Refusing to be outdone by Lil Uzi Vert's forehead diamond, Post Malone gets some diamond fangs

The procedure required 40 carats of diamond and costs over $1M

Music Features Diamond
Refusing to be outdone by Lil Uzi Vert's forehead diamond, Post Malone gets some diamond fangs
Listen to them, the children of the night. What singles they make! Photo: Paul Morigi

Back in February, Lil Uzi Vert spent $24 million to have a diamond implanted in his forehead. After a few deleted tweets about maybe, possibly ending up dead because of the decision, Uzi appears to have decided not to be a guy with a diamond embedded in his forehead anymore. Though the rest of us may have viewed this whole saga as a reminder not to convert the millions of dollars we all have lying around into skull-rotting jewelry, Post Malone appears to have taken inspiration from the move and he planned his very own extremely expensive body modification: A set of diamond fangs.

The musician/actor/literal cartoon character popped up in an Instagram post from Angel City Jewelers where he’s shown grabbing his head like Jared Leto’s Joker with a cigarette clenched between his teeth. In case Count Malone’s new accessories aren’t visible enough for you in that picture, there are two more images showing close-up models of his new fangs.

“No one is doing this!!!” the post reads. “Remember who did it first … Post Malone raising the bar again with his solid diamond fangs!” It’s also tagged with stuff like #diamondteeth, #dentist, #gamechanger, and #gameover, which hopefully isn’t an omen of diamond-mouth-related medical issues to come.

Rolling Stone interviewed Dr. Thomas Connelly, the “celebrity dentist” who helped sire the Dread Malonepire, and learned that the diamonds used in the procedure required “40 carats of diamonds sourced from Belgium and cut in Israel, coming in at $1.6 million.” The high cost, apparently, is because the shaping process involves “a lot of waste.”

“That diamond,” Connely says, “They could have got three or four other diamonds out of it, so we had to waste it in order to get it into shape.”

Far be it for us to tell celebrities how to spend their wealth, but maybe Malone should just return to his old spending habits, like putting $8,000 a year toward ordering Popeye’s biscuits. (That is, as long as there isn’t any garlic used in their recipe.)

[via Consequence Of Sound]

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  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    Looks like I have the honor this time around to be the first to comment this:This is fucking stupid.

  • spookypants-av says:

    “40 carats of diamonds sourced from Belgium and cut in Israel, coming in at $1.6 million.”Is the AV Club aware of Belgium’s brutal colonization of the Congo and Israel’s apartheid? And that U.S. currency is sometimes spent by racists? By extension, you should probably just rewrite this headline to denounce PM as racist.

  • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

    assholes be assholing. What, in any real extant of our world, does this not only not matter, but why do we care about this jagoff. He is literally the reason you should question your tattoos. And not only question your tattoos, question why you have them in the first place.

    • debeuliou-av says:

      I have them because they’re awesome and I love them.
      And this incredibly rich smellyass pile of trash and is nasty doodled face has nothing to do with it…

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Thousands of people actually take this person seriously as an artist.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Not to brag, but I got a pot to piss in.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    So, money well-spent. And yet “the rich” who buy, say, a BMW with money they earned through entitled bullshit like working actual jobs are gonna get 2x-barrelled cross-haired by the ‘woke,’ while these loons are celebrated. 

    • toddisok-av says:

      I’m trying to figure out how he made a million dollars. He doesn’t look smart enough to sell crack.

      • 95feces-av says:

        I know I’m the old guy yelling at clouds and I don’t listen to much new music, but how the fuck does this guy afford this? How much money can he possibly be making in an era when artists do not sell physical media anymore and get paid hundredths of a cent per stream? Is this guy selling out stadiums somewhere? From what little I’ve heard by him, I doubt it.

      • timecapsulebuttbutt-av says:

        I had to Google it, because I’m a masochist. He has a net worth of $30 million!! And Jesus wept.

      • returning-the-screw-av says:

        Because he knows what stupid music millions of people like to hear. 

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Nice try working that in. There are hundreds of thousands of those types to one Post Malone. They matter more economically.

    • notochordate-av says:

      nice lack of examples there, buddy

  • toddisok-av says:

    Doesn’t Mick Jagger have a diamond in one of his teeth? I’m sure I read that but I don’t know if it’s true.

    • debeuliou-av says:

      woulda took you less time to google it.
      Yes he does. But there is a difference between filling a cavity with 200 bucks of diamond and getting giantass diamonds cut in the shape of teeth and mounted on full replacement teeth ^^

      Hence the “first” brag of the jeweler.
      Diamond implants have been around for ages, and they look like you have something stuck in your teeth.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    I think everyone involved in these stunts vastly inflates how much they cost.It makes everyone look more absurd, and therefore makes them more famous.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    He coulda looked used cubic zirconia and looked like an asshole for a lot less. Then again, he coulda just not done anything amd still looked like an asshole. 

    • wakemein2024-av says:

      At least the teeth last a long time after death, so future archeologists trying to figure out what happened to Western civilization will be able to say “oh well here you go..”

  • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

    A Diamond in the Muff (is what his girlfriend will call it). 

  • themarketsoftener-av says:

    LOL. The number of people who actually think Lil Uzi Vert’s diamond cost $24 million…

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    This is Shia Laboeuf doing some kind of performance art thing right?

  • notochordate-av says:

    To be fair, diamonds are just another way to get blood.

  • wabznazm-av says:

    This is the kind of thing that happens when the dumbest people alive get showered in money.

  • deeznutz01-av says:

    Gay ass fuck

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