Pretend to be famous by putting on a fake smile and watching Ricky Gervais' Golden Globes monologue

Aux Features TV
Pretend to be famous by putting on a fake smile and watching Ricky Gervais' Golden Globes monologue
Photo: Paul Drinkwater

It’s not like anyone expected anything else, but the Ricky Gervais’ monologue that opened the 77th annual Golden Globes was exactly the sort of antagonistic, smarter-than-thou comedy routine that he’s done every time the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has asked him to host the show—this is the fifth time, and as he repeatedly noted after every edgy as hell gag, it will also be the last. Now, thanks to the wonder of home video, you can recreate the feeling of being a celebrity in the audience of the Golden Globes by putting on a fake smile and trying very hard to laugh as he talks about it being a big year for pedophiles and how the Globes decided not to do an “In Memoriam” montage because too many of the people who died were white. (Credit where it’s due, there was a Jeffrey Epstein joke that landed pretty well.)

Unfortunately, after a run of tolerable jokes, Gervais interrupted himself with a little rant about how everyone in the audience is a hypocrite for working with big companies like Amazon and Netflix and Apple and how nobody has the right to thank any of these companies in their speeches because none of the actors in attendance went to school. Maybe he has a point, but there are few things more exhausting in Hollywood than a rich guy yelling at a bunch of other rich people about he’s more “woke” than they are. Also, Stellan Skarsgard made a funnier joke than Gervais’ entire monologue when he credited his win for Chernobyl to the fact that he finally got to play a character with prominent eyebrows.


  • laserface1242-av says:

    Unfortunately, after a run of tolerable jokes, Gervais interrupted himself with a little rant about how everyone in the audience is a hypocrite for working with big companies like Amazon and Netflix and Apple and how nobody has the right to thank any of these companies in their speeches because none of the actors in attendance went to school.Did Gervais just forget that he’s done comedy specials for Netflix?

    • discojoe-av says:

      He didn’t make a political speech though….so he practiced what he preached.

    • beesinthewhatnow-av says:

      At least he admits his hypocrisy. Moreover, he’s not out there lamenting how awful the Amazons and Netflix’s of the world are.   Actors are making a buck like anyone else, nothing wrong with that, just spare me the morality lessons.

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      and a few series too, Derek, After Life.

    • mmm126-av says:

      I think he criticized Apple, Disney and Amazon, but not netflix :p

    • uruzu-2-av says:

      He might not do anymore after this.

    • 4321652-av says:

      Did Gervais just forget that he’s done comedy specials for Netflix?Gervais didn’t mention Netflix, he called out “Apple, Amazon, Disney,” three companies without stellar reputations for practices. Barsanti added Netflix for… Some reason.

      • raw365-av says:

        Or… Gervais didn’t mention Netflix, for some reason.

      • baskev-av says:

        lift, elevatortomato, tomato…..

        • 4321652-av says:


          • baskev-av says:

            that ricky did not call netflix out. He kinda did…if go after other streaming services. He could be there all day naming all of them. So he named a few of them.Hench the….it might be a different name/how you pronouce it. But its still a thing he hates ( but earns a lot of money on)…streaming services.

          • 4321652-av says:

            He wasn’t calling out streaming in general as bad, he was specifically highlighting three companies that have had serious criticism levelled against them for labour and business practices: three companies have come under fire for their labour practices (sweatshops, child labour, harsh warehouse conditions, etc.), alongside controversial lobbying, anti-competitive business practices, and other serious allegations.Netflix has had its share of criticism but none of it is similar to those companies or complaints.

          • baskev-av says:

            These streaming services…..His sentence.Then he named a few. And there are more of them with the same amount of stuff/criticism against them. And more company’s he could have called out.But yeah these ones are the worst.But again…bet you he has bought stuff from them. Calling the kettle black. Its like those pro animal people wearing denim or fake fur…..

          • gargsy-av says:

            “But again…bet you he has bought stuff from them.”

            What does that have to do with anything? With A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G?? 

          • baskev-av says:

            S-I-M-P-L-E…..if you are against meat. aka meat is murder you do not eat meat.If you get preachy about sweatshop stuff and point on a public forum to other people. You do not have the stuff in your home….otherwise you are a hypocrit.If you preach against me about drunk driving, and then empty a full bottle of whiskey and drive away in your care you are a……hypocrit.

          • gargsy-av says:

            Good job not understanding at all what he was going after. It had nothing to do with streaming services and everything to do with who runs them.

            Jesus, people around here are really, really, really fucking stupid.

          • baskev-av says:

            If you are really that “smart” . You would have understood what i was talking about. Everyone of these companies has some bad shit around them. And everyone has something that was made extremely bad conditions in china. So to call people out of stuff is good, but do not act like he is any better.Ricky has also aired on other services ( or made movies with people that are bad). Acting like his better is insane.It is the standard BRO/anti woke comments people like him make. They act like all the woke people do is bad ( yes i think they can be very silly). But they try to better themselves. But he ( and others like him) call them out on it. While they are also as bad….but do not work on it….So if he can call them out…why can’t i call him out?

    • bingyboogywoogy-av says:

      Yes, but is he known for being a very political “woke” person? His point is the hypocrisy of working for those companies and bad mouthing them. Plus, is Netflix known for some of the same criticisms? 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Did Gervais just forget that he’s done comedy specials for Netflix?”

      Which awards did he win?
      Do you understand comedy?

      • yummsh-av says:

        Yeah, nothing absolutely SCREAMS funny like any one of your posts. Everyone who’s anyone knows you’re a rip-roaring chucklebucket at any moment of the day.

    • tragicallyohio-av says:

      What are Netflix’s crimes against humanity that he would be guilty of associating himself with? I mean besides “A Christmas Prince” of course.

    • stevevicious-av says:

      Gervais is the John McCain of Hollywood.  

    • weedlord420-av says:

      He’s never tried to give much of a political message though, so he’s not contradicting himself. He’s sticking to his edgy 15-year-old brand. 

    • bleachedredhair-av says:

      No, but he did forget that he’s worked a bunch for Disney. 

  • noisetanknick-av says:

    ‘If you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a
    political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about
    anything. You know nothing about the real world’
    Ricky Gervais, of the “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” school of comedy

    • beesinthewhatnow-av says:

      Ricky Gervais is an asshole and he makes no pretense he’s anything else. (And no, I don’t need someone flying around in their G6’s, walking the red carpet, eating caviar and drinking champagne telling me how to live my life.  I have cat memes for that. 😀 )

    • returning-the-screw-av says:

      He’s doing an Inception on us

    • thants-av says:

      Is that supposed to be a joke at his own expense? He can’t actually be that clue-less, can he?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Ricky Gervais, of the “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” school of comedy”Care to present evidence of him accepting an award and using it as a political platform to lecture the general public?

      I’ll wait. 

  • tinyjenkins-av says:

    He’s never be as predictable as you getting mad at being told what wankers you are.

  • alksfund-av says:

    This was straight fire. Barsanti, as always, missed the point. He said that actors like to take moral high ground when they have no right to. Saying that is a warning, not being smarter than thou.

  • wondercles-av says:

    Okay, Gervais might be something of a hypocrite, but he’s not wrong about anyone in attendance.

    • ohnoray-av says:

      Yah, it was a comedy routine, and I think he skewered the audience pretty well even if it meant he skewered himself unintentionally. 

  • uruzu-2-av says:

    Maybe he has a point, but there are few things more exhausting in Hollywood than a rich guy yelling at a bunch of other rich people about he’s more “woke” than they are.So, would it have been better if he kept it safe and he didn’t say anything about Eptstein, sweat shops, or anything else criticizing Hollywood?

    • forevergreygardens-av says:

      Well, seeing as his whole point was that people who work for the exact same companies he’s worked for have no right to say this stuff, it comes across as extremely hypocritical. Maybe it would have worked better if it had been funny at all.

    • crews200-av says:

      That’s how you end up with Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh hosting.  Which was even more painful, but for different reasons. 

    • stevevicious-av says:

      Would have been better if he did not make it seem like he’s above everyone he was shitting on when in reality he’s just as bad as them.  He’s John McCain’ing it up big time.

      • fng9-av says:

        Are there examples of comedians skewering hypocrisy that don’t seem like they’re better than everyone else? Whether it’s Ricky Gervais or George Carlin, it’s a pretty common tone for a comedian.
        Maybe an Ellen Degeneres or Jimmy Kimmel can pull off making fun of Hollywood in a self-deprecating way, but they also get criticized for being Hollywood shills. Clearly the HFP is going for a style here. Maybe it’s not your style, but I thought Gervais was hilarious and he definitely attracted headlines and social media attention.

        • stevevicious-av says:

          Fuck no regarding Ellen; she chastized us for calling her out for being buddy buddy with Jr Bush. Carlin seemed more like he was on our side vs./ smug ass Gervais.And FWIW I liked some of Gervais jokes, the Leo one was good and the epstien jokes were funny.  Humor wasn’t my issue with Gervais.

          • ifyoubuildit-av says:

            …just curious, really – but if your problem with Gervais isn’t humor is it by any chance that the man just seems determined to exude a quality that makes your skin crawl?I think you’re right about part of the difference between the likes of Carlin and the routines Gervais has made a career out of is that ultimately Carlin always seemed like a curmudgeon who at heart had a fondness for humanity and spoke to his audience as though they were in on the joke…while Gervais always seems to speak to the audience as if they are the joke & his bitter misanthropy seems convincing enough that you can imagine him actually delighting in the apocalypse?apologies if it’s an off-topic kind of a question – just so happens that Carlin was o this morning…

          • stevevicious-av says:

            It seemed like Gervais was lecturing everyone and was smarter than everyone, Carlin seemed like he (and the audience) were in on the jokes and making fun of the subject of the joke together. He gave off a big time “I don’t need to be here, I don’t want to be here, I’m above all this” type vibe that rubbed me the wrong way.  And he’s a rich Hollywood dickhole just like everyone else there.

    • CD-Repoman-av says:

      Sam wants all the excitement of watching someone watch paint dry.

  • thants-av says:

    Sorry I can’t watch, Ricky Gervais is just too offensive! Did you know that he thinks god isn’t even real?

  • nextchamp-av says:

    Gervais has been more of an asshole, and not in a funny way, of late.But man…telling Tim Cook right to his face that he’s a fraud for working with sweat shops wasn’t too shabby.

    • oddestartist-av says:

      Ask Ricky who made his tux.

      • mjensenwv-av says:

        I’ll have you know he personally rowed a boat to that sweatshop and paid those kids an extra dollar each for their hard work.

      • hammerbutt-av says:

        Custom made tux probably all done locally

      • citizen-snips-av says:

        His point wasn’t that if you use products from these companies or places that you should stop using those products, his point was that if you do, or you get rich off of them, then you should stop preaching to ordinary people about woke topics when you are more of a problem than those ordinary people.

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      I was disappointed they didn’t show a reaction shot from Cook when Gervais said that

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Sadly there was no in memorim this year.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    That podium makes Gervais look part-Dalek. Write it, Chibnall.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    At last, we have an angry white man to tell us what to do!

    • paulfields77-av says:

      My take was that an angry white man was suggesting that other angry white men (and a few angry white women) should NOT tell us what to do.I both accept the hypocrisy that Gervais is pointing out, AND that such speeches remain valuable, regardless of any hypocrisy.

    • citizen-snips-av says:

      It was an angry white man telling a bunch of other white people what to do, really. 

    • cdydatzigs-av says:

      In fairness, he was sorta right about the “In Memoriam.” thing. Moonlight almost certainly won Best Picture as reparations for the #OscarsSoWhite thing from the previous year.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I tend to think ‘Moonlight’ won Best Picture because it was a fantastic movie, the best one from that year, in fact.

        • cdydatzigs-av says:

          Lion and La La Land were both better films overall. Moonlight was a great film, but it was textbook Oscar bait.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      The tone I got was distinctly less “angry white man”, and more “resigned to this bullshit white man”

    • paraduck-av says:

      We? Were you in the audience? Was I supposed to be in the audience? I didn’t get my invitation this year.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Tolerable jokes? Skarsgard eyebrow joke being better than the entire monologue? Yeah, no. Gervais killed it. I don’t agree with some of his points or jabs, but I’m capable of putting those aside to admit the monologue was funny and entertaining.

    • forevergreygardens-av says:

      Wow, the Ricky Gervais stans are even more delusional than the Elon Musk stans!

    • shanedanielsen-av says:

      He’s frequently an asshole, but that was funny and mostly on the mark. Alas, the new, extra-Woke AV Club has picked a side, and Gervais – no matter what he might say – ain’t on it. To the extent that they’ll altering the facts in their reporting (citing Netflix where he – conspicuously if somewhat self-servingly – did not).

      • gargsy-av says:

        “(citing Netflix where he – conspicuously if somewhat self-servingly – did not)“

        He didn’t mention netflix because it’s not a company that owns a streaming service and also has a long tradition of being good to people.

        This shouldn’t be hard to grasp. He wasn’t going after streaming, he was going after Apple and Amazon and Disney.


  • 4321652-av says:

    Gervais interrupted himself with a little rant about how everyone in the audience is a hypocrite for working with big companies like Amazon and Netflix and Apple and how nobody has the right to thank any of these companies in their speeches because none of the actors in attendance went to school. This is a remarkably poor parse. ‘You say you’re woke, but the companies you work for, I mean, Apple, Amazon, Disney, unbelievable. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent. So, if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform for a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public, about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.Otherwise progressive actors and artists work for companies with shitty practices, like Amazon and Disney, but then act as moral arbiters for 2 minutes at award shows, when they don’t have the practice, follow-through or education. Maybe he has a point, but there are few things more exhausting in Hollywood than a rich guy yelling at a bunch of other rich people about he’s more “woke” than they are.He never mentioned that he is more woke than they are, just that the abstract audience of Hollywood actors like to pretend they’re woke but often do not back it up.

    • oddestartist-av says:

      Thanks for clarifying, Ricky.

    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      Was my take as well. He never says he is more Woke and never pretends to be but I loved him ripping them for all working with Weinstein and not doing anything about it. That is so true and them being Epstein’s friends. I thought he was great.

      • bcfred-av says:

        He was definitely going all-in to be SURE he’s not back next year.

        • hootiehoo2-av says:

          For sure, this was a “fuck it, I never want to do this again” moment. Did make the show more fun for me.

        • docnemenn-av says:

          I don’t know if I buy this 100% since if Ricky Gervais didn’t want to host the Golden Globes surely he could have just, well, turned the producers down when they offered it to him. It’s not like anyone’s forcing him to host the show at gunpoint or anything.

          • bcfred-av says:

            I’ll admit I haven’t watched much of it in recent years, but from what I did see don’t recall him being this aggressively critical of pretty much everyone in the room. Maybe he’s just playing a game with himself to see how far he can push it before getting canned, while being paid to do it.

    • ishamael44-av says:

      The “woke” comment was massively off base. If anything he was criticizing the false virtue signaling that these Hollywood actors tend to point out, not saying he is more woke. He is saying the fake wokeness is tiring, which it is. I mean lets be honest when Harvey Weinstein was such an open secret Entourage makes fun of it you know basically EVERYONE in Hollywood knew.

      • stevevicious-av says:

        So Gervais is good because he’s calling out people/groups that are doing bad things, when at the same time he himself is a part of that group? So he’s Hollywood John McCain? HOW BRAVE. His entire “Im smarter than you asshole” shtick is wearing thin.

    • spiraleye-av says:

      It’s almost like “scrambling for wokeness” was the first and only thing that occurred to Barsanti. For some reason.

    • zedmund-av says:

      Barsanti really is the biggest hack out there. 

  • alksfund-av says:

    Wow.  It is so satisfying watching Gervais eviscerate this crowd.  And seeing how he triggered all the avclub critics is just icing on the cake. 

  • easysweazybeautiful-av says:

    He’s a hypocrite and a festering blob of shit most of the time, but his points are indeed valid.

  • miked1954-av says:

    This is no longer Gervais’ fault. It the fault of the people who hire him, over and over, to make the same unfortunate spectacle that he always does. Gervais is one of those rare people who, even if he happens to be saying stuff you agree with, he still comes off as an unmitigated ass. I remember when he proclaimed himself to be an atheist. Gee, congratulation for being just like 75% of the rest of western Europe. Don’t hurt yourself patting yourself on the back.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    Predictable hot take from the AV Club: A recap based on the reviewer’s interpretation of the politics and intentions of the performer. Bonus points for zero fact-checking.

    • vspec2002-av says:

      Very predictable. I had a feeling there would be one. It only took 3 seconds of scrolling to find it.

    • paraduck-av says:

      Add points for a grammar error (‘a rich guy yelling at a bunch of other rich people about [how] he’s more “woke” than they are’) but subtract points for a lack of misspellings.

  • oddestartist-av says:

    All Gervais has done in the past decade is prove that he wasn’t acting when portraying David Brent.

  • jimal-av says:

    Someone please explain to me the appeal of Ricky Gervais. People have tried for me in the past but I still just don’t get it. Since when did “cringe inducing” become “funny”?

    • gargsy-av says:

      How about YOU try instead of insisting other people do the work for you?

      Or just fuck the fuck off.

      • jimal-av says:

        I’ve tried for years. I’ve got nothing. I am unable to explain either Ricky Gervais or Russell Brand. Yet they both still make a living “entertaining” people somehow.

        • stevevicious-av says:

          It’s gotta be the English thing. I’m somewhat of an Anglophile in that I love the Premier League and everything about it (pitch, boots, footballers, ect…) but I also do not understand the appeal of Brand/Gervais. They both seem sarcastic as hell, but in an “I’m smarter than you” type of way.

          • jimal-av says:

            Right? I grew up watching Python, the Young Ones, and Ab Fab, and I recognize the genius of Sacha Baron Cohen (who apparently made his own headlines last night) so it isn’t like I’m anti British humor or humor that makes people uncomfortable. I just don’t see smug as humor.And let’s be clear here, I’m not defending Hollywood. The Golden Globes are a night for Hollywood to smell its own farts. I just really don’t care for Ricky.

          • fng9-av says:

            so it isn’t like I’m anti British humor or humor that makes people uncomfortable.

            Um…it’s humour….

          • suckadick59595-av says:

            I think Fawlty Towers is the gold standard for farce or “cringe,” and I just can’t get behind Gervais’ stuff. US Office >>>>>> UK Office.

            Extras is ok. But a big part of that is the amazing self-piss-taking cameos from celebrities as themselves. Patrick Stewart is gold. 

          • jimal-av says:

            Patrick Stewart is gold.I think you put an extra ‘l’ in there. I can’t wait for Picard.

          • suckadick59595-av says:


        • gargsy-av says:

          Fair enough. Personally, if I don’t like something other people like, I just move on. Why spend years trying to understand how other people can have different taste than you? It happens.

          • jimal-av says:

            I’m legitimately curious though. There are plenty of things in this world that may not be my cup of tea, but I recognize that either it is an acquired taste or that I’m in the minority. In this case, I just don’t get the appeal. Fortunately more people are willing to have a reasoned conversation on the topic than there were telling me to fuck off.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        Shut the entire fuck up. 

    • ohnoray-av says:

      I actually usually really dislike him, but this was a great opening to point out the hypocrisy of hollywood (not that I don’t gobble it all up). 

    • breb-av says:

      I only find Ricky Gervais entertaining whenever I think of that episode with David Bowie in the pub.

      • jimal-av says:

        A star and a thank you for a legitimate answer. I’ve been getting a whole lot of “who cares what you think?” responses to this, which is what someone says when they’ve got nothing.

        • waitingforglobot-av says:

          Well, I think it’s hard to describe the appeal when he just doesn’t appeal to you. It sounds like his humor is just not to your taste – which is totally fine – but it’s difficult to explain why it is to other people’s.For my part I do think his public persona is pretty insufferable. That said, some of his slightly earlier stuff like Extras which is a little bit more muted and self-deprecating was pretty killer in my opinion.Same thing with Russell Brand, tbh. I’m also really not a fan of his, but I did really enjoy his performance in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, mostly because I felt like it was 90% just making fun of… Russell Brand.

          • bcfred-av says:

            He’s great in FSM, one of the great overlooked comedies of the 2000s IMO. His in-movie protest song, saying someone should do something (but not him, and not exactly what) is pretty much the same barb Gervais was throwing last night.

        • homerbert1-av says:

          Have you seen the original British Office? I find Gervais hit and miss at the best of times, but the original Office is a low budget sitcom that changed comedy worldwide for a decade at least. It’s beautifully observed, dark, honest, hilarious and brutal. It’s an absolute masterpiece and gives him a free pass for his stand up, which is largely edge lord shit. There might be a culture gap though. I’m Irish, but it might be a British Irish thing, a lot of yanks find it too bleak to enjoy. The English shit that Anglophiles often cite is the sillier/more surreal audience shows like Python, Boosh, IT Crowd, Young Ones, Ab Fab, etc. 

          • jimal-av says:

            I have not see the original British The Office, and that is almost exclusively because I learned about Gervais through his later work, and based on that I had no interest in seeking it out. But then again I didn’t watch the American version either…

          • homerbert1-av says:

            I like cringe comedy but I get that it’s an acquired taste. Like horror, the discomfort and release is part of the therapeutic fun. And the original Office is up there with the best of the genre. 

    • bcfred-av says:

      Cringe comedy has been the dominant strain for about 15 years now, so…2005?

    • redyetti-av says:

      Comedy is subjective. If you need explained then it’s not for you. You either find something funny or you do not. You can’t be reasoned into being amused.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Of course, ultimately the problem with doing (or even trying to do) a whole “who gives a fuck about this pointless frippery when the world’s burning?” routine at the Golden Globes is that you have to actually show up at the Golden Globes to deliver it, which means you on some level clearly give a fuck about this pointless frippery (or at least leave yourself wide open, with some justification, to the accusation that you do).

  • bingyboogywoogy-av says:

    “Maybe he has a point, but there are few things more exhausting in Hollywood than a rich guy yelling at a bunch of other rich people about he’s more “woke” than they are.”Pretty sure he never said once that he was “woke.” Just that they’re hypocrites for railing against evil wealthy corporations while getting wealthy thanks to those corporations. I don’t think he said he’s better. Just that they’re not necessarily better than all of us. 

  • bingyboogywoogy-av says:

    Personally, I was more interested in Phoenix’s hesitant little environmental comment about them flying around in private jets.

  • bingyboogywoogy-av says:

    “…by putting on a fake smile and trying very hard to laugh as he talks about it being a big year for pedophiles and how the Globes decided not to do an “In Memoriam” montage because too many of the people who died were white.”I think a few of them were trying to NOT laugh about some of these. Others looked too afraid to.

  • bdpower-av says:

    there are few things more exhausting in Hollywood than a rich guy yelling at a bunch of other rich people about he’s more “woke” than they are. Oversimplifying, are we?

  • decgeek-av says:

    I liked it when he compared the people in Birdbox to people who worked for Harvey Weinstein. I think that hit closer to home than the Jeffrey Epstein joke. There were a lot more people in that audience who knew Harvey personally. he did exactly what everyone expected him to do. The one thing I did notice he seemed to do a lot less “hosting” this year. There were long stretches where the announcer introduced presenters.

  • calloutthebs2-av says:

    I thought the Ronan Farrow line was pretty good.

  • redneckyellowcracka-av says:

    Came here to read all the temper tantrums.
    Wasn’t disappointed. 😀

  • skc1701a-av says:

    Ricky Gervais is a straight talker. Always has been. Laypeople tend to forget that Gervais literally made ‘the Office’ then milked it for more money in Hollywood than public television would ever pay him in Great Britain. For me, he’s a breath of fresher air in a town so enamored with ‘make believe’ than brings in fresh air to be sold in hyperbaric chambers. His quote:“You’ll be pleased to know this is the
    last time I’m hosting these awards, so I don’t care anymore. I’m joking.
    I never did. I’m joking, I never did. NBC clearly don’t care either —
    fifth time. I mean, Kevin Hart was fired from the Oscars for some offensive tweets — Hello?”He was the only reason I watched.

  • coolerheads-av says:

    Point should have been, it was hilarious.

  • citizen-snips-av says:

    Company that works with larger companies does not think joke at the expense of these companies or the people who work with them is funny. 

  • paraduck-av says:

    Am I seriously meant to pretend that the in memoriam joke wasn’t funny?

  • rossyp-av says:

    Sometimes you gotta just sit back and think, “would i be praising this if it was somebody i cared about saying it?”

  • firedragon400-av says:

    I’ll be honest, I thought the monologue was pretty funny. 

  • typingbob-av says:

    You value ‘woke’? That shit’s so 2016

  • orisha-av says:

    My favorite part of his monologue was watching the clickbait virtue signaling writers and websites out themselves, just because they can’t help themselves, and because they think they are too clever for people to notice the passive aggressive rage. But they’re not that clever. Well to be fair what else would they post if they weren’t on virtue signal hump mode 24/7. Post something of substance? lol Naaaahhhh.

  • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

    The AV Club, repeatedly: “Comedy should never ever ever ever ever punch down.”Ricky Gervais: *uses comedy to punch upwards*The AV Club: “Well, not like THAT.”

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