Russell Brand has monetization suspended on YouTube amid assault allegations

Russell Brand continues to face fallout after a bombshell report revealed multiple allegations of sexual assault

Aux News YouTube
Russell Brand has monetization suspended on YouTube amid assault allegations
Russell Brand Photo: Mary Turner

The fallout over recent sexual assault allegations against Rusell Brand continues. Over the weekend, a new report brought to light the accounts of four women who had encounters with Brand, including one who was only 16 years old at the time of her relationship with the comedian. Brand has denied any instance of assault, claiming that any encounters with the women were consensual.

On Tuesday, YouTube said in a statement that it had “suspended monetization” on Brand‘s channel for violating its “creator responsibility policy,” per NBC News. YouTube has been Brand’s primary platform in recent years; he’s amassed a following of more than 6.6 million followers with content that ranges from lifestyle to politics to health to conspiracy. Following the bombshell report, a spokesperson for YouTube stated, “If a creator’s off-platform behavior harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action to protect the community.”

In addition, some programming that featured Brand has been removed from the BBC and Channel 4. “The BBC does not ban or remove content when it is a matter of public record, unless we have justification for doing so,” a spokesperson for the broadcaster said. “There is limited content featuring Russell Brand on iPlayer and Sounds. We’ve reviewed that content and made a considered decision to remove some of it, having assessed that it now falls below public expectations.”

The BBC director general Tim Davie has further announced an investigation into Brand’s time with the corporation (one accuser claimed Brand sent a BBC car to pick her up from school and bring her to his house). Davie reportedly told staff that when he “listened back” to some of the broadcasts featured in the Channel 4 documentary Russell Brand: In Plain Sight: Dispatches, “I go, that is just completely unacceptable.” He said, “What led to that being on air? Now there are, you know, different times and all of that, but I just look at that stuff and I say there is no way I will listen to that, there’s no way I accept it.”

Brand has also been dropped from his management agency in the wake of the allegations, and made the decision to suspend the rest of his comedy tour. “We are postponing these few remaining addiction charity fundraiser shows, we don’t like doing it—but we know you’ll understand,” a spokesperson for Brand said on Monday (via NBC News).


  • stalkyweirdos-av says:

    It seems so sensible to not let a predator monetize their insincere apology that I’m frankly surprised that YouTube actually has such a policy. Then again, this is far, far from the first time this situation has arisen.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      SO BRAVE

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        You should make this comment another 100,000 times, you stupid fucking robot.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          I just think it’s important for you to know how important all your brave comments are. You’re really doing something important here. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You’re a spambot who’s pretty fucking positive this one hackneyed dad comment is clever enough to post every fucking day regardless of the context.If my comments are triggering useless, personality-void white power incels, they’re probably apt.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            I’m objectively not a spambot. And look how much it pisses you off. Pretty sure I’m getting exactly what I want out of this. You’ve never “triggered” anyone in your life. You’re a loser and a cautionary example at best. Tell me more about how unfair it is that people are allowed to negatively respond to the dumb shit you post literally every single day.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            “I’m not mad, you’re mad,” says joyless weirdo whose whole shtick is being mad all the time and taking it out on random people

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I didn’t say it was unfair to respond negatively; I just said that a person who has absolutely nothing to contribute, ever, except two comments “So brave,” and “You’re dumb” is sad as fuck. The totality of your personality is two hacky takes attempting to bully people for having actual thoughts and views on things. Now, that’s usually people expressing empathy for other people, but even most of the other sociopathic incel types have some kind of variety.Why the fuck would someone obsessively peruse comment sections when they have literally no comments to make and get upset when other people do.  You can just not, you sad, tragic nothing.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Hey don’t forget America’s new favorite catchphrase: “nO onE cAReS whAT yOU thINK”

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Hey hey hey.  This dude cannot master three different sentences!

          • ligaments-av says:
          • jalapenogeorge-av says:

            I thought that was the Rock’s catchphrase?

          • jalapenogeorge-av says:

            I thought that was the Rock’s catchphrase?

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Because people like you, who would be cannon fodder in any other generation, feel the need to speak. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You speak plenty. You just have literally NOTHING to say.I know it’s hard being all alone, but this isn’t going to help.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Sure. Keep talking. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            There are probably events in your local library where you could meet people. You could even just go to the park.

          • recoegnitions-av says:


          • ligaments-av says:
          • ligaments-av says:
          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            You’re such a corny psychopath. Seriously, who put all this dumb shit in your head?

          • ligaments-av says:
          • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

            She’s not going to come back to you, you know. She’s gone. The kids, too. You blew it. And even when the kids do come to visit you, they’re wishing they were with their mom and the new guy she’s dating the whole time. Eventually they’re going to start coming less and less, and you’ll realize that the cards have stopped coming, too. Someday you’ll hear from someone that they’re living in the city now and have their own lives. One of them got married. You never got an invitation. And when you finally die – alone, scared, and broke, with nobody to remember you but that prostitute who gives you free handjobs because you always bring her Starbucks, you’ll realize, Russel Brand never even knew you existed. 

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            This isn’t funny, particularly well written, or interesting. 

          • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

            Everyone notice how he never said it wasn’t true?

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            What, your unoriginal monologue in which you repeatedly use the wrong tense? Wow.

          • ligaments-av says:
          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            Why not just dismiss them?

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          Why is he like this?

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        What happened to you and did your parents ever apologize for it

  • murrychang-av says:

    I can’t even be assed to copy/paste ohnoanyway.gif for this one.

  • graymangames-av says:

    OK I know logically that these are just a bunch of independent organizations making these decisions on their own time, but considering how quickly all of it is happening, it speaks to how quickly we as a culture are ready to throw Russell Brand in the bin. 

    • gotpma-av says:

      look at former football player Michael Irvin. He got fired form ESPN and NFL network, and if it wasn’t for video tape, he would still be fighting this. Yeah he got a settlement but so what. We need to find a better way than just accusing people in public, them losing everything just based on accusations. Because not all these stories are true.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      He wasn’t already living in the bin?

    • infernorfu-av says:

      Really should have done this earlier once he quit acting. 

    • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

      I mean yes, not many people like him outside of the weird incel base he shares with Rogan, Shapiro, etc., but also the fact that nobody will touch him right now tells me that there’s even more shit he’s done that the public isn’t privy to quite yet. 

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Yeah, the fact that he already fully used up his 15 minutes and then some sure does make it easier to make him disappear.

    • tshepard62-av says:

      Given the whole Jimmy Saville scandals, the Brits are more than a bit justified in taking action.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Remember when Disney was hoping if they just waited long enough, the various controversies of the Death on the Nile cast would die down enough that they could comfortably release it?

    • graymangames-av says:

      Y’know lots of people are in those movies and stuff’s beyond Kenneth Branagh’s control but that said…MAN…

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Thats three people full of controversy, maybe 4 depending on how one views Gal Gadot.  God what a mess I’m sure he’s glad he scaled down the notability of the cast for Venice. 

        • djdeejay-av says:

          God what a mess I’m sure he’s glad he scaled down the notability of the cast for Venice.Tina Fey just got brought up on genocide charges.  

          • bio-wd-av says:

            One minute they are a beloved comedian, the next they are doing war crimes and genocide.  Alec Baldwin would approve. 

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Well he can always run for president/prime minster or flee to Russia, its what his heroes Trump and Putin would do…

    • ksmithksmith-av says:

      I’m looking forward to Russel Brand starring in an action flick with Steven Seagal.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Poorly dubbed Seagal waddling down a sidewalk talking with Russell Brand about chemical weapons in Ukraine while clearly being filmed in Romania.  I hope.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      What does this even mean? He was an extremely vocal left winger, but now people like you have decided that he’s magically “right wing” when he does something you don’t like?This kind of shit is why no one anywhere takes you seriously. 

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      Next level stupid comment as always from the resident delusional tranny. Go chug some more artificial hormones in a futile attempt to be less mentally ill. 

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I love how some guy (or girl I don’t discriminate) keeps replying in the greys saying Brand is some leftist icon and therefore cannot be a reactionary idiot who helps the far right, and two, ties this into my identity. Sorry buddy, I’m gonna keep twirling my skirt, wearing my hat, and living a good life. Did another edit on my academic paper this week.  Certainly not going to jail for being a sex pest like someone I know.  Also Slava Urkani they will win.

      • ntbbiggs-av says:

        Not sure this comment will make it out of the greys but while Brand tries to model himself on the classic Che Guevara picture, I don’t know if he qualifies as an icon for people on the left with how vapid his politics are. His credibility took a massive hit when he cried about a graph that supported his position! It was the softest of soft balls that the interviewer could have given him and he moans that graphs are what are used to fool ‘people like us’. What a lot of people saw in that moment was a paranoid idiot, trying to comment on complex economics, unable to deal with a basic mathematical diagram. Seemed somewhat incongruous!

        Definitely anti-authority, but hard to be anti-capitalist when making Hollywood films (including one in 2022) and signing book deals with major publishers, he is just a pointless grandiloquent hypocrite!

  • gterry-av says:

    So suspending monetization just means his videos are still up on YouTube but they aren’t going to pay him right? So YouTube won’t let him make any money because he is an accused sex offender, but they will still make money off him even though he is an accused sex offender? What a weaselly way to handle it. 

  • dapoot-av says:

    Outrageous overreaction. There’s nothin wrong with a lil hanky panky

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