Robert Eggers gathers Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe, and a couple of Skarsgårds for a Viking revenge drama

Aux Features Film
Robert Eggers gathers Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe, and a couple of Skarsgårds for a Viking revenge drama
Photo: Francois Durand

As The Lighthouse heads into theaters this weekend, director Robert Eggers has begun plotting his third feature. Deadline reports that Eggers, who made his debut with the effectively terrifying The Witch, will next direct The Northman. Lars Knudsen (Midsommar) is producing the film, which is being described as a Viking revenge drama (say no more) set in Iceland (okay, go on) at the turn of the 10th century. In other words, this could not possibly get any more black metal. But wait! There’s more: Eggers co-wrote the screenplay with Icelandic poet and novelist Sjón, a frequent collaborator of fellow Icelandic art royalty, Björk.

Eggers is assembling a cast that so far includes Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe, Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill Skarsgård, and Alexander Skarsgård (we hope he took advantage of that two-for-one deal)—all of whom are in talks to join The Northman. That fairly impressive roster includes a pair of names who’ve previously worked with Eggers: Taylor-Joy, who appeared in The Witch, and Dafoe, who stars in The Lighthouse. Would it be too optimistic and presumptuous to assume that Eggers is fashioning his very own company of actors and effectively becoming the folk horror genre’s Christopher Guest? Not that it matters, but that would extremely rule.


  • dirtside-av says:

    That sounds great. But… wait… Alexander Skarsgård in a movie called The Northman? This better not be a fucking True Blood spinoff.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    Hashtag interested.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    holy bone structure of a cast!

    • kojak3-av says:

      Willem Dafoe’s cheekbones are so sharp, he uses them to shave.

    • endymion42-av says:

      Bill Skarsgårdis probably ahead of the rest of the cast, but he has the advantage of youth. Young Willem Defoe could probably beat him. Even though Defoe has always had an old dude face, his cheekbones in stuff like “Wild at Heart” and “Platoon” were super enviable.

      • ohnoray-av says:

        I feel like Nicole Kidman could quickly turn into diamond form if challenged on set for a cheekbone duel tho.

        • endymion42-av says:

          So in the inevitable X-Men reboot you’re saying she should be Emma Frost? Actually, that is a perfect idea. She’ll still look the same in ten years when they do this.

  • galvatronguy-av says:

    Anytime I see “Eggers,” all I can think of is Captain Murphy shouting “AND HOW DO YOU LIKE THOSE VERY SAME APPLES, EGGERS!” I think I legit have a brain disorder… Well another one, at least.

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    Prison Oliver Queen broke into movies…Good for him!

  • thom-weights-av says:

    Valhalla Rising fucking rips

  • sardonicrathbone-av says:

    i’m just hoping he hasn’t 100% given up on doing his version of Nosferatu

  • douglasd-av says:

    Sounds like someone is remaking When the Raven Flies (Hrafninn flýgur) by Hrafn Gunnlaugsson. Filmed in Iceland in 1984, it’s probably the most accurate depiction of Vikings you’ll ever see. Dirty and cold looking and brutal and authentic, actually in the Icelandic language. Imagine a Sergio Leone movie, but Vikings instead of cowboys.It’s actually the first movie in a trilogy, but I’ve never seen the second two. It’s pretty good, if standard revenge fare. The plot is still basically Yojimbo but with an added twist.(Oh, and the guys riding the authentic Icelandic ponies who are so short the guys feet drag the ground is both correct, and hilarious.)

  • toasterlad-av says:

    Stephen Amell has gotten so pale.

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