Randy Marsh finally faces a reckoning, while The President returns on an entertaining South Park

TV Reviews Recap
Randy Marsh finally faces a reckoning, while The President returns on an entertaining South Park

The first half of season 23 of South Park saw Randy Marsh become a little more indefensible with each passing episode. He destroyed homegrowers’ marijuana crops, he killed Winnie The Pooh to appease the Chinese government, he killed dozens of cows with Towelie in a weed-induced haze, and he’s been making his family hate him more and more at every turn. Every week, it’s been hard not to wonder when—if ever—he’d face any consequences for his actions. “Season Finale” addresses this issue right away, with Randy being arrested in the episode’s first scene, and put in jail for his many crimes. Everyone, it seems, has had enough of Tegridy Farms, and the town just wants things to get back to normal. After all he’s done, putting Randy behind bars does seem like the best way to accomplish that. In a particularly telling scene, his family is not the slightest bit upset to see him gone, and they openly fantasize about a scenario where he gets put away for a long time.

Just as everyone is enjoying the peace of Randy not being around, the town suffers yet another crisis. The boys are playing a football game, and Jason White gets run over by a police car while going for a pass. This scene is the latest in the long tradition of gory South Park scenes that are disturbing because of how casually everything is portrayed. The boys don’t seem to be all that shocked that one of their friends has suddenly died, perhaps because they’ve seen Kenny suffer the same fate so many times before.

It’s at Jason’s funeral that we are re-introduced to The Whites, the perpetually aggrieved family we first saw in season 21 (though Jason had appeared in earlier episodes, this was the first time we met his family). Just like last time around, many puns about their last name are made (“nobody cares when a White gets killed by the police!”) which would be tiresome if it didn’t work so damn well every time. Looking to fill the void left by Jason’s death, the Whites go to the detention camp first seen in “Mexican Joker,” where children are being put up for “adoption” which, as many others have pointed out, is a lot more like kidnapping. Here, we see some of the show’s most devastating satire, as the children are presented like dogs (“look at the Peruvian hairless!”), with little regard being given for their well-being. A common—and sometimes accurate—critique of South Park is that Trey and Matt can be too detached when taking on current events issues, not always being willing to take a firm stand. Here, though, they show some genuine outrage, and it results in one of the most brutally effective scenes since their portrayal of Jeff Bezos last season.

Looking for a way out of jail, Randy calls his last best hope, President Garrison/Trump, making his first appearance of the season. His advice is simple; just turn every accusation around on your accusers, and make yourself look like the victim, as Trump himself has been doing ever since he took office. Not the most subtle skewering, but it’s pretty much impossible to be subtle in parodying Trump, so they can be forgiven. When a weed-less Randy starts feeling genuine remorse for his actions, he tells a prison support group that part of why he was able to do so many awful things without feeling any guilt is because “I’m never as bad as the President, so I’m okay.” This was easily the funniest line of the night, and maybe the best jab they’ve gotten at Trump since the “Put It Down” song in the season 21 episode of the same name. While Randy is finally starting to hold himself accountable, he becomes tempted by evil when Rudy Giuliani visits him in prison, offering him a joint that he pulls out of his ass, while Garrison/Trump takes on Randy’s cause, and begins angrily proclaiming his innocence on Twitter. This puts Randy as a crossroads between wanting to do the right thing, and knowing he has an opportunity not to, with his decision ultimately telling us if he’s truly learned anything.

While Randy struggles with this decision, the Whites are shocked to find out that Alejandro, the boy they presumptively claimed as one of their own, isn’t so thrilled about being one of them. He misses his family, and is angry that he’s expected to forget that they even exist, and join a new family without question. Seeing Alejandro as ungrateful, they take another, smaller kid from the detention center, with the intention being that Alejandro would take care of it, thereby understanding how hard it is to be responsible for a child. This should go without saying, but the Whites really are some of the least savory characters in town. Even after the genuine tragedy of seeing their son pass away, they don’t seem to miss him that much beyond the first scene. Rather, they just use Jason’s death as a ploy to guilt everyone else in town. It’s easy to see why Alejandro would want nothing to do with this family, and sure enough, he runs away, with the final straw being them forcing him to where sunscreen despite it not being necessary (“All whites wear suncreen!”), a seemingly small detail that ends up playing a major role in the resolution.

When Randy faces arraignment, Garrison/Trump and Giuliani are by his side, and appears that he’ll take the cowards way out, falsely claiming that there really was a Mexican Joker who set fire to everyone’s crops, and he was merely trying to set a trap for him. As he tries to get through this speech, he has a change of heart, and begins telling everyone the truth, realizing that he lost his way, and accepting the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence. Just then however, we hear bombs going off; there’s someone causing chaos and mayhem throughout the town. Who is it? Alejandro, wearing sunscreen on his face that happens to look a lot like Joker make up. Mexican Joker is real! Okay… honestly, I feel really dumb for not seeing this coming the second I saw the sunscreen on Alejandro’s face, and the way he immediately snapped. It was a clever twist, and one I really wish I had been able to figure out before its revelation. At any rate, Alejandro/Mexican Joker is quickly blamed for everything, shot by the cops, and Randy is set free. If we’re being honest, the writers pretty much had to come up with something like this; Randy had done enough damage that if he confesses to everything, he would have faced years in prison. With Randy simply being too important to the show for that to happen, there had to be some kind of scapegoat to take the fall for him. That said, they deserve some points for coming up with that scapegoat in a fiendishly creative way, and getting some crucial jabs in at Trump’s frightening immigration policies along the way.

After wanting to see Randy answer in some way for his cruelty, this ending can’t help but be a little unsatisfying. Much like Cartman, he can only be punished so much for doing awful things because he simply matters too much to the show to be away in jail (I’m reminded of Liane Cartman saying that her son was “still grounded for trying to exterminate the Jews last week”). Still, the mere sight of seeing Randy confront himself about the bad things he’s done, and realize how far away he’d gotten from his original dream of just wanting to sell people quality marijuana was cathartic enough. Plus, while Randy no longer has to worry about prison, he still faces the task of making things right with his family, which should play a big role in the final four episodes. “Season Finale” was an enjoyable episode, and while it let Randy off the hook a little too easily, its well-executed twist ending, and the memorable return of Trump/Garrison made it quite a worthwhile affair.

Stray observations

  • The “season finale” of the title refers to the final batch of weed that Randy grows and sells before the winter hits. If we figure this is also the last episode of the season to take place at Tegridy Farms, the title likely has a double-meaning, referring to the “Tegridy Farms” theme song/intro that’s been replacing the normal one since the start of the season. My guess is that the regular South Park beginning will be returning next week.
  • “You finish cleaning up those pistachio nuts yet?”
  • When Randy is about to confess, he mentions that the weed Giuliani gives him is of rather poor quality, and barely even got him high. Implying that the Trump administration would have shitty weed is a quality burn. Who would even know the first thing about it?
  • Gotta love Cartman consoling the Whites after Jason’s death: “He was a shitty receiver, but he would have wanted his parents to move on.”


  • thespoonfacedgoon-av says:

    Wait, killed by the cops? I thought I saw Mexican Joker get away?

    • striderryoken81-av says:

      Yeah, he gets shot in the arm but gets away.

    • timmace28-av says:

      Yes, he gets shot, but escapes. This isn’t the first time John has gotten episode details wrong.

      • wiscoproud-av says:

        When the cops opened fire on the car, i thought he was killed too, but they show him running off. Maybe he looked down and didn’t see it? 

      • matthuger-av says:

        I’m sure that bitch school commenter Brontosaurian will be along any minute to tell you to just stop reading the site if you don’t like Hugar continuing to fuck up things

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Im starting wonder if he watches by looking at his phone and occasionally looking up.  It was impossible to miss that Mexican Joker got away.

    • palioplapo-av says:

      The bloggers here are morons. Just go with it if you read this shithole.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Alejandro/Mexican Joker is quickly blamed for everything, killed by the cops Bien, gracias, y tu?

  • 2mtm-av says:

    Maybe it’s because I’m still a twelve year old boy at heart, but the funniest line(s) to me were Cartman at the line of scrimmage.“TITTY FARTS, TITTY FARTS…PUBIC MOUND, PUBIC MOUND – HUT!”

    • jellob1976-av says:

      “pubic mound” was the best

    • fabiand562-av says:

      “He was a shitty receiver, but…..” had me rolling. 

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      Probably the best part of the episode because it was a bit of a metajoke. The scene before it, Randy is talking with his family and says (paraphrasing) “We can put this all behind us. Now we can get back to what we do best”Smash cut edit to Cartman “Titty farts! Titty farts!”

    • therealbigmclargehuge-av says:

      Funniest bit for em was when Randy was saying he wanted to get back to his family because he had a wife and son and Shelly does a “what, are you kidding me?” face and arms move.

  • thingamajig-av says:

    Yes, potentially having shitty weed is the absolute worst thing you can say about the Trump administration. Such a quality burn.

  • murrychang-av says:

    “This scene is the latest in the long tradition of gory South Park scenes that are disturbing funny because of how casually everything is portrayed.”ftfy

    • dvsrey17-av says:

      I lost it when they showed Jason White in his casket with tire marks over his lifeless body. My wife just looked up to see what I was laughing at and remarked that is the reason why I will never make it into Heaven. Don’t care. Still funny anyway.

  • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

    The boys don’t seem to be all that shocked that one of their friends has suddenly died, perhaps because they’ve seen Kenny suffer the same fate so many times before.
    Didn’t one of the Coon and Friends episodes reveal that no one but Kenny can remember his deaths because of some curse from when his parents were involved with a Lovecraftian cult?

  • atomicplayboy3000-av says:

    The twist manifestation of Mexican Joker puts this episode at least an ‘A’, one more good laugh away from an ‘A-plus’. For all the props the show got years prior when they were getting credit for writing/producing the show in under a week the quality of character and story arcs dramatically improved everything. I have a hard time not believing that the gang didn’t have this in mind at the season’s start but as you’ve said, didn’t see the twist coming.Also, the selection of The Whites’ adopted child also had the double entendre effect of sounding like they weren’t just picking out a child, but a strain of weed, also missing from their lives since Tegridy Farms is shut down.And Shelly’s ‘what-the-fuck’ shrug reaction from being mentioned by Randy was a very funny laugh.

  • striderryoken81-av says:

    I liked the twist that allowed Randy to get scott free, but it was a bit of a stretch given that the episode shows Randy on tape doing the crimes and he confessed publicly.Then again, it works given that its essentially a scapegoat of shifting the blame away from a white guy, so to speak…and that it was the Whites that created the real Mexican Joker.Also, I cant believe how well the Whites work as both a joke and statement

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Didn’t care for this one. I think B is too high and would go for a more middling C. It had some decent parts that could crack a smile (not a full laugh though), but the episode overall was too meandering. They never really sunk their teeth into anything and went with it as the plot. It was more just a collection of ideas and gags with nothing standing out.

    • priest-of-maiden-av says:

      It had some decent parts that could crack a smile (not a full laugh though), but the episode overall was too meandering. They never really sunk their teeth into anything and went with it as the plot. It was more just a collection of ideas and gags with nothing standing out.

      Found the White!

  • eaglescout1984-av says:

    I know Matt and Trey had to have been planning this episode since the beginning of the season. There was no way they just let the whole impeachment inquiry sit by the wayside, so they built up the story by having Randy doing outlandish and illegal things until they could bring in Garrison and his cronies to claim “fake news”. Perfect way to bring him into the fold, even just for an episode, to stay topical with what’s going on with the Trump administration.Also, which weed is stronger, “Shots!” or “Mexican Joker”?

  • grrrz-av says:

    he becomes tempted by evil when Rudy Giuliani visits him in prison, offering him a joint that he pulls out of his ass
    pulling something out of his ass is classic Giuliani.

  • grrrz-av says:

    good episode; the satire was on point on every level. they still got it when they want.

  • dfred2468-av says:

    gotta say I lost it when Randy in court says “I have loving wife and a wonderful son” and Shelly just sitting there like wtf 

  • gilgurth-av says:

    The Giuliani gags were great as well. 

  • lisacatera2-av says:

    The highlight for me was Shelly dancing to “Tear the Roof Off the Sucker.”

  • lisacatera2-av says:

    Nothing about Shelly getting down to “Tear the Roof Off the Sucker?”

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    the final straw being them forcing him to where sunscreen despite it not being necessary


  • thwarted666-av says:

    I have been waiting SO LONG for them to bring back Trump, and Giuliani was such a bonus.

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