Russell Brand uncovers twisted BBC conspiracy to collaborate on big stories with other news outlets

In a new video, Brand implies that some kind of BBC conspiracy is controlling all news

Aux News Russell Brand
Russell Brand uncovers twisted BBC conspiracy to collaborate on big stories with other news outlets
Russell Brand Photo: Amy Sussman

In what seems an awful lot like the classic magician’s trick where you direct the audience’s attention to one hand so you won’t see what’s happening with the other hand, Russell Brand hopped on Rumble—his new video-hosting platform after YouTube demonetized his channel—for a new episode of his daily show Stay Free and revealed that “apparently independent” news organizations are secretly “collaborating” or “conspiring to control global news narratives in some of the most important stories in the world.” Gasp! Surely that is way worse than anything else that might be going on with anyone right now!

Deadline notes that Brand is referring to the Trusted News Initiative, a predictably controversial (in a stupid way) partnership started by the BBC that encourages other media organizations and tech companies—including AP, Google/Youtube, Meta, Microsoft, and something called “Twitter”—to “tackle challenges of disinformation.” Some guy on Fox News called it the “woke media Avengers” and said that their powers include “shilling for Democrats and silencing opposition.” (Sounds kinda cool, ngl.)

But here we are doing exactly what Brand wanted, so let’s get back on topic: He’s bringing this evil collaboration up in the wake of the multiple sexual assault allegations that have come out about him recently, and he seems to be implying that this Trusted News Initiative is to blame for running a conspiracy that is working against him in one way or another.

Deadline says he did not specifically address the allegations in this video, beyond a reference to the “events of last week,” but he did thank his viewers for questioning the information they’ve heard and pointed out the Trusted News Initiative as a reason why they should continue to do that—as if some of the biggest and most powerful organizations in the world, with infinite resources at their disposal, having nothing better to do than this.


  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:


  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    Every picture of Russell Brand makes me feel like if I accidentally brushed against him in a hallway, I’d have to immediately go take a shower. But I have to admit, he’s owning the greasy pirate look.

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      Post-allegation, I’ve heard Brand get called “ugly” a lot, and while he may be an ugly person on the inside, I’m sure I could think of a lot of uglier-on-the-outside people. He isn’t, say, Gilbert Gottfried. I’m a heterosexual man, so what do I know, but he’s got something good going on around the eyes and is otherwise fairly symmetrical. He fits a type, though: the slightly greasy yet somehow charismatic dude that a lot of women might want to take their clothes off with, but only if they were sure that nobody — and I mean nobody — would find out about it. I tend to think that every straight woman’s got one of these roving around their fantasy lives. Of course, that might have been pre-allegations. Post? Oooh, well, even if he doesn’t go to jail, his dating life is probably over for a good long while. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I’d still err on the side of the shower.

      • nogelego-av says:

        Yeah, Gilbert Gottfried is a rotting corpse. So Brand wins that hands down.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Ew. Please don’t speak for women as to whom they’re likely to be attracted to. He is being accused of sexual assault by multiple women. Women don’t take that lightly. Katie Perry still hasn’t revealed what was worst about him. She’s saving that info for “a rainy day.” Good.

        • popculturesurvivor-av says:

          Sometimes I ask myself “what do women want?” and see if I can come up with better answers than Mel Gibson did. I did mention that Brand probably hasn’t been entertaining too many offers lately. 

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            That was a nice reply, thanks. He’s married and has kids, I understand, so hopefully he not making this situation worse for himself.

        • yllehs-av says:

          Katy Perry married him, so presumably she found him attractive for at least a period of time. I wouldn’t want to date or spend time with a man with sexual assault allegations, but I’m capable of figuring out if he’s good looking or not aside from that. Ted Bundy was handsome and reportedly charming, but I wouldn’t have set him up with my worst enemy.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            They were married for 14 months, so not very long apparently. We don’t know if it was even a physical attraction and this is all ridiculous and hardly worth an argument. A commenter assumed that women would go after him because of his ‘looks’. It’s a stupid assumption – that a man would make.

      • Mr-John-av says:

        I’m gay.I wouldn’t even touch him with someone else’s dick.

        • popculturesurvivor-av says:

          God, I love that expression. It’s sort of a companion piece — for straight men, anyway — to “I’d crawl through a mile of shit just to suck off the last guy that fucked her.”I’ve heard people online comment “I’d suck off his dad just to taste the recipe.”

      • antonrshreve-av says:

        Don’t talk shit about Gilbert Gottfried.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “I’m sure I could think of a lot of uglier-on-the-outside people.”

        So only the ugliest person can be called ugly? What a fucking stupid-ass comment.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Sadly there are always plenty of women lined up to defend guys like this, especially famous ones. I once heard a woman say of a NHL player recently accused of rape that she’d let him do that to her, and the other woman is probably just looking for attention anyway.

      • kreskyologist-av says:

        What’s truly loathsome about Brand isn’t his outward appearance. I mean, his peacocking hygiene-optional rockstar-cum-cult-leader look does seem the perfect expression of a toxic sex pest but I do think we should get over confusing interior ugliness for the externalities and vice versa. He’s arguably a fairly handsome guy beneath the scuzz, but you know, he’s profoundly gross and terrible, so…

      • mikolesquiz-av says:

        Oh he’d definitely been Sex Muffin of The Year several times, previous to The Downfall. He was full-on Cosmopolitan cover boy female-gaze sex object as much as he was a comedian and radio host and whatever.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Johnny Depp has passed the greasy hat.

    • zythides-av says:

      I would say he’s owning the Charles Manson look … and ethics.

  • brobinso54-av says:

    I’m really getting exhausted of these toxic narcissists who want us all to believe that whatever is ‘happening to them’ (DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THEY DID, mind you) can RANDOMLY happen to you! They are out there taking the slings and arrows FOR US. JFC, get bent!!

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Yeah the whole “events of last week” vs “the events of the past twenty years” is a consistent type of spin from these guys.

    • senorfartcushion-av says:

      All they’ve done is simply catch the eye of one journalist who found a way of getting a hit piece out based on his history. It’s not a conspiracy.Now that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something aligning the news organisations of The UK (ideologies, social lives and connections.) But that’s a different story. 

  • bio-wd-av says:

    I liked it better in German.

  • tarst-av says:

    The Roman Empire was able to extend its influence upon the world for two millenia through the Catholic Church. Ergo, the BBC is fulfilling the same role for Rule Britania. It checks out, this guy totally didn’t sexually assault anyone.

    • kendull-av says:

      This is the stupidest thing I’ve read. Not ‘read all day’, that I’ve ever read.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      In all seriousness, he has admitted to some of his offenses so I suppose the conspiracy he’s upset about is the one publicizing said offenses. Put another way this is just another way of complaining about “cancel culture.” Put still another way, people want to have their cake and eat it too. Put yet another way: शयानं चानुशेते हि तिष्ठन्तं चानुतिष्ठति । अनुधावति धावन्तं कर्म पूर्वकृतं नरम् ॥

    • rammified-av says:

      For a start, the western Roman empire only existed till 476AD, and Christianity only had any real significance when Constantine became emperor in 306AD. Conflating the success and influence of the Roman empire and Christianity is inaccurate and a significant over simplification of the reality. Also completely irrelevant in the context of Russell brand being a creepy sex pest/abuser.

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    Well, that answers everything! This man should be the next American President!

  • killa-k-av says:

    their powers include “shilling for Democrats and silencing opposition.” (Sounds kinda cool, ngl.)………does it? Does it, Sam?

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    “May you live in intensely stupid times thanks to social media and internet celebrities.” —Old Chinese proverb

  • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

    So you read an article in another publication and summarized it here, without even pretending to check the primary source.I hope your whole fucking family dies slowly from cancer, Barsanti

  • sf816-av says:

    A.V. thinks silencing people is cool.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “tackle challenges of disinformation.”So the thing is that sounds like a normal thing that news outlets should all be in favor of?  Why don’t outlets like FoxNews and the Blaze and whoever else ask to join?  Then they could make sure that “disniformation” doesn’t only mean conservative talking points.  By making fun of it they’re just telling on themselves that they know that most conservative talking points rely on disinformation.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Why don’t outlets like FoxNews and the Blaze and whoever else ask to join?”

      Are you fore real?

    • alniea-av says:

      Bcuz it’s Newspeak (see 1984). “… tackling disinformation… ” doesn’t mean “presenting the truth to our audience”; it means “we need to get our story straight in the interests of our government and corporste overlords”. If news organizations are independent, they should present the same facts but have different perspectives; yet they rarely even have different footage, photos, or phrasing in their articles, let alone unique perspectives. That’s cause for concern in a supposed democracy.

  • slvc-av says:

    I think we need to be careful with accusations, but he’s pretty obviously guilty. Tons of people were commenting about it openly(including the Radio 2 I believe broadcast where the host said Brand showed his willy to a woman), and while a public persona doesn’t necessarily reflect someone’s personal life it’s clear that he was acting like a perverted lunatic on national TV here in the UK. And that was with the cameras rolling. I believe on Fallon he was also chastised for pressuring a married(?) guest to sit on his lap… like why would you do any of this

  • blpppt-av says:

    Ahhh, the standard Trumpian defense.“They caught me, but its all FAKE NEWS from the DEEP STATE CABAL!”So tiresome and so reckless just to save your own butt.

  • dapoot-av says:

    BBC pedos tryin to bring Russell down

  • boilerboi-av says:

    The one thing I know for sure is the U.S. government works to disregard what it sees as a threat, which means that Russell Brand is seen as a “threat” by the United States deep state. Therefore the question everybody should be asking themselves is why does the U.S. government “need” to silence Russell Brand? My theory to the reason why the U.S. government is silencing Brand is because Russell knows something that the U.S. government does not want the people to know. Russell may not even realize the importance of what he has in his possession. Unfortunately for me I do realize what Brand possesses that causes the United States to go to extremes to silence Brand. I know because I informed Brand about the secret regarding how Bin Laden was located.

    • boilerboi-av says:

      I also informed Brand about how Covid19 was intentionally engineered and released by Dr. Sheng-li Xi to cause the pandemic.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Just look up UK comedian Stewart Lee on Brand …he tried to warn us!!

  • jay421144444-av says:

    another 20 year old accusation against someone labeled right wing who pissed off the corporate cronies.. so boring and transparent. He has never been right wing.. Yet you fools all sop it up like its todays news.If it were he would be arrested. If this is the best they can do.. the old “he raped me 20 years ago stick” after he becomes a nuisance.. even liberals should be like wtf?? this is so boring , stupid and worst of all fictitious. BTW why do all you people posting use the same grammer. You know thats pretty rare for like 20 different people to use the same words, punctuation, sentence structure etc.. as you can see mine totally dif as english not my 1st…

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