Russell Brand returns to social media with bizarre video that avoids addressing assault allegations

Outside a few allusions, Russell Brand did not address the sexual assault allegations against him during his return to social media

Aux News Russell Brand
Russell Brand returns to social media with bizarre video that avoids addressing assault allegations
Russell Brand Photo: Carl Court

Russell Brand returned to social media today, giving his followers (on the platforms that will still give him money for posting on them, anyway) a list of topics he’ll be addressing in the upcoming week on his online shows—a list that did not, somehow, include addressing the multiple allegations of sexual assault that have recently been made against him.

This is per THR, which reports on a video the comedian—who’s faced demonetization on YouTube, in addition to having his work pulled from places like BBC’s streaming offerings and Paramount+—posted on social media this weekend. The three-minute video is, if nothing else, an unsettling glimpse into Brand’s conception of the last week, which has not, in his telling, been the story of a very famous comedian being accused of rape by multiple women across a multi-year period. No, this is all about censorship, as Brand claims to his followers that organizations like the BBC stepping away from him have nothing to do with a history of joking about sexual assaults he’s now formally accused of committing, but about the British government trying to control the spread of the truth. (Sorry for the wayward italics here; Brand just kind of talks like this, with his hands in constant motion during his videos, and it’s infectious.)

In the video, Brand points his followers toward video hosting platform Rumble, now “the primary platform that we will be streaming from,” after the other ones stopped giving him money. (He has 1.49 million followers on the platform, where he regularly posts videos with titles like “OH SH*T, Bill Gates Is Doing WHAT to FRIUT Now?!!”) He briefly mentions “the Deep State.” At no point does he actually address the allegations against him, only noting that “Obviously, it’s been an extraordinary and distressing week.” (He previously issued a statement, ahead of the initial report, denying all charges against him.) It’s very odd, parallel reality stuff—even as our actual reality continues to fill up with people coming forward with complaints and allegations against him.


  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Finally AV Club’s using their power of writing about a video but not posting it for good.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    I’m enraged that the BBC is hiding the truth about Bill Gates and his friut-fucking fetish.

  • eatthecheesenicholson3-av says:

    Fucker thinks he’s Adam Curtis, but he’s much more Joe Rogan.

    • fuckininternetshowdoesthatwork-av says:

      Joe Rogan is a smidge better than Brand. At least Joe realizes he’s an idiot and doesn’t try to charade as some intellectual or truth teller. It will forever be baffling that not even a decade ago this oaf was voted “fourth most important thinker” … no joke.This is the worst timeline.

      • eatthecheesenicholson3-av says:

        Truly. I still cringe remembering how he guest edited an issue of New Statesman and it was just gibberish about how he’s never voted and other shit that was just nonsense talking points of a college freshman trying to sound edgy.

      • mikolesquiz-av says:

        He’s only an idiot about 80% of the time. Which, unfortunately, is enough of a steering problem to put your line of thinking into a ditch 100% of the time. Still:“When I was poor and I complained about inequality they said I was bitter. Now I’m rich and I complain about inequality, they say I’m a hypocrite. I’m starting to think that they just don’t want to talk about inequality.”

  • preparationheche-av says:

    This asshole looks like a magician whose side hustle is rape…

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I checked out his youtube ‘show’. He dramatically yaks like a salesman (and he pitched a VPN service for about 20 minutes), but he says absolutely nothing. And that interview with Tucker Carlson…. Six million people watch this? We are, in fact, doomed.

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    He briefly mentions “the Deep State.”I love when these right wing morons seemingly forget the democrats are in power again and they could just blame the regular state. 

    • iggypoops-av says:

      But wasn’t there still claims of a “deep state” during Obama’s Presidency? I thought that the point was that even a seemingly reasonable sounding Democrat was still being controlled by the REAL libero-fascist that actually controlled the world? 😀 

    • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

      I don’t know if this applies to disgraced British comedians. Rishi Sunak’s not a Democrat.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        Fair! I don’t know why I assumed he was an american citizen with a british accent like Jon Oliver. 

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          I’d forgotten he’s British. I don’t even know how the tax laws work anymore. He hasn’t acquired US citizenship, as far as I know, and since he’s making money here, I don’t know if he has to pay taxes to the British government.

      • dapoot-av says:

        He’s not white enough to be a woketard

      • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

        You know, is there really NOBODY looking at these boards anymore for overtly racist piece-of-shit losers?

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          I really miss when trolls had to be something other than deeply weird crust chuds. This dude’s not clever, not funny, not novel, just fucking useless.

    • jomahuan-av says:

      i always thought that was code for the jewish laser people who run the world…?
      i’m not well-versed in anti-semitic garbage, tho’, so i could be wrong.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        Maybe, because sometimes I hear a term and deduce its meaning from context rather than looking it up. So it’s possible I’ve misunderstood what “deep state” means or that different morons use it to mean different things. My understanding is that it was just an excuse for why Trump couldn’t do all the things he said he would do. Entrenched democratic appointees at all levels of the federal government who were secretly working to oppose him.

      • rogar131-av says:

        Lazar Wolf started it all. Tevye was right to deny him Tzeitel.

    • typingbob-av says:

      He’s English. They have a conservative government.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      They just have a fetish for the deep state. No, deeper. Deeper. They really want to feel that state all up inside them.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    To be fair, if you are a shitbag fuckface like Russell Brand, and you are being investigated by multiple sources for evidence of your criminal behaviour, it’s probably best to say NOTHING that could potentially come back to haunt you (even more) later. He already did a video saying “I din’t do nuffink” so there’s no real point in doing that again — “I still didn’t do nuffink, but inn’t I a lil’ stinker?” 

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Hey if putting out some weird videos after being accused of sexual assault worked for Kevin Spacey then *checks notes* oh yeah, that didn’t really work out for Kevin Spacey. Never mind.

  • freshness-av says:

    Conspiracy bingo!!

  • bupkuszen-av says:

    This guy would make a terrific cellmate for “Marilyn Manson”. How is it that people are so blind to the obvious until it literally smacks them in the chops?

  • infernorfu-av says:

    I hate it when the Deep State conspires to hold me accountable for my actions. 

  • dapoot-av says:

    Leave Russell alone. Aint nothin wrong with a lil hanky panky

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