Weary nation can rest easy knowing Butch Patrick will appear in Rob Zombie’s Munsters

The original Eddie is back as the Tin Can Man in Rob Zombie's reboot

Aux News Butch Patrick
Weary nation can rest easy knowing Butch Patrick will appear in Rob Zombie’s Munsters
Butch Patrick cruising in the Munsters Mobile Photo: Newsmakers

Since Rob Zombie announced his Munsters movie last summer, the world’s 7.7 billion people have held their breath. Living through a near-constant onslaught of environmental, financial, sociological, and political setbacks, they waited for the final shoe to drop, worrying that maybe, just maybe, Butch Patrick wouldn’t appear in The Munsters movie. Would Zombie really forget about the original wolf boy in his much-anticipated reboot?

Thankfully, director Rob Zombie doesn’t want to torture his audience with his first foray into family-friendly filmmaking. Today on Instagram, Zombie addressed concerns about Patrick’s role in the film, confirming he would, in fact, make an appearance as the Tin Can Man.

“Where’s Eddie you ask? Well, I’ll tell you!,” Zombie wrote on Instagram. “My good buddy [Butch Patrick] is now in The Munsters as The Tin Can Man. I am thrilled to have another original Munster in my new film. Get ready for some robot fun!”

The Tin Can Man is a robot invented by Grandpa Munster (Al Lewis) on the original TV show as an entry into Eddie’s science fair.

Patrick isn’t the first OG Munster Zombie announced. Pat Priest, who played the family’s weird human niece Marylin, will also appear in the film. However, while Zombie was nice enough to let a traumatized world know about Patrick, he has yet to announce who will be playing the roles of Eddie and Marilyn in the film. The teaser released earlier this month only featured Herman (Jeff Daniel Phillips), Lily (Sheri Moon Zombie), and Grandpa (Daniel Roebuck) in an abridged but spot-on recreation of the original 60s credits.

Is this movie set after Marilyn went to college and after villagers with pitchforks and torches got to Eddie? More importantly, once again, we must ask if Eddie’s mother is a vampire and his father is a Frankenstein, why the hell is he a werewolf?

The Munsters | Rob Zombie Vision (Written & Directed) | Teaser Trailer

It’s still unclear what our little wolf boy’s role in the film will be. But as long as Butch Patrick is there, the concerned citizens of the world can sleep a little easier tonight, knowing that at least one Eddie is howling at the moon.

Rob Zombie’s The Munsters will howl, as well, later this year.


  • mwcool-av says:

    He works for Larry Kidkill.

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    This movie is going to rule & angry pissboys will insist it sucks because Rob cares more about his seemingly excellent marriage than anything else.

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      That’s a lot of passion for Rob Zombie does The Munsters but it’s good to have moxie sometimes.

    • cartoonivore-av says:

      Is there some kinda online backlash sounding this movie? Not that I’m doubting there is one, I just wouldn’t have thought The Munsters of all things would have a bunch of people going to bat for it….

      • bustertaco-av says:

        Nah, people are just weird. 

      • necgray-av says:

        No. Some of us who follow Zombie’s film career are just awfully tired of seeing Sherri in *every goddam thing he does*, particularly as she’s kinda uneven as an actress. And it seems like we’ve got a fanboi who thinks every criticism of a Zombie film is just about Sherri. (It isn’t. He’s as uneven a filmmaker as his wife is an actress.)

      • czarmkiii-av says:

        If there is it’s because it’s going to be a PG rated family movie instead of a gritty hard-R rated horror movie Zombie is known for. 

  • niudrdrew-av says:

    Whatever you think of Rob Zombie and his movies (I tend to like them more than most), he seems fully committed to making this as true to the original as possible. As such, this will probably become his most mainstream project. If it ends up being a 100 minute authentic nostalgia trip, that’s not a bad thing.

    • Matt Schimkowitz says:

      Agreed! All joking aside, I think this is a perfect reset for him as a director. Sidenote: Finally checked out his Halloween II last year, and kind of loved it?

    • brianjwright-av says:

      I’m kinda jazzed for this, but so far as nostalgia trips go, I’m pushing 50 and I barely know who the Munsters are. This is a longer window to a movie than the Little Rascals had.

      • drew8mr-av says:

        I’m older than you and they were in weekend reruns in my time. Never watched them much either.

      • triohead-av says:

        I’m about 10 years younger than you but remember watching The Munsters on Nick at Nite but not strongly enough to particularly want to revisit it (has The Munsters been reairing on those free basic cable rerun channels? maybe there’s some lingering familiarity there).
        The Little Rascals is a good comparison though, that came out around that time and as a kid, I had no idea why I should care about those kids at all.

  • mrgeorgekaplanofdetroit-av says:

    That’s a whole lot of snark for a little ole Munsters movie. I personally think it’s kind of nice that, for once, someone who is rebooting a piece of IP is doing it with genuine affection for a change instead of going through the tiresome routine of “reimagining” it through their inflated ego and going down the dark and gritty/upsetting our expectations route. If this were a Star Wars or Star Trek project you’d be spraying your enthusiasm all over this article. 

    • jackmagnificent-av says:

      This shtick of injecting an assload of sarcasm into the most innocuous happenings is lazy, shitty, and unfortunately entirely representative of what The AV Club has become. The Root is covering actual issues, and uplifting their heroes; Gizmodo and Jalopnik research new advancements in technology and automotives; AVC dunks on a ‘60s child star. Laziest fucking site on the Internet.

    • necgray-av says:

      Maybe because I traffic in so much of it I don’t find the tone of this article all that snarky. It’s certainly present but “a whole lot”? Ehhhh…. I dunno.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    They should bring back Fred Gwynne. Kids will want to see the original Herman Munster.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    “Whatever happened to Eddie Munster?” (BZZZZ) “I’m looking at him!”

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    Yet he still hasn’t actually answered the question asked.

    Where is Eddie? The actual character. 

  • null000000000-av says:

    I’m just concerned with how much he’s going to fuck up the tables on-set. He has a history of making them look like he rolled around in a mud puddle.

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