vegetables. Also, you never know if Captain America is going to show up in the post-credits scene of The 400 Blows or whatever. [Sam Barsanti]


  • teageegeepea-av says:

    Way to confirm our worst preconceptions about you, Barsanti.I’ve been checking movies off to-watch lists for years now, and while I’ve nearly run out of remaining ones for the earlier lists, I keep finding new ones to make progress on:https://www.listchallenges.com/profile/330455/lists-used

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    How about post fewer slideshows?I resolve to finish Stranger Things before season five (I’m maybe 1/3 through season three right now), finish Andor, and maybe finish the Netflix Marvel shows (I still don’t know how Matt gets out of that cab that ran off the pier in Daredevil season three).

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Stranger Things S5 is definitely not coming out this year (hasn’t started filming yet) so you’ll have plenty of time to do that.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        I just found out my neighbors are moving to Atlanta for a few months to work on the crew for Stranger Things 5, so I think shooting begins soon. Or that could be a cover and they’re skipping town before the law catches up to them. My wife is convinced they’re dealing. 

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          Even if they started soon, filming will likely take at least 6-7 months (based on S3, hard to judge using S4 given the COVID-19 pandemic impacted its filming) and then it’ll likely take another 6-7 months for post-production work (again based on past seasons).My guess is S5 comes out summer 2024.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Two things, etc.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
  • dinoironbody1-av says:

    After putting it off for years due to its length, I finally started watching ER last night.

    • rogue-like-av says:

      I have never watched every episode of every season, but the first five-six seasons were pure gold. It really was must see TV in the mid-late 90’s. A few episodes that I’ve never seen since they first aired still stick in my mind. Spoiler Alert: The middle of the whole series just turns into a soap opera. That said, I’m still glad I tuned in for the entirety of the final season and it really did give proper closure to everything. The finale isn’t the best ever, but it did all the right things and in the way they needed to be done. Unlike House, which I continue to be pissed off about in regards to the final season. The finale still makes me scream. 

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Clooney at his head-tiltiest!

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I’d like to play and finish more video games this year. I find it hard to want to dive into new games after work when my brain is already fried and barely played any last year. But after just finishing The Case of the Golden Idol over my holiday break, I remembered how much I enjoy completing good games, especially puzzle-based ones. 

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    Too bad nobody here has “take a writing class” as a New Year’s resolution! 

  • skylikehoney-av says:

    No more Korean dramas. They’re shite and I often feel my brains start to liquefy (I very nearly didn’t survive Coffee Prince, ffs) and ditto their music output. Likewise, take out a hit job on Aubrey fucking “one-note performance” Plaza. She’s shite as well.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I resolve not to watch a single reboot or remake in 2023. I want to know if I can go the full calendar year without perpetuating the cycle. Does that mean I’ll miss Timothee Chalamet in Wonka? I’m fine with that. I’ll catch him Dune Part Two. Which reminds me I wanted to include sequels, but John Wick: Chapter 4 and the Mission Impossible finale are coming, so I couldn’t possibly.

    • deafchef-av says:

      How are you gonna see him in Dune part Two if you not watching reboots?

    • rogue-like-av says:

      Isn’t Dune technically a reboot?? Or does that fall into the “remake” category??And did Cruise actually say this is the final MI? I’ll be honest, I don’t think I watched the previous one yet, but Ghost Protocol remains one of my favorite action films of all time. It is, by far and away (see what I did there), one of the most infinitely rewatchable action films that is NOT an MCU movie. I also commend you for mentioning John Wick 4, which is so high on my want to see list it hurts. The first three are a nearly perfect trilogy of films, and I’m really hoping they don’t muck it up with number 4. 

    • cryptid-av says:

      I resolve not to watch a single reboot or remake in 2023. I want to know if I can go the full calendar year without perpetuating the cycle. This is a good one. I’ve been contemplating going cold turkey on the Disney corporation, but that might be extreme given how much of film and television they’ve hoovered up.

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    Mine is very much in line with Gabrielle’s, though smaller in scope. In 2022, I wanted to watch 52 movies; I ended up at 73. So this year I want to bump that up to 100 and see where I get.Outside of movies, I gave up on Destiny after playing non-stop for 7.5 years. The seasonal model of resets just got to the point where it was interrupting my enjoyment of the game. That said, I have a hole to fill and plenty of old games I skipped over through the years because of Bungie’s universe.

  • minkor-av says:

    The Sam Barsanti entry is so fucking sad. This site used to have really knowledgeable adults on staff. 

  • fuckyou113245352-av says:

    I have a resolution for Pop Culture.  Stop conflating Diversity with Quality. 

  • mavar-av says:

    Oh no, the Megan cosplay has begun.


  • voldermortkhan-av says:

    I can’t stand Kelly Reilly so I don’t know if I can watch Yellowstone.Is she in it a lot?

  • wiredroach-av says:

    Use “tetralogy” instead of non-word “quadrilogy.”

  • John--W-av says:

    The impossible: try to get caught up on my backlog of shows, movies, books, etc.

  • upsideinsideout-av says:

    Hot take: turning which culture you consume into another resolution is just as toxic as Dry January or denying yourself dessert when you feel like it. In my case, yeah, I am happier when I spend more of my free time reading or watching movies/tv than, say, surfing online, so I could see giving myself a goal to help motivate that change (though I’m more likely to stick to it by making my lifestyle more amenable to it than by making it a specific goal). But there’s a line between getting yourself out of your comfort zone with your recreational habits and trying to force yourself to be a certain kind of of culture connoisseur. (And, really, if you have to make yourself watch “films,” should you be writing for this website?)

  • saratin-av says:

    I’d like to say that I’ll only watch things I haven’t seen already, play games I haven’t played; but given that I’m a quarter of the way into my 3rd go-round with Bones and I just replayed Celeste, that’s idea is already dead…

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  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    This year I resolve to pay more attention to all the pop culture from Aubrey Plaza to Zendaya.

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    Mine is to not get dragged to another Avatar sequel. The Way of Water reminded me of eating my own droppings. And, yes, I have eaten my own droppings.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    What the…a pop culture critic and columnist has never seen the Godfather???

    • naturalstatereb-av says:

      Seems pretty hard to believe.  Arguably the greatest film of all time with incredible cultural resonance.

      • gabrielle-sanchez-av says:

        I grew up in a household that fostered little interest in film, much less the classics. It’s a work in progress! Right now my energy has been channeled toward revered films from the ‘30s, ‘40s, and ‘50s. 

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