Robert Pattinson’s Batman Voice is finally here in the new trailer for The Batman

Matt Reeves' The Batman is slated to hit theaters in March 2022

Film News Batman
Robert Pattinson’s Batman Voice is finally here in the new trailer for The Batman
The Batman Photo: WarnerMedia

More than a year after its first trailer arrived—carrying with it a now totally inaccurate “2021" release date—the latest full trailer for Matt Reeves’ The Batman is here. Taking hints from both Christopher Nolan’s influential Dark Knight trilogy, and Zack Snyder’s more recent take on the character, Reeves stakes his claim on the character by delivering a Batman film that steers harder into Gotham’s horror side.

Somewhat surprisingly, though, the trailer pulls back a bit on Paul Dano’s Riddler, who’s clearly being set up as the apex, Ledger-level villain behind all the Fincher-esque chaos unfolding in the city this time. Instead, we get heavy focus on Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, giving a very convincing version of the classic cat-and-flying-mouse flirtation dynamic with Robert Pattinson’s Batman, and Colin Farrell, still functionally unrecognizable, but apparently having fun, as the movie’s version of The Penguin.

In terms of Bat-stuff, meanwhile, we get lots more footage of the new Batmobile, and, more importantly, a further demonstration of Pattinson’s Bat-Voice, which we’d only gotten a taste of previously. It’s definitely operating in something of a Christian Bale register—this is a very angry, growl-y Batman, if all those shots of him stun-gunning a clown thug half to death didn’t make it clear. Beyond that, this is very much a Batman-ass Batman trailer: Lots of moody lighting, lots of bombastic orchestral chords, lots of people shooting R-Pats in his gun-y chest logo even though he’s clearly bulletproof there.

Reeves is no stranger to the world of scary bats, having directed the superb Let The Right One In remake, Let Me In, before cutting his action teeth on Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes and War For The Planet Of The Apes. But almost immediately, Reeves’ version of the caped crusader has felt like the event DC has struggled to deliver over the last decade.

The biggest appeal of the new trailer might be simply how much Pattinson we get; Reeves and his team, wisely, have gifted their star a costume that allows his expressive face to do its job even from beneath the cowl. Over the last decade, the actor shed his skin, and fangs, moving on to subversive and surprising roles for challenging auteurs, such as David Cronenberg, the Safdie brothers, Christopher Nolan, and Claire Denis. He’s got his art-world cred on lock. Now he’s ready to take over the world as Reeve’s “reclusive rock star” take on Bruce Wayne.

Rounding out the cast is Andy Serkis as Alfred, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon, and John Turturro as Carmine Falcone.

The Batman hits theaters on March 4, 2022.


  • hiemoth-av says:

    Jesus Christ that trailer somehow managed to exceed my expectations. Just the teases of action and camera shots were sublime, I legit cannot wait to see this in a theater. When the trailer hit that hallway fight where Batman just takes those bullets with the muzzlefire being the light source, I just yelped in excitement.However, most importantly, I absolutely the feel of the character here as even at this stage he feels utterly scary. Allowing the mask to feature Pattison’s eyes as much as it does was a brilliant decision as you can just feel the simmering rage ther. It is really funny as they did discuss wanting to ground the character, and mostly seem to succeed, but it also makes the character feel like this primordial force of fear.Also after all this, and if the movie delivers, I can’t get over thinking what this team will end up doing with the Joker.

    • hiemoth-av says:

      As a sidenote, watching the whole show started getting hilarious as the last hour was basically ‘Trust us, the Batman trailer is coming up any moment now.”

    • fignootin4-av says:

      Came here to say this. Robat Battinbat is wearing the shit outta that cowl, he looks so expressive and intense, and also hot as hell to boot.

      • hiemoth-av says:

        Yeah. While I do love Bale and Bat!Fleck, I feel this might be my favorite performance of the character so far. And it is really ingenious how they obviously made the cowl to allow for that emoting. Reducing the tank quality and trusting the actor to bring that fury instead.

      • hommesexual-av says:

        A fellow Weekly Planet listener, I see!

    • labbla-av says:

      Very much looking forward to this, but I could still use a good seven years or so without another Joker.

    • Axetwin-av says:

      Funnily enough, I was also impressed with Pattinson’s eye work through the mask.  Out of costume it leaves a bit to be desired, but IN?  Yeah, he’s pulling it off nicely.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Yeah, that was a bit more epic than I was expecting.

    • Sparta-av says:

      You’re not fooling me, Pattinson.

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      You know, with Pattinson playing Batman, I find myself wishing Willem Dafoe was cast as the Joker. Dafoe manages to capture Batman and holds him captive in the Arkham Lighthouse, and he has to escape before the madness consumes him.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      I really don’t like the decision to give Bruce Wayne the emo haircut. Wow I hate that haircut. Everything else I like (especially the gun fights in the dark) but overall it still seems like more of the same (I’m still going to see it next year).

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

       It looks okay. Basically Nolans Batman 2.0.

      • hiemoth-av says:

        Except not in any real way unless you consider Dark!Batman=Nolan!Batman. But don’t let that stop the easy narratives there.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          Except that this is clearly meant to invoke the same grit in the Nolan trilogy but don’t let that stop you from immediately dismissing the parallels.

          • hiemoth-av says:

            Okay, I see where the problem is. You do realize the Batman comics existed before Nolan made the movies, right? So if you are doing a darker Batman, it is referring to that, not to the Nolan movies.
            Also, the parallels are dismissable as the take on Batman is pretty different. In the Nolan movies Bruce found a way to control and channel his anger by becoming Batman, here Bruce is struggling not to drown in that fury even as Batman. Hence the actual scenes play it fundamentally differently. I mean, if you allow that there are differences even within darker stories, which just is ridiculous, isn’t it? Hence, every dark Batman movie == Nolan Batman Trilogy V2.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Man, you really took a quip I made personally, huh?The fact is, DCEU movies, like Marvels movies, exist separately from their comic book counterparts. Of course I know that the Nolan movies didn’t start Batman on this dark and gritty path. However, with the Snyderverse fizzling it, it’s telling that DC went straight back to the same aesthetic Nolan popularized for the DCEU. 

          • hiemoth-av says:

            Not really, I just think that your argument is pretty inane and you still haven’t really explained what makes this trailer Nolan Batman 2.0. Although I do find it also pretty hilarious that you are implying Batfleck wasn’t gritty, but that’s another discussion. Anyway, the movie shown in this trailer is shot differently than the Nolan trilogy, has a different take on the character, the approach in Batman’s growth is different, even here it is less fantastical than what we got with the League of Shadows. So what exactly is it that is making this Nolan version 2? Grit, that’s genuinely a non-sensical answer as that is what the comic book version of the character is. So unless your argument is that being true to the source material is aping Nolan, I legit don’t get what you mean by aesthetic.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I do not remotely care about this the same way you do.

  • henchman4hire-av says:

    I dig it. Seemed a bit discombobulated, but they chose some really cool shots and showed off a lot of interesting footage. I’m surprised they didn’t do more to show off the Riddler or his overall villainous plot. Like…what’s the story? This trailer just looks like Batman dealing with a bunch of carnage, going after the Penguin and getting looked at by Catwoman. Still, all of that looked really cool, and that’s all I need right now. 

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Don’t worry, The Reeves Cut will include a 45-minute scene of Pattinson going-down on Kravitz.Really, though, kinda wondering how The Penguin fits into all of this. The Batman investigating The Riddler makes sense, but hopefully Cobblepott’s somehow relevant to the story. I hate when writers shoehorn two antagonists into a story, only to have one plot resolved and leave the other on a cliffhanger, then we get The Batman 2 and they never discuss what happened to antagonist #2.

    • schwartz666-av says:

      I’m hoping they withheld a lot of the Riddler stuff because it would spoil the mystery and the detective angle of the movie. The first trailer they released a while back played up the ‘riddle solving’ aspects more. This was more of an action showcase trailer.

  • laserface1242-av says:
  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    I know this is not set in the same universe as Joker, with the clown gangsters inspired by what Phoenix’s character did 40 years ago, but I might just pretend that it is.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    So, a Nolan-era retread, then. It looks…fine. It’s fine. I’ll almost certainly see it, but I’ve come to the realization that I’m kind of just over Batman shit. He’s vengeance, he’s the night, he’s got a weird growly voice, yadda yadda yadda. ETA: It’s totally cool if other people are really excited for this, and I would have been right there with them a few years ago. It’s just…if you’re in your early 30s you’ve had a lot of Batman in your life. Like, a lot of Batmen, of various varieties, thrown at you your entire life, and it’s hard not to get a feeling of been there/done that.

    • rchjscv-av says:

      Yeah I’ve had enough of Batman too. It’d have to be some really crazy Elseworlds-esque take to generate any excitement in this house.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      After what Zack Synder did?I welcome a Nolan retread.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        Oh, the Nolan model is definitely preferable to the Snyder model. It’s just I’ve been thinking recently of the sort of Batman movie I would like, and I realized I don’t want Nolan realism or Snyder grimdark or Burton gothic-camp or Schumacher camp-camp. The closest to what I want is a recreation of what it felt like to watch Batman: The Animated Series as a kid, and that’s obviously an impossible demand, so I’m back to…eh?

        • Axetwin-av says:

          Batman TAS was inspired by Burton’s Batman though.  It even uses the same theme.

          • mark-t-man-av says:

            Batman TAS was inspired by Burton’s BatmanIt’s inspired by many versions of Batman.

          • doobie1-av says:

            Multiple episodes are explicit albeit loose adaptations of actual (mostly)  ‘70’s comics.

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            It uses Danny Elfman’s score for the opening titles, which makes sense, given the Burton films’ enormous popularity at the time (and hey, it’s a great theme). However, all of the rest of the music is composed by the late great Shirley Walker. Walker wrote her own Batman theme, which clearly riffs on Elfman’s but is great deal more noble and heroic.That’s the theme you hear far more often in the show.

          • coolgameguy-av says:

            I would like something more in line with TAS as well. They can give it a lighter touch without making it camp, and I always liked the show’s take on Bruce Wayne – he wasn’t just a total grouch. I also wouldn’t mind seeing them dip into some of the more fantastical rogues, like Clayface, Man-Bat or Solomon Grundy – I feel like the closest we got on the Silver Screen was Poison Ivy.

          • derrabbi-av says:

            They keep mistaking the noir of Batman for Grim Dark. Not exactly the same thing. No one has yet to get the Noir right in a live action Batman movie. 

          • gargsy-av says:

            “I always liked the show’s take on Bruce Wayne – he wasn’t just a total grouch.”

            As opposed to…

          • gretaherwig-av says:

            Its really nothing at all like Burton’s version and superior in every way, although their Batmen are on par

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          Riffing off what you just said, we’ve had pretty much every viable version of Batman on the small and big screen (except maybe 70s-era globe-trotting adventurer Batman), so I’m fine if the the tone’s not new.

          • mark-t-man-av says:

            And they basically already did the 70s-era globe-trotting adventurer version in Batman: Soul of the Dragon.

        • bc222-av says:

          That’s the reason they keep making Batman stuff, and why I’ll watch every one- No one has really done more than, in my opinion, a B+ job at it. As good as the Nolan movies were, I don’t find them particularly rewatchable in the way other, even lesser superhero movies are. And even if you call his trilogy more of a crime drama that happens to have Batman in it, it’s still not tops in that genre either.
          I don’t know if the description for The Batman as part Nolan, part Snyder is accurate, but that actually kind of sounds like the perfect blend for me. Actually, if you can get a Nolan/Synder split with the Animated Series team writing it, that sounds about perfect.

        • softsack-av says:

          I definitely get the burnout on the grimdarkness, but I think (based on the earlier trailer more than this one) that this one’s going for actual Gothic-Gothic, which seems closer to some of the darker Batman comics I remember reading when I was younger. Which I’m fine with.I think the inherent problem (albeit far from the only problem) with Snyder’s edgelord approach to superheroism is the clash between the ridiculousness of what’s happening and the sheer angstiness of the characters. It’s one thing to have your superprotagonists just endlessly brooding on-screen, its another when the plot and action are so OTT ridiculous and unrealistic and dumb and completely absent any real-world relevance or thematic statement. This looks like it’s going to solve both problems by 1) grounding the action a lot more and 2) cushioning any absurdity by giving the whole thing a stylized Gothic aesthetic.
          Also I think I heard Batman’s gonna be more of a detective in this one? Which sounds cool. Although not sure quite how it’ll play out, since it’s not really a secret who all the villains are… Anyhow, I’m cautiously excited.

        • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

          The last Batman installment i really enjoyed was Arkham City, for pretty much the same reason. It had the right balance of TAS and “realism”, to the point you could use the TAS skins and didn’t feel out off place.Whereas Rises and Arkham Knight both go way too far to the “realism” side  that takes away most of the fun.

        • gccompsci365-av says:

          >The closest to what I want is a recreation of what it felt like to watch Batman: The Animated Series as a kid, and that’s obviously an impossible demand, so I’m back to…eh?
          So…nostalgia? I mean, you say you want a live action B:TAS, but the last scene in the trailer is aping from Mask of Phantasm’s final act. Basically, the bad guy trying to get away and Batman being so obsessive that it borders on being suicidal.

        • pgoodso564-av says:

          You say that, but Bruce Timm is creating a spiritual “prequel” series to Batman: TAS for HBO called Batman: Caped Crusader. No other heroes, just Batman. My only worry is it’s being co-pro’d with JJ Abrams, but hopefully he’s just a money-producer and not a “mystery box” inserter.

          • gumbercules1-av says:

            So all other superheroes vanish, and we never get a definitive resolution to what happened to them?

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            More that it’s simply like pre-Justice League, pre-Batman/Superman Stories TAS. It’s not that they don’t exist, it’s that whether they do or not is immaterial, and it’s all Batman all the time.

          • gumbercules1-av says:

            I was only making a Leftovers reference.

        • alferd-packer-av says:

          This is the batthing I’m after on the big screen…

        • laserface1242-av says:

          I kind of want something more akin to the O’Neil/Adams Bronze Age Batman.

      • necgray-av says:

        Snyder aped Nolan.That aside, I’m fine with a style retread as long as the fucking script gets some ACTUAL screenwriters on it. For all the love it gets in the fanboi circle jerks Nolan’s trilogy writing was microwaved dogshit.

        • dr-darke-av says:

          Snyder aped Nolan.

          Yah — and being Zack Snyder, got everything Nolan did right utterly wrong! Nolan built a dark, corrupt world that nonetheless had elements of decency and light to them; like in BB where Rachel risks her life to save the young boy (who grew up to be Prince Joffrey, but let’s ignore that for now!), or the scene in TDK where The Joker gave the commuters and the criminals the option of killing one or the other…and it was one of the criminals who first said “We refuse to play your game, we’re not killing each other for your amusement!”
          I can’t imagine Snyder even contemplating that.

          • necgray-av says:

            I have a LOT of complaints about Nolan’s Bat movies but when you’re right, you’re right. And Snyder’s stuff tends to be written even worse, which is my major beef with Nolan.(Though Nolan seems to think of himself as a writer more than Snyder, which is a fucking laugh.)

          • sethsez-av says:

            BB where Rachel risks her life to save the young boy

            Man of Steel has a couple of these “not all heroes wear capes” moments (and I place “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you” at about the same level as Zod’s head snap in terms of “technically within, but at the edge of, the character’s limits but did we really have to end their first movie like this?”). the scene in TDK where The Joker gave the commuters and the criminals the option of killing one or the other…and it was one of the criminals who first said “We refuse to play your game, we’re not killing each other for your amusement!” Great scene, undermined by the sequel treating “criminals” and “decent people” with all the humanity of Death Wish 3.Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises really benefit from their connection to The Dark Knight, which is the only one of Goyer’s five DC movies that really manages to be elevated beyond his miserable tendencies, and that’s almost exclusively due to Heath Ledger. With a different Joker, I’m not sure Rachel’s fridging would have gotten by like it did.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “which is the only one of Goyer’s five DC movies

            That’s probably because it’s not one of Goyer’s movies. He only has co-story credit.

        • sethsez-av says:

          Snyder aped Nolan. Not only that, the writing team for Man of Steel was identical to the Nolan trilogy and David S. Goyer was still there for BvS. The one without any Nolan trilogy people in major creative roles (Justice League, both cuts) was the one that finally lightened up a bit.And the dumb shit in the first two Snyder movies was already starting to show up in The Dark Knight Rises.Snyder gets too much isolated grief for directing the last two movies in David S. Goyer’s five-film continuous slide into miserable pseudo-fascist nonsense. Considering the man wrote and directed Blade Trinity the year before Batman Begins and worked on multiple Call of Duty titles (including one starring Oliver fucking North) during his DC stint, it’s astounding to me that he doesn’t seem to bear any of the blame for “superhero franchise that went to shit with gross authoritarian overtones.”

          • necgray-av says:

            As a HUGE fan of Clive Barker (the man is one of my heroes and a major influence on my creative work), I was pretty bummed the fuck out when Goyer was attached to the upcoming Hellraiser reboot. Not that I have a ton of hope for it anyway but still… Goyer is exactly as you say. I kind of want to cast Stanley Tucci in a movie as a Goyer stand-in and have him get horribly mutilated. Maybe have his guts torn out and we’ll use practical effects spaghetti cooked by Tucci himself? (His recent cooking videos are just goddam delightful.)ETA: I should note that I love Tucci. I only mentioned him because I think he and Goyer have a resemblance.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Not only that, the writing team for Man of Steel was identical to the Nolan trilogy”

            It’s not.

            Goyer wrote the screenplay for MoS, Nolan and his brother wrote TDK and TDKR, Goyer and Nolan write Begins.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        What if there was a third way to do a Batman movie and we did that. Imagine.

        • dr-darke-av says:

          I can imagine all I want, but that won’t make it so.I thought the DCAU version of Batman was the ideal one — grim, haunted, paranoid to the point of plotting how to defeat his friends Just in Case… but not completely bereft of humanity or (reluctantly) enjoying himself sometimes. That’s what made watching Wonder Woman flirt with and tease him so welcome, as was watching his slow bending to it and even returning it a bit.
          I can’t imagine Snyder’s Batman singing “Am I Blue?” to save Wonder Woman’s life — and Nolan’s Batman never trucked in that level of superheroics.

          • sethsez-av says:

            I can’t imagine Snyder’s Batman singing “Am I Blue?” to save Wonder Woman’s life BvS Batman, absolutely not. ZSJL Batman, I can picture it pretty easily. The character transitioned from “tormented soul lusting for the blood of Superman” to “optimistic superhero community organizer” fairly effectively. He might as well be a different character entirely (and given my feelings about Goyer-esque brooding, you can imagine which one I prefer).

          • dr-darke-av says:

            I know Goyer’s your supervillain like ZackSnyder!’s mine, but I still think all the crap is on Snyder because it fits everything else he’s ever done.

          • sethsez-av says:

            Goyer’s not my supervillain, there’s plenty of assholes in film I hate more than people who make middling superhero movies (I’d take a dozen Goyers over a single David O. Russell), but yes, it does annoy me that most of the tropes people complain about in MoS and BvS exist in equal measure in BB and TDKR (and are just as out-of-place and off-putting in those movies, and were discussed as such at the time), along with plenty of other scripts Goyer’s written over the years, and it’s all completely ignored because 1) people focus almost exclusively on the big shiny Directed By name to the exclusion of everyone else involved in the creative process, and 2) people love riding a meme far beyond whatever truth it may have originally conveyed.So we get people claiming that the Nolan movies are all equally-brilliant gritty realistic crime movies that just happen to have a dude dressed like a bat (which only kind of applies to The Dark Knight, and completely forgets just how baroque and fantastical Begins and Rises could get), and the Snyder trilogy is non-stop brooding (which it’s almost entirely left behind by ZSJL outside of Cyborg).
            It reminds me of Shyamalan back when people still bothered to talk about him, and would complain about the “twists” in Lady in the Water or After Earth, absolutely terrible movies that nevertheless did not have twists. When the meme overcomes actual engagement or commentary, I get cranky.

    • aaaaaaass-av says:

      I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my Batman full of German-expressionistic mise-en-scene!

    • dr-memory-av says:

      Seriously. Since 1989 we’ve had Keaton x2, Kilmer, Clooney, Bale x3, Affleck x2 and now Pattinson and apparently the return of Keaton. That’s…a lot of Batmen. (And that’s only counting live action feature films!). We’re averaging a hair under 2.5 batmen per decade, and I’m worried that our strategic bat-reserves may be running low.  Maybe we should let this field lie fallow for a few years.  Do a Robin/Nightwing movie or something.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      I thought that nothing could interest me in dear god yet another Batman film, please go find a new idea of any kind. But that trailer, yeah… I will not see it in the theatre but definitely will watch it when it reaches cable. I always liked Riddler more than Joker, probably because of Frank Gorshin. I have not and will not see the Jim Carrey one.Why don’t any of those guys aim for Batman’s face?

      • king-ginger-av says:

        Center of mass?

      • mrdalliard123-av says:

        Because he lifts his mask anytime someone points a gun at him, and when they run off in terror he yells

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Because face shots are really, really hard, especially against a moving target? Even a headshot’s easier because you have the entire head — here, all you’ve got is the lower face and eyes, and he’s usually in motion which makes him an even harder target to hit. Odds are you take that shot you hit his mask, which is armored.Admittedly you’ll probably stun him badly, because I doubt he’s got a lot of padding up there, but you don’t immediate kill him that way….

        • katanahottinroof-av says:

          As opposed to bullets bouncing harmlessly off his body, and you have a machine gun, and nothing else will possibly work? See also: Robocop. See also also: movie’s gotta movie.

    • reglidan-av says:

      This looks very little like the Nolan faux-realism.  If there was a superhero film I’d say this calls back to, it would be The Crow.

      • pocketsander-av says:

        If there was a superhero film I’d say this calls back to, it would be The Crow.
        I got a mid-90s vibe from this too. Not in a Schumacher Batman kind of way either.

        • rogersachingticker-av says:

          It’s got a slowed-down Nirvana song in the trailer. It’d be pretty hard not to get a 90s vibe from that.

    • tyenglishmn-av says:

      It’s looking like it has the filmic qualities of Nolan’s but is embracing the dark comic book-esque lunacy of Tim Burtons which I don’t think Nolan ever dared, which honestly sounds like my sweet spot.

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      They need to do a movie with a Brave and the Bold-esque Batman. Where he faces giant men with literal baby heads or dudes with their faces on their chests. And he fights them by having a lightsaber in his utility belt and having the Batmobile transform into a giant mecha.

    • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

      Maybe they need to make Batman a Star Wars.

    • lookatallthepretties-av says:

      0:09 that’s a state owned alcohol shop in a Scandinavian state Iceland Sweden Finland Lithuania Estonia Latvia a little kiosk like the ones they put in the neon cyberpunk cities in Japanese Korean Chinese inspired Blade Runner movies she’s the ‘80s supermodel who cut her black hair short she’s supposed to look a little like a young Keira Knightley tall willowy unrecognisable from her fashion model photographs in glasses and a dark blue silk winter overcoat

    • filmsnob1983-av says:

      I’m a little excited for this one only because it seems to actually have well directed action unlike Nolan, Burton, and Schumaker, while still actually resembling the character unlike Snyder. 

    • cactusghost-av says:

      I completely agree with you and it’s been my worry for awhile that this would look just ok coming off so many Batmen, but instead I think it looks like a fun remix of what worked during each of the previous post-89 eras (with the biggest emphasis on the Burton and Nolan entries) with some of the horror and stylistic elements dialed up. I also think that they’ve lowered the stakes somewhat around this movie by breaking it out of their big overarching Justice League franchise plans and giving it to a writer/director known more as a journeyman than as an auteur, and that helps a ton. Scary grim movie Batman will run out of steam eventually and they’ll need to figure out how to re-approach him from a multi-verse or even a camp angle. But that’s not happening just yet.

    • timebobby-av says:

      What are you talking about? This looks and sounds nothing like Nolan’s series. They’re both serious in tone. That’s the beginning and end of the similarities.

    • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

      As I said in a random text to someone who shared it: we’re doing this again? Already?Also: people are commenting on score stuff, but I recognized the Nevermind deep cut. All of these sentences are making me feel incredibly old.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      I kept feeling the same as I watched. I LOVE Batman; even have a Batman tattoo. But I ask, why? Just more of the same take on the same awesome, awesome character. I’m ready for a big budget Adam West Batman-style movie. I think. I dunno. I’m just tired of the tired take on Batman. Nobody’s gonna outdo Nolan and Bale, so quit trying.

    • rawjawbone-av says:

      At this point, it feels like DC puts out so much Bat-content, they think were Hank from the Venture Bros.

    • snedlock-av says:

      I’m in my early 40s and also had a lot of batman in my life but damn can’t wait to see this! It looks fab.

    • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

      Considering how Nolan couldn’t stage and edit a fight scene even if his life depended on it, I’m glad we’re past the Nolan-Batman phase. My god, he’s so overrated.

    • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

      Considering how Nolan couldn’t stage and edit a fight scene even if his life depended on it, I’m glad we’re past the Nolan-Batman phase. My god, he’s so overrated.

    • jalapenogeorge-av says:

      And how come batman doesn’t dance anymore?

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      I’m with you. The only thing I came away from this trailer with (other than a grudging acceptance that yeah, I’ll be paying $15 to watch this next year) is “wow, it’s a good thing he never gets shot in the *face*.” Still looking forward to the director’s overly excited explanations about how this is his “vision” and “it’s actually much different than the Nolan or Snyder “visions” and here’s why” when nah, it’s really not that different.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “when nah, it’s really not that different.

        I love that someone watched that movie and thought “it’s just Nolan”.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      I don’t know if I’m going to see it. I’m not trying to be edgy here, I had no interest in Joker too, nor did I watch any of the Ben Affleck Batman movies. I’m just burned out on Batman right now.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “So, a Nolan-era retread, then.”

      So, a lazy take, then.

    • deb03449a1-av says:

      Batman isn’t a character that should wear out. He’s endlessly flexible. He can be alone or part of a duo (Batman & Robin), part of a family (the Bat-Family), part of a team (Justice League, Outsiders). He can fight in an alley against low-level mobsters, or go to space and fight galactic conquerors. He can do martial arts stories, detective stories, organized crime stories, standard cape stories. The live-action movies just shovel the same Batman at us over and over instead.

    • rogue-like-av says:

      Think about if you’re in your mid-40’s. I grew up watching the original Batman series in reruns on Nick at Nite, and saw the first Keaton Batman in the cinema three times when it came out (first time seeing a movie three times like that ever). Unlike all these other DC movies that come out, I’ll always be up for yet another Batman. I will say that I’ve liked both WW films. But my interest in any other characters has been waning since JL. I was kinda surprised I liked Man of Steel, up until he kills General Zod. Then I realized I just watched a POS, and aside from Batman and WW, I have not watched any further DC films. They can’t figure out their fan base like Marvel has done. 

    • lostmeburnerkeyag-av says:

      Keaton wasn’t vengeance and didn’t have a weird growly voice, though. He was just neurotic and really couldn’t handle Michelle Pfeiffer sexually. So that was pretty cool.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    He sounds like Pat Benatar.

  • robgrizzly-av says:
  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Alright, I’m in.
    Paul Dano’s Riddler

    (through gritted teeth) I said, I’m in.

  • alexv3d-av says:

    WOWI wasn’t sure about this because I don’t know Pattinson outside of the Twilight franchises, but this looks absolutely insane.I need to look up who does the score because that alone is awesome, but there is so much to unpack in this trailer. I need to watch it again because this just blew away my expectations!

    • schwartz666-av says:

      The great Michael Giacchino does the score.As for great post-Twilight Rob, definitely check out The Rover, Good Time, Cosmopolis, and The Lighthouse.

      • alexv3d-av says:

        Ooh ok, well I love Michael Giacchino since at least the LOST days. He is amazing, so it makes 2000% sense he’s showcased here.Thanks, I will check out those films!

      • necgray-av says:

        I ultimately didn’t jibe with The Lighthouse but he is ABSOLUTELY amazing in it.

        • mrdalliard123-av says:

          The ham-to-ham combat with Dafoe was definitely entertaining.

          • necgray-av says:

            There is SO MUCH entertaining in that movie! I just felt like it spent too much time up its own ass. There’s an *awful* lot of subtext as text, fucking around with metaphor, symbol safari nonsense. It’s a tone poem in search of a story to tell. Beautiful to behold, lovely to listen to, but a little empty.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Has anyone given a nickname to the Robert Pattinson Batman yet? If not, I would like to offer up ‘Patman’

  • gccompsci365-av says:

    The upside down shot of Batman encompassed by fire with his cape billowing is like perfect Batman iconography.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Sure he can growl, but can he dance?

  • ronniebarzel-av says:

    But Harvey Dent…can we trust him?

  • lisarowe-av says:

    how nice. batman can finally turn his head side to side.

    • bc222-av says:

      Just like a 15% reduction of the cowl seems to make a huge difference. Now he can actually fight instead of just lunging his whole body around, letting his fists lead the way. And when he speaks it doesn’t look like he has a stuffed up nose.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      This is what tennis looks like!

    • bassohmatic-av says:

      There was a funny bit at DCFD where Reeves talked about RPat having to screen test in the Val Kilmer bat suit and how impossible it was to move or emote in and how he couldn’t stop sweating. 

  • steve-o-reborn-av says:

    Maybe, but *I’ll* never see it, because I once made Bruce’s parents a promise, a promise that ‘The Batman’ is the most pretentious thing ever, and I will never watch a movie called that. But you know what? The flick just might be fine without me. 

  • unclerandall-av says:

    I guess Leta Lestrange has a type: Hufflepuffs.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Catwoman: “Maybe we’re not so different.”

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      Watching The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift a few months ago, the bad guy said “we’re not so different, you and I” to, I think it was his girlfriend, and I had to pause the DVD to laugh for about five solid minutes.

  • arriffic-av says:

    Obligatory “but does it have to be so dark?!” comment. But really, I had to check to see whether the lighting on my phone was turned way down.

  • arrowe77-av says:

    The look doesn’t do anything for me. I guess it’s a “your mileage may vary” situation. I was huge fan of the Dark Knight trilogy (let’s not talk about the Snyderverse…) and seeing the same type of colors we’ve seen in Batman Begins just makes it easier for me to notice the stuff I like less about this version (the costumes, the batmobile, etc…). There’s a hint of Se7en in there, but David Fincher isn’t easier to emulate.
    And the trailer isn’t amazing. There’s a lot of scenes in there that we expect in a Batman trailer, with little to differentiate it from what we’ve seen before. Batman Begins’ teaser was enough to convince me that the film was different; this is a full trailer and I still don’t know why I should pay to see this. I believe in Pattinson and Dano but I’m not sold on Reeves.

    Maybe I’m just over the character. It’s possible that nothing will work for me anymore. Either way, I hope this film find its audience but I won’t be part of it.

  • ghostiet-av says:

    I’m liking what I see.But I thought that was Richard Kind, not Colin Farrell.

  • spaceladel-av says:

    What the hell is he saying at 0:58?!

    • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

      No idea.

    • schwartz666-av says:

      Good question. Rewound it several times and I still have no idea.

    • peon21-av says:

      “What have you done?”I don’t get the confusion.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        Yeah, not a big mystery or particularly difficult to hear, even on my crappy laptop speakers. I mean, they tell people these days that if they use a q-tip they’re gonna rupture an ear drum, but I think actually being able to hear is worth the risk.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          Q-tips won’t rupture an eardrum, but sticking them into the ear canal packs the wax in tighter, which is self defeating. To get the wax out you can get a plastic ear curette from Amazon, which is less safe and hurts like bejeezus but allows you to scoop out excess wax. Or you can just put some peroxide in there. 

          • ronniebarzel-av says:

            Have to admit: the crackling/tingling that comes with putting peroxide in my ear is actually kind of fun for those 5-10 minutes.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            I was mainly playing off the late night commercial where people try to use q-tips and wind up screaming as if someone had tasered their privates (I think the product is some sort of ear vacuum cleaner). You’re right that those are all very efficient ways of cleaning out the ears, although I’ll posit that it isn’t at all impossible to use a cotton swab without packing the wax into your ear canal…

      • haodraws-av says:

        I keep hearing it as “TIME TO DIEEE”

  • derrabbi-av says:

    Bulletproof Batman really is the worst Batman.

  • coffeeandkurosawa-av says:

    I’ll always show up for a Batman movie, but this does seem more up my alley than usual. Quite excited and quite pleased with how it’s looking.

  • txtphile-av says:

    I’m not a film nerd, but what they did with the lighting and shot composition on this has awoken something inside me. Looks really good.PS: The American muscle version of the Batmobile is nice too.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Whoever made that trailer music was probably told to match Zimmer’s Batman v Superman bombast.
    Sometimes I feel sorry for trailer music writers.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    While this was a great dark, action Batman trailer, really hoping the movie plays up the detective aspect more! At least 50% of Batman should be noir super-sleuthing, and that’s what the Riddler angle can really highlight.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i think 50% is a little high but it definitely needs to be higher than the 1% we normally see. i just hope it’s not him sitting around waiting for the bat computer to solve everything.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    Yawn. I’ll still see it, though.Also, why NOT let Colin use his actual voice/accent. Come on. 

    • timebobby-av says:

      Whoa, did everyone hear this guy? He yawned. He seems really cool, because he’s not excited for things like other people are. What an interesting, unique individual.

  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    So tired of the rock/pop song “trailer remix”. So hacky at this point.

    • moggett-av says:

      What’s being remixed here?

      • thefilthywhore-av says:

        Deee-Lite’s “Groove Is in the Heart”. Frankly, I think it sounds ridiculous.

        • bassplayerconvention-av says:

          Not gonna lie— I’m kind of enthralled by the song. (Or more accurately, by the video. Or more more accurately, by Lady Miss Kier in the video.)(edit: and now having watched the trailer, the remix is indeed ridiculous, though obviously the original version wouldn’t have worked. Maybe with the Adam West Batman, tho….)

      • oldmanschultz-av says:

        “Something in the Way” by Nirvana

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    And Colin Farrell as…the late Danny Aiello.This looks like the Nolan ones again, self-serious, no detective work

  • capnandy-av says:

    Some day, someone at WB is going to figure out that you can turn on the lights when you make a movie.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yeah, Batman is a historically light character.

      Doesn’t wear black.
      Doesn’t work primarily at night.

      Therefore, why is it not in Technicolor daylight?

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    This film is what happens when somebody listens to Lego Batman’s song and doesn’t realize it is a parody.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    Will the next reboot be The Man Who Dresses Up Like a Bat?

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    Matt Reeves is one of the best blockbuster filmmakers out there. His two Apes movies are minor miracles that are somehow still underrated. I’m genuinely excited to see what he does with Batman. It’s going to be dark, but somehow I doubt we’re getting just another Nolan retread.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    I can’t think of a single instance in the last 15 years where I’ve watched a trailer, felt basically good about what I was seeing, and then the movie has turned out well. I know that’s rather the point of trailers, but I watched this and I thought: oh there’s some stuff in there that seems kind of interesting, I’m not a Batman scholar but this could be good.

    Therefore the movie will be infuriatingly bad.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    This looks way better than I was expecting. It does look like it borrows a *lot* from Nolan, whereas I wish they’d lean a little more toward Burton or better yet take a new direction, but that’s fine. I am a little let down by the lack of record scratches and dogs covering their eyes in the trailer, but I guess they don’t want to give all the best scenes away. 

  • domino708-av says:

    While any vaguely realistic portrayal of Batman is going to give him some armor, because of course he needs it, I’m not super keen on the idea of him just standing there and tanking the bullets like that.

    I do appreciate that the Batmobile looks like an actual car though, and not either an art deco sculpture on wheels, or a bespoke tank.

  • thomasjsfld-av says:

    cool great another one of these….

  • falcopawnch-av says:

    Even as someone who’s thought of Pattinson as slam-dunk casting since the first, I’ve been skeptical of this project. We have so many Batmen. Too many Batmen. DC needs to lay off the Batmen and give us a Booster Gold movie already.

    but…agh, fuck, i hate how immediately all-in i am now, goddammit this shit was great

  • frenchtoast24-av says:

    Big wet fart from Cat Woman (especially compared to past performances), but everything else was A+

  • popsiclezeratul-av says:

    Yikes that was bad. This movie is blatantly ripping off Seven, The Untouchables, and The Dark Knight. Badly, I might add. And Robert Pattinson is laughably overacting here. He’s ridiculous as Batman.

  • sentientcheetosforapresident-av says:

    Uh. At 0:59, please explain his teeth. Batman has a bad dentist.

  • luciferianimpulse-av says:

    Poor William Hughes. After his epic slip-up where he credited Brian K. Vaughn with creating Invincible, the AV Club was understandably concerned  he would credit Stan Lee with creating Batman & drafted Schimkowitz to supervise this article.

    • schwartz666-av says:

      Still not sure how a single short article about a trailer can be written by two people. Maybe they took every other word or paragraph, or else (as you stated) Hughes just need a spotter.

      • luciferianimpulse-av says:

        Hughes looks set to continue his reign of error, given that he also wrote about the Black Adam movie and dismissed Dr. Fate as some cheesy Dr. Strange knockoff.Will some please explain to Hughes that snarky remarks aren’t amusing in the least if you don’t actually know what you’re talking about?

        • necgray-av says:

          mmmm…. I dunno, man. I don’t think it’s all that crazy for someone to make a crack about Dr. Fate like that since only a comic book reader or someone with advance knowledge of the character would know who the fuck he is. I don’t know that you can blame Hughes for keeping his comments in the popular sphere. You and I might know about Dr. Fate but does the average moviegoer? Even people who go to every MCU movie and get Disney+ for the Marvel shit *by and large* don’t do the kind of comic book deep dive that would support your complaint.That’s one of the unfortunate side effects of nerd culture’s mainstream success. Too many of us who were already in the subculture act like that success means everyone should know all the minutiae we know. And that’s just not the case.

      • oldmanschultz-av says:

        I’m pretty sure in journalism, that is called an “editor” and they’re usually not credited as a co-author of the thing that they edit.Do they have those on this site? Editors I mean? I’ve been wondering that a couple of times now.

  • garland137-av says:

    I’m sorry, I still can’t take Pattinson seriously as Batman. Despite their efforts he still looks like Twilight Guy in cosplay. More pretty boy than badass. At one point his stubble looks like matte black glitter, and his attempt at a growly Batman voice is laughable. Everyone’s talking about how emotive the new cowl is, but Pattinson’s “rage” looks more like over-acted melodrama to me.

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      It’s really easy not to have that sort of Pattinson baggage if you don’t watch fucking Twilight in the first place.

      • menage-av says:

        I have never seen Twilight and have the same thing, looks too young and goth kid.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        Twilight’s cultural moment has passed, but it’s still alive for fans who enjoy the cosplay and weirdly conservative romanticism… and by really hardcore fans who bring it up anytime Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart appear in the news. OP on this thread probably doesn’t consider himself a Twilight mega-fan, but he’s the one out here in 2021 talking about how he can’t see Robert Pattinson as anyone but Edward. What other word is there? 

      • haodraws-av says:

        I watched Twilight like every twee teenager at that time and I’ve always thought his jaw and eyes were born to play Batman

    • gretaherwig-av says:

      Try watching one of the several great performances he’s done since he was in a movie for teens?

    • heasydragon-av says:

      You can’t get over Twilight, eh? Sweetie – I remember looking at model portfolios back in the early ‘00’s and can still remember him in his underwear.

  • recognitions-av says:

    They could revitalize the franchise in an instant by making a movie where Batman and Superman are a couple

  • gcodori-av says:

    Collin Farrell? For a hot second I swore that was Mandy Patinkin…

  • timebobby-av says:

    What is it about Batman specifically where every time a trailer comes out for some kind of content related to the character, a bunch of hipsters have to crawl out of their holes to tell everyone how they’re “not even excited for this.” No one cares.

  • rogueindy-av says:

    Looks pretty fun. Hopefully it doesn’t take itself too seriously this time.

  • timmay1234-av says:

    *Portentously whispers meaningless idiom*Beautifully shot though.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Ok you can’t afford to pay your lighting bills. Cool. Another dark Batman film. Grand. I wouldn’t mind seeing some lights or something. Like I would love to see a Miami Vice like take on Batman. No dark, no earth pastels, just lights, colour and still have the story be gritty. Like Miami Vice y’know?

  • mandragoraman-av says:

    So the riddler is a barista? That is some scary shit.

  • endymion42-av says:

    This cast is incredible!

  • worthlesslester-av says:

    Fucking stoked.

  • heasydragon-av says:

    Hmm, I don’t think I’ll be seeing this. For me, the Nolan Batman films are the benchmark. He managed to turn a comic book character from some high-camp synthetic-nipple-showing fratboy into a seriously dark and impressive trilogy of films.Mind you though, heh, it’s interesting seeing my home city on the big screen again…

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Since the Batmobile in this iteration is half ‘69 Charger:I’m there opening day.

  • robotseinfeld-av says:

    It’s very easy to say, “I’ve had enough Batman,” at this point, and I certainly did that around the time they announced this movie. But I think I’ve come around on the whole thing. I’ve accepted Batman as this pop culture constant in America. We’re going to get new Batman content every few years, at the very least, and that’s just how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. We might as well sit back and see if anyone does anything interesting with the various characters each time.As for this attempt, it looks promising. I certainly believe in Pattinson’s abilities, Zoe Kravitz looks very “classic Catwoman” with that pixie cut, and Colin Farrell is comically unrecognizable as the Penguin. I was genuinely shocked when, after watching this trailer, I read that he was in the movie — a fact I had completely forgotten about — and realized he was probably playing that character in the trailer.

  • ruefulcountenance-av says:

    I’d love to see a Batman film where he’s a brilliant detective/strategist rather than a guy who can take damage like nobody’s business. This doesn’t appear to be that film, but we’ll see.

  • kitwid-av says:

    Finally, a dark/gritty reboot of the Batman series.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    This trailer was fucking awesome. Catwomen looked amazing and Penguin may steal the movie. I can’t wait for this movie, holy shit.I think Spider-man will be the 1st movie I see in a theater during the Covid era but man this is the movie I will go to see opening night for sure. 

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Yup, looks like a Batman movie. 

  • thefilthywhore-av says:


  • thefilthywhore-av says:


  • grasscut-av says:

    Maybe because so much time and so many Batmans have passed, with over a decade of gritty Batman…but I am nostalgic and longing for a big, silly, Joel Schumacher Batman, please? Not winky 4th wall, Deadpool stuff, not high camp Burton Batman, but a sincerely over the top Batman. I also need a broader color palate than just black, dark grey, dark black, smoke, and so dark you can’t see anything.

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