Rachel Zegler and Halle Bailey compare notes on surviving online harassment

It's pretty grim that this is what young women in Hollywood can bond over

Aux News Rachel Zegler
Rachel Zegler and Halle Bailey compare notes on surviving online harassment
Rachel Zegler (Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images), Halle Bailey (Leon Bennett/Getty Images) Image: The A.V. Club

Variety’s “Actors On Actors” conversation series is designed to create fun, viral-friendly moments, and it’s actually quite good at it: Just putting Cillian Murphy and Margot Robbie in a room together will get some clicks, even without the two of them bonding over Barbenheimer. Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo also had fun in their recent chat, with Downey commenting on how “bangable” Ruffalo looks in Poor Things. So it’s depressing that a portion of the “Actors On Actors” conversation between The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes star Rachel Zegler and The Little Mermaid’s Halle Bailey had to be spent with the two of them comparing notes on how they’ve dealt with online harassment.

The two have good attitudes about it, but it’s just such a grim indictment of the entertainment industry and our society in general that Variety gets two young women together and one of the things they can both relate to is the fact that people say terrible shit about both of them on the internet. Ruffalo and Downey were able to just chat about their work, they didn’t have to comment on how the other gets through the day when strangers criticize everything they do.

But at least the conversation itself was positive. Both Zegler and Bailey are impressed with how the other handles online harassment, with Zegler saying that Bailey “proved them wrong with grace,” saying she was “so inspired” by the way Bailey handled anyone who “had anything bad to say about it” (the “it” being a Black person playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid). Bailey responded by saying that it turned out to be a “beautiful lesson,” learning how to shut out the “naysayers” and the “negativity.”

Zegler explained that “choosing thankfulness and gratefulness” over engaging with people who just want to be cruel is “choosing peace,” and it helps her accept that they are “probably just having a really hard day.” Bailey then quoted the saying, “You throw stones, and I’ll build a bridge out of them,” which brought the duo around to talking about more positive interactions with people—like the videos of Black kids seeing Bailey in the Little Mermaid trailers and going nuts.


  • argiebargie-av says:

    “You throw stones, and I’ll build a bridge out of them”And then nuke it when the racist trolls try to walk thru it.

    • treetopper-av says:

      Bitch needs a bridge to span between those eyes!  Holy shit does she look like an alien…

      • chandlerbinge-av says:

        We need more people from the planet she’s from. We could make room by shooting assholes like you into the sun.

        • treetopper-av says:

          i shot in your mom’s asshole.  is that good enough?

          • chandlerbinge-av says:

            Why is the Venn diagram between “right-wing troll” and “unfunniest person you’ve ever met” basically a circle?

          • treetopper-av says:

            I voted for Obama, Hillary, and Biden. no really. 

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Lol sure you did. Your uncle-dad and aunt-mom raised you well. 

          • treetopper-av says:

            i mean… all kidding aside.  i did.  i always vote democrat or independent. your assumptions don’t change reality.  fag. 

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            bahahah sure, inbred. someone will be by shortly to change the water in your bowl and put you down for a little nappy poo.

          • treetopper-av says:

            More kink shaming?  You know, you’re awfully mean for an “internet nice guy” (TM)

          • gargsy-av says:

            “internet nice guy”

            But you’re left-wing. Gotcha.

          • treetopper-av says:

            Sister-Dad?  Why are you being so mean to me?  My extra chromosomes are tingling!  

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            I’m not sure what you think this proves? You are a right-wing troll. (I’m assuming you’re the same dude who tries to impersonate people with close user names) Other actions you take, no matter how positive, do not erase that. Plenty of closeted GOP members have voted against gay rights over the years. They’re still gay though. 

          • Rev2-av says:

            LOL. Using gay as an insult rocks… You know, with AIDS and it being sodomy and all that vile stuff.

          • treetopper-av says:

            I do not espouse right wing ideologies. I point out the blatant hypocrisy in “left-wing” talking points. Assholes like you forget there’s a difference.  

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            That’s not what my mom said last night.

          • treetopper-av says:

            I’m surprised she was still able to talk. 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            “I voted for Obama, Hillary, and Biden.”How does this disprove being right-wing

          • treetopper-av says:

            Because those candidates are all Democratic, which in the United States of America, is “Left”. Or would you prefer I throw away my voter on some patchouli smelling dipshit who thinks humans should just learn to get along…?Your sick burn is laughable.  Try harder.  Maybe insinuate I don’t please women or that I live in a basement or whatever “your kind” has deemed the most insulting this week.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Ok but still not seeing how that’s supposed to prove you’re not right-wing, especially when your response sounds straight out of what a conservative would say.“Or would you prefer I throw away my voter on some patchouli smelling dipshit who thinks humans should just learn to get along” is just an old standard conservative insult toward liberals (the thing you think you are, while calling who used to be called liberals, like AOC, a tankie or whatever). Everything about your whole shtick here is that of a reactionary.

          • treetopper-av says:

            You’re taking me far too seriously, which, y’know… eh nevermind.  It’s over your head.  

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Or would you prefer I throw away my voter on some patchouli smelling dipshit who thinks humans should just learn to get along…?

            Yep, you’re definitely a leftie…

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            I seriously want to meet the person who is upset by a “your mom” joke in 2023. This dude is just fascinating. 

          • Rev2-av says:

            Because right in between those two things is a far-leftist/cancer.

          • argiebargie-av says:

            Leave my in-laws out of this.

        • argiebargie-av says:

          We are gonna need a bigger cannon.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Holy fuck what a brave important opinion. 

      • adrianwilliams1-av says:

        So what do you think about Anya Taylor-Joy’s eyes?

    • chubbycox-av says:

      Dismiss this fucking troll

    • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

      Yes, these young millionaires are very strong to put up with (checks notes) mean tweets. Stunning and brave, as they were obviously forced at gunpoint to read negative comments. Why, they bared “survived”…mean words.

      • nimbh-av says:

        The idea that money is a shield for feelings sure is a stupid one. 

        • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

          The idea that one can suffer from online harassment without their consent sure is an impossible one.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            If only all those sources you thought said that actually did!

            Where in this fucking story is anyone suffering!? As i pointed out to you already dumb shit it’s a story about how they stay positive despite people being assholes.

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Um. Are you retarded? The producers are quoted as stating that they would have to break the law to qualify for the Academy, and the Academy responded by saying, fine, you won’t qualify.Who suffers? I don’t know, millions upon million of dollars are at stake, and it is anti-art. It is illiberal on its face to racially discriminate. Who suffers? Artists, key grips, fucking everyone involved in the production, everyone of the wrong identity group, liberalism as a whole, and me, who has to wade through your contrarian crap that has you implying I like Nazis for taking the exact stand as the ACLU, an issue you refuse to address, because it annihilates you.You asked me why I like Nazis, for taking the ACLU’s stance. Tell me, do they like Nazis?Do they like NRA members?I will bet my eternal soul that you will never answer those two basic bitch liberal questions, you fucking putz.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Where in this fucking story is anyone suffering!? As i pointed out to you already dumb shit it’s a story about how they stay positive despite people being assholes.

            Seems like a simple question, why can you not answer it?

    • lord-savage-av says:

      They can “bond over” how much their movies LOSE for Disney! 

    • argiebargie-av says:

      A sincere thanks to the AVC admins for deleting all the shitposts from the several toxic trolls that invaded this comment section.

  • treetopper-av says:

    This is an awful lot of drama over nostalgia bait cash-in trash cinema selling “diversity” as a get-out-of-jail-free card. If you don’t want us to call out the shit you’re feeding us, stop feeding us shit. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “If you don’t want us to call out the shit you’re feeding us, stop feeding us shit.”Can you please kill yourself and have someone record it and post it to the Internet? Or, you know what? Don’t.

      Just fuck off and die.

    • treetopper-av says:

      inb4 “you’re a nazi/cuck/edgelord/coward/snowflake/fascist/etc/etc/etc”

      • chubbycox-av says:

        You just made fun of the way she looks in another reply and then pretended like you’re some kind of revolutionary for demanding studios stop selling nostalgia? You’re none of the things you typed, you’re just an idiot.

        • treetopper-av says:

          i am. youre right. but your online harassment is toxic and vile and you should feel bad about yourself. HOW DARE PEOPLE BE MEAN ANONYMOUSLY ONLINE!!! funny holw your ethics on ly seem to count for minority chicks you wantr to bang. Cunt. 

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Telling people you know that what you just said is stupid and bad doesn’t make it less stupid or bad.

        • treetopper-av says:

          Yeah. no shit.  I literally just called it stupid and bad.  Is english not your first language?  

        • ooklathemok3994-av says:

          Every time I think we hit a new low, the Kinja crowd always surprises me. It’s what keeps me coming back.

      • justin-queso-av says:

        You seem like the kinda guy who would benefit from being curb-stomped.Oh wait – the rest of the world would benefit. Fingers crossed it happens soon.

        • treetopper-av says:

          Yes. I deserve to be brutally murdered because I said a maybe not nice thing about a corporation’s marketing strategy. This is why I troll, thank you. The hypocrisy of “wokeness.” Before you condemn me, at least acknowledge that you are doing the same thing the people you criticize are and reflect on it.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “This is why I troll, thank you.”

            Uh huh.

          • justin-queso-av says:

            Your absence won’t be a loss.

          • treetopper-av says:

            I hope your mother/significant other gets gang raped by chimpanzees in cop uniforms and your children eat her alive in front of you and then shit her fecalized remains into your mouth.You seem like the kind of guy who would enjoy the taste. You can fuck off.Your absence won’t be a loss.

    • mshep-av says:

      If you don’t want us to call out the shit you’re feeding us, stop feeding us shit. And by “feeding us shit,” you mean “accepting work as an actor?”

      • treetopper-av says:

        Actors that give their dumbass opinions about shit and literally insult the IP they are working on in interviews?  yes.

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      how is “diversity” a get-out-of-jail-free card? what jail would they be in without it?

      • treetopper-av says:

        Using diversity as the predominant selling point for your mid content is the most disingenuous form of social justice imaginable. And as you can see by the army ready to call anyone who criticizes that content magats, fascists, incels, racists, etc. it’s impossible to criticize valid points because you get called a bigot. It’s a marketing strategy 100%.

        • chandlerbinge-av says:

          Nah. Lots of left-leaning people, myself included, don’t really care for the remakes. They’re lukewarm, lazy cash-grabs that don’t add anything meaningful to the existing originals most of the time. The problem is that these valid criticisms get drowned out by the dipshits who scream “BLACK PERSON, OMG A BLACK PERSON!!!” into all social media outlets.

          • treetopper-av says:

            They don’t though. There’s always more people complaining about bigotry than actual bigots. They hold a megaphone up to the minimal hatred there is and pretend it’s indicative of entire fanbases.

        • taco-emoji-av says:

          Sure, it’s a cynical marketing strategy. How is that a “get-out-of-jail-free card” though? That implies there would be some sort of punishment if they DIDN’T talk about diversity.

          • treetopper-av says:

            So, you realize you don’t actually have any issue with the content of my statement so you choose to harass me over semantics? Ok, buddy. Transparent much? The corporations would be in jail (i.e. turned against) for putting out thoroughly derivative trash but they can deflect any criticism because you can’t criticize their shit without an army of little internet morality heroes insulting you. Bam. They are out of jail!I’m gonna need you to give up on this attempt at “gotcha” and resort to calling me names, okay?  I get bored dealing with your feigned ignorance. 

    • nimitdesai-av says:
    • argiebargie-av says:

      You sound like someone who frequently gets told to eat shit.

    • xample2-av says:

      kill yourself

  • gargsy-av says:

    “It’s pretty grim that this is what young women in Hollywood can bond over”More or less grim than when young women in Hollywood bonded over getting forcibly raped by the head of a studio?

  • universalamander-av says:

    They “survived” mean tweets lol. Someone lock these bitches in a room with Jonathon Majors, see if they survive that.

  • 0nlywinning-av says:

    And right on cue, the comments beneath this post are quickly filled with exactly what we all expected. Good job, internet!

  • Rev2-av says:

    She/Her Ziegler is just so gross. How she’s managed to still have a career this long is a miracle. The loathsome look of entitlement on she/her face is absolutely nauseating… Gotta be one of the most awful “celebrities” we’ve had to put up with since Satan.

  • recoegnitions-av says:


  • daveassist-av says:

    Some of the Kremlin-loving right-wing folks like to issue threats and vitriol to Kinja users too. I managed to get our Willem Dafoe-faced troll to lash out at me today:
    I won against The Root. Those apes turned off comments. I can’t wait
    until Trump wins. I hope you are murdered by the government you dumb
    tard. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I won against The Root. JFC this site has the most pathetic trolls this side of a Facebook shitpost group.

      • daveassist-av says:

        Actually, with that particular troll, I’ve speculated before that he might be a genuine Kremlin employee. BUT, his activity level doesn’t seem to match someone desperately trying to prove his worth to someone that might otherwise make him join a bullet-sponging meatwave in Ukraine.However, he might know others that are/were in that situation and have been made to do just that.That might particularly be true now that the Kremlin has strongly upped its anti-gay arrest purge throughout Russia, possibly with the goal of rounding up more bodies to send to Avdiivka and Kherson, in Ukraine.
        In a “society” like Russia, where being LGBTQ+ is strongly punished, one can have friends and associates that you didn’t know were gay, for years, until the government sweeps them up for whatever horrid end the leader has in mind.Maybe the troll is angry now because he lost some people in the last weeks.Or maybe he’s just an alt-reich troll from the U.S., I dunno which.

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          “I’ve speculated before that he might be a genuine Kremlin employee.” Why are you like this

          • nimbh-av says:

            That commenter puts out so many disclaimers about trolls that I’m inclined to believe they have a secret troll account. 

        • daveassist-av says:

          Another little funny thing about his rant claiming “I won against The Root”, is that earlier he was ranting at me, blaming me for The Root closing the comments.  So did I make that happen, or did you do it, troll-ranter?  Make up your mind.

  • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

    Online harassment? That’s the worst kind! Because apparently you HAVE to read negative comments. These rich young starlets have it rough.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Zegler took a giant, obnoxious shit on a beloved classic – one that she’s starring in a live action remake of – and she got soundly piled on as a result.Fuck you, Rachel Zegler – you pretentious, entitled dork.

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