Russo brothers to adapt spooky puzzle game Little Nightmares for TV

Aux Features TV
Russo brothers to adapt spooky puzzle game Little Nightmares for TV

After the last two Captain America movies, directing duo Joe and Anthony Russo (a.k.a. the Russo brothers) have become a pretty big deal in Hollywood, and like a lot of big deals, they’ve now decided to see if they can use their new clout to actually make a good adaptation of a video game. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Russos are going to develop and executive produce a TV show based on spooky puzzle-platformer game Little Nightmares, with A Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline director Henry Selick on board to direct the pilot and “possibly other episodes.”

The original game is about a nine-year-old girl named Six who finds herself trapped on a scary ship of some sort called The Maw. While trying to escape, Six has to fend off evil characters who have names like the Janitor, the Twin Chefs, and the Lady—and she also has to try and avoid starving to death, because video games are kind of fucked up these days. The Little Nightmares TV show is also being developed by DJ2 Entertainment, a production company that is also working on adaptations of Life Is Strange and Sonic The Hedgehog.

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