Sam Bee delivers the message that December 8 is the deadline to junk Postmaster Louis DeJoy

Considering what DeJoy's done to the USPS, you should probably just call the White House

TV News Louis DeJoy
Sam Bee delivers the message that December 8 is the deadline to junk Postmaster Louis DeJoy
Samantha Bee Screenshot: Full Frontal

Samantha Bee knows that you haven’t been receiving her letters reminding you that there’s a farcically corrupt greed-head in charge of the United States Postal Service. For one thing, she has a TV show, not a physically mailed current events comedy newsletter. But, even if Full Frontal were a late-night ’zine, Bee knows you’d probably still be waiting for the newest issue, what with Trump-nominated saboteur and privatization fetishist Louis DeJoy acting as Postmaster General and major impediment to timely mail delivery.

Bee brought on President of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, Jonathan Smith, to talk about just why this year’s family holiday letter (and, you know, your life-saving medication) is likely to be late of late. Starting out by delivering the dad joke that wealthy GOP donor DeJoy “brings no DeJoy” to postal workers or customers this holiday season, Smith told Bee seriously, “I believe that he was sent to sabotage, not just the Postal Service, but the people’s confidence in the Postal Service.”

For an employee to publicly tell corny jokes at the expense of the governmental head of his industry might be considered unprecedented, if not for the fact that DeJoy’s tenure as Postmaster has, from the jump, been widely derided as one of the shiftiest, greediest, and most un-democratic moves in recent years. (Plus, unions are a very good thing.) DeJoy, who continues to hold financial stake in companies that would directly benefit from, say, a delay-ridden and untrustworthy Postal Service, was installed by twice-a impeached former president desperate to discourage mail-in voting. You know, to try and steal a United States presidential election by suppressing votes from people and communities he knew he’d lose otherwise.

As Smith explained, DeJoy’s very first action as Trump’s Postmaster was to remove automated mail sorting equipment from strategic branches, command empty postal trucks to leave branches on his new schedule anyway, and to eliminate overtime. “He put all these policies into place to make it harder for us to do our job,” explained Smith, noting that the only people who’ll benefit from such a deliberate slowdown are private delivery companies. (And certainly not the elderly, overseas troops, small businesses, and people in rural areas, all of whom are most affected by DeJoy’s monkey-wrenching.)

And that brings Bee to one Ron Bloom, current chair of the USPS Board of Governors, who, in addition to being another rich white guy and friend of Louis DeJoy, also spearheaded the money-grubbing privatization of the U.K. mail system. Bee went on to explain that everybody’s cries for now President Joe Biden to just junk mail DeJoy right into the recycling bin of unwanted, time-wasting nonsense ignores the fact that he can’t actually do that. (Smith reminds us that the USPS is a constitutionally mandated public service, and not a for-profit business.)

What those of us wondering where the hell our latest copy of Irate Postal Customer Monthly can do is call the White House to urge President Biden to nominate a replacement for the complicit-in-DeJoy’s-bullshit Bloom, whose term runs out on December 8. Bee did note that Smith was advising people to call, rather than write to, the White House, as that deadline only leaves a couple of weeks for the message to get there.


  • retromancer-av says:

    The fact that this guy hasn’t been replaced already is evidence enough that both parties are in favor of dismantling the post office. It’s not an issue you get to vote on. 

    • usedtoberas-av says:

      The President doesn’t have the power to simply replace the Postmaster General. 

    • TRT-X-av says:

      I know you’re gonna get those sweet dopamine heart clicks but your post is factually incorrect.This is, in large part, thanks to Sanders blocking Obama’s ability to appoint anyone to the board. Leaving it wide open for Trump.

    • originofthecosmos-av says:

      You are right about that. And another thing we must not forget. No matter what side you support, both parties belive that, within the last 8 years, there has been a corrupt election. Dems think it was 2016, and Reps think it was 2020, no matter what side you choose to belive, you dont trust one of those elections to be true. I am honestly suppressed that no one talks about this little fact

      • h3rm35-av says:

        lol… your IDIOCY suppresses you, not the PMG, although he’s trying really hard to do so.

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        Clinton conceded. Even the most exhaustive of searches and investigations – the ones of which were considered legitimate accepted by most Dems and pretty much all the ones in power – could not find direct evidence that Trump had directly worked with the Russians (or other illegal agencies) to corrupt the election.The facts are – and are fairly undisputed – that Trump lost the popular vote by a fairly considerable amount, yet due to the focus on the electoral college managed to eke out a win despite that popular vote loss.This in no possible way compares to the nonstop drumbeat of “stolen” and “fraud” that has in no way been proven by Trump or the GOP. The Democrats did not wage a four year campaign with Hillary insisting she was the actual President and attempting to assert executive powers. The Democrats did not rile their supporters up with rallies and speeches until they attacked the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the country.Get the fuck out of here with your “equivalence”. It only exists in Trump’s wet dreams.

    • originofthecosmos-av says:

      You are right about that. And another thing we must not forget. No matter what side you support, both parties belive that, within the last 8 years, there has been a corrupt election. Dems think it was 2016, and Reps think it was 2020, no matter what side you choose to belive, you dont trust one of those elections to be true. I am honestly suppressed that no one talks about this little fact. Weird… it is almost like both parties are FULL of corrupt politicians 

      • MattCastaway-av says:

        Don’t “both-sides” this. No one believes that 2016 was “rigged”. Many believe that the Trump campaign worked with Cambridge Analytica and some foreign actors to market to voters in what added up to a psyop campaign – but no Dem is arguing that those people didn’t, in fact, vote for Trump.
        Trump and his followers lie, every day, and claim that the voting totals in 2020 were simply faked.

        • h3rm35-av says:

          gonna say here that many Bernie voters in 2016 considered the primaries/caucuses rigged, but the election favored the letch over the witch pretty fairly, and that says a lot about who voted.

          • triohead-av says:

            Gonna also point out that primaries are not a function of the government, not required to have any popular representation, or, for that matter, not required to be held at all. They’re purely the function of a political party.

      • wickedwitchofthemidwest-av says:

        I’m so sick of the “both parties are the same” bullshit.Dems don’t debate the results of the 2016 election, Hillary won the popular vote and Trump won the Electoral College. We just argue that the Electoral College was designed to be inherently racist, and has twice allowed a minority to elect a different president than the majority. 

      • risky-av says:

        the difference is the left believes the system corrupt in its construction while the right believes in nefarious plots of altered election tallies.The US constitution is the reason our elections are corrupt. our constitution was written by slave holding Oligarchs who wanted to spread power to themselves but protect themselves the democratic demands of their trapped labor. each step of the democratic process whittles control away from the democratic will people and concentrates it into smaller and smaller groups. Its why fascism proves to be such a powerful and lasting tool here in America. if you can seize control into a small group, you can protect yourself from the democratic repercussions of state sponsored violence. the right complaining about elections is that fascism trying to seize control by contesting the legitimacy of every election they lose unyielding to trial by evidence. Its the methodology that is corrupt 

      • sarcastro7-av says:

        You registered an account to post THAT horseshit?  Please.

      • robertlouislloyd-av says:

        Almost no Democrats think the 2016 election was rigged.

      • tmicks-av says:

        The only people I knew of that thought 2016 was rigged (aside from Donald Trump, until he won) were my fellow progressives that were convinced that it was rigged for Hillary, so didn’t vote, or voted 3rd party. I put it more on them than even the MAGA nuts, as awful as they are, they showed up and voted for one of the two people that actually had a chance at being president.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        2016 was decided by SCOTUS.2020 wasn’t.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      This isn’t remotely true. The Dem platform in fact wants to increase the size of the USPS and do banking as well.

      • retromancer-av says:

        It’s adorable that you actually believe that. I bet you believe that they want to do a $15 minimum wage and universal health care too, and that mean ol’ Joe Manchin is the only reason why we don’t have them. 

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      “Bee went on to explain that everybody’s cries for now President Joe Biden to just junk mail DeJoy right into the recycling bin of unwanted, time-wasting nonsense ignores the fact that he can’t actually do that.”

    • send-in-the-drones-av says: Add in that the Republicans in the Senate have blocked nominations and this is the result. 

  • dudebra-av says:

    Why aren’t all of the Trump/republican seditionists in jail yet?

    • sassyskeleton-av says:

      I wonder that every fucking day.

    • originofthecosmos-av says:

      Cuz ppl cant find proof that is worthy of court. We need video, audio, papers, something that was direct FROM them in order to put them in jail. Ya know that whole thing about innocent until proven guilty, yes that still applies. It is meant to protect everyone. Imagine the same accusations being said about Biden, I am sure that everyone here would want the court to require proof of it being true instead of just jailing him. Oh, and one more thing we must not forget. No matter what side you support, both parties belive that, within the last 8 years, there has been a corrupt election. Dems think it was 2016, and Reps think it was 2020, no matter what side you choose to belive, you dont trust one of those elections to be true. I am honestly suppressed that no one talks about this little fact. Weird… it is almost like both parties are FULL of corrupt politicians. It does not matter who you support, you belive the other side did something wrong and you wont budge on the matter.Dems think that most (if not all) of the Reps should be in jailReps think that most (if not all) of the Dems should be in jailBoth sides can not find any proof (video, audio, paper, or other types of proof that comes direct from the accused) that anyone did anything wrong. We know that someone did something wrong, but none of us can find stuff direct from the source. There are plenty of accusations, but if accusations could put anyone in jail then I am pretty sure the entire USA would be in jail due to that. Therefor the court requires proof for a fair and just trial.Wow, it is REALLY hard to talk from a neutral position… I try to look at both sides and come up with my own beliefs instead of blindly believing anyone about anything, and all I see is that everyone on both sides has done plenty wrong, the issue is that both sides refuse to belive they did anything wrong, and so we get nowhere…I am really disappointed at the status of our country, I am neutral for the most part, but from time to time I feel it necessary to put something out there that says that “Bruh, you are both wrong, here is why” kind of thing. This is getting really long, Maybe I should post it as a post instead of a reply, yea I am gonna try to do that. Lets see if anyone reads it smh 

    • dudebra-av says:

      I don’t know who brought the brand new burner concern troll out of the grays but there is more than enough evidence to indict, arrest and try the Trump led seditionists and their allies. People have been executed and wars have been waged for far less.“Both sides” is bullshit. There are two sides. Are you for American representative democracy and the rule of law or are you for Trump/republican violent fascism? If Trump gets back in power, you won’t even have that choice.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        Bothsiderists are the second most disgusting creature in US politics after the literal Nazis.

      • jhelterskelter-av says:

        The problem is that so many people only consume media that tells them that the dems are fascists, which is hilarious. Seriously, imagine the dems being well-organized enough to successfully espouse any coherent belief.“Better than fascists” is a pretty low bar but I’ll be fucked, only one major party in the US passes it. Engh.

      • jimbabwe-av says:

        This is such a stupid false dichotomy. The U.S. state has been violently fascist since the end of WWII. Most people probably know about Operation Paper Clip, where the NASA recruited Nazi scientists, but it wasn’t just the scientists we allied ourselves with (look up Operation Gladio if you really wanna go down a rabbit hole). American fascism is not felt by the majority of its citizens because, unlike Germany and Italy, we still have a global empire to which we can export all of our worst brutality (y’know, besides the stuff we unleash on our poor, urban populations at home).
        No self-identifying leftist should be supportive of the U.S. government or “the rule of law”. The U.S. system (“representative democracy”) and our constitution are what allowed Trump to become president in the first place, despite not receiving a majority of the vote. American democracy is and always has been a lie. The Constitution was written to put as many barriers in between the common people and power as possible. Deifying the U.S. governmental system as some sacrosanct institution that must be upheld at all costs is a fundamentally right-wing position to take. It’s perfectly possible to oppose Donald Trump and all the worst of American fascism and white supremacy as embodied by the GOP without also beating the drum for the slightly less fascist and racist American state.
        I’m just afraid that liberals and so-called “leftists” aren’t just gonna allow a whole new crack down on civil liberties a la P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, they’re gonna beg for one. All in the name of fighting “violent fascism” and upholding the “rule of law”.
        Don’t forget who’s still in charge (hint: it ain’t the Left). It may be going after the people who you perceive to be your enemies now, but any new powers given to the American state can just as easily be used against you or anyone else should it ever deem that necessary.

      • dudebra-av says:

        Concern trolls and pants crapping quitters get dismissed.

      • jimbabwe-av says:

        You are a coward.

    • jimbabwe-av says:

      You are a coward.

  • sassyskeleton-av says:

    DeJoy is doing exactly what the GQP and TFG wanted. Destroy mail in voting (which always goes against them). Of course, if they make money off of it, that’s even better.

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      Republicans have wanted to destroy the USPS for a very long time. I mean, they passed a bill requiring them to fund the pensions of employees who haven’t even been born yet in an attempt to bankrupt them. They HATE the idea that no one is making money off the Post Office.  The sad thing is if the the USPS goes away it will hurt the rural folks who vote for these CHUDs the most.  But of course they don’t care because STIGGINIT is all that matters.

      • sassyskeleton-av says:

        Yep. When Cletus can’t get his meds cause FedEx won’t come out his way, he won’t understand that it was due to him voting GQP. He’ll just blame the Democrats.

      • send-in-the-drones-av says:

        By filling up the retirement coffers, they plan for the day when the USPS is privatized and they will demand the retirement money is included. Then comes the slaughter because, in short order, they will so spoil the USPS that $10 a letter cannot cover delivery. With that collapse they will divide the retirement money and declare bankruptcy and even if they lose the money will be unrecoverable. 

  • klone121-av says:

    I mean they haven’t even made an album since 2003.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Why does this fuck even still exist? Can the position not just be easily fired?

    • nogelego-av says:

      No. The postmaster general doesn’t answer to the president or Congress. He can only be fired by the USPS board of governors. That same board elected DeJoy to the position (even though he’s so unqualified in every way besides being a Trump donor).
      This, of course, was a foregone conclusion because while the president can’t select the Postmaster General, the president DOES appoint the board of governors (with Senate approval). Unfortunately, when Obama left office he was unable to fill 4 seats (you can guess why) that Trump promptly filled when he took office. So now the board has a 4-2 Republican majority (plus a moderate Dem who is a Trump appointee and voted for DeJoy).But, people say, Biden can fire the board of governors!True, but Federal law states that he can only “fire them for cause.”A ha, people say, he has cause! They are not upholding the interests of the US and taxpayers who rely on the mail.True, but that isn’t necessarily cause. Cause requires “an individual showing that the particular member did something repugnant.” And this is where lawyers begin to differ on what constitutes “cause” and things get muddy and the Supreme Court starts ironing their robes in anticipation.Hope this helps you understand why Biden can’t just fire DeJoy – because a lot of people seem to believe Biden is at fault. He isn’t.

      • tmicks-av says:

        So who decides on whether or not he stays after December 8th? The board of governors? I thought Biden appointed some, is it a done deal that DeJoy will get another term? I guess I could google this, but you seem to be well informed on the subject, others in the comments might want to know too.

        • rockinray-av says:

          It’s not Dejoy’s term that is up after December 8th (I believe he is up in spring of 2024?). It is one of the board members whose term is up.

      • usedtoberas-av says:

        I think it was actually Sanders who prevented Obama from filling most of those seats. 

  • FourFingerWu-av says:

    I nominate Walt Twitchell. 

  • Harold_Ballz-av says:

    Just left a comment and called—here’s the number: Comments – 202-456-1111This is just the latest example of the GOP pointing to government, saying it sucks, then getting elected and sabotaging the government so that they can point at the government and say, See? We told you it sucks!This one hits close to home, too. Literally. My mailbox is close to my home. Seriously, though, I love the USPS. I think it’s one of the greatest things this country has done, and it’s an essential part of our history and present—and hopefully future.

  • send-in-the-drones-av says:

    It isn’t constitutionally mandated, it is constitutionally allowed to be exclusive. This is what prevent UPS or FedEx from putting packages in your mailbox. However, if the government gives up that exclusivity then anyone can take it over or not. The main goal of DeJoy isn’t just to break confidence in the USPS, it’s to destroy confidence in the US Government as a whole. 

  • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

    As a former employee of Cat Fancy magazine, I am proud to see that it is still the go-to punchline for magazine related humor even though the last issue of that title was published six years ago.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    If anyone is calling, the office linked above closes at 3pm EST, which I discovered just now. I’ll be calling back tomorrow when it opens at 9am EST.

  • jimbabwe-av says:

    dudebra is a coward who summarily dismisses any comment that calls out his rabid jingoism and defense of the violent, oppressive nature of the American state. It’s perfectly possible to oppose Donald Trump and the fascist, white supremacist GOP without propping up the terroristic U.S. government, which just over two months murdered 8 innocent children in a drone strike for no reason.
    People like him are gonna celebrate the upcoming crackdown on civil liberties, all in the name of fighting “violent fascism” and upholding the “rule of law”, neglecting to realize that the any new power given to the government to go after your perceived enemies now will inevitably be turned around and used against you once they deem it necessary.

  • charlieaa-av says:

    They did not need to wait. DeJoy had plenty he could’ve been charged with criminally and it should have occured day one of Bidens presidency. Instead a few million small businesses lost our Christmas. I’m issuing refunds every day for missing packages. My late shipping metrics are off and my sales are way off as a result of that. This incompetency by the Biden admin is inexcusable. 

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