SAG-AFTRA clarifies that yes, fine, actors’ kids can dress like Spider-Man

The clarification came after Ryan Reynolds joked online about "screaming 'scab' at my 8 year old all night"

SAG-AFTRA clarifies that yes, fine, actors’ kids can dress like Spider-Man
Spiders-Man Photo: Michel Boutefeu

Although it’s mostly done a pretty good job at maintaining the upper hand in its public relations battles with the studios across the first 100 days of the ongoing strike, SAG-AFTRA hit a bit of a snag this week when it took on the combined forces of Big Pumpkin. As previously reported, the union issued a (very gentle, really!) notice to its striking members about how they might not want to promote struck work while choosing Halloween costumes this year—i.e., any costume based off Hollywood’s various film or live-action TV franchises. But the responses to this encroachment on our god-given right to dress like Old Young Sheldon or any of several Spider-Mans was met with a pretty swift mixture of anger and mockery from some of its constituents, prompting the union to issue a clarifying statement on Friday night.

Some of the reactions to the little circular were outright pissed, notably former SAG-AFTRA president Melissa Gilbert, who wrote on Instagram that, “THIS is what you guys come up with? Literally no one cares what anyone wears for Halloween. I mean, do you really think this kind of infantile stuff is going to end the strike? We look like a joke. Please tell me you’re going to make this rule go away….and go negotiate! For the love of God, people are suffering mightily and this is what you have to say…c’mon guys….” Gilbert also tagged current SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher and negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland (who would actually make for a pretty good costume, if you’re looking for one) in her angered post.

Ryan Reynolds, meanwhile, went the Deadpool route, lobbing some mockery via Twitter, writing “I look forward to screaming ‘scab’ at my 8 year old all night. She’s not in the union but she needs to learn.” All of which presumably contributed to SAG-AFTRA—which is also in the midst of gently fending off overtures from its richest members that are definitely not about throwing money around in an effort to cut short the strike—putting out a statement on Friday night making it clear that, no, fine, your kids can dress up however they like, okay? (Please stop making fun of us for this.)

SAG-AFTRA issued Halloween guidance in response to questions from content creators and members about how to support the strike during this festive season. This was meant to help them avoid promoting struck work, and it is the latest in a series of guidelines we have issued. It does not apply to anyone’s kids. We are on strike for important reasons, and have been for nearly 100 days. Our number one priority remains getting the studios back to the negotiating table so we can get a fair deal for our members, and finally put our industry back to work.

[via THR]


  • hudsmt-av says:

    Meh. I wish Halloween costumes weren’t so commercial anyway. What happened to the spookiness? Vampires, monsters, ghouls, etc., make for a better atmosphere. But at the last Halloween party I attended, there were multiple straight couples dressed up as the couple from the movie Juno. My god, let that one go already!

  • nilus-av says:

    I’m all for unions but SAG is pulling some weird shit.  They should be worrying more about negotiations with the studios and less about what costume an actor is wearing in Halloween 

    • bonerland-av says:

      I don’t think it’s an either/or scenario. Doubt negotiations tipped one way or the other because of 3 minutes time used to type up a release.

      • nilus-av says:

        Yeah but that ignores that nothing comes out of any large entity like a corporation or union without at least a handful of meetings, emails and discussion about its content. Especially a press release going out to the public. That release potentially was a weeks or twos worth of work for several people. In the long run I am sure it did not take any real time away from negotiation, I just feel like SAG has been a bit obsessed with the whole “no promotion” side of the strike which isn’t really going to get the studios back to the table any quicker.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Yeah but it tells you this is the silly shit the union leadership is spending its time on. It also makes them look unserious resolving a situation in which they’ve generally had strong public support.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    I want to see Melissa Gilbert fight Fran Dresher.

  • marty--funkhouser-av says:

    These are not serious people. 

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Anyone can wear the mask.

  • radarskiy-av says:

    “She’s not in the union”If she’s not in the union then why would she be subject to the rules for people in the union?

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