Robert De Niro, Zach Braff try (and fail) to kill Tommy Lee Jones in The Comeback Trail trailer

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Robert De Niro, Zach Braff try (and fail) to kill Tommy Lee Jones in The Comeback Trail trailer

Robert De Niro and Morgan Freeman starring in a zany Hollywood comedy? That might’ve been a hot ticket once upon a time, but years of creaky De Niro comedies and Freeman’s recent allegations of sexual harassment have dimmed the prospect somewhat, even with Tommy Lee Jones in a supporting role as a cowboy with a death wish.

Still, The Comeback Trail’s got a fun premise—movie producers in debt to the mob try to score some quick insurance money by hiring the aforementioned death wish cowboy to star in (and, with their help, die on the set of) a sham movie. But Jones’ Duke Montana won’t die so easy, and that’s just the beginning of their problems.

Watch the trailer below.

Zach Braff, Emile Hirsch, Eddie Griffin, and Patrick Muldoon (a.k.a. the bastard who stole Kelly from Zack) co-star in the movie from George Gallo (Middle Men, Trapped in Paradise).

The Comeback Trailer is due in theaters on November 13.


  • igotsuped-av says:

    I’d argue that Emile Hirsch is a little more problematic than Morgan Freeman.

    • hamologist-av says:

      Yeah, it’s not exactly a fair comparison.

      But, you know, we have the technology to flip-flop these kinds of comparisons between scorned persons and turn them into a “Celebrity Deathmatch” kind of thing.
      Like, run a simulation where Morgan Freeman runs around on a bad batch of uppers while Emile Hirsch tries to flirt with women.

      • unfromcool-av says:

        Great. Now I gotta go watch all the old MTV Celebrity Deathmatch episodes again. THANKS A LOT. 

        • hamologist-av says:

          I like the Eddie Vedder/Scott Stapp one. You can tell the guy was just so fed up with hearing people around him argue about how Creed stole from Pearl Jam, and directed it into his art.

    • ethelred-av says:

      Yeah, they’re really burying the ledge on this one.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Looks like fun, not least because it’s a role where De Niro doesn’t appear to be just phoning it in/doing it for the money.

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      “I am here.” [massive audience applause] “It is me…” [leans in, squints as he reads queue card] “…Robert Mueller.”

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Why are people still hiring Emile Hirsch?did you notice this movie has about 30 executive producers?

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      First Executive Producer raises some money, spends it on cocaine. Second Executive Producer raises some money, spends it on cocaine. Third Executive Producer…

    • cooplander-av says:

      Judging by the trailer, so they can kill him on screen. I don’t sanction killing him in real life, but I’m sure going to enjoy watching him die in films.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    This is a documentary. Tommy Lee Jones really is impossible to kill. I ran him over with my car, a bunch of times, and all that happened was that he told me he couldn’t sanction my tomfoolery.

  • dpc61820-av says:

    So the cast is Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Tommy Lee Jones, Zach Braff, Emile Hirsch, Eddie Griffin, and Patrick Muldoon? No one else worth mentioning? Not. One. Woman. Who still thinks it’s okay for a movie to have NO WOMEN (worth bothering to mention)? Zero chance I would see this for that fact alone.

  • kareembadr-av says:

    I had no idea Robert DeNiro and Marc Maron were slowly merging into one creature. 

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I’ll be honest, this looks good. Not amazing, but enjoyable. Emile Hirsch is uh, questionable, but everyone else seems great and it’s hard to pass up anything Tommy Lee Jones is in.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I am mildly interested in watching this but more interested in watching Deniro, TLJ, and Morgan Freeman sit around and bullshit about their careers for 90 minutes as Zach Braff brings them scotch & sodas while laughing uproariously at their stories.

  • dddvvv-av says:

    I know Patrick Muldoon as the bastard who almost stole Carmen from Rico.

  • d00mpatrol-av says:

    Oh my god, how did I not know I needed a “super curly-haired Robert DeNiro” in my life? I am getting “Sean Penn in Carlito’s Way”-level tingles right now.

  • davecave1234-av says:

    Is DeNiro playing elderly Marc Maron?

  • russell0barth-av says:

    the war with grandpa was delightful family fun

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