Russell Brand allegedly exposed himself to a woman, joked about it on the radio minutes later

Brand, who is currently accused of harassment and misconduct by numerous women, is now accused of exposing himself to a woman in June 2008

Aux News Russell Brand
Russell Brand allegedly exposed himself to a woman, joked about it on the radio minutes later
Russell Brand Photo: Thomas Lohnes

Russell Brand, the comedian facing sexual harassment and misconduct allegations from numerous women, allegedly exposed himself to a woman and joked about it on BBC radio minutes later, according to BBC News. The woman, who worked in the same building as the BBC’s office in Los Angeles, said Brand verbally harassed her and took out his penis in a locked bathroom in 2008. Less than an hour later, Brand appeared on BBC radio with co-presenter Matt Morgan, who mentioned, “It’s been 25 minutes since he showed his willy to a lady.”

The woman, whom the BBC calls Olivia, says that on June 16, 2008, Brand and his team arrived at the offices to record The Russell Brand Show for Radio 2. Olivia, who worked at a media company in the same building, welcomed them into the office before heading to the bathroom for sinus medication. As she squatted to search the medicine cabinet, Brand entered the bathroom. She turned around to Brand’s crotch in her face. When Olivia stood up, he told her, “I’m gonna fuck you,” and took out his penis. She told the BBC he put his penis in his hand and “pretty much served it to me as you would be serving someone some food.”

Within the hour, Brand was on the air with Matt Morgan for The Russell Brand Show. During the segment, Brand joked about how he expected his Bedtime Stories co-star Lucy Lawless would be “a bit daft,” but he “respects her or something” because he wouldn’t be able to “drag her off into a cubicle to show her his ‘pubicles.’” Morgan asks how long it’s been since he’s done that before answering his own question: 25 minutes.

Morgan: It’s been 25 minutes since he showed his willy to a lady.

Brand: (Laughing) Very easy to judge! Very easy to judge!

Morgan: The receptionist…

Brand: (Laughing) Look…

Morgan: Receive this!

Olivia wasn’t the receptionist, but she did expect someone to contact her after the recording aired on June 21. But as was the case with Bill Cosby’s “Spanish Fly” routine, comedians sometimes take advantage of the fact that their audience thinks they’re only joking.

“I feel ashamed, but more so, I wonder had something been done, perhaps there would have been fewer women he would have done horrible things to, which we’re reading about in the papers now,” she told the BBC. “I thought to myself, Oh, that’s a bit strange; nobody has come to say sorry to me for his behavior. So I thought perhaps that particular audio—because it was so graphic—had been cut out, which is probably why I never pursued it.”

Brand resigned from the BBC in disgrace in 2008 after he and Jonathan Ross called then-78-year-old Andrew Sachs to tell him Brand had sex with his daughter. However, Olivia says she told BBC staff about the incident in 2019, and there was no follow-up.

“What allowed that output go out like that? What made the BBC think that was appropriate to go out like that? I just don’t understand why they didn’t investigate this much sooner,” she said. “And I suspect there’s far worse in all those episodes that I can’t even stomach to listen to.”


  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    “What allowed that output go out like that?”Is this British slang or a classic AV Club 2.0 typo? I honestly don’t know, I can see (and hear) it going either way.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Something tells me this Brand fellow is a real berk

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    What happens in childhood that convinces boys that when they grow up everyone will want to see their penis?

    • nilus-av says:

      The patriarchy 

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I need something more concrete that if I’m to combat it within my own boy child. So far we just talk a lot about not doing anything to anyone’s body that they didn’t ask for or agree to, and stopping immediately when you hear the word stop (this one we’re still working on, as he’s a sweet but willful child).

        • nilus-av says:

          Just tell him every day that no one ever wants to see his penis ever. I’m sure it won’t cause any lasting psychological damage.  

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            LOL So when he was like 2 or so he went through a phase where he was touching it a lot (I hear boys never outgrow this), and I was like yucky, go wash your hands. And after that for a while he called it his “yucky penis,” and I felt terrible so I had to explain I just meant there could be pee on it and that’s yucky, and he shouldn’t think his penis itself is yucky.  So it’s a tightrope walk!!What I’m saying is I’m constantly paranoid about causing my kids lasting psychological damage.

          • nilus-av says:

            “What I’m saying is I’m constantly paranoid about causing my kids lasting psychological damage.”We call that parenthood 🙂

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            lol Yeah.

        • whompwomp-av says:

          To be fair: most men DON’T do this. I have worked in trades in the past where I was one of 3 women on the site. No one whipped it out at us.

          I think comedy attracts some people with real problems. The business model in the comedy industry isn’t even about comedy: it’s mostly about selling drinks to the crowd at the show. People who go into that and stay in that usually have some untreated issues IMO.

          Try and raise your son to be stable, maybe he will end up as a pipefitter or electrician. Again: none of those guys ever whipped it out on a job site.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            That’s a good point!

          • dodecadildo-av says:

            I’ve been in the construction industry over 20 years and I’ve lost count of how many unsolicited dicks I’ve see. There are shithead perverts in every industry and ESPECIALLY in the construction industry full of supposedly big manly men doing manly men jobs. 

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          From what I’ve heard about Brand (though I haven’t looked into it extensively), his dad may have set him on this path of being gross to women. So it starts by being a decent role model for your kid – which it sounds like you are, as you’re already teaching him respectful behaviour – and hoping that he emulates you.

    • tvcr-av says:

      I think it’s something about growing up in a society where you’re constantly bombarded with messages that sex is bad, or at least something you shouldn’t discuss. If you’re the rebellious type, you can start down a path where you try to be sex positive, and this leads to being very open about your sexuality, maybe too open sometimes. And at a certain point you might not realize that you’re no longer the young rebellious underdog, and that you’re actually in a position of power. The only real way to combat this sort of behaviour is to be open about things, and always supply context to what’s going on in the world. There’s no guarantee that your kid won’t end up doing something dumb, but if you treat them like an adult who is capable of understanding the real world they’ll be able to engage with it better.

    • jbj-av says:

      In Brand’s case, I believe he was molested. Not that that’s an excuse…

  • drips-av says:

    Thiiiis guuuuy miiiight suuuuuck 🎵

  • nilus-av says:

    Who would of thought that a guy who looks like the spawn of a cave man and a street magician would turn out to be a sex pest?

  • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

    Brand resigned from the BBC in disgrace in 2008 after he and Jonathan Ross called then-78-year-old Andrew Sachs to tell him Brand had sex with his daughter. IIRC, it was Sachs’s granddaughter.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Apparently, he didn’t resign from BBC in all THAT much disgrace. He had a thriving career for years afterward.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    I’m ok with him being canceled

  • bromaguy-av says:

    Who cares?? this is not a story, this is who he is noone got hurt. just as the 30 years to life for that poor 70s show guy ,no evidence,this is “me too gone wild!!! poor kevin spacey,,he was found innocent after losing everything,poor louis CK, poor Al FRanken ,one of the best senator we have had, Its time for this to end, guilty without evidence? where is the evidence? just ALWAYS taking the womans word for it always so many years later? guess what? some one night stands get pissed and want revenge years later. its all scary as S.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Obviously this behaviour is, first and foremost, repulsive, but I’m always just amazed at the gall of people like Brand. I can’t ever imagine thinking that showing off my penis to an unwilling stranger would be a good move, for anyone concerned.

    • xpdnc-av says:

      I’m guessing that he’s a “One out of a hundred” guy. That is, someone who propositions/exposes himself to pretty much every woman he meets. 99 of those women metaphorically spit on him, but one in a hundred says “Let’s have a go”. For some guys, that’s enough ROI to make it worthwhile. 

  • xpdnc-av says:

    I fully accept Olivia’s story, but “heading to the bathroom for sinus medication” still sounds like euphemism for doing a quick line. 

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