Quentin Tarantino came very close to directing some of Justified: City Primeval

Aside from “whispering sweet nothings” in Timothy Olyphant’s ear, the ever-retiring auteur came this close to directing an episode or two

Aux News Justified: City Primeval
Quentin Tarantino came very close to directing some of Justified: City Primeval
Boyd Holbrook and Timothy Olyphant Photo: Sandy Morris (FX)

Justified: City Primeval is a cause for celebration. The show is a cosmic gumbo of Elmore Leonard creations stewed to perfection in the style of FX’s brilliant Justified—and as we previously reported, we have Quentin Tarantino to thank, in part, for the series coming to fruition. We knew he almost directed some of the show, but in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, veteran Justified director and City Primeval co-showrunner Michael Dinner shares how close he came to directing an episode.

Dinner explains after Raylan Givens (Olyphant) and Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) acknowledged their coal mining past and said their goodbyes in the series finale, Elmore Leonard’s son pitched Dinner on City Primeval, a Leonard novel set outside of the Raylan Givens series.

“I was in Italy shooting, and [Timothy Olyphant] called me up and said, ‘Quentin and I were sitting around on [the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood] set, and we were talking. Do you know City Primeval?’” Dinner said. “And I go, ‘Uh, yeah.’ And he goes, ‘Well, we were thinking it’d be a great year of Justified.’ And I said, ‘Well, that’s a great idea, Tim. I’ve actually been playing around with it.’”

Dinner said that though their “intention was never to involve [Tarantino] in it,” they thought asking him to direct an episode would be fun. “Dave and I actually sent him either the pilot or the first two episodes, and he loved it. He had a few thoughts, but it was just a few things,” Dinner said. “And then we slipped him the third and the fourth episodes, which he really loved. And so the intention was that he was gonna do an episode.”

While Tarantino backed out “for some private reasons,” his fingerprints are still in the show.

“He passed along a few notes for episode three, and we did pull out part of episode four and put it into [episode three]. It was kind of a deconstructive narrative in episode four, but we actually went back to that when he didn’t do it. We actually shot it as he would’ve shot it, and then we moved some of the stuff back. But he certainly was there in spirit. People who’ve done Elmore love doing Elmore, and he’s one of those people who completely understands Elmore’s work and Elmore’s world. So it would’ve been fun to do it with him, but it didn’t work out.”

Tarantino might have a chance to direct Raylan Givens in the future because Dinner said that they were already thinking about where Givens might go next. “I do think there’s a third chapter, in success, if the audience comes to this,” he said. “We’re waiting to see how that happens over the next couple weeks, and if FX wants to do another chapter, I think that Tim would want to do it.”

“Tim is Raylan and Raylan is Tim, and there’s an opportunity if someone wants us to do it again. I think that we can do it again.”

Maybe Tarantino can direct an episode next time—if he hasn’t retired by then.


  • ghboyette-av says:

    I actually just finished the book, and I’m surprised the show isn’t getting more criticisms that it replaces a character of color with a white guy. Don’t get me wrong, I love Timothy Olyphant and will follow Raylan Givens to the ends of the Earth, but Raymond Cruz was a pretty cool character on his own. Another thing, Boyd Holbrook is a little too charming as Mansell. In the book, he truly has no redeeming qualities. On the show, Holbrook can make me forget how evil he is with just a smile.

    • galdarn-av says:

      “I actually just finished the book, and I’m surprised the show isn’t getting more criticisms that it replaces a character of color with a white guy.”Because you’re too fucking stupid to breathe?It’s. A. Justified. Revival.Jesus Christ.

    • mchapman-av says:

      But if he were like that, then the question would be, why didn’t Sweetie off him the second he threatened to drop a dime?

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Cruz does get a mention, and seen in the show–wait. Shouldn’t you be burning this place down because they’re not doing recaps?

      • ghboyette-av says:

        I’m working on it.

      • underdog88-av says:

        Wait, av club ISN’T doing reviews for city primeval? What the hell? I remember being a regular reader and commentor for av club all the way back to the 1st justified season through the show’s end. I didn’t realize they werent gonna review/recap the new miniseries. 

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          Nope.Obviously, AVC didn’t the get sort of free swag/access/payola that And Just Like That hands out.

      • fredsavagegarden-av says:

        Not only does he appear in the show, but he’s played by Paul Calderon, who also portrayed him very briefly in Out Of Sight. We’ve damn near got an Elmore Leonard Cinematic Universe going here.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          Finally, a cinematic universe I can give a shit about!

        • coatituesday-av says:

          We’ve damn near got an Elmore Leonard Cinematic Universe going hereThey should have slotted Michael Keaton in as Ray Nicolette. He played him in Out of Sight and in Jackie Brown. He’d fit somewhere in City Primeval I’m sure.

    • gildie-av says:

      It’s possible they hired him based on the name “Boyd” alone. 

    • coatituesday-av says:

      I’m surprised the show isn’t getting more criticisms that it replaces a character of color with a white guy It evens out – in the book Rum Punch Jackie was white….

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I’m torn. 80% of my interest in this series is the return of Raylan Givens but it looks like they cast Paul Calderon to cameo as Cruz and he was fantastic on Bosch where he played a hard-nosed detective so I have no doubt he could have led this show very capably.

      • galdarn-av says:

        “so I have no doubt he could have led this show very capably.”No. He could not have, because this show only exists as an extension of Justified.Is that SO difficult to comprehend?

  • galdarn-av says:

    “Maybe Tarantino can direct an episode next time—if he hasn’t retired by then.”Jesus fucking Christ, for all the digital ink you’ve spilled on the topic, maybe READ some of it and realize that. He. Is. Retiring. From. Making. FILMS.

  • artisangardener-av says:

    I came very close to reading this article and commenting on it, but then I backed out. Would be willing give some notes, though. How about a weekly review?

  • systemmastert-av says:

    He’s gunning for that del Toro top slot of “I almost did a thing” directors. 

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      I like to think that Timothy nixxed Quentin directing once his daughter got cast and suddenly the script got a lotta “Willa paints her toenails slowly”, “Willa curls her toes into the deep pile of the carpet”, “The hotel masseuse rubs Will’s feet”…

  • gildie-av says:

    They need to do more. This one season isn’t going to be enough.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      My worry, like with all spin-offs and long-after sequels and movies and such, is that it’d feel different and off compared to the original.Nope. First two eps were like slippin’ into a favourite pair of old 501s. Nice.

    • peterbread-av says:

      One season every 2-3 years would be fine for me. Heighten the anticipation between stories and not let Olyphant get bored or fear the risk of typecasting.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        I’d be happy for British-style “events”, or seasons with years between them. I’m a Venture Bros fan. I can take the wait. 

      • cooler95-av says:

        100%. My brother and I were just discussing that these should be like the Psych movies. Come every few years and let us catch up with the lovely characters while not overstaying the welcome.

  • jeredmayer-av says:

    How do you write this whole article without once mentioning that the connective thread here is that Tarantino directed Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch under the title Jackie Brown, a film I think is not only probably his best start to finish, but also what Leonard says was the best adaptation of his work?In any case, I’m just glad to get more Justified, and I’m glad they’re using some of Tarantino’s notes. I heard he was also helpful in getting Boyd Holbrook on board for the project.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    If I had a nickle for every time Quentin Tarantino was supposed to direct something but didn’t I’d have less nickles than the guy who gets a nickle every time Robert Rodriguez was supposed to direct something but didn’t. 

  • charleshamm-av says:

    Episode 2 was bit of a drag with the ending leading to over traveled destinations. Somebody tell me that episode three is wonderful and makes everything good again.

  • nx-1700-av says:

    I wish he had because maybe he would have stop the casting of the Daughter ,….she can not act and her voice is like a squeek toy

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “for some private reasons,” Not enough n-words in the script.

    • dxanders-av says:

      That’s unfair and defamatory.He really left cuz there weren’t enough close-ups of feet.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Ugh I went back and forth on whether to make a feet joke or a n-word joke. I briefly considered including both, but it felt desperate.

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