Robert De Niro yells “Shame on you!” at former assistant while on the stand

Robert De Niro especially didn't appreciate the claim that he would take phone calls while using the bathroom

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Robert De Niro yells “Shame on you!” at former assistant while on the stand
Robert De Niro Photo: David Dee Delgado

Perhaps unsurprisingly, given how much fun getting sued generally is, Robert De Niro does not seem to be having a good time today in court. He’s on the stand today in the case brought by his former personal assistant, Graham Chase Robinson, who has accused her former boss of subjecting her to—among other things—unwanted physical contact, sexually-charged comments, “stereotypically female duties like housework,” and other “office wife” duties like making her “scratch his back, button his shirts, fix collars, tie his ties, and prod him awake when he was in bed” even after De Niro made her an executive at his Canal Productions label. (You can read more about the accusations here.)

But it was another very specific allegation that pushed De Niro over the edge today, with Deadline reporting that he shouted “Shame on you, Chase Robinson!” on the witness stand when asked whether he had ever “audibly urinated while in a bathroom on a phone call with his assistant”—which, and this is not to be taken as an opinion in favor of either side of this suit, is the kind of stereotypical “bad boss” behavior that a bad boss might do in a comedy about a bad boss.

De Niro later offered exasperated responses like “Give me a break with this stuff” and “You got us all here for this?” while reacting to the list of things he’s been accused of. He also exclaimed “She implies that she’s out in front of the building on her knees scrubbing the floor” when asked if he had ever asked Robinson to scratch his back—with De Niro also “gesticulating on the stand as if to demonstrate that he was asking for help with a hard-to-reach spot,” as Deadline describes it.

De Niro was reportedly on the stand for “about five hours” over the past two days.


  • highlikeaneagle-av says:

    Who the fuck hasn’t? 

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Well I’m going to be more careful NOW since apparently this is an indignity that’s worth millions in potential damages.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Fucking Winston Churchill and LBJ wouldn’t last five seconds in the 21st century. 

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Churchill’s bathroom, November 1 2023:

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            “And then what did President Johnson do, Miss Robinson?”“He…he made me take down his order for…tailored pants.”

          • el-zilcho1981-av says:

            Hey, Jumbo needs plenty of room.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Gotta have plenty of room between hwhere your nuts and and your bunghole. Wait. This was in 1964. Maybe it was the penile freedom afforded by these Haggar Slacks which emboldened Lyndon and got us into Vietnam.

    • jackstark211-av says:

      Exactly.  I’ve pinched a loaf a few times while on the phone.

  • sh90706-av says:

    So this is a thing worth going to court over? They weren’t even in the same zip code at the time. sounds like a money grab to me.

  • snooder87-av says:

    I gotta say, secret pro tip for anyone else who occasionally needs to take a leak during a long call, don’t piss into the water. If you piss against the side of the bowl its a lot quieter.Also, obviously learn to use the mute button, but the wall thing is helpful just in case you aren’t sure if your mute button is working.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Phone calls on the shitter always reminds me of this David Sedaris bit.
    But you do
    believe in talking on the phone while sitting on the toilet?Well,
    it’s not a belief, she said, but I mean, sure. When asked how she
    explains the noise, Tiffany scrunched up her face and held an imaginary
    receiver to her mouth. I say, (STRAINING) don’t mind me, I’m just trying
    to get the lid off this jar.Her
    face returned to normal and I thought of all the times I had fallen for
    that line, all the times I had pictured my sister standing helpless in
    her kitchen. Try tapping the lid against the countertop, I’d said, or
    rinse it in hot water, that sometimes works. Eventually, after much
    struggle, she would let out a breath. There we go, she’d say. I’ve got
    it now. And then she would say thank you. And I’d hang up thinking,
    well, it’s a good thing she called me.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Shame on you, Robert De Niro; you’re ruining Robert De Niro for me!

  • holycrowy-av says:

    How does Robert De Niro have such a pussed out staff. This is an outrage.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Robert De Niro
    Bela Lugosi
    Parker PoseyHalfway done.

  • al-legory-av says:

    “I pay you 6 figures a year to scratch my back, and you sue me? You talkin’ to me?”

  • cctatum-av says:

    So it doesn’t sound like he made her go to the movies- sit in the front row next to him as he guffawed while smoking a cigar, stuck his thumb in her mouth, or he didn’t lash himself to the undercarriage of her Toyota Camry in order to horn in on a girls’ weekend. I’m a little disappointed that this 80-year-old new dad sounds a little ho-hum. 

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Not to mention that time he made her punch him over and over again just to prove a point.

  • mortbrewster-av says:

    If I were Ms. Robinson, I’d be constantly looking over my shoulder for Joe Pesci. 

  • orbitalgun-av says:

    Alternate headline: “Oblivious Old Man Sued For Acting Like An Oblivious Old Man”

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