Quick new Shazam! trailer pokes fun at The Dark Knight and tries to buy some beer 

Aux Features Coming Distractions

Just in case you need a reminder: Shazam! looks like a hell of a lot of fun. This new trailer is weirdly short, but what it lacks in runtime it makes up for in new footage that makes it clear that this is unlike any other superhero movie that Warner Bros. has put out in the last few decades—to the point where the big dramatic tagline that flashes onscreen is a play on the iconic “Why so serious?” line from The Dark Knight. Also, Shazam tries to use his new status as an apparent adult to try and buy beer and get a loan for a secret superhero lair, which is super fun. It’s all fun, really, but in a different way from how Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are fun. Is it possible that there really is room in the world for different kinds of superhero movies that all strike different tones based on what is best-suited for their specific superheroes? We’ll see if Shazam! is actually as good as its trailers before making a claim that bold.


  • aleph5-av says:

    I can’t wait for Warner Bros. to steer so hard the other way that we get Ambush Bug. Aquaman was a lot of fun, this looks fun; the lesson they’ll take is that “boisterous and silly” is the way to go. Which will make the next Suicide Squad weird. “…superhero movies that all strike different tones based on what is best-suited for their specific superheroes?” It’s almost as if the DC TV shows could serve as an example. Nah, that would never fly on the silver screen.

    • thegreatprophetzarquon-av says:

      Having an Ambush Bug cut of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman – Majority Opinion of Justice would make both of those movies instantly worthwhile.

    • themightymodok-av says:

      Well, James Gunn is writing the next Suicide Squad film so that looks to also be fun.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        James Gunn doing Suicide Squad after that controversy feels like somebody wished on a monkey’s paw while saying “I hope James Gunn gets to do more superhero movies”

    • jaymags71-av says:

      Which will make the next Suicide Squad weird.“Weird” would be an improvement over the last Suicide Squad movie. That movie was a turd. Ayer must not have had final cut.

    • hallofreallygood-av says:

      They’re going to do Green Lantern for sure now. And it’s going to be goofy as hell. 

      • halloweenjack-av says:

        They should have G’Nort as Earth’s Green Lantern. Unfortunately, Geoff Johns is slated to co-write and co-produce, and he’s probably going to do just about as good of a job as he did with his first attempt.

      • teddyray-av says:

        They’re probably revisiting the Jack Black Green Lantern movie as we type.

    • teddyray-av says:

      Personally, I’m hoping for a Superman movie with Mister Mxyzptlk as the villain and/or a Batman movie with Bat-Mite.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    I don’t know why, but I just can’t with this costume and the extra muscle padding. It makes me eyes twitch.

    • marsilies-av says:

      That’s not padding. Zachary Levi got ripped for this movie.https://people.com/health/zachary-levi-shirtless-selfie-muscles-are-fake-theory/

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        The first sentence- “His superhero suit may have some extra padding.” Which is what I’m referring too. I don’t doubt he’s in shape.

      • franknstein-av says:

        I hipe that he gets to be topless and show it off, because the suit is clearly so padded that it really doesn’t matter much… 🙂

    • sui_generis-av says:

      Yeah, the light-up costume is dumb-looking as hell. Whoever decided they were going from “shiny” to “lite-brite” with the insignia is a design moron.But I guess they didn’t want the costume to be a serious adaptation of the comics, since they’re just goofing on the whole concept…

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        Dude, you can’t post ALEX ROSS art from KINGDOM FREAKIN’ COME as your “baseline” for the big red cheese…

        It’s in line with Jeff Smith’s Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil fun! 

        • peon21-av says:

          It’s from Ross & Paul Dini’s giant-sized one-shot “Shazam! Power Of Hope”, but you’re right – using Alex Ross art to win an argument is deeply unfair.

          • suckadick59595-av says:

            Ty. Ross makes everything look like serious mythology. Shazam, most of the time, is… Not. “But I guess they didn’t want the costume to be a serious adaptation of the comics, since they’re just goofing on the whole concept…”A serious adaptation of what, dr. Sivana? Mr. Mind? Tawny talky? A family of Marvels? Etc etc

        • hugh-jasole-av says:

          That’s not from Kingdom freakin’ Come.  It’s from Shazam! Power of Hope.

      • nycpaul-av says:

        Yeah. The world needs more serious movies on these very important subjects.

    • cordingly-av says:

      I get the reasoning for disliking it, but since it seems that Shazaam is DC displaying a sense of self-awareness, I think it works for the style laid out to us in the trailers, and serves to poke fun at years of ridiculous Batman costumes.

    • kingofmadcows-av says:

      I wouldn’t mind if it was padding since Shazam is supposed to be what a kid thinks a superhero looks like.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        I understand the idea and where it’s coming from, but aesthetically it’s unpleasant to me. Totally my opinion, but I feel like they could take this idea and make it more fun, less weird. There’s probably a better example of exaggerated, but say Kurt Russell in Sky High is ridiculous, but it doesn’t bother me. I guess I just don’t like the costumers decisions here.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    If you’d told me around the Dark Knight-era that the next good (or at least entertaining) DC superhero movies would be Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam, I’d have called you a lunatic.

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    so they remade Big as a superhero movie? Does he bang Elizabeth Perkins? 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Oh Big, as it kid it was a fun movie, but then later you realize Susan should have started freaking out and puking when he walks away and turns in a kid again.

    • halloweenjack-av says:

      Big came out in 1988; the version of Captain Marvel in which he’s a boy in an adult superhero’s body, instead of an adult who switches places with a boy, dates from 1986 and the Giffen/DeMatteis era of Justice League, which was clearly the best era.

  • sui_generis-av says:

    Can anyone explain to me why the hell they needed to turn Sivana into Black Adam…? Why not just use Black Adam? Or someone completely different..?

    • farva5-av says:

      Because the Rock is Black Adam and they don’t want to “waste” him as the villain of one movie. They haven’t actually said what he’ll be doing, but it’s not this

      • sui_generis-av says:

        That doesn’t quite explain why you’d take one of the archetypal “mad scientist” supervillains and give him a completely different “power set” than what he should have. Black Adam is just going to be a repeat, after this…

        • dijonase-av says:

          I believe it’s from the New 52. In that story Sivana is on a quest for magic. I don’t believe he’s a mad scientist at all.

          • sui_generis-av says:

            Yes, you’ve brought us back once more to the root of most of DC’s problems…   “the new 52″.

    • kingofmadcows-av says:

      Sivana is supposed to have the power to steal magic in this movie, so presumably he has lightning powers when he’s fighting Shazam but he also has other powers that he’s stolen.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Because this is totally the first time Sivana got superpowers. Never seen that before, nuh-uh.Go read some comics before whining. Jeez.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Can’t lie; this is the first DC movie in a long while that I’m actually kind of looking forward to seeing. 

  • jgoddard-av says:

    You can’t buy beer at 7-11 in Philly. Everybody there knows it and is annoyed by it.

  • franknstein-av says:

    Also – we’d appreciate if you didn’t tell anyone about the secret layer….

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I know it would be a nightmare to promote and that they’ve already changed his name in the comics, but part of me really wishes that DC would call this Captain Marvel and really just confuse the hell out of folks that are excited for the MCU version.

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