Why be horrified by the world when your body is scary enough?

Society is full of awful knowledge, but it all starts with your gross, disgusting body

Aux Features Digg
Why be horrified by the world when your body is scary enough?
Ugh. Photo: Gabriel Bouys/AFP

The planet is filled with enough things to keep us in a perpetual state of abject terror if we let it. Of course, opting for this path is no way to live your life—it’s a waste of time for not only yourself, but everyone around you. Besides, it’s unnecessary labor on your part. Why look to the world out there when the facts of your own disgusting, horrifying, nightmarish sack of meat and bones are more than enough?

That’s the basic gist of a recent Reddit thread that has formed around someone’s question of what people consider to be the most “disturbing fact about the human body.” In our opinion, it’s a bit of a misleading question, only because there doesn’t appear to be one single “most disturbing fact,” as much as a never-ending nightmare marathon of trivia regarding our own personal Hieronymus Bosch-ass portraits of biology.

Take, for instance, our newfound knowledge that bodies often can believe their internal organs are dead following routine invasive surgeries. “This is why we won’t let post-op c-section patients eat until they fart,” one L&D nurse commented, “That way we know the digestive system is back online.” The healthcare professional adds that if you eat too quickly after abdominal surgery, you can suffer from a paralytic ileus, in which solid food simply sits in your tummy until you wretch it all back up. “If you think c-section pain is bad, try a c-section plus vomiting,” they add.

Then there’s the apparent fact that certain prescription acne medications cause your bones to turn green. “I learned this working in a bone & tissue donor center where sometimes you’d get kids (or adults) who’d been on the stuff and their bones were either bright green or a darker forest green depending on how long ago / how many treatments they had,” one person writes. There apparently isn’t any actual damage from this scenario, and professionals still accept the donations. “The bones are still fine, they’re just… green,” the same person says.

Trust us when we say there are so, so many more things we wish we didn’t learn in that Reddit thread. We’d go scrub ourselves furiously in the shower at the thought of some of these, except we just learned how quickly a skin infection can spread to your brain and kill you.

[via Digg]

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  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’ve got that written on my mirror so it’s the first thing I see every morning.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    It isn’t just weird, it is horribly engineered. Things like the nerve that controls your left vocal cord coming out of your brain stem, going down into your chest and looping under your aorta before going up to control your voice.The human body is pretty much the best evidence there is against “Intelligent Design.”

    • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

      If there is a god, he certainly didn’t create man in his image.

    • the-misanthrope-av says:

      I’ve been looking for the factory default reset for years. I can’t find the manual anymore—no PDFs available online either—and I’ve tried every button combination. If you have any answers, hit me up at [email protected] No spam please!

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I remember that from first year anatomy!There’s a lot I clearly did not given I got 50% for the subject at the end of the year, though.

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      That is to enable you to speak your feelings “from the heart”.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Until you get a mediastinal mass and get hoarse.  Then you just look at your doctor funny while he tries to explain to you how the lymphoma in your chest is taking your voice away.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    when you look at all the horrible syndromes/diseases/etc that can happen from a little corruption to a gene, it’s truly frightening. one little glitch in the womb & you’re fucked for life. did you know there is a thing where you stop being able to sleep!!!!!!! you eventually go into some sort of hypnotic psychotic state for a while before you finally die. & don’t get me started about the thing where when you have any injury to any part of your body, instead of getting repaired normally, it gets repaired as bone!  (ps. i love this stuff – probably b/c i don’t have any of it.)

    • sirslud-av says:

      our body is a huge orchestra of electromechanical parts constructed by “software” that get copied and those copies get random shit changed, so basically if it’s possible, it can happen, it’s merely a matter of probabilities. it is indeed pretty wild, and ironically mutations also result in changes that increase evolutionary fitness

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Special Books by Special Kids recently interviewed someone with that bone condition:SBBSK is an unusually upbeat channel (which helps since he started it around the kids he taught in Special Ed), and this guy’s (justified) perspective was a real downer by comparison. Somewhat like Freddie de Boer’s recent stuff on how miserable his mental illness really is.

  • bustertaco-av says:

    Teeth are not bones, but pee is definitely stored in the balls.

  • jetboyjetgirl-av says:

    This is why Abbott and Costello would be so afraid of skeletons.

  • thesauveidiot-av says:

    Then there’s the apparent fact that certain prescription acne medications cause your bones to turn green.Will make me telling people about my two rounds of Accutane for the thousandth time more interesting.

    • burnerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-av says:

      Different medication. Tetracycline and minocycline turn your bones yellow and dark green respectively. Accutane can cause low bone density though which is fun

  • koopatroopastupidkinja-av says:

    I was wondering when this site would follow the trend of turning AskReddit threads into content. Now, I’m looking forward to articles that summarize Buzzfeed articles that mine the content of a Reddit post. How deep can we go???

    • well-lighted-av says:

      I get your issue with it, but did you forget what column you’re reading? Great Job, Internet is a column that is nothing but articles about things found online.

    • bluesalamone-av says:

      It’s a lot easier to have a newswire without any real news.  Kudos to GoMedia for spotting this exciting new trend.  Next up: a self-reading blog, saving all the disappointed former AVClub fans the trouble.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Can’t wait for the content Ouroboros!

  • billygoatesq-av says:

    Have you seen what happens if you don’t trim your hooves regularly? (shudder)

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