First trailer for Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon is actually more Dune than Star Wars

The upcoming Netflix dyad is still very Star Wars, though

Aux News Dune
First trailer for Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon is actually more Dune than Star Wars
Rebel Moon Photo: Clay Enos/Netflix

After a couple of years of hype and excitement about just how Star Wars-y Zack Snyder’s not-Star Wars movie would be, we now (sort of) have an answer: Netflix just released the first trailer for Rebel Moon, and while it is very Star Wars (there are RED AND BLUE LIGHTSABERS and SPACE FASCISTS), it actually feels more like Dune than anything. The spaceships look more like the big ugly boats of Dune than the sleek roadsters of Star Wars, but more than that it seems to be using a Dune-like “prophesied hero taking down an evil space empire” (sorry, it’s a king here, not an emperor, so that’s very different than either of the other things) concept… or at least a more Dune-like approach to that concept, since Star Wars had that in the prequels.

Rebel Moon | Official Teaser Trailer | Netflix

But as for Rebel Moon, it does look like a serviceable space epic, and if Zack Snyder is good at anything, it’s a very specific kind of artless artsy visuals. Explosions! Cool poses! Warriors charging into battle with their red laser swords ignited! Blaster guns shooting lasers! Some kind of pegasus? Whether or not the movies are any good at all (because there will be two Rebel Moon movies, plus a Snyder Cut of each with more sex stuff apparently), there’s a lot of stuff going on here and some of it looks interesting. Star Wars doesn’t have a pegasus!

Rebel Moon Part 1: A Child Of Fire will premiere on Netflix on December 22, and Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver will premiere on April 19, 2024. The movies star Sofia Boutella, Djimon Hounsou, Ed Skrein, Michiel Huisman, Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Charlie Hunnam, and Anthony Hopkins (playing a robot named Jimmy, apparently).


  • systemmastert-av says:

    Fun story, Star Wars probably does have a Pegasus, or at least the myth. In Obi-Wan, there’s a scene where young Leia is sitting in a tree identifying ships as they leave Alderaan, and one of the ones she points out is an Incom Tri-Wing S-91x, otherwise known by the name “Pegasus Starfighter”.

    • refinedbean-av says:

      Obi-Wan doesn’t count.

      Also that’s stupid. You’re not stupid. Just that is.

      • systemmastert-av says:

        Please, on a Star Wars scale? That’s not stupid. Stupid is learning that the Pegasus was designed as a collaboration between LucasFilm and Porsche, as part of a brand deal where Porsche could use this thing in commercials and also is was going to appear in not just what it was designed for (episode IX, though the process took too long and it didn’t actually show up onscreen in that film) but also future Star Wars media where it would be identified by name and highlighted. Extra stupid is learning that the Pegasus is meant to look like a combination of a Y-Wing, a U-Wing, an the Porsche Taycan (for my money it looks like a fake stealth fighter in a high-budget videogame), and that as part of the brand deal it can’t appear on screen in dark colors, because that would be similar to Darth Vader, and Porsche insisted it be a “good guy” ship.

    • davehasbrouck-av says:

      Also; the critter in that trailer is absolutely a Griffin, not a Pegasus.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I mean, taken literally Star Wars implies the existence of ducks, falcons, and hell, among other terrestrial human concepts. At a certain point you gotta suspend your disbelief and accept that not every word can be a made-up word.

      • zedteee-av says:

        there are literally ducks in the phantom menace.

      • sketchesbyboze-av says:

        The dialogue in Star Wars is actually translated from the Red Book of Westmarch.

      • systemmastert-av says:

        Many years ago I was reading some Star Wars novel and the author used the adjective “Rabelaisian” which means “of a sort of big or earthy humor” but is named very directly for a French Renaissance author, and I was was thinking “I can get used to falcons or whatever, but namedropping Francois Rabelais is a little much” and it ruined me. Now I can’t read Star Wars junk without constantly spotting Machiavellian, Sybaritic, Bayesian, Galvanic, LaGrange point, Quixotic, don’t even get me started on Sadistic… anyway I agree.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I was was thinking “I can get used to falcons or whatever, but namedropping Francois Rabelais is a little much” and it ruined me.”

          Were you thinking about killing yourself?

      • electrickleenex-av says:

        And Ferrets. Just because it’s not cannon anymore doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

    • jnthiroux-av says:

      Thats only proof that Porsche exists in the SW universe.

  • skizzit-av says:

    Trailer kinda feels like someone shoved Star Wars, Dune, and John Carpenter of Mars into a blender and this popped out.  With a bit of Seven Samurai sprinkled on top for flavor.

    • arrowe77-av says:

      In all fairness, Star Wars is also a bunch of different movies blended together; including Dune & Samurai movies. It’s kind of the problem, of course: it shares so many influences with Star Wars that it doesn’t set itself apart enough. It’s basically Star Wars in slow mo and in a sepia tone.

      • dirtside-av says:

        I’m not inherently against the idea of more space opera like Star Wars; grand space adventure can be fun.I just… really don’t think Zack Snyder is the one who should be doing it.

    • genetix-av says:

      Judging by the synopsis, it is exactly Seven Samurai (or, more precisely Battle for the Stars) and its getting weird that people are tripping over themselves to say its original.

      • skizzit-av says:

        You know, what I was really thinking was the anime remake of sort called Samurai 7 but I wasn’t sure people would know what that was. Battle Beyond the Stars is a solid call as well.

      • nilus-av says:

        I love a good Seven Samurai take but I feel that story works best when the thing the 7 warriors are defending is not a magic space princess.  It feels less noble when these 7 people are willing to die to save the universe in contrast to the original movie where it’s a small poor farming village 

    • furioserfurioser-av says:

      John Carpenter of Mars?Not sure if this is a mistake or pure genius.

    • browza-av says:

      Also Avatar and  Game of Thrones.

      • bassplayerconvention-av says:

        The dude jumping off a cliff onto the griffon’s back seems like a direct lift from Avatar (and probably a bunch of other, older movies where someone did it onto a horse)

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Look, we all agree that glowing swords look awesome, but can we as a society just admit that even if the future (or any random space setting somehow always designed to be both futuristic and feudal) had any vested interest in maintaining melee weapons instead of ranged weapons or drones, there would be no point to making them out of fire?

    • ghboyette-av says:

      I agree with the pointlessness of melee weapons. But it looks cool so shut up.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      As I watched the trailer, I realized that nothing about this movie is going to make a lick of sense.

    • ja-pa-bo-av says:

      Look! You’re right! If they are really going for some kind of practicality with melee weapons it would still probably be a metal sword (although maybe mined from some meteor, or desert planet, or whatever), but we cannot the coolness of science-as-mysticism effect of a fire sword.

    • snooder87-av says:

      Yeah! Future swords should have weight to them. Maybe some sort of quickly moving or vibrating blade to increase cutting ability. Like a chain saw, but a sword. A “chainsword” if you will.

      • thegobhoblin-av says:

        That’s brutal, but I also need it to be cunning. Could I get the chain saw on something that chops?

      • hoodedcrow-av says:

        These exist in Star Wars in what are called “vibroblades”. They work pretty much like you describe.  They are pretty common in other sci-fi works too, generally as a more grounded and realistic variation on the lightsaber.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        Chainswords are awesome.But star wars did have vibroblades

    • nilus-av says:

      In reality, yes. But this is the rule of cool

    • Bazzd-av says:

      You shoot a guy in a kevlar vest with a subsonic round and he gets the air knocked out of him. You stab him with an icepick and he’s coughing up blood.You shoot a guy in the arm with a rifle and he loses the use of the arm. You hit the arm with a machete and he loses the arm.You shoot a bear with a shotgun, revolver, or rifle and the bear likely gets really mad. You stab the bear with a spear and the bear gets really dead.Blanket statements like, “Melee weapons won’t serve any purpose in the future” assumes everyone’s just going to have exactly the same defensive technology fighting the same fights in the same theaters forever.It’s just easier to make a melee weapon that destroys armor and also makes a hole big enough to kill someone than it is to make a bullet that punches through and is also makes a hole large enough that kills someone.Melee weapons are functional and useful.

      • bobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-av says:

        What about a gun that shoots swords?  Could they do that in the future?

      • dirtside-av says:

        As evidenced by that scene in Raiders where the swordsman cuts Indy’s arm off.

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        Dune (the book at least) had force field shields able to deflect bullets but not melee weapons as they were too slow to be noticed by the shields (like how planes can sneak under radar by flying low, I guess).

      • thm1075-av says:

        *laughs in RPG*

      • luasdublin-av says:

        Didn’t Dune make them useful , having personal energy shields/forcefields  could block bullets/energy , but someone shoving a blade slowly and forcefully enough through the barrier was lethal?

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Ah, but lightsabers can deflect firearms back to the shooter, so it’s very practical.  As long as you’re being shot at.  And if you’re not, melee combat it is!

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Fuck the weaponry – why the fuck’s she harvesting with a scythe?…I’m guessing this is shitty Snyder symbolism for her being the manifestation of DEATH. 

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Fuck the weaponry – why the fuck’s she harvesting with a scythe?”

        Because…….that’s what you use to harvest stuff?

      • mrscobro-av says:

        why the fuck’s she harvesting with a scythe?
        I would imagine that it’s because that’s what people for used for centuries and it’s easier to copy that than think up a new way to do it.

    • ginnyweasley-av says:

      This seems like the usual “space barbarism” that’s a sometimes difficult to accept part of scifi. Shirtless people with melee weapons in some far off future? Dogfights instead of missiles launched from light years away? Non-smart weapons? People dying from injuries that you’d think would be easy to treat with high technology? I mean a truly ‘hard scifi’ combat movie would be boring on some level, but I wish the middle ground between hard scifi and stuff like this leaned more towards hard scifi.At least Dune worked around this with their personal shield technology and an anti-AI theme which justified low-tech approaches and melee fighting. Maybe this is a bit too handwavey? I’m not sure, but it really seemed to work in-universe. Star Wars had its lightsaber which worked because it could deflect blasters and cut through near anything. I think Snyder is so tied to a very specific aesthetic that is so dependent on the muscled male physique and the conventionally pretty female aesthetic that he has no where to go but with space barbarism to show off those bodies because they’re not superheroes wearing tights. This, lets face it, sexual display is a big draw for his brand and earlier movies like SuckerPunch set the tone for the expectations of his fandom. I don’t have strong feelings here other than he’s pretty tasteless if not a little sexist, but this is his niche and he seemingly will never outgrow it.There’s also something a little depressing that even non-comic book movies now have to be comic-ized. Filtering sci-fi through Watchmen or the MCU doesn’t seem like the greatest idea. I’d be surprised if this this movie does well critically.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “but I wish the middle ground between hard scifi and stuff like this leaned more towards hard scifi.”

        Pssst, this stuff? Just like Star Wars, it isn’t sci-fi, it’s fantasy. There is no “medium sci-fi” middle ground.

      • thm1075-av says:

        The Expanse is fairly “hard” sci-fi and it manages not to be boring. It also lacks laser swords. 

    • godshamwow-av says:

      Maybe fantasy stories aren’t for you.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      I disagree on nearly every point you make, but I’m willing…

      *pulls out flaming sword and cuts Yellowfoot in half

      …to meet you in the middle.

      *puts on space sunglassesYEEEEEEEEEEAAAHHOOOOWWWWWW!!!

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      But they’re an elegant weapon for a more civilised age!

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Rebel Moon Part 1: Been There Dune That 

  • chris-finch-av says:

    I just can’t do it with the speed ramping up and down and back up again.

  • alph42-av says:

    Its Synder, so its going to be one of the following
    Stupid as fuck but a fun romp
    Stupidly bad

    And before the two movie reveal, I felt like this was a trilogy smashed into a single movie, but at least its two movies.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Looks predictably dumb and ugly, and a waste of Sofia Boutella’s talents.Zack Snyder is the Uwe Boll of JJ Abramses. 

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I think that’s what throws me about the Snyder fandom: his movies look like ass, yet the visuals are probably the aspect his fans find most defensible.

      • argiebargie-av says:

        I can totally see Synder fanboys saying something like, “They are NOT Space Nazis, they are just trying to Make Space Great Again!”

      • fuckininternetshowdoesthatwork-av says:

        How Snyder has a cult and keeps getting work is only explainable through voodoo. Dude hasn’t changed or improved since “300″. He even wants a director cut of his worst movie, “Sucker Punch”. Meaning his mentality is still somewhere in the early 2000’s. Anyway, this new project of his is gonna be an incredible shitshow since not only is he directing but writing. lol.

        • godshamwow-av says:

          He’s the post-grunge of big effects filmmaking, like if you made a visual style out of the Breaking Benjamin discography.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        It’s because he’s style-over-substance, but a lot of people really vibe with his style. Same as people vibed with Liefeld’s art, or CLAMP’s… stuff. A lot of pop-culture just speaks to peoples’ inner 14-year-old.

      • joeinthebox66-av says:

        Art is subjective, but we also live in a time where people use/defend AI art and people consume social media posts and selfies with filters over them as examples of “good” photography.

      • maxleresistant-av says:

        To me there was 2 paths for Snyder.
        The first one was to be a director that can be brilliant if given great R-rated material and producers that keep him in focus. That’s how we got his early career and good movies like Army of the Dead, Watchmen, 300.

        But at some point he started to go a different path, started making PG-13 movies and thought himself as an author. He started writing and have more control and here we are, with Rebel Moon, which seems to bring together everything that doesn’t work about Snyder’s Filmmaking.

        But honestly, I thought he could have had a great career adapting more straightforward R-rated material.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Everything is a waste of Sofia Boutella’s talents. At least she’s the star this time.

    • Shamus-av says:

      Zack thinks slow motion is the best way to evoke emotion and awe. I think it’s the best time to laugh at him. 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      This comment is predictably dumb and ugly.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      The big reveal at the end of Star Moons is that we are inside a girl’s hallucinations/dreams and Zach Snyder reveals he just tricked everybody into watching Sucker Punch 2.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Oh man. I get so many vibes here. John Carter, Star Wars, Fifth Element, even Thor with the Anthony Hopkins narration. This is probably going to be hot garbage, but Netflix is the equivalent of Red Box for me, so I’ll give it a go.

  • Odyanii-av says:

    Artless artsy is a good way to put Snyder’s whole deal. The vision behind each scene here is clear but they lack any cohesion with each other and it just looks like “what if all the things?”

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      yeah he’s like if michael bay wasn’t having any fun. the fart jokes may have been retrograde and awful but at least they were present.

  • capeo-av says:

    So much lovingly touching grain.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      The masculine urge to run one’s fingers through wheat fields

      • capeo-av says:

        Snyder has used some variation of the Gladiator wheat field scene so many times now it’s just comical. Once is an homage. Multiple times is bereft of imagination.

        • Bazzd-av says:

          Gladiator did it as an homage to samurai movies, where it’s pretty standard. Your character does it automatically in Ghost of Tsushima if you walk through the white flowers or stand up in them for a long enough time, and in the opening sequence he does it on horseback before the theme song plays.Since Rebel Moon is supposedly based on Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai (the same way Star Wars is based on Akira Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress), it makes sense he would throw that in there.

        • TRT-X-av says:

          My favorite part about watching a Snyder movie is when you can clearly tell what movie he had just finished when he wrote/shot a scene.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:
      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        It just feel so nice and soft. Not like sand, which is coarse and irritating, and gets everywhere.

      • heasydragon-av says:

        You know, we had a prime minister once who loved running through fields of grain.  Psychopathic dancer, but good for comedy value when it came to her “childhood memories” (us Brits were convinced she was a robot so clearly the memories were implanted…)

    • dirtside-av says:

      Hey, at least it was a robot doing it this time.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Snyder wants to go for a “Kurosawa” feel, but the problem is that Kurosawa made well-paced, well-plotted movies about smart, funny, and resourceful characters. So Snyder’s just gonna double down on pastoral scenery and shoot the whole thing in black and white. What do you means it’s not black and white?

  • suburbandorm-av says:

    Every shot of this trailer looks like it was AI Generated.I’m actually kind of excited. Snyder doesn’t make high art, but he does make things that a deep recess of my brain considers fundamentally cool.

    • skipskatte-av says:

      I think that’s my problem with Snyder. Every shot is well framed and pretty in that particular, mostly yellow Snyder way, and the movies are so goddamned obsessed with looking cool and badass that there’s no room for them to be fun or interesting or human or dramatically satisfying or make any kind of sense.

  • iambrett-av says:

    It’s nice that Sofia Boutella is finally getting a leading role. She was good in Atomic Blonde and criminally underused in that shitty Mummy movie, but she’s pretty damn charismatic on screen.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Here’s a wild idea: give Zack Snyder a movie series of Shakespeare’s history plays. It can be completely his own cinematic universe to keep him busy and happy, there’s plenty of giant battle scenes where his talent as a visual artist can be put to great use, and the whole thing is already written for him so there’s no worries about him throwing in a wonky “Martha” type plot point.

    • sketchesbyboze-av says:

      I didn’t realize how much I needed this.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      The Martha plot point came from Geoff Johns, not Snyder.

      • yawantpancakes-av says:

        Not any better.But, it adds to my theory that Geoff Johns gets away with his part in making the DCU shitty because fanboys feel that he’s one of them that made it.In a way, he is. But it proves, at least IMO, that being a super fanboy doesn’t necessarily mean you make the best creative decisions.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          I think a lot of people just think of the director as the main creator, especially if they have a specific style. No-one really talks about how Rise of Skywalker and Batman vs Superman share a writer, for example.

    • milligna000-av says:

      Oh yeah, he’s totally gonna make another Chimes at Midnight.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    How long till Zack Snyder goes away?

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    It looks INCREDIBLE!! Can’t wait. 

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    In the future there will only be two colors at a time. Three max.

  • anders221-av says:

    Make it stop.

  • nilus-av says:

    “but more than that it seems to be using a Dune-like “prophesied hero taking down an evil space empire””I really hope after the second movie comes out people get this better but Dune is actually not this.  Paul isn’t a savior.  

    • dudull-av says:

      Considering how every Snyder’s movie end, the princess will turned out to be an iron fist leader or sacrifice herself for peace.Although the possibility that it’s only in her mind also possible

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        …don’t forget she’ll do all that to a down-tempo, minor-key version of a previously upbeat, major-key pop song, breath-sung by some girl with bangs who probably had tears running down her cheeks in the recording booth.

      • gargsy-av says:

        I assumed it would end with the revelation that the main character is being sexually assaulted for the entire movie but she’s pretending to be in a sci-fi universe trying to save her world.  Because Snyder is a feminist.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Considering how every Snyder’s movie end, the princess will turned out to be an iron fist leader or sacrifice herself for peace.”

        Considering Anthony Hopkins’s robot is narrating the myth of her character, I’m going to guess she sacrifices herself to help her people win.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Also Star Wars is all about a prophesized hero bringing balance to the force (aka defeating the Empire).

    • milligna000-av says:

      Nah. They won’t get it then, either.

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      It’s probably Dune Messiah where this point would land. Villenueve’s Dune Part Two is just the second half of the first book, so it ends with Paul’s ascendency, before the galactic jihad stuff goes down in earnest.Messiah takes place years later, after the Fremen have spread off-world and started genociding the shit out of other planets. That’s the story where Paul has to reconcile the things he set in motion, and the one that more overtly problematizes the threat of “charismatic leaders.”

      • izodonia-av says:

        It’s the difference between a book from 1965 and a book from 1969. In ‘65 you could still do a Hero’s Journey story about a prince fighting a just war against evil, albeit with more introspection than was typical for the period; after four more years of war in Vietnam, it became impossible to be pro-war for any war.

      • nilus-av says:

        That’s all true and it may be just hindsight when rereading Dune but I feel like it’s heavily hinted there that Paul is gonna fuck up eventually. The first time I read it after falling in weird love with the Lynch movie I thought those hints were just Paul having self doubt because he was still, essential, a child.  Rereading it, I see that Herbert was seeding his downfall but maybe that’s just me reading to much into it 

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      Doesn’t he turn into a like a space worm? 

    • mrscobro-av says:

      Paul isn’t a savior. 
      But it was pretty much said it in the movie.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Ron Jeremy.  Ron Jeremy was in there for just a second.  Swear to God.  

    • furioserfurioser-av says:

      They missed the obvious casting opportunity when they overlooked Ron Jeremy for the part of Sonic the Hedgehog.

  • alexanderdyle-av says:

    Hey at least we dodged a couple more truly awful Star Wars movies.

  • moxitron-av says:

    I just hope Mel Brooks sees this and gets some ideas brewin…

  • chronophasia-av says:

    Getting Jupiter Rising vibes from this. Meaning an empty space epic and waste of time. 

  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    this won’t be good but I respect that he ripped off lightsabres. most directors wouldn’t have the balls.

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    why does the cgi look like ps3 graphics.

  • comicnerd2-av says:

    I wish Snyder would get back to hiring competent cinematographer’s instead of trying to do it himself. Some shots have shades of that terrible shallow focus stuff from Army of the Dead, it wouldn’t kill him to put a pit of colour in too.

  • hayley23-av says:

    So good, they cast 2 Daario Naharis…es.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    this looks friggin terible

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Griffons are charcoal grey, not black. Other than that, this looks like it gets the science correct.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    So what you’re saying is Snyder conned Netflix in to funding his Star Wars fan fiction and then, like, Dune came out and he got distracted.

  • crithon-av says:

    actually, was thinking more Cloud Atlas. Even Jupiter Ascending would a step up than Super Punch.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Be Awed: The Movie

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    Jane’s Addiction’s “Ritual de lo Habitual” is more than 30 years old.Yet somehow the fact that Zack Snyder thinks it’s really boss makes me feel even worse.

    • bobusually-av says:

      Since the trailer focuses on the line “all of us with wings,” I’m willing to bet half of my 401k contribution in 2023 that there’s a scene in which everyone on-screen has wings while this song plays.

  • marenzio-av says:

    Hey, sure.  I’ll see it.  Rather do so in a theater, though.  Is there a plan for that?

  • freeman333v2-av says:

    Looks pretty terrible, which is no surprise, but I admit the use of D&D monsters in a space-fantasy setting is kind of intriguing.

  • pickletime-av says:

    I dont think Sam knows what a griffin is

  • ijohng00-av says:

    Great to see Sofia Boutella as lead but this looks bland garbage with no attempt at original thought.if someone told me this was a AI created trailer, i wouldn’t doubt them.

  • waldo12-av says:

    This isnt star wars according to Snyder so y tf r we even entertaining this crap. More feminist trope garbage propaganda yay

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    Similarities aside, does it have to be Star Wars or Dune?Also, I blame Gladiator, but maybe it happened before that film: I’m so sick of the hand-over-grass shot.

  • bagman818-av says:

    The trailer was definitely all about vibe, not plot. I got more a Warhammer 40k feel.

  • Shamus-av says:

    So much slooooow motion.“Scargiver” is the name my 8-year-old self would give to a character. What a sad mess.

  • aninsomniac-av says:

    This looks like Star Wars+Dune+Saga+Cloud Atlas. It’s going to be stupid, but I’ll watch it!

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Looks both stupid and pompous simultaneously.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Huh, so they’re still trying to make Sofia Boutella a bankable star.

  • dromens-av says:

    When you type “Justice League, Star Wars, Dune, John Carpenter, Fifth Element, Alien, Samurais, and, aw hell, Nazi Germany,” into Midjourney and it shits out a movie.  

  • cacogen-av says:

    I don’t want to spoil Dune for those unfamiliar, but Paul is not a savior — quite the opposite. One of the main points of the novels is that charismatic leaders, saviors, messiahs, and such, are BAD; not to be trusted. ***spoiler below***—Paul’s jihad gets 60 BILLION people killed. That’s not a very savior-y thing to do.  

  • klyph14-av says:

    Samurai’s in space? Where does he come up with this stuff? How does he do it??!

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    More derivative nonsense by a no-talent hack.

  • jallured1-av says:

    Would love more Army/Dawn of the Dead Snyder. These epics look great but no one in these epics has any sense of humor. I think that’s why I’ve always gravitated toward James Gunn’s films. He respects the characters and relationships but also gets that it’s all super absurd. 

  • minimummaus-av says:

    It looks about right for the director who drained all of the charisma out of Henry Cavill.True story, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was the first thing I saw Cavill in after he played Superman and I was left wondering where the hell that charming actor was when he was portraying a superhero who should be friendly and charming. Having seen him more in other projects since it was very clear the fault was Snyder’s. Army of the Dead closed the case, Snyder can’t direct people all that well. Visually he can create a scene, but even then they tend to look staged and just fake.

    • skipskatte-av says:

      What’s weird is that, by all accounts, actors really like working with Snyder. But what shows up on film looks like they’ve all been taken hostage. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I see Anthony Hopkins has settled comfortably into his “lending gravitas to space opera bullshit” career phase.

  • aninsomniac-av says:

    This looks like Star Wars+Dune+Saga+Cloud Atlas. It’s going to be stupid, but I’ll watch it!

  • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

    Getting pretty tired of action trailers just using increasingly loud and frantic banging/thumping sounds to convey excitement.

  • jicagochusticeexcession-av says:

    looks like shit

  • bc222-av says:

    “Star Wars doesn’t have a pegasus!”Not to get all “uh well ackshully…” but neither does Rebel Moon. Strictly speaking,Pegasus is a proper noun, and is a winged horse. That thing in the trailer looks more like a griffin- half eagle, half lion.

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