R.I.P. Pat Hitchcock, Strangers On A Train actor and only child of director Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock's daughter also appeared in his films Psycho and Stage Fright

Film News Hitchcock
R.I.P. Pat Hitchcock, Strangers On A Train actor and only child of director Alfred Hitchcock
Patricia Hitchcock in Strangers On A Train Screenshot: Strangers On A Train

Pat Hitchcock, actor and only child of famed director Alfred Hitchcock, has died at the age of 93. Variety reports that Hitchcock’s daughter Katie O’Connell-Fiala confirmed that her mother died Monday in Thousand Oaks, California.

Perhaps unsurprisingly for someone who grew up surrounded by the film industry, Hitchcock started acting at boarding school and played teenage leads in two short-run Broadway plays in the 1940s: Solitaire and Violet. In a 1984 interview with The Washington Post, she remembered that her father saw her in Violet, but didn’t say much: “He never commented, only if he didn’t like something. Acting was a business—that’s how he viewed it.”

She also revealed in the same interview: “I wish he had believed in nepotism. I’d have worked a lot more. But he never had anyone in his pictures unless he believed they were right for the part. He never fit a story to a star, or to an actor. Often I tried to hint to his assistant, but I never got very far. She’d bring my name up, he’d say, ‘She isn’t right for it,’ and that would be the end of that.”

Nevertheless, Hitchcock did play memorable character roles in two of her father’s biggest films. After making her movie debut in his 1950 film Stage Fright (as well as performing as a double for star Jane Wyman in a fast-moving car stunt), she played the nosy sister of the heroine in 1951’s Strangers On A Train, who nearly gets strangled by Robert Walker’s murderous Bruno. In 1960’s Psycho, she appears as a co-worker of Janet Leigh’s Marion Crane. Hitchcock told The Washington Post, I barely remember the whole thing, and most people forget I’m in Psycho. I say, ‘How can you possibly remember, after everything else that happens?’”

She also appeared in several episodes of the TV series Alfred Hitchcock Presents, as well as on series like Suspense and My Little Margie. Hitchcock took a break from acting after marrying businessman Joseph O’Connell in 1952 and raising a family, although she still contributed to Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. The 2003 biography Alma Hitchcock: The Woman Behind The Man gave the younger Hitchcock and co-author Laurent Bouzereau the opportunity to shine a light on her mother’s efforts in her father’s films. “She was much more brilliant than people realized,” Hitchcock told the Post. “She never edited in this country. She only did the early treatments… She didn’t do screenplays. But even after she stopped doing treatments, she was invaluable. She had a fantastic eye for everything on the screen.” For example, Hitchcock says her mother pointed out a possibly devastating error at a final screening of the Psycho print: Alma noticed that Janet Leigh could still be seen breathing at the end of Marion’s fatal shower scene.

In her later years, Hitchcock would continue to attend fan events and other gatherings to honor her father, like the 1999 unveiling of a bronze bust at Universal Studios to commemorate Alfred Hitchcock’s centennial birthday.


  • cajlo63-av says:

    I’ve only seen her in Strangers on a Train and Psycho but she had a nice screen presence. 

  • michaelmmoore-av says:

    She was particularly good — and very memorable — in Psycho. She captured the primness of the role perfectly.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    93 is a pretty good long life, but still a shame all the while.  Not many people left from that era of film.

  • fadedmaps-av says:

    My wife and I have watched a lot of Hitchcock films on DVD over the years, and we always enjoyed Pat’s commentary in the included featurettes.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Her Psycho appearance is actually really awkward, since the whole point of the scene is supposed to be that she’s far less attractive than Janet Leigh, and jokes that a guy wasn’t flirting with her just because he saw her wedding ring. Hitchcock putting his own daughter in this role, especially when she actually was quite attractive in her own right, really feels a bit icky.

    • robert-denby-av says:

      What’s icky about it? It was a fairly minor role in a fictive movie. If Pat was a good fit for the role (and I think she did a good job), why is it worse than Hitchcock casting someone else’s daughter?

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    At at a 3-D screening of DIAL M FOR MURDER at LACMA I attended, after the screening Pat Hitchcock gave a fine little speech, especially thrilled as it was the first time she got to see the film in 3-D as was originally conceived. During Q&A she answered the question about Hitchcock and Bankhead on the set of LIFEBOAT. Seems Bankhead was not one to wear undergarments and while shooting the scenes of her soaking wet it became very apparent under the lights her true brunette self. Hitch turned to the cameraman and said, I am not sure if this is an issue with wardrobe or hairdressing but we need to call someone.

  • nurser-av says:

    I just saw Strangers… again after many years and completely enjoyed it, now realizing she was in several films. I didn’t know her name or relation until this post but she was a very good character actor.  

  • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

    She may have been a capable actress and a fine person, but when most of your film and TV credits involve your famous father in one way or another it seems a stretch to say that nepotism wasn’t a factor.

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