Ridley Scott announces Blade Runner TV series is in the works

The House Of Gucci director also gave an update on the Alien TV show he's working on with Noah Hawley

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Ridley Scott announces Blade Runner TV series is in the works
Blade Runner Screenshot: Warner Bros.

We already knew that Ridley Scott’s producing an Alien series, with Noah Hawley as the showrunner and writer. But it turns out that he’s also making a TV show based on another one of his biggest films: Blade Runner.

While on BBC’s flagship radio news show Today to promote his latest film House Of Gucci, the filmmaker revealed that the show is underway. “We have already written the pilot for Blade Runner and the bible. So, we’re already presenting Blade Runner as a TV show, the first 10 hours,” he shared. It’ll reportedly be a 10-part series.

He hasn’t provided details yet on the show’s plot.

As for the Alien series, he gave the update that the show is “now being written for pilot” and he said the bible for the show is being put together.

This past summer, Hawley told Vanity Fair he’d written two episodes for Alien. And no, Sigourney Weaver won’t reprise her iconic role as Ripley for this. Instead, the series will introduce a brand new story. Hawley teased its premise to the magazine, saying, “It’s a story that’s set on Earth also. The alien stories are always trapped… Trapped in a prison, trapped in a space ship. I thought it would be interesting to open it up a little bit so that the stakes of ‘What happens if you can’t contain it?’ are more immediate.”

And it looks like Scott wants to revisit the Alien world beyond the upcoming series. Last year, he teased to Forbes that he’s planning a new movie for the franchise.

“[The next Alien movie is] in process. We went down a route to try and reinvent the wheel with Prometheus and Covenant. Whether or not we go directly back to that is doubtful because Prometheus woke it up very well,” he explained. “But you know, you’re asking fundamental questions like, ‘Has the Alien himself, the facehugger, the chestburster, have they all run out of steam? Do you have to rethink the whole bloody thing and simply use the word to franchise?’ That’s always the fundamental question.”



  • captain-splendid-av says:

    So the guy who understands Blade Runner the least is making a spinoff TV show about it?

  • Fleur-de-lit-av says:

    Love that setting/universe, and feel it’s very much ripe for serialization. I’m cautiously optimistic about this.

  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    “I’ve seen things you people…probably would believe, to be fair, because we evidently haven’t had any new ideas for 40 years. Attack ships on fire off the – wait, come back! You’ll never guess who the replicant is this time! … Huh, good guess.”

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    It will all depend on who’s writing it. 

  • laylowmoe76-av says:

    Would be nice if it followed up on 2049’s plot threads about a replicant rebellion.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Season 4 of Westworld has to come out eventually, right?

      • guyver666-av says:

        That ould be pretty much them trying to take out deckard who they wanted dead. K saved him. so its more logical it would be about deckard and anna bringing K back from the dead. Protecting anna, and sending K after the replicants and wallace. Since those replicants and what they want was hinted at by johsie, and how they would bring k back from the dead.

        The world is built on a wall, tell either side theres no walla, you bought a war, or a slaughter.

        Also she mentions tech she didnt want to pay for that would help K with his wounds, and they wasted thousands of dollars on cgi to show Ks wounds closing. Why would they do that if it didnt foreshadow the next movie? Joshies comments foreshadowed the sequels. That K could be brought back to life, and that the replicants who sent k to take out deckard, still want to take deckard down so he cant stand in the way of using his daughter to start a war.

        You should of paid better attention. Those replciants were meant to be villains in part 3. Thats why it was left open, and thats why it ended at a replicant hospital. Its not a coincidence that Anna was the memory maker. Its so they could end the story in a location that makes sense to bring K back from synthetic death.

        This is the universe in wich david had his head torn clean off, and they were able to fix him. K is only a few gens behind david. So it could be that david will be saved in the very same way as David.

    • pairesta-av says:

      I love that movie so much (ahem exceptthevegaspart) but I wonder if its underperformance will steer them away from continuing that story, which I’d love to see more of. 

      • kerning-av says:

        Man, I hope not. I believe it is Denis V’s best film (Dune needs to be thoroughly completed first before I judge it against BR_2049)I think the new film could works just like BR_2049, having loose yet important thread connecting between the two films. It can be about another character, be it human or replicant, being involved directly or indirectly to the growing revolution that will be shepherded by Deckard’s daughter. Harrison Ford wouldn’t needs to come back for this film, his character’s arc was nicely and completely told in the two films, there’s nothing left to develop for him.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    I think the best parts of Blade Runner was the stuff they didn’t show. The off world colonies and all the stuff about the replicants there.I guess 2049 hinted at some interesting things with the group of replicants in Vegas who had built their own society. The show could cover that I guess, but they really don’t need to expand that world any more.Same for Alien. They could wrap up what Covenant was doing and then shelve the franchise.

    • labbla-av says:

      My dream Alien movie would be one that’s a sequel to Covenant and Resurrection that ties up the series from both parts of the continuity. Have Clone Ripley investigating David on the Alien home world or something and have the Engineers return and then stuff happens to bring everything to a close.

      • nothumbedguy-av says:

        Studio would just get nervous and throw in some Predators.

        • labbla-av says:

          That’d be cool. The Alien world where David is still creating monsters could have all kinds of Xenomorph variations. Throw in a few predaliens around to have some fun. 

        • noyousetyourusername-av says:

          You joke, but I would watch the hell out of a movie where Predators land on that planet to hunt down David and have to survive against a xenomorph onslaughtHell, make it canon that Predators went to war with the Engineers and are trying to wipe out evidence of them to tie it all together

      • rogueindy-av says:

        I think the main thing a new Alien film needs to do is walk back the execrable “David created the Xenomorphs” plot point.Hell, it could even build on his character by having him grapple with the idea that what he thought he’d invented, was just a rehash of the Engineers’ work or whatever.

        • labbla-av says:

          In the movies I’ve never taken it as David creating the Xenos. I don’t care what they say in interviews or whatever. He’s just working with technology that was already created by the Engineers. Hell, there’s a statue of a Queen in the ship in Prometheus. And the crashed ship in the first Alien looks nothing like what David was doing, his work was very sloppy.
          And the last we saw him he only had control of a human colony ship. Which doesn’t exactly lead into the first Alien.

          • rogueindy-av says:

            Yeah, it kinda felt like Scott’s been doing his own thing as he goes, rather than roll with what’s been established in previous films. Left unchecked, I wouldn’t be surprised if he retconned the older quadrilogy out entirely.

          • labbla-av says:

            I honestly don’t worry about continuity too much and until something in those movies directly says something I’m happy taking it as one big thing. I even like the AvP movies and those don’t work at all with the rest of the mess. 

          • rogueindy-av says:

            Yeah, my main gripe with Covenant’s retcon is less that it doesn’t fit, and more that it undercuts the whole cosmic horror aspect.The Aliens go from a horrible peril of the vast, uncaring universe, to something not only manmade, but connected to the same goddamn company.That needs to be jettisoned pronto, because it totally squanders what made the franchise special and scary in the first place.

          • labbla-av says:

            Well, we still have no idea where the black good that the xeno stuff derives from came about. And we still don’t know what the goals of the engineers really were. A lot of the intentions for a lot of things with this series are really up to interpretation. Really don’t let the backstory and canon that has managed to continue with this series get you down and enjoy some goopy alien action.

          • rogueindy-av says:

            From what I’ve read, Prometheus was supposed to have a more coherent/fleshed out plot, but then they brought Lindelof in to vague it up.

          • labbla-av says:

            Yes, it started out as much more of a direct prequel. I’m glad it’s a bit of it’s own thing.

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      Wait wait wait…What if the Alien TV show and the Blade Runner TV show… ARE THE SAME SHOW.  If not, all of those seemingly intersecting storylines would be lost… like tears in rain.I do admire Ridley Scott.  Unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    Wouldn’t an Alien on Earth show basically be an extended Jurassic Park 2?

  • labbla-av says:

    Sure, I’m down. Would be cool to see it pay off some of the 2049 side plots. 

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    I hope Deckard finally kills enough replicants to buy that sheep. 

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    As a huge blade runner fan in the 1980s, I am glad that the movie that bombed in the theaters in getting love but I worry that a tv show would end up a boring cop show.

    • kencerveny-av says:

      Law and Order: Replicant Retirement Unit

      • Fleur-de-lit-av says:

        The Law part would be of the Judge Dredd variety in this case.

      • turdontherun-av says:

        In the replicant retirement system the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the blade runner that retirews the replicants and the other guy following him around mumbling in foreign languages and making little origami animals. These are their stories.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        “You tellin’ me that there are organic robots out there that are essentially indistinguishable from real humans, but far stronger and more resilient, and they yearn for freedom?”“…Yes Fin, that’s been a fundamental part of society for decades now.”

  • hcd4-av says:

    Reinvent the wheel.Lol.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Some more wonderful opportunities to sully the legacy of two original and terrific films.

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    Maybe he got tired of hearing people making fun of Blade Runner: Black Lotus, especially in comparison to Arcane. But he always talks about expanding his previous works in interviews. I mean a few years ago in another interview he wasn’t sure on continuing with Alien because he felt it couldn’t be scary anymore. Now he wants to do a show and wonders if the idea of Alien still has some steam left?

    • thunderperfectmind-av says:

      The article is confused, Scott doesn’t have anything to do with the Hawley show, he’s apparently doing a separate movie. 

  • thunderperfectmind-av says:

    Quick correction – Scott isn’t involved with the Hawley show and hates the idea of it, he’s talking about a separate project that’s a movie. Supposedly he wasn’t all that involved with 2049 (short of some complaints that they took some of his ideas for it) so I don’t know if I think he’ll follow up on anything that happened in that movie. I’m guessing this is something else entirely. 

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Ridley Scott is what, 90? Dude, chillax with the old IP and buy a condo in Palm Springs and chillax already.

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      You know when you see a human interest puff piece on your local news about the nonagenarian who still works a day job? It’s always some 98-year-old guy who goes to the bus depot at 4 AM, five days a week, to clean the bathroom floors with a toothbrush and the same Borax solution he’s used since before The War. On his way home, he stops by a local greasy spoon where he gets the same thing for lunch every day: a fully-loaded chili dog, a bag of pork rinds and a shot of Everclear with a crushed-up cigarette in it. Then he finally retires and is dead within two weeks.Ridley Scott strikes me as one of those guys. He might be old as hell, but as long as he’s got a project on the horizon he’s eager to keep going. It’s when he finally announces he’s thinking of taking a break that we need to get worried.

      • dikeithfowler-av says:

        But won’t somebody think of the children?*

        *E.g. The ninety five percent of people younger than him who have to watch his films. Or choose to. Ah, I clearly haven’t thought this through.

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        Kinja might not be showing alerts for our stars anymore, but I wanted you to know that I put one on your post specifically for the ‘shot of Everclear with a crushed-up cigarette in it’.

  • thither-kinja-sucks-avclub-av says:

    Maybe a soft reboot of Total Recall 2070?

  • nothumbedguy-av says:

    So, how many sci-fi novels & short stories have NOT yet been adapted to film or tv now??

    • kencerveny-av says:

      A Canticle For Liebowitz?

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      There’s a trove of absolute garbage 50’s-60’s sci-fi magazines and short story collections that haven’t been touched yet… Thankfully

    • smithereen-av says:

      – Neuromancer and sequels (Johnny Mnemonic doesn’t count)
      – The Difference Engine- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress- A Canticle for Liebowitz- The Left Hand of Darkness (or any Ursula K. le Guin for that matter)- Snow Crash (or any Niel Stephenson)
      – Rendesvous with Rama- Red Mars and sequelsFor starters

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      I’m still waiting for my Hyperion and Culture series.

    • labbla-av says:

      I mean, a lot. This is even the second Blade Runner tv show, since that anime one released too. Phillip K Dick alone has enough material for tons of stuff if they actually wanted to use his less popular work. 

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      The Sirens of Titan

  • guyver666-av says:

    I so called this. everyone said i was crazy. That blade runner was done. but rumors have been running amok that BR was due for big return. Hopefully one of these releases continues the story of K deckard and anna. And saving her from being used by a replicant uprising to commit genocide against the humans. and going after wallace. They left hint in 2049, as to how K could of lived through his death scene. Oh he died, but he also has a healing factor. Thats why they used CGI to close his wound instantly when he used glue to close his wound from sapper. Joshie clearly states she was paying to get K fixed up. So what was she refferring to? She was refferring to technology that exists to fix replicants, and probably save them from death.

    Guess where 2049 ended? An upgrade center aka a replicant hospital.

    What would be deckards NATURAL reaction to seeing K dying on the steps out side or dead?

    To drag him in to try and save him. Asking anna to help him. And he being practically schooled on replicant physiology she would know how to close his wounds and bring him back to life. Because scott has been using technology as religious allegory for decades.

    Xenomorphs are space demons, david is space satan, and david was even saved from having his head TORN clean off. Why K is only a few generations behind david. So it only goes to show, how K could be saved from death. With anna and K being a double allegory for replicant christ and eve.

    But anna cant leave her glass prison. The replicants wanted deckard dead, because they saw freyzas life as more valuable then deckards, but K saved him anyways. They left these hints for part 3, and everyone missed them. Hopefully, they Continue K and deckards story. Because it makes more sense that wallace would be behind the replicant rebel factions, especially if he himself had a synthetic replicant body and was once human.

    Joshie prophesized the plot of 2049 part 2 with her saying the world is built on a wall, that separates kind, you tell either side theres no wall, you bought a war, or a slaugter. and replicants being smarter nd stronger then humans, means they would slaughter humans. And deckard being made to appear human, probably feels protective of them, and K recognizing that a soul can come to those who feel, both wouldnt want to see humans being slaughtered in the thousands, because of a misguided attempt at creating replicants that can breed, which humans are needed to do. So it would be the extinction of both races.

  • guyver666-av says:

    Welp i called this. everyone said i was crazy. That blade runner was done. but rumors have been running amok that BR was due for big return. Hopefully one of these releases continues the story of K deckard and anna. And saving her from being used by a replicant uprising to commit genocide against the humans. and going after wallace. They left hint in 2049, as to how K could of lived through his death scene. Oh he died, but he also has a healing factor. Thats why they used CGI to close his wound instantly when he used glue to close his wound from sapper. Joshie clearly states she was paying to get K fixed up. So what was she refferring to? She was refferring to technology that exists to fix replicants, and probably save them from death.
    Guess where 2049 ended? An upgrade center aka a replicant hospital.

    What would be deckards NATURAL reaction to seeing K dying on the steps out side or dead?

    To drag him in to try and save him. Asking anna to help him. And he being practically schooled on replicant physiology she would know how to close his wounds and bring him back to life. Because scott has been using technology as religious allegory for decades.

    Xenomorphs are space demons, david is space satan, and david was even saved from having his head TORN clean off. Why K is only a few generations behind david. So it only goes to show, how K could be saved from death. With anna and K being a double allegory for replicant christ and eve.

    But anna cant leave her glass prison. The replicants wanted deckard dead, because they saw freyzas life as more valuable then deckards, but K saved him anyways. They left these hints for part 3, and everyone missed them. Hopefully, they Continue K and deckards story. Because it makes more sense that wallace would be behind the replicant rebel factions, especially if he himself had a synthetic replicant body and was once human.

    Joshie prophesized the plot of 2049 part 2 with her saying the world is built on a wall, that separates kind, you tell either side theres no wall, you bought a war, or a slaughter. and replicants being smarter nd stronger then humans, means they would slaughter humans. And deckard being made to appear human, probably feels protective of them, and K recognizing that a soul can come to those who feel, both wouldnt want to see humans being slaughtered in the thousands, because of a misguided attempt at creating replicants that can breed, which humans are needed to do. So it would be the extinction of both races.

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    Didn’t they just release a Blade Runner show? 

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      Black Lotus, but that’s not being headed by Ridley Scott. Episode 4 airs this Saturday, but Friday has a big Blade Runner marathon that includes Episodes 1-3.Considering the people behind this were responsible for Cowboy Bebop, Appleseed, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Black Lotus is kinda disappointing so far. It’s really, really slow. 

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    Betting that the series will completely ignore both Black Out 2022 and Black Lotus. 

  • Smurph-av says:

    The Alien franchise already has an all time great monster, why does Ridley think it needs to be reinvented all the time? Kinda makes me wonder if he even likes the Alien series.

  • jallured1-av says:

    Really hope Blade Runner show goes the Young Sheldon route.

    • idonthavealogin-av says:

      Interviewer: “You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. What do you say?”Old man Harrison Ford: “I say ‘bazinga’”.

  • nogelego-av says:

    Seems unnecessary.
    Can’t he just make one more director’s cut of the original or do one of those Coppola things and edit it together with the sequel? Or how about a HGTV series based on Black Rain?

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      “My wife breeds heritage salamanders, and I just do eyes. We’re looking for an all-plastic apartment in a mile-high ziggurat, our budget is 2.3 million dollars.”

  • turbotastic-av says:

    The timing for this is weird given that there already is a Blade Runner TV series, and it’s been airing on Adult Swim for two weeks now.
    Of course, Ridley Scott isn’t involved in that one, but still. Are they trying to turn Blade Runner into a Star Trek-esque franchise with lots of shows running at once? Not sure if it can sustain that.

    • milligna000-av says:

      I really can’t see them running at once. This will be long-cancelled by the time anything else is produced

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Blade Runner show runner front runner Noah Hawley nabs top spot in stunner, prepares for a not bummer summer!

  • guyver666-av says:


  • dwmguff-av says:

    Hopefully its better than the Blade Runner anime that’s currently running, which is pretty dire unfortunately.

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