Rupert Grint rounds out Hogwarts trio with a statement supporting the trans community

Film Features Rupert Grint
Rupert Grint rounds out Hogwarts trio with a statement supporting the trans community
Photo: Michael Loccisano

In case you were wondering where the final member of the Hogwarts Three was after Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and a good portion of the Harry Potter cast vocally countered J.K. Rowling’s most recent transphobic screed (or maybe you weren’t, since the last Harry Potter film premiered almost 9 years ago): Rupert Grint has issued his own statement of support for the trans community.

According to the BBC, the Sick Note actor—who tends to remain out of the public eye, if he can help it—shared his sentiments with the The Times. Please forgive us for further comparing this grown man to a role from his adolescence, but we can’t help but notice how the statement is very Ron-like—that is, succinct, to the point, and essentially a kind version of “Yeah, what they said,” but for something rather important: “Trans women are women. Trans men are men. We should all be entitled to live with love and without judgment. I firmly stand with the trans community and echo the sentiments expressed by many of my peers.” Those “peers” also include Bonnie Wright, Katie Leung, and Fantastic Beasts’ Eddie Redmayne.

If you’ve already had the displeasure of wading through Rowling’s piles of anti-trans garbage, there is some good news: A few people have already rolled up their sleeves and fact-checked all of her dangerous, outlandish claims. Maybe she’ll actually read it one day (and perhaps donate some of that fortune to trans organizations, like the ones in Leung’s thread). Miracles can happen, right?

If you want to support LGBTQ youth, consider donating to GLSEN, which promotes anti-bullying initiatives and gay-straight alliances in schools nationwide, and The Trevor Project, which operates a confidential hotline staffed by trained counselors who provide crisis-intervention and suicide-prevention services.


  • af23-av says:

    The 2020 Descartes: I virtue signal, therefore I am!Rowling should have understand that catering to the LGBTQUIA_&#(*F&)SCSLKUW^R*# crowd only empowers them. 

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    (or maybe you weren’t, since the last Harry Potter film premiered almost 9 years ago)Don’t remind me that it’s been that long. By far one of the best midnight premieres I’ve ever gone to and that’s not because of the movie, but all the shenanigans prior to it.

    • perfectengine-av says:

      I miss the midnight releases of the books. Always a good time.

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        I had to go through a DUI checkpoint on my way to the midnight release of Half-Blood Prince. The cop asks where I’m going tonight, and I say “Barnes and Noble.” He looks me dead in the eye and says “Aren’t you a little old for Harry Potter?”I’m white so we both had a laugh and I went on my merry way.

        • perfectengine-av says:

          Man, fuck him. He’s the one who brought it up! You should’ve said ‘What’s Harry Potter?’I remember I flew into LA from SF to see my mom on the night one of them was being released, and we went right to the bookstore from the airport. We get there, the place is JAMMED, there are no books left to be bought, so we just went to the damn supermarket and they had stacks on stacks on stacks of them right there at the register. I grabbed one, my ma got some bacon and juice for the morning, and off we went. Good times.

    • nimitdesai-av says:

      How high were you?

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Unfortunately, it was pre-stoner days for me. I was just a year out of high school at the time, and for whatever reason there were a lot of people that I had gone to school with waiting in the massive line at the theater for the premiere. You might be familiar with Bella Terra actually. It wrapped around the back and into the parking area. Some of the guys I went to school with did a ‘wizard battle’ with roman candles and ended up running from security before sneaking back into line lol.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Not even Infinity War and Endgame hype(both of which somehow paled even to the original Avengers hype) was as great as HP7 movies hype, both of them. I was probably in the right age range(senior year in high school) for them, too, and was with the right peers.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Yeah, I think Endgame might have been roughly equal for me but the last HP movie was nuts. Those are the only two movies I can think of that had a similar effect on the audience.

  • ceallach66-av says:

    I don’t think his attitude was necessarily “Yeah, what they said”, but more like “Why the hell does it keep needing to be said?”

  • igotsuped-av says:
    • allbetsareoffagain-av says:

      Glinner desperately trying to get in on this is killing me, he’s such a wee fanny. 

    • perfectengine-av says:

      Welp, guess that settles it, then. The white guy has spoken.

    • merve2-av says:

      She IS HarryThat’s a really weird thing for a transphobe to write.

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      …conversely, by his logic, she’s also Umbridge, Voldemort, Lestrange…

      You know…shitty people with shitty ideas about how people different from them should be treated.

      Going to assume Graham didn’t think this that far through.

      Moments like this I’m glad that he only had a small bit part of Darkplace and so I can enjoy that pretty guiltlessly with regards to his involvement in his.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “She IS Harry”.So he’s saying JKR is trans?

  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    I pondering whether it was telling that most of the cast response comes from the younger cast, and that just reminded me that Alan Rickman is dead and now I am sad.

    • astronym-av says:

      I think partly they feel like they’re more expected to speak out – the older cast members aren’t necessarily more likely to be transphobic (except, like, statistically) but the younger cast are probably more likely to believe they have a responsibility to say something.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        That could be it, or as you said, part of it.

        • spacesheriff-av says:

          probably also that the younger cast feel more integrally tied to harry potter and jk rowling than the older cast. everyone thinks of daniel radcliffe as harry potter, for obvious reasons, but emma thompson or michael gambon have had lengthy careers not portraying rowling’s characters, so they might not necessarily see the jkr drama as being directly tied to them.

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            Also a very good possibility, for Radcliffe especially.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            There’s definitely the sense that the work of JK Rowling gave Radcliffe his career, which makes his statement more impactful. He’s kind of saying, “I appreciate everything you made possible for me, but that won’t stop me standing for trans rights.”

      • peterjj4-av says:

        That’s a big part of it. I saw various comments on Twitter waiting and waiting for when Rupert Grint would say something. 

    • sosasasasa-av says:

      I am now sad too, I bet his response would have been awesome.Fun story about Alan Rickman, I had movie premiere tickets for HP and Half Blood Prince. Somehow I was front row, on the side, along with all these teenage HP fans. Most of the stars were there and would be announced one by one and then step to the front of the theater to say a few words. DR, EW, RG, TF (Draco M) were all there, Ralph F too, I don’t remember if MG was, and quite a few others. When DR, EW, RG, and TF stepped up the teenage fans would scream and cheer. However when Alan Rickman was introduced, myself and a few other ladies stood up and cheered louder than all the teenagers! I turned around to see quite a few excited AR fans. AR was very surprised and laughed, and the cast cheered for him too! It was a very sweet funny moment.He is truly missed.

      • geralyn-av says:

        It always warmed my heart that Alan and Daniel Radcliffe had a true friendship. I hate that we don’t have Alan Rickman with us.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Fun story as well.  My parents first film they watched after getting married as Sense and Sensibility.  Like right after the ceremony.  Both became such big Alan Rickman fans.  I still call that movie there wedding film.  What a man.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Sure, he stands for this now, but where will he sit when a woman poops in his toilet?

    • kleptrep-av says:

      He’ll probably use a different toilet? Like I’m not famous but back home our house has three (3) toilets.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Who the fuck cares about what JK Rowling thinks about shit? She’s some hack writer from the 90s. Fuck it let’s ask Roy Chubby Brown what his thoughts on Colonialism are? Why don’t you just stick to ruining your Troll 1 Meets A House With A Clock In It’s Walls Fanfic series? Go the fuck away with that bullshit. But yeah I agree with Grint, Watson, Radcliffe and everyone else, allow these people to fucking live mate. If they think that they’re the wrong gender and they identify as the opposite gender then let them be. They’re not harming anyone.People are just a brain and a heart, if their brain says that they’re a woman, they’re a woman. If their brain says that they’re a man, they’re a man.How about society comes to a compromise, we get to live our lives and Rowling can stick to doing what she’s most qualified for and that’s be a Twitter Troll Who Keeps On Making Up Shit About The Harry Potter Universe. 

  • agentviccooper-av says:

    It’s pretty great to see this man tell a woman what being a woman means.

  • valky-ree-av says:

    It was bad timing for Grint in the UK. A major newspaper dangerously had a front-page story about Rowling’s ex-husband wanting to punch her. The issue of domestic violence and women’s rights has been put to the forefront and all the threats of violence by trans rights activists look pretty disgusting now.

  • citricola-av says:

    TFW you hear JK Rowling has logged on.

  • qwedswa-av says:

    I was going to joke, “Where the hell is Ron?!”
    I can just see him rolling out of bed after a three day bender at a mansion and checking his phone. “Aw shit. Someone’s gotta write me a statement!”Don’t worry Rupert. We know you’re one of the good guys……so far…

    • smudgedblurs-av says:

      I was going to joke that he was busy driving his ice cream truck to Stonehenge, but it turns out he just had a baby and has a growing career in real estate investment. I guess Ron is a grown up now. 

  • lezzymclezface-av says:

    Women: women menstruateIrrelevant male actor: how dare you! My opinion is more important than yours. Foh

  • TombSv-av says:

    And Evanna Lynch deleted her Twitter account after throwing support to both sides.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Reached for comment, the guy who played Professor Quirrell said, “Huh? Oh, trans people? Yeah, I support them. Don’t have any reason not to, really.”

  • lihjoliadapwijdapw-av says:

    arguing with terfs don’t do a damn thing. She wouldn’t run her mouth about this shit if she didn’t get loads of attention while she does it. This sort of hatred only fades with time and attempting to speed things up with insults and anger will prolong it.

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