5 burning questions before Better Call Saul ends

The final episodes of the AMC series are just around the corner, so let's dig into the show's biggest loose ends

TV Features Saul
5 burning questions before Better Call Saul ends
Better Call Saul season 6 (Photos: Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television) Graphic: Rebecca Fassola

After that crushing midseason finale, Better Call Saul returns for its last batch of episodes on July 11. And as we prepare to bid adieu to the good (and very, very bad) characters on the show—and, for now, the citizenry of the Gilligan Universe in general—some major questions loom. For instance: How exactly will Carol Burnett figure into her “favorite show”? These are the other big ones we most hope Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, and the rest of the Saul crew tackle before the August 15 series finale. And while we’re sure this goes without saying, don’t read on unless you’re caught up on the story.

previous arrow1. What will Lalo do with Jimmy and Kim now that Howard is dead? next arrow
1. What will Lalo do with Jimmy and Kim now that Howard is dead?
Tony Dalton as Lalo Salamanca in Photo Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television

Obviously, this is the most pressing question. Kim and Jimmy (or Saul— whichever name you’re choosing to refer to him at this point is fine and dandy) were in big trouble the moment Kim learned Lalo was still alive. Now, they’re not only in Lalo’s clutches (and still tied to his nemeses, Gus and Mike), but they have also personally witnessed Lalo murder Howard. (That was a death so sudden and shocking that it still seems unbelievable.) However this all plays out, we’re banking that it builds slowly to a last-minute twist.


  • pinpointpropensity-av says:

    I really think (hope, rather) that Kim won’t die. There’s no way Jimmy turned out like the sleazy douchebag he is in BB, with the death of the love of his life hanging over his head.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I’m generally interested to see what happens with Lalo overall. We know he isn’t in Breaking Bad so he’s likely entering his endgame over the next few episodes. Eager to see what that is.I am also intrigued in seeing what the fallout of Howard’s demise is. How are Saul and Kim going to get rid of the body and what will happen to HHM without him?I’m a little less interested in Walt / Jesse personally – I assume that BCS is going to catch up to the BB timeline at some point in the last seven episodes and their scene will be an expanded version of events from BB from Saul’s perspective and not much more. I like the characters just fine, just don’t think there is much more to do with either of them.

    • paulfields77-av says:

      Given the BB clip linked in slide 5, it would appear that Saul thinks Lalo is still around at that point. Given his absence from BB I can only assume that means Gus and Mike will have taken care of him without necessarily keeping Saul abreast of the situation. Unless there is some fancy retconning planned.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        Interesting. Maybe Gus / Mike keep Saul in the dark to keep him in their corner under the guise of providing him with protection against Lalo?Can’t imagine Lalo survives though given his family ties to characters in BB.

        • paulfields77-av says:

          That would make sense.

        • paulfields77-av says:

          After the latest episode, my theory is now that Saul might just be thinking that Lalo has come back from the grave once before, and therefore might have done so again.

    • browza-av says:

      We know Gus is prepping for a showdown with Lalo, which obviously Gus survives. My guess is Lalo ends up as subflooring for the superlab.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    Here’s how much I love this show – I’m going to rewatch the entire latest half season just to be ready for July 11. I do have a job and and family and all, but I think I can handle it.I don’t doubt that every character will get the ending needed for the story. I was shocked and saddened when Howard died, and even a little sad when Chuck died – but those were necessary to the story. I don’t know if I’ll get what I want  (no secrets, I want Kim alive and in fact I want her showing up at Cinnabon to take Gene out for a healthy meal) but I am sure the overall story will be served.  Damn it.

  • tigernightmare-av says:

    According to the timeline on the wiki, Better Call Saul is currently in 2004, while Breaking Bad begins in 2008 and ends in 2010. Saul Goodman has only begun establishing himself, he just leased his current office space, while the show has suggested a level of infamy that would make him easy to recognize, even by those who have never needed a lawyer. His opulent lifestyle would take a long time to make that kind of crazy money before getting a cut from laundering Walter and Jesse’s money. Four years seems like a short amount of time for that to happen, but I only foresee a four year time jump as a way to bridge current Saul to the rich and famous Saul that Walter and Jesse hire.I think Kim has a gun. She wouldn’t just lie down and be paranoid, she would be proactive. She probably had it hidden in the couch cushions and needs to wait for a moment to go for it. But the only way for Saul to continue to be paranoid about Lalo is for him to survive. So, Kim fires on and wounds him, but he somehow gets away. Unfortunately, the neighbors heard the shots and there was no way for them to get out of this cleanly. When they see the police pull up, they will frantically come up with a cover story while they collect their post it notes to burn/flush/garbage disposal them.I think they end up telling mostly the truth to the police. Howard arrived, and then “Jorge de Guzman” showed up and killed him. They’ll collect blood samples and conclude that the bullet that killed Howard didn’t come from Kim’s gun, which she purchased legally from a store. So there won’t be an arrest and trial of Kim or Jimmy.However, the fallout will extend beyond legal repercussions. The initial rift between Kim and Jimmy happens here, when Jimmy will want to further muddy Howard’s name to get past this, while Kim will feel too guilty about their role in his death. But this won’t be what ends their relationship.I firmly believe that Kim will not die. It would be too devastating for Jimmy to just carry on as a scheming, humorous, gleefully colorful TV lawyer if he lost the only person who ever believed in him. And when we first see him as Gene in 2010, it wasn’t like…Instead, he was watching his own ads. Maybe he misses Kim every day, but he had already processed losing her. He was grieving the life he used to have, the life he had without Kim.Maybe Kim gets disappeared when he acquires the vet’s black book, or maybe she just leaves and starts over, washing her hands of the law entirely. But I feel like whatever happens, there will be a reunion in the future.Lalo will be dealt with by Mike and Gus, the two most responsible for the carnage in the first place. I imagine Lalo will get paved over within the superlab after Gus does his little lights out gun retrieval trick. I don’t know if Mike and Gus will ever pay a price for these manipulations and schemes, other than what happens to them eventually, but there definitely has to be some kind of cost extracted for what we see happen in this show. It wouldn’t be satisfying if Don Eladio just goes, “Oh, you have a meth superlab? Great, we’ll make lots of money together, friend!”

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    My further questions:
    Is Bill Burr going to be in this season?
    Will we learn why Saul is so hot to unload a laser tag arena?

  • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

    What do they do with Howard’s body?Whose undergarments were in the flash forward to Saul’s house being emptied?

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      What do they do with Howard’s body?Lotta desert around. Shouldn’t be that hard.I watch a lot of murder docs, and it amazes me that people can’t seem to hide a body, even when they’re surrounded by miles and miles of swamp/forest/desert.Lucky for them,  they’ll probably just call Mike.

      • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

        They have to get the body out of the apartment complex. There are probably cameras that saw him arrive. I’m sure they’ll explain it away but still, Howard’s a prominent person in the community. It would be weird for him to just disappear unless they make it look like he was depressed about his marital woes.

    • jamieos1990-av says:

      I am guessing there’s a lie involved (he killed himself?) which gets found out (by Cliff Maine?), and I have a very strong suspicion Kim is about to be debarred (far too much of the ABA hearing room in the trailer for the new season for it not to feature again, plus she’s long acted like it was the worst thing that could ever happen to a lawyer).

  • toddtriestonotbetoopretentious-av says:

    At this point, while I’m fully engaged with the characters and the plot, the main heroes I’m rooting for are the writers of this show. The main tension is “are they going to actually effing pull this off?” and so I am doubly excited for these last 6 episodes.

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Plus, when/how will Carol Burnett turn up???

  • Jsuarez-av says:

    So I had the weird feeling that Kim might run off with Lalo. I thought this when Kim went to see him in prison while Jimmy was lost in the desert with Mike. Later, upon his release he tells Jimmy that his wife came to see him and made a comment on how she was very good looking. I just wondered if she bails with him and double crosses jimmy that provides cover to not be on BB and let them both live and maybe a spin off? It is a far fetched idea at best I suppose 

  • butterflybaby-av says:

    A show that started out pretty damn good but ended up just being an excuse to do Breaking Bad again and to especially to bring back the completely annoying Mike. 

  • mxchxtx1-av says:

    Even more starkly than in El Camino, there is the challenge of credibly selling Aaron Paul as a younger Jesse. So much so that I feel like we have to see him in the Gene timeline (itself a challenge since nearly all of that time is accounted for now) or see him *very* briefly in the Saul timeline with some de-aging FX.

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