Read This: How a rural gun shop's billboard represents MAGA culture's offline proliferation

Aux Features Nathan Bernard
Read This: How a rural gun shop's billboard represents MAGA culture's offline proliferation

Much concern has been raised in the past few years about the role of social media in the iteration and spread of hateful rhetoric, and rightfully so. There is no shortage of stories of once-moderate or politically uninvolved family members getting pulled past an event horizon of paranoia and mistrust via far-right memes and conspiracy YouTube videos. More than one right-wing mass shooter has found a home and audience on 8Chan and related websites. Yet, as a new article, “Gunguy,” from writer and troller of the alt-right Nathan Bernard’s Good Morning from Maine newsletter usefully reminds us, hate has always spread freely in America, long predating any form of media or technology.

“Gunguy” focuses on Bill, the owner of Gulf of Maine Gunsmithing, a gun store on the main drag of a vacation town in rural Maine. Bill is, to the point of caricature, what you’d expect the stereotypical middle-aged white MAGA man to be. Bill hates libtards and socialists and especially college professors. He is keenly aware of the similar sounds of “Obama” and “Osama.” He is eternally fixated on the unpunished misdeeds of Hillary Clinton. Bill shares his views on all these issues via the sign for his store out by the road. Beneath the name of his business is one of those slide-in-the-letters church-style billboards that presents Bill’s take on the issues of the day in mismatched plastic lettering.

A sample of offerings: “Send all libtards to Venezeula for socialism ABC bernie style,” “Are the demarats taking bribes from the drug cartels for open borders?” “Beware the beast, Hildabeast Clinton, and its vagenda of manocide.” It’s all your basic boilerplate 2010s hate and ignorance, the kind you’d easily pick up from watching a few hours of Tucker Carlson or reading a selection of badly compressed image macros on Facebook.

But what makes Bill’s story interesting is that he does not have internet access, or even cable. Bill says he gets all the information he needs from old-fashioned print conservative outlets like the National Review and Washington Examiner. This is all the connection Bill needs to parrot the rhetoric of even the most online Trump supporter.

“Nope. Won’t ever own ‘em [phone and internet],” says Bill. “They steal your time and money.”

Just like myriad “big-name” conservative Twitter accounts, Bill claims censorship at the hands of neighbors who mostly would prefer he not say the things he does, but in reality begrudgingly tolerate his right to do so. And, as Bernard writes, despite living with no internet or even cable television in a place far isolated from frightening events described on Fox News, Bill has no problem internalizing the latest fear-mongering about immigrants and refugees.

Maine’s culture and “western civilization”, also known as “white people” are not facing a dire threat from several hundred refugees. There are 1.3 million people that live in Maine and 95% of them are white. But fear is a powerful tool, and Bill is a perfect example that you don’t need social media, Trump, or “algorithms” to believe fear mongering narratives. These stories are deeply rooted in all levels of our society, from the White House to a remote town in Maine.

Bill doesn’t need Facebook or Twitter or even the internet at all to be exposed to the latest in right-wing fear and hate, and he’s found an effective way of spreading it on to the next person, too.

Check out “Gunguy” over at Good Morning from Maine.


  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Hot take: I’m starting to think there might be two Americas.

  • killa-k-av says:

    I’m sure this’ll be a civil comments section as usual.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      Shut up

    • arihobart-av says:

      Fuck civil…

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      It will be perfectly civil, as long as I’m allowed to say whatever I like, and the people I disagree with DIE IN A FUCKING FIRE YOU FUCKS!

    • DrewPWeiner-av says:

      It’s so funny when Trumptards…who gleefully worship a flabby goober who hurls insults at anyone and everyone he dislikes…demand “civility” from the very “libtards” they continuously deride. Fuck your mother…there’s your civility. 

      • satanscheerleaders-av says:

        Who hasn’t fucked his mother?

      • dadavebomb-av says:

        The fact that you decide to baselessly label and insult someone who literally is just asking for moderation is pretty much the worst parts of internet culture.Congratulations, you’re part of the problem.

    • KillahMate-av says:

      I hear Jesus didn’t want to bother the merchants and the money changers in the Temple because it would be rude. You spineless fuck.

    • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

      Is that HUNKA guy still allowed to post? He could make it uncivil in a heartbeat.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    One thing to consider is how Fox News is SO dominant in some areas—it’s on literally every TV in every shop in town—that in many rural areas you don’t have to tune in to absorb the talking points, you’re hearing them from all your neighbors all day long. Shit, my parents are stone cold liberals, but they live in a deeply red state, and I sometimes hear my older dad say Fox News talking points—he’s heard them so many times, they’ve skipped right past his logical filter. When I quiz him, he realizes, “holy shit, when did I pick that up?”Unless and until we find a way to turn off or counteract Fox News, we’ll never get past this far-right lunacy. 35% of our country is literally brainwashed by the most effective propaganda operation in human history.

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      Unfortunately, Fox has an extreme profit motive to continue this dance.Fox gives widest possible coverage to an underserved market – white supremacists, white nationalists and white fascists of all stripes. Asshats assemble, watch more Fox, Fox makes more money off advertisers. Asshat In Chief loves listening to his inner hatred boil forth on Fox, AIC drives more viewers to them, Fox makes more money off advertisers.Even stripped of Murdoch’s own fascistic leanings, it’s the perfect setup. Fox is the only large scale delivery device for this level and grade of horse shit. Fox is going to continue making billions off of them at the expense of the entirety of Western civilization.

    • MookieBlaylock-av says:

      Yep.  My parents I would have considered moderate Republicans, to the point they even voted for Obama in 2008, after voting for Bush in 2000 and 2004.  They retire, nothing else to do, so TV goes on first thing in the morning and stays on all day: Fox News.  They have gone WAY-the-fuck-around-the-bend, to the point I barely talk to them anymore, and never broach any topic which may segue into the political after the infamous Thanksgiving 2017 Incident.  They are, quite literally, brainwashed.  Fact averse and yet 1000% certain in their beliefs.  They are fairly well off, have never been victimized by violent crime in their lives, and live in fear, mortal fear, of Mexican immigrants; are terrified of Chicago and all of the “black” crime despite living 2000 miles away; still obsess over “Killary’s” unpunished crimes; and generally are fully committed to whatever Fox is selling.  The shit they are peddling has truly broken America.  Amazing.  

      • pearlnyx-av says:

        I feel your pain. My mother watches fox all day long.

      • mracw-av says:

        Yesus Christos, you know my inlaw’s!

      • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

        My brother and I make fun of our stepfather for endlessly watching this one cable channel that only plays old TV shows since he retired; for up to 8 hours a day he’ll watch anything from The Three Stooges to Bonanza to Wonder Woman. But when I think about it, I guess I’m just glad it’s not Fox News, because I know so many people whose retired parents hooked their brains up to that IV of poison as soon as they got too old to work or have serious hobbies, and now they barely have a relationship with them.

      • jvbftw-av says:

        Are you my brother? Because this describes my dad 100%. He didn’t even vote back before he retired because he was “too busy to care.” Now he watches Fox 24/7 and every time I talk to him I get to hear about how screwed I am because all these liberals are going to ruin the country. Mom at least stays active and hates that its on all day. 

      • glr88-av says:

        They are, quite literally, brainwashed. Fact averse and yet 1000% certain in their beliefs.
        You could literally cut the irony with a knife.

      • dadavebomb-av says:

        Exactly. The problem isn’t being Republican or Democrat, the problem is being convinced that the other side is evil in some way and can never, ever be correct.

      • xiovelrahc-av says:

        My grandma ten years ago: don’t believe anything you read on the internet
        My grandma today: believes everything that she reads on the internet 

    • belaam-av says:

      It will be interesting to see what happens as the “cable news is my primary source of news” crowd dies out. Will older people just gravitate to the fringe websites, stick to whatever they read when they were younger, or just not know what is going on in the world? I don’t recall the last time I got news from sitting and watching a television program. 9-11, maybe?

      • yallarebrutalizinme-av says:

        Have you been on Youtube? The new paradigm will make us yearn for Fox’s attempt at a false veneer of professionalism.

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      Fox News is a reflection of not the cause of this. I went the gun range a few times in the 90s before anyone knew fox news was a thing and they had their bullshit table and they where spreading stories about black helicopters and the Clinton Crime Family and how he smuggled drugs while governor. I know this shit was around in the 60s with the Birchers. FDR faced this bullshit and hell you can go back to the 1800s with the Know nothings and the like. This is just America. You had these reactionary assholes probably forever and across the world.  

      • peterjj4-av says:

        Yep. This stuff has been around for a long time. The “Clinton death list” we are seeing cycle around yet again started in the early ‘90s. 94-95 in particular was a really fucked up and dangerous period where more and more of this insanity began seeping into the mainstream. If Newt Gingrich hadn’t overreached due to his personal hatred and insecurities about Bill Clinton, then what we’re seeing today would have become commonplace earlier than it did. 

        • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

          I recall watching TV in the middle of the night, during Bill’s second term, and suddenly seeing a videotape that promised to tell you the truth about the “Clinton murders” popping up. You’ve got to have a severe deficiency of ethics to accept that ad.

      • geraldineblank-av says:

        Fox News is a reflection of not the cause of this.It’s a mistake to think it’s either/or. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity et al have been shaping and reflecting modern “conservatism” and the GOP for decades now. That ability to do both is what makes people like them billions of dollars.

      • the-colonel-av says:

        Agreed, but Fox figured out to weaponize it.

      • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

        Hate radio led to the creation of Fox “News.” Murdoch saw how much money was made by stations running local and national radio shows that existed solely to attack anyone who was different. Limbaugh tried to bring it to TV through syndication, but he was a lousy screen personality; no Morton Downey, Jr., that one. Murdoch’s crew had the evil genius to know that you could sell hate as a 24/7 cable channel by claiming it was news-based. But it all goes back to Father Coughlin and his contemporaries. (And right-wing radio is still massive. Most of the reactionary TV figures seem to have radio shows, too.)

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      fox got its foothold early on when the channel was starting out by offering it free to satellite companies. Most of the people that used satellite dish’s were in rural areas where you couldn’t get cable.

    • daddddd-av says:

      If you think Fox News is bad, check out One America News Network, which is what my rural relatives are into now. I thought parodies of right-wing news were too on-the-nose before I saw it. It’s full blown The_Donald conspiracy nonsense, stuff like “Hillary funds Antifa” and “California is banning the Bible” etc. with millions of viewers. We’re watching boomers’ brains collapse in real-time.

      • the-colonel-av says:

        Agreed. I target Fox News because it’s the primary source for this insanity, but really I should have said the “Fox News Ecosystem,” which includes these more fringe outlets that are even more wackadoo, if that were possible.No matter how you slice it, for literally decades now the GOP has been purposefully underfunding public education in red states, in an effort to dumb down the population. Then they bomb them with such sophisticated propaganda that even some educated and intelligent people have trouble resisting.  A perfectly nefarious strategy to ensure 35% of the country will support you, no matter how horrible you become.

      • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

        OANN is so conservative that they fired Tomi Lahren because she made a weak statement supporting limited abortion rights.

  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    That’s a special kind of crazy and this kind of crazy always owns a lot of guns.

  • bastardoftoledo-av says:

    Ugh. This guy’s going to be on government payroll by month’s end.

  • palmofnapalm-av says:

    Between Houston and Austin, there’s a guy who sells classic cars. He’s right off the freeway, so he takes the opportunity to erect large signs proclaiming his political beliefs – he’s even set out a propeller plane with TrumpThe thing that always got me laughing as I passed by was his usual sign saying that liberals have abolished church in Texas. Unsurprisingly, if you’re headed westbound, there’s a church not two minutes away from his store.People believe what they want to believe, and fear is a powerful motivator.

    • returning-the-screw-av says:

      Having just moved to Houston I’m glad I know this now. This seems like the type of place I’d like to take a look at even though I’m not a fan of cars or planes. I just like the classic stuff.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    I would really worry about this guy’s horrendous grammar and punctuation, if it weren’t for the fact he sounds like a MAGA sleeper cell one Trump rally speech away from being activated.
    And the fact he owns a fucking gun shop, of course.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Signs like his are fine. They help me avoid accidentally giving my money to a terrible person.

    • forevergreygardens-av says:

      Well, that, and it’s a gun shop. Gonna take a fair bit of time to find a gunshop not owned by a real piece of shit

      • arcanumv-av says:

        At least this guy makes his sign more interesting than just “GUNS.” Almost every other small business gives at least a little thought to branding and signage (even if it’s just “Steve’s Sandwiches” or “Haircuts by Ruby”), but I swear at least half the gun store signs I see just say “GUNS.”

      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

        There’s a place I drive by sometimes called “Second Amendment Sports”. That caught my eye.

  • krwilson1985-av says:

    I see your small town sign and raise you one I-5 billboard through my great state of Washington.

    • stephdeferie-av says:

      that last one is good – keep all the social security folks from voting!

      • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

        If we’re not going to Logan’s Run everyone at 65, taking away their ability to fuck up the future they won’t be around for is a decent consolation prize.

      • avclub-d76d8deea9c19cc9aaf2237d2bf2f785--disqus-av says:

        Or anyone driving on a public road.

    • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

      The I-5 billboard is what I thought of. It’s been there at least since the early 90s, the first time I saw it, and it’s always been this extreme, lest we think far-right statements this nuts are a recent invention.

      • weare1025-av says:

        Same here. I’ve only lived in the PNW since ‘08 and those signs have always been nuts. Entertaining to read on the way to/from Portland.

    • Hoaks2-av says:

      God, that thing has been around forever. The most recent one is essentially “if refugees didn’t want to be caged, they shouldn’t have come here!” and I want to burn it down.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Yikes, my man. Yikes

    • mracw-av says:

      Reminds me of driving back from Bend, Oregon in the summer of 2016 and driving through the Yakima valley and areas outside of the northern I-5 corridor. Trump signs everywhere. AS a man of color, it was terrifying.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      I’ve been driving up and down I5 all my life, and I remember when the guy who owns it now, the billboard was owned by his father. It spewed the same crazy bullshit, but it was funny and witty. Kind of like how Coast-To-Coast hasn’t been worth a damn since Art Bell retired.

    • dadavebomb-av says:

      It’s like Turning Point USA but somehow even more misinformed.

  • black-doug-av says:

    Don’t talk to Bill about algorithms, he’ll just go into a rant about climate change after hearing the first five letters.

  • noneshy-av says:

    seems like a pretty good way to sell guns to morons.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Just keep a close eye on anyone walking out of that shop with a purchase.

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      I mentioned this above but I went to a shotting range a few times in the 90s and they had their bullshit tables where they spread all the right-wing conspiracy theories. Of course, the gun manufactures use this to sell their guns and accessories and that is if they stright up don’t believe their own bullshit. 

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      Here’s a good way to sell guns and bullets to morons: Tell them that Obama (or any Democrat) is going to take them away and/or put a chemical in bullets to make them expire after one year. I shit you not, a friend of mine fell for this in Florida. She says she and her husband special order bullets and basically horde them because the gun shop guy said it was true. Apparantly, he can’t keep bullets on the shelf, they sell out so quickly.

      • mathasahumanities-av says:

        Tell your friend she’s a punk for not making her own bullets.Liberal crybabies and their store bought ammo.

        • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

          My dad, a New Deal Democrat, was interested in guns as machines, so he owned a few and did target shooting sometimes. To save money, he tried for a while to do his own reloads. It’s not as easy as you’d think.

          • mathasahumanities-av says:

            Oh, I had friends that did it and it was a pain in the ass.But special ordering and hoarding bullets? That is shit pants crazy

          • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

            If you’re too dumb to verify the bull you’re fed, I guess you come to expect it.

      • 1234567abs-av says:

        Ordering bullets is cheaper, especially in bulk…

      • thebigkabosh-av says:

        Worked at a pawn shop in AZ this is certainly a thing. Ammo flies off the shelf at 150 to 200% markup 

    • geraldineblank-av says:

      “seems like a pretty good way to sell guns to morons”:  the story of the 21st century.  

  • aafpc-av says:

    Why is no one is discussing the latest MAGA declarationThis guy had no idea that questioning Jewish loyalty has been used as an anti-Semitic attack for centuries.He was just trying to point out that anybody who votes for Democrats is disloyal to the USA, because the press is the enemy of the people and the Democratic Party is the enemy of the state.Let that sink in – if you don’t vote exclusively for Communist Party Republican candidates, you are not loyal to your country. (Oops, did I say Communist Party out loud?)

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    ironically maine is facing the opposite issue that he’s freaking out about- an aging population, spread out over a large and lowly populated area, who didn’t use enough of their bootstraps to put money away in the good times and now can’t find workers to assist in blue collar businesses and can’t find anyone to take care of the increasingly elderly people who don’t have the money to pay for it anyway. what they could use is an influx of young immigrants to revitalize the state and fill a lot of those roles (although bringing in foreign workers to do menial tasks in a country that ranks near the bottom of social mobility is its own moral issue, in conventional economic terms, that is what he’s railing against)

    • dreaminman-av says:

      The whole damn country could use an influx of young immigrants to revitalize several states. Hell, several states DO have an influx every summer/fall to harvest crops because farmers can’t find the help in their communities.

  • betarho-av says:

    If you ever find yourself in Lake George, NY, there’s a guy that lives on Route 9 near Exit 22 off I-87 (I promise you this is a vague enough description to not be doxxing, Route 9 is gigantic) who would update his yard signs weekly with whatever Brietbart-fear-of-the-week he wanted. This started way back in 2008 (I only know this because my grandfather, who was a big Fox News fan but was actually like, a respectful and level-headed guy, and he found the guy’s yard to be in poor taste, was still alive at the time), and even though I haven’t lived there for a decade, the couple times a year I do go back, he’s still at it. Seeing the extremely-online also bringing their vitriol to IRL is really unnerving. Forget sex and drugs when it comes to “what about the kids?”, how should we talk to children about Crazy Randy’s yard sign saying all Mexican men are only here to rape “American” women?

  • polkadottree-av says:

    It took me multiple read-throughs of the cover picture to understand it correctly. As is, it reads like the sign’s addressing “libtards” to inform them that all of those things ARE meaningless.

  • jeffreywinger-av says:

    The linked article is literally the only time I’ve seen those smaller, portable marquee signs referred to as “spider signs” and googling doesn’t show it being very common. So now it’s bugging me trying to find out where the term came from.

    • carrotsmcgee-av says:

      i live a 15 minute drive away from that gunshop and have never heard that phrase either. i’m guessing it refers to how the legs on the sign look like spider legs

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      They’re just regular signs bitten by a radioactive spider.

  • billy-quizboy-av says:

    David M. Willis, webcomic creator extraordinaire, nailed this three summers ago, and he has to keep reposting it because it never goes away.

  • alaskatempest907-av says:

    I read this as:To libtard mobs,Courage, truth, integrity, honor, morals, prosperity are meaningless!I was very confused by the self-burn.

  • thisoneguy5000-av says:

    I hope no one said this yet but:
    Vagenda of Manocide would make a killer crusty hardcore band name.

  • gargsy-av says:

    Thank CHRIST someone decided to post these hilarious signs on the internet so as to not spread their message across the world.

  • even-the-scary-ones-av says:

    I’d joke that someone should go change the letters around regularly to make silly jokes or something, except I’m guessing it wouldn’t take long before the guy ended up shooting someone over it.

    • carrotsmcgee-av says:

      it’s a fairly high-traffic area (by maine small town standards), would be hard to do that without being seen

    • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

      a colon after “libtards” causes the statement to be accurate regarding the current state of the GOP

  • automotive-acne-av says:

    Have begun to see this Pro-Drumpfster flag in Port Richmond Philadelphia more frequently. There are quite a few Donnie Dunces in NE Philly.

    • noneshy-av says:

      My neighbor had Trump signs up for about 2 years strait until his wife divorced him and kicked him out of the house. Now, no yard signs.

      • DrewPWeiner-av says:

        There was a guy a few streets over from me who festooned his front yard with “Hillary For Prison” signs. He got foreclosed on and apparently the house was such a sty it ended up being a total teardown. 

        • hkjhj-av says:

          There’s a house I pass on the way to work. It’s on a beautiful street completely covered by large trees lined with large, very nice, non-McMansion houses with huge yards. But there’s one house near the end of the street. Same age as the others but rundown, paint crumbling on every surface, nothing green on the entire lot. Their Trump flag flew from well before the election until earlier this year when it was falling apart and so faded it was almost unrecognizable. They replaced it with a Confederate battle flag. 

      • mathasahumanities-av says:

        I hope you bought her a nice bottle of wine.

    • formerly-cubone-libre-av says:

      Clearly those people are asking Trump to cut out all the bullshit starting in 2020.

    • ubermoosen-av says:

      If trump were to stop spouting/being bullshit he would cease to exist entirely. He is The Great Went: Blank as a fart.

    • fuckyourracismyouscum-av says:

      What’s even more unsettling about “no more bullshit” as a tagline is that it implies that they’ll be taking more violent action against those they perceive as enemies. How they can deny their fascism and still gleefully profess that they can’t wait for ethnic cleansing, criminalization of the marginalized and erosion of our democratic republic into a theocratic fascist state isn’t surprising (gaslighting and denial are important tools for the right wing). What’s surprising is that they still think people will be fooled regardless.We won’t be. We’re going to take action, fascists.

    • thebigkabosh-av says:

      Lol nice rowhouse

  • jonesj5-av says:

    I’m a biochemistry professor. I guess what personally offends me is that I have worked hard all my life (52 years so far), I obey laws, I am objectively moral (I am faithful to my spouse of 25 years, I don’t lie, cheat, steal, etc.), I don’t give anyone a hard time about, say, their taste in music or movies (even if it’s really, really bad), I support my family financially, I’m nice to people, I don’t drink alcohol or use drugs, and yet I’m vilified, for, what? I don’t even know. What’s so wrong with me that I should attract the ire of guys like this? I feel like friggin’ Yuri Zhivago.

    • noneshy-av says:

      You’re vilified because people are assholes.

      That’s the answer to 99% of questions about people.

      Assholes need someone to hate so they can forget about how much they hate themselves.

      • goodwillthrifty-av says:

        Best description of leftists I have ever read, thank you!The left is closed minded, they become outraged at the drop of a hat, they prefer to label (racist/xxxxphobe) and attack anyone with different opinions. If they were truly compassionate and accepting that wouldn’t happen.

        • noneshy-av says:

          Be honest with yourself, it’s the best description of everyone.

          Including you.

          Including me.

        • themightyzod-av says:

          This is an awesome comment on an article about a right winger saying libtard Demarats need to be sent to Venezuela because they have no morals.Thumbs up to you, my dude.

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      Because insecurity curdles into resentment so easily.
      A combination of their personal failings and the social fabric fraying (ironically due to right-wing politicians) have left many of these people in a precarious position, and instead of facing the root causes it’s far easier to blame others.

    • samuraimarmoset-av says:

      Doctor Zhivago and his heaving mustache. 

    • seanomatopoeia-av says:

      Having just read Dr. Zhivago, you’re way better than Yuri Zhivago. You at least have something interesting to say about yourself.Fuck that book so hard.

    • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

      Because you’re not EXACTLY like them. They eat their own over the puniest deviations. Anyone who doesn’t support most of what they support strikes them as satanic.

    • goodwillthrifty-av says:

      Don’t worry about objective standards, look to God for moral truth. Any man-made standard will fail and eventually become corrupt.

  • MsDuck2-av says:

    The answer to ‘how does he get his information’ is probably am talk news.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    So this guy is going vintage, offline with his social media? What a fucking hipster.

  • DrewPWeiner-av says:

    Goobers gonna goober. 

  • bembrob-av says:

    Answer me this:If Bill doesn’t have internet or phone, how the fuck does he even sell his guns? Cash only? Is that even legal?

  • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

    there should be a colon.
    “To Libtard Mobs: Courage Truth Integrity Honor Morals Integrity are meaningless!” I mean, look at the fucking president.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    Do we need Maine?

  • samanthagreens-av says:

    I am from this small town, Raymond, and “but in reality begrudgingly tolerate his right to do so” is far from accurate. I am Mexican and made the mistake of being openly gay in high school, technically Windham High School because Raymond is so small it does not have a high school, and most residents just agree with him not tolerate him. They are just smart enough to know to hide their bigotry being a tourist town and love that there is someone not afraid to voice their far right opinions. This man doesnt need to have Fox News, the internet, or any other media to hear the hate being promoted because all the people who go into his store tell him and talk to him about it. Do you really think he just invented the word “libtard” without hearing it from someone?

  • baycat-av says:

    freaking brain washed fentanyl zombies all

  • altmin-av says:

    couldn’t he get his steady drip of conservative news from radio?it’s not like you need the internet or cable to hear what Rush Limbaugh has to say and then cower in fear/rage in anger.

    All this stuff pre-dates the wide spread use of Internet.

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    I was gonna ask if this was the “vagenda of manocide” guy, but I read the article first and yup. I still sometimes use that phrase on Twitter or Instagram, and whenever I go to Michael’s for washi tape or embroidery floss I like to refer to it as “vagenda of manocide HQ”.

  • cab1701-av says:

    Fascinating. They managed to highlight every. damn. concept. they have no knowledge of or experience in.This should be a picture in the dictionary next to “pro-JECTion!”

  • forester-77-av says:


  • toasterlad-av says:

    Billboards are pop culture now?

  • natnathay-av says:

    This just makes me so, so sad.

  • mathasahumanities-av says:

    I mean, for those of us who grew up before the internet, this is just the same shit we saw every day.Social media amplifies the message, but the signs and billboards have always been around.

  • jdkchem-av says:

    Sounds more like you need to grow up antifa boy. Suggesting democrats are taking bribes is not hateful. Just because you don’t like certain speech does not make that speech hateful. “the colonel” needs to get a grip. Constantly ripping on Fox News has gotten old considering wanna be soldier boy lives on every word coming from msnbc.

  • dbwindhorst-av says:

    Somebody’s handled too much lead.

  • doughaner-av says:

    Why is this on A.V. Club? Seems like a Splinter article to me.Sseriously, what does this have to do with entertainment at all?

  • josef2012-av says:

    What’s to become of our world,and who knows what to do? Driven to tears….driven to tears….

  • ourmon-av says:

    There’s a similar billboard on the I-5 corridor between Seattle and Portland. Used to be pretty bad, but then the guy died, and the messaging just isn’t quite as mouthbreathy as it used to be. No fun. 

  • themojowire-av says:

    I played golf in Vegas this spring with a couple from Bozeman. When the guy heard I live in Milwaukee, he asked how I liked living in Minnesota. When I told him I live in Wisconsin, he asked how far I live from Minnesota. When I told him I live 5-6 hours from Minnesota, he asked if I’m having the same problem in Wisconsin that they are having in Minnesota with all the Muslims taking over.I told him that there is no problem, he’s making all that up and the right-wing media has been lying to him. He was absolutely dumbfounded.

  • fdsfwwfdsfwewfsdfsdf3s3s-av says:

    You’re all forgetting about talk radio. That’s where the real uncut shit comes from. 

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