Quentin Tarantino, Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Heidi Klum, more speak out about Harvey Weinstein

Aux News Harvey Weinstein

We’ve heard from the insensitive clods (and Lindsay Lohan, who just might not know any better) who have either tried to sweep the sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein under the rug (again), blamed women for daring to be in the same room as men ever, and who think being a predator is a partisan issue (it’s really not). That list continues to get updated, because there are lots of terrible human beings out there, so we’ve decided to try to offset some of the worst takes with examples of people rightly denouncing Weinstein. Actors, regardless of whether they ever worked with Weinstein, are speaking up about his abuse of power, as well as all the contributing factors that let him get away with this for so long. Read on for a possible boost in your confidence in humanity, and note that we’ll probably be updating this, too.

Emma Thompson: Harvey Weinstein isn’t a sex addict, “he’s a predator.”
Emma Thompson gave a response to BBC Newsnight that is both incredibly sympathetic and galvanizing (frankly, we’d expect no less). The actor-director dispenses with British niceties and calls Weinstein a “predator” who is at the top of a “ladder of harassment, and belittling, and bullying, and interference.” Thompson thinks “the crisis of extreme masculinity,” and the fact that it’s “represented by the most powerful man in the world at the moment,” is a huge contributor to rape culture. And she doesn’t think someone needs to be a serial abuser or rapist to be called out: “Do they have to all be as bad as him to make it count? Does it only count if you really have done it to loads and loads of women, or does it count if you’ve done it to one woman? I think, the latter.”

A “stunned” Quentin Tarantino promises to speak on the Weinstein allegations publicly.
Tarantino and Weinstein have been friends for 25 years, the director notes in a statement he shared via Amber Tamblyn on Twitter. He’s “heartbroken” and in need of more time to process the whole thing, but says he’ll speak publicly on the matter.

Tamblyn, who’s taken on old creeps in Hollywood before, regularly voices her support for survivors, and has been tweeting about the Weinstein abuse since the news broke.

Ryan Gosling: Weinstein is “emblematic of a systemic problem.”
Points to Gosling for acknowledging how widespread the issue is, and for managing to show empathy for women without invoking either of his two daughters or his longtime partner, actress Eva Mendes.

Holly Hunter’s statement, via Variety: Weinstein’s abuse of women is “the lowest of the low.”
Hunter starred in and won an Oscar for The Piano, which was directed by Jane Campion and distributed by Miramax. And while she says Weinstein remained professional with her, she is “[infuriated]” by his actions, which saw him accost or assault more than 30 women. “I join my community in standing by these courageous women,” Hunter says.

Tom Hanks isn’t buying Weinstein’s “I thought it was still the ’60s/’70s!” defense.
Speaking with The New York Times, America’s Dad said, after noting he’s also a product of that swinging era, “I know all kinds of people that just love hitting on, or making the lives of underlings some degree of miserable, because they can.” Despite never having worked with Weinstein, Hanks said the report that Weinstein harassed or assaulted 32 women “all just sort of fits, doesn’t it?”

Heidi Klum admires the “brave women who are coming forward.”
Klum hosts Project Runway, which Weinstein executive-produced from the second season on, though he’s since been booted. The Hollywood Reporter reached out to Klum for a comment, and like every other woman on this list (and in the world), she knows Weinstein’s actions aren’t “a rare occurrence in our society,” and “we would be naive to think that this behavior only happens in Hollywood.”

Leonardo DiCaprio said there’s “no excuse for sexual harassment or sexual assault.”
DiCaprio didn’t call Weinstein out by name, but he did write in a Facebook post that he applauds the women who have come forward.

The Weinstein revelations have reminded Tippi Hedren of her own abuse at the hands of Alfred Hitchcock.
The “cool blond” star of Marnie and The Birds tells The Daily Beast that reading about the allegations against Weinstein, who followed up a bizarre JAY-Z quoting statement with an even worse “we all make mistakes,” she was reminded of when Hitchcock sexually assaulted her. Speaking of Weinstein’s history of harassment, Hedren demonstrated how she shuts that shit down these days: “I don’t know what happens to the people I say ‘no’ to and I don’t care. That’s that.”

Charlize Theron: “Many men in positions of power have gotten away with it for far too long.”
In an Instagram post, Theron showed her support for Weinstein’s victims, while expressing optimism in this “step forward in changing” the culture that dismisses assault as “locker room talk.”

From former vice president Joe Biden: Weinstein “used his power in a disgusting and immoral way.”
The former veep talked about Weinstein while at Rutgers University yesterday, where he gave a speech about sexual assault. “This disgusting behavior at least on the part of Harvey Weinstein has been brought to an abrupt and justifiable end,” Biden told the crowd of thousands. He continued: “And it is my hope there are more consequences. This man deserves more than losing his company.”

Olivia Wilde: “What Harvey Weinstein did to those women was nothing short of abuse.”
Wilde began tweeting about the allegations on Monday, showing her support for the survivors while blasting Weinstein and anyone who engages in victim blaming.

Julia Roberts: Harvey Weinstein is a “corrupt, powerful man [who] wields his influence to abuse and manipulate woman.”
Roberts gave a statement to Us Weekly, in which she, too, acknowledges that these revelations may be appalling, but the existence of such abuse is hardly surprising. “We’ve heard this infuriating, heartbreaking story countless times before. And now here we go again,” Robert stated, before encouraging anyone dealing with harassment, abuse, or assault to contact services such as RAINN or the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673).

Blake Lively calls Weinstein allegations “devastating to hear.”
Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Lively said Weinstein had never harassed or assaulted her, and seemed surprised that “if people heard these stories… I do believe in humanity enough to think that this wouldn’t have just continued.” After sharing her own story of harassment, Lively told THR, “This isn’t a single incident. This cannot happen, this should not happen, and it happens in every single industry.”

Jessica Chastain says “the stories were everywhere.”
Chastain’s statement is succinct, but she recalls her own concerns about working with Weinstein, as well as alludes to the culture that enabled him.

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