Sam Raimi confirms that John Krasinski’s Doctor Strange cameo was nothing but fan service

Don't count on that version of that character ever appearing again

Aux News John Krasinski
Sam Raimi confirms that John Krasinski’s Doctor Strange cameo was nothing but fan service
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Photo: Marvel Studios

About halfway through Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, the eponymous wizard finds himself lost in the eponymous multiverse, with him and new buddy America Chavez finding themselves in an alternate reality where their Doctor Strange is dead and their preeminent superhero team is not the Avengers but the Illuminati—consisting of a bunch of fan-favorite cameos from beloved superheroes and actors, as well as Black Bolt of the Inhumans. One of those cameos in particular, John Krasinski as Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, was a payoff to years of fan-casting, based largely on the fact that Krasinski looks a fair amount like the character and that it would be fun to imagine him as Mr. Fantastic and Emily Blunt as Sue Storm.

This version of Reed Richards meets a grisly death at the hands of Elizabeth Olsen (who never met him while filming, apparently), so he’s definitely not coming back (unless someone is serving up a nice plate of Mr. Fantastic spaghetti), but anyone hoping that Krasinski’s casting is a tease for future Marvel adventures from the former Office star should start looking for a way to get into another universe… because it’s not happening in this one.

As reported by Comic Book Resources, the commentary track for Multiverse Of Madness features a moment where Raimi notes that Krasinski playing Reed Richards was a decision made by Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige and that it was specifically done because “fans had a dream of who the perfect Reed Richards would be”—meaning Krasinski was chosen just for that reason and not for anything he brought to the role as an actor, which may be a real shock to anyone who saw his incredibly magnetic performance in the film.

Raimi also specifically says that Feige wanted “that dream” to come true in this “alternate universe,” which seems to imply that the canonical main universe version of Reed Richards will not end up being John Krasinski. That seems obvious in retrospect, since Marvel wouldn’t have blown the big moment of revealing the MCU’s Mr. Fantastic in a one-off cameo, but it’s also indicative of Marvel’s goal of making its eventual Fantastic Four movie a certified Big Deal and not yet another failed big screen adaptation for the iconic super-family. We know Marvel Studios is looking for a big name to replace Spider-Man trilogy director Jon Watts, and that big name won’t necessarily want to be stuck with John Krasinski’s Mr. Fantastic.

So it seems like the awful pile of stretchy strings is the last we’ll see of that version of him.


  • dirtside-av says:

    Whenever they get around to making a real FF movie, assuming that Krasinski is indeed not cast as the “real” Reed, they should still have versions of him pop in through multiverse portals every so often only to be immediately killed in increasingly absurd ways.

    • alph42-av says:

      or just any cameo like they do for Bruce Campbell

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      They can definitely use Kransinski again if they have a Council of Reeds from across the multiverse, maybe have him be the biggest smartest Reed.Who then gets turned into spaghettis. Anyway I wouldn’t say this commentary track means that Reed automatically won’t be Kransinski it’s just that he’s not locked into stone. Variants can look like different people, that’s a huge point of Spider-Man: No Way Home

      • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

        lol why would he be the smartest Reed? Krasinski can play Serious Dad Guy, but he can’t do Holy Shit That Guy Is Unnervingly Smart at all

    • Sarah-Hawke-av says:

      Emphasis on the POP in.

    • xdmgx-av says:

      Oh my god that would be amazing.  

    • toristarr-av says:

      He needs to cameo as a variant of Agent Jimmy Woo.

    • wtjeff-av says:

      He could be interesting as The Maker as well.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    So what if they replace Spiderman trilogy director Jon Watts with…John Krasinski?

  • joey-joe-joe-junior-shabadoo-av says:

    “…consisting of a bunch of fan-favorite cameos from beloved superheroes and actors, as well as Black Bolt of the Inhumans.”Solid burn.

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    uh-huh. it’s not gonna happen until… it happens! 

  • ohnoray-av says:

    I loved watching Wanda rip them to pieces.I loved this version of Wanda even though it felt like her arc was rushed too fast from Wandavision. I would have loved if they waited it out and played her as the next big bad though, especially for those who didn’t watch the show and just saw her as a crazed gal trope. 

    • sethsez-av says:

      I thought this was a decent Wanda on the page turned into a great Wanda on the screen by Olsen’s performance, but it did still lean far too heavily on my boys for comfort, even with its “the book made her crazy” band-aid.

      • ohnoray-av says:

        yes, Olsen was still able to maintain the Wanda from Wandavision and lean into the camp that is Raimi. Honestly, it was refreshing to have a marvel performance that felt so fresh (I find the characters have such a similar intonation throughout the films that it made Olsen feel like a breeze to watch).But her arc would have worked better if we had more build up of her becoming unhinged. Wandavision was such a beautiful story of the ripple effect of trauma, that it didn’t quite feel believable that Wanda’s relapse back into manipulating magic for her benefit would be this cruel (relapses are always worse each time, but just seemed we were missing a story between this movie and Wandavision).

        • akinjaguy-av says:

          One of the things about Wandavision that I noted at the time, was that while a lot of people took the ending as her healing from trauma, she actually ends up in a darker place. She never even thinks that she should be answering for her crimes, or work with the town to make amends. She just leaves and goes off to study evil power so that she kind find another way to create her family. She didn’t get unhinged, she never rehinged and it feels like it would have been clearer, if like in the original schedule, multiverse came out 6 weeks after wandavision. Instead we get all of these positives about Olsen’s performance, emmys, praise, that a lot of people forget that the show ended with Wanda going bad. The show was an explanation for how Avengers Wanda became evil Scarlet Witch Wanda.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            that’s a fair assessment. I do think Wanda did some healing around Vision in Wandavision but now has shifted focus to the boys. and I think there’s a lot of metaphors to trauma and addiction. Wanda having a breakthrough and then quickly relapsing even harder into dark magic. Recovery is never linear and it’s even harder to do it alone. The moments where Wanda does heal are the moments she’s offered empathy, kindness and real community (not the bullshit idea of community society dictates to us through sitcoms and cliched narratives). I still think her storyline was rushed, and maybe if there was ever a season two of Wandavision her relapse could be fleshed out ever more.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i agree with this completely. also – it was fucking cool watching her wreck shit. 

      • lmh325-av says:

        That is kind of frequently Wanda’s deal. I assume we are going to follow the good ol’ comic trope of Wanda goes evil, Wanda gets better, Wanda finds her reincarnated boys and goes evil again, Wanda gets better cos we have a bigger bad to confront, Wanda goes evil. She’s an interesting character and I like things that have been done with her over the years, but that is sort of her cycle.

      • lorcancb-av says:

        Yeah. Wanda is always a tragic character. She is insanely powerful. But they could’ve let things breathe between Wandavision and Doctor Strange 2. To be fair to the story, she lost her brother, found love and was forced to kill him, then created life seemingly out of nothing (turns out those kids did really exist, just elsewhere) and told she can’t have that either. It would be traumatic enough for anyone.Edit: This is a fault on the audience and the studio. The audience is expected to keep all this in mind and the studio put out so many products that it’s hard for the audience to keep up.I bet if you saw Age of Ultron then Civil War, Infinity War, Endgame then WandaVision, you might get a direct storyline.

    • Sarah-Hawke-av says:

      That’s the thing, sadly, she didn’t have an arc, it wasn’t rushed, it was nonexistant!Genuinely the worst written Marvel movie (and there have been some stinkers lol).The chase scenes were neat though.

      • necgray-av says:

        Agreed. I gave not a single shit about any of this CGI shitstorm with the exception of how colossally they fucked the characterization of Wanda. Why spend an entire Disney+ streaming show getting us to empathize with her only to Women Be Crazy her in this nothingburger? And good lord do I hate the MCU version of Stephen “I quip like Spider-Man for some reason” Strange. I’ve seen a Professor Impossible reference in the comments and I gotta say, I fucking WISH the MCU Strange was like Doctor Orpheus.

        • papaneedsabrandnewusername-av says:

          I feel like blackula hunting isn’t in vogue at Disney

        • pinkkittie27-av says:

          And we get that one great moment with Professor X of what was going on inside! I was very sad they didn’t do more with that part.

        • rodeorain-av says:

          He doesn’t quip like spider-man. He’s sarcastic, and feels the need to act in a way that continuously asserts he thinks he’s the smartest person in the room. So, he quips like Iron Man.

          I do 100% agree that his quips are very annoying and feel forced to fit the MCU mold rather than the character though.

      • ohnoray-av says:

        I mean she did have her Wandavision grief arc from moving out of denial into acceptance, and not fitting into the tidy narrative people like to tell themselves about trauma and pain (hence the sitcom format). I would have been fine with Wanda moving into the denial/delusion stage again if there was a more coherent triggering event. She just skips the town she fucked up and then immediately behaves worse lol. Would have been better if Strange pulled some similar shit to bring back a dead Christine, and then Wanda’s rage would have been rightfully vengeful towards this dude doing exactly what she tried to do. It would be less Women Be Crazy, and more “men get away with the things women are accused of as being crazy” all the time.

        • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

          Hell, the whole plan of “murder a child so I can murder another me and kidnap another version of my children” made zero sense in the context of WV!They were clearly setting up her doing “Whatever it Takes” to gain enough power that they could exist outside of the hex, a la the Strange from What If who destroyed his universe…which is a much more interesting villain than the axe murderer we got.

        • soylent-gr33n-av says:

          Would have been better if Strange pulled some similar shit to bring back a dead Christine, and then Wanda’s rage would have been rightfully vengeful towards this dude doing exactly what she tried to do. And multi-verse Strange from What If? did that, ripping apart several multi-verses as a result. And since this movie already was heavily tied into one D+ series, why not two?I watched Multiverse of Madness for the first time last night, and while I enjoyed Raimi’s bug-nuts directing style, I was disappointed in the story. And also disappointed we didn’t get more of a look at the Evil Dead-style dispatchings of the Illuminati, but demands of PG-13, and all.(Release the Raimi cut, Disney!)

      • leobot-av says:

        Thank you. Totally agree. They did some nice work building up the complexity of her character and her grief in WandaVision, and then, boom: This flat CGI mess.

        • croig2-av says:

          I hated this movie. I’ve long  hated what they did to Wanda in the comics, and I was happy that WandaVision seemed to be a more nuanced take (like how the MCU Civil War was a vast improvement of the comics Civil War)But no, they just went there anyway and ruined WandaVision retroactively, filled this movie with stunt guest stars (which seems to be what these films pivot on nowadays), and cornered the edge-lord fanboy market with the gruesome deaths. At least the comics had the guts to have her slaughtering her actual Avengers teammates. Whatever my feelings on this particular Wanda story, it felt really out of place not happening with the Avengers and instead in a Dr. Strange solo movie. What a way to rob both characters of relevance.

      • tamdai-av says:

        Also agreed. This was such an awful film. Wanda, and Wandavision, deserve so much more than this.

    • drips-av says:

      Really? Finally watched it last night and i hated that whole part. I dunno, a bunch of gruesome deaths just rubs me the wrong way here. But I agree Wanda’s heel turn (and later face turn) felt rushed and unearned.

    • jomonta2-av says:

      Reed Richards, the “smartest man alive”, stands ten feet in front of a powerful enemy and is immediately killed. Something doesn’t add up here.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    John Krasinski didn’t bring any charm to Reed Richards, so that fancast either backfired or was on point.

  • cosmiagramma-av says:

    I’m not a big Marvel fanboy, although I do follow the movies, but if I were a fan wouldn’t I be kind of put off by it? Like, if they did my fancast for a certain character and then the guy obviously phoned it in and died in five minutes, I’d be kinda let down, right?

    • sui_generis-av says:

      …and then the guy obviously phoned it in….
      opinions are wonderful things, aren’t they?

    • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

      As I’m often reminded by MCU fanboys, it’s not that deep. They just want a moment of recognition where they can exclaim “That’s that thing from the other thing!” and then move on.

    • jc---av says:

      Plus he was a bland, annoying idiot who went “I’ll stop you, evil-doer!” and then was killed IMMEDIATELY. It would be a terrible introduction for a Reed Richards with that face. 

      • kleptrep-av says:

        Hey he wasn’t like “I’ll stop you evil-doer” he was all like “Yo Wanda you think you’re going to win, you can’t Black Bolt will kill you with his voice, the only way you’ll win would be if you used a magic spell to cause Black Bolt to not be able to speak then that would cause all of us to die but come on you’re the Scarlet Witch, the greatest magic spelling person in all the multiverse, like you’d know a way to stop someone from speaking like you’d know a way to sew Black Bolt’s mouth together so that he literally can’t speak and then afterwards you’d make mincemeat out of us all. Like you’d be able to do that, don’t be ridiculous dude that’s impossible.” I’m paraphrasing it here but he was responsible for the entire massacre of The Illuminati. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “but if I were a fan wouldn’t I be kind of put off by it?”


  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    the Illuminati—consisting of a bunch of fan-favorite cameos from beloved
    superheroes and actors, as well as Black Bolt of the Inhumans.

    Well, at least Anson Mount is beloved.

    • justsomeguyyoumightknow-av says:

      He’s great, but the Inhumans series was absolutely abysmal. 

      • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

        I feel bad for him, because he fuckin LOVES this stuff, and he’s just great, but he gets cast in Ike Perlmutter’s shitty spite project? Not right

    • swans283-av says:

      I like him in Hell on Wheels, and kind of wish he wasn’t in Star Trek or the Inhumans lol

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Inhumans was… underwhelming.
        But Anson’s Pike is arguably the best captain Discovery ever had, and I’m enjoying his captaincy of Enterprise.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          “the best captain Discovery ever had”

        • drips-av says:

          Hell, his Pike is quickly climbing to my favorite Captain, period. (Sorry, Jean Luc, but your new show has reaaally shit all over your character)

          • Mr-John-av says:

            He’s just so magnetic in the role, he really captures how much awe and fun exploring the universe would be. 

      • nilus-av says:

        He’s actually pretty great on Strange New Worlds.  

        • maulkeating-av says:

          I’d like to get into the new Treks a bit more, but I wish they’d stop with the JJ Abrams bullshit for the cinematography. It’s not as bad as the movies, but there’s still too much bloom and lens flare, and ultra-tight long lens that gently wobble, as well as the forced bokeh. Gives the whole thing an iPhone video aesthetic.

        • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

          No actually required! Mount’s Pike was rock solid from day 1. Discovery has many problems, but he wasn’t one of them.

      • Mr-John-av says:

        He’s stunningly good in Star Trek. 

      • mattthewsedlar-av says:

        You might be alone on that Star Trek opinion. Captain Pike forever! (OK yes, he will suffer a terrible accident and be disfigured forever)

      • erakfishfishfish-av says:

        Hell On Wheels was such a bizarre show. It was bad. Like, really bad. But the performances were so good (especially Christopher Heyerdahl as The Swede) that I kept finding myself going back to it.

        • genejenkinson-av says:

          This is a perfect summation of why I couldn’t rock with the show but also found myself watching a lot of it

    • tigernightmare-av says:

      I first saw him in the short lived, pretty good crime show from 2003, Line of Fire, where he played an undercover FBI agent who had to seriously injure himself to sell his deception.

    • Mr-John-av says:

      I love Anson Mount but did he really need to tweet a gif of himself in costume just under a week after the movie came out?! 

    • gargsy-av says:

      Ouch? Are there people who loved Inhumans? People that LIKED it?

    • triohead-av says:

      “consisting of a bunch of fan-favorite cameos from beloved superheroes and actors, as well as… …ONE OF THE BEST GIMMICK COMMENTERS THE AV CLUB EVER HAD!!!”fixed that for them

    • h4rl0ck-av says:

      Good to see him in cowl!

  • mrfallon-av says:

    Gentlemen!  We cannot afford to fail again.  We must make a Fantastic Four movie at all costs!  

    • lmh325-av says:

      Strange made the joke, but it’s legit what I want – 60’s set super campy Fantastic Four. It would work! 

      • mrfallon-av says:

        I mean, that’s the only way it could possibly work. The “problem” (insofar as it is one) is that the inherent nature of these characters is that they belong in wackadoo high-camp 60s sitcom. That’s what they were built for.  The insistence on inserting them into the kind of story they can’t support is the problem.

        • lmh325-av says:

          And frankly with the multiverse, you could just be like Earth 9 Billion is just always the 60s! Problem solved lol. Or time travel for that matter. Cap gets frozen and we all went along for that ride. If the next Avengers movie was just like “something something wormhole” I’d be on board. Same with the X-Men. 

          • lshell1-av says:

            I always liked Movie Bob’s proposal for doing The Fantastic Four that way.

  • lmh325-av says:

    I’m also sure that if Krasinski and Blunt said they wanted to do it, Feige would probably be okay with that.

  • yoloyolo-av says:

    This seems like typical Marvel lying, right? Like, we know Marvel is trying to make a Fantastic Four movie, and Krasinski seems like the level of fame they would hire to be Reed Richards (unless he’s trying to be Clint Eastwood and only direct). And I don’t know why they would hire someone that prominent to make a cameo.Smells like Andrew Garfield swearing on his life that he’s not going to be in No Way Home.

    • lilnapoleon24-av says:

      Of course you don’t know why they hired someone so promiment for a cameo, why would you know anything about why the mcu does what it does?

    • flohammad-av says:

      If it’s not “Marvel lying”, it’s at least AV Club referencing a speculative clickbait article from CBR, for God’s sake, because that’s apparently the backwards world we live in. I haven’t heard the original interview, of course, but at very least I think the text leaves some room for interpretation.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      Andrew Garfield for Reed Richards!

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        That…could actually work, maybe?

        • mrfurious72-av says:

          Right? It would be kind of different energy than what we’re used to with RR, but he’s a hell of an actor and has demonstrated that he can play a genius.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i’m also almost positive they announced that he would be coming back like 3 weeks ago.

    • surprise-surprise-av says:

      I feel like they have to, lest they face the wrath of angry fanboys. But, I also wonder if bringing him back would really confuse people who struggle with the whole multiverse thing.

      I feel like Disney may be getting a little too high concept for their own good. I’ve seen people’s brains break trying to wrap their heads around the idea that Buzz Lightyear from Buzz Lightyear is a fictional character who the Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story was based on.

    • proteuswest-av says:

      Matt Damon is arguably a bigger name and he made a cameo as an actor playing Loki in Ragnarok. The Quicksilver actor came in to do a few episodes of WandaVision, only to have him be a puppet controlled by Agatha and a Boehner joke.  Maybe Krasinski gets the part, but trolling the fan base or doing unexpected stuff is pretty on-brand for Marvel.

  • arrowe77g-av says:

    meaning Krasinski was chosen just for that reason and not for anything he brought to the role as an actor, which may be a real shock to anyone who saw his incredibly magnetic performance in the film.

    Is this sarcasm? On this site, I can no longer tell anymore. It feels like sarcasm, but I don’t know why we would dump on a guy’s performance for a 2 minutes, stupidly-written cameo. It’s not like Patrick Stewart (once a popular fan-casting who proved indeed perfect for the role) did wonders with what he got…

  • maulkeating-av says:

    There’s only one Reed Richards I’ll acceptSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiience…?

  • sui_generis-av says:

    …done because “fans had a dream of who the perfect Reed Richards would
    be”—meaning Krasinski was chosen just for that reason and not for
    anything he brought to the role as an actor….I think some folks are reading way too much into his comments, first off all. Secondly, if they do recast the role for the actual FF movie, they’re going to have to get someone SPECTACULARLY well-suited for the role, to not make them feel like a letdown after Krasinski. They’ve built themselves quite a wall to have to scale later on.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    meaning Krasinski was chosen just for that reason and not for anything he brought to the role as an actor, which may be a real shock to anyone who saw his incredibly magnetic performance in the film.

    • brunonicolai-av says:

      Read like obvious sarcasm to me, but I do remember being struck by how uncomfortable and wooden he seemed when I watched it. I thought he was absolutely terrible next to the others that were in his scenes. Then again, this site is good at incoherent snark these days so maybe they really don’t even know.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        There is an open question of how many (if any) of the people he was “next to” were ever actually in his presence (as the article points out, Olsen never met the man) which might put a dimmer on his performance.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      I had the same reaction.  Just confusion.  If you’re gonna be a snarky jackass, make your intentions clear!

  • nilus-av says:

    Fan casting idea do sometimes work out though.  Patrick Stewart was always first choice for Professor X by fans and he did a great job with the character.  Krasinski, not so much but he was only in five minutes.  Personally I want my Reed to be much colder and nerdier which I don’t think Kraskinski can do 

    • bc222-av says:

      “Personally I want my Reed to be much colder and nerdier which I don’t think Kraskinski can do”Rainn Wilson it is!

  • bc222-av says:

    “Marvel Studios is looking for a big name to replace , and that big name won’t necessarily want to be stuck with John Krasinski’s Mr. Fantastic.”Unless… the director is John Krasinski!

  • erictan04-av says:

    Boo…! Kevin Feige, what’s wrong with perfect casting? Or are they gonna be doing all sort of changes for more inclusivity and stuff?

  • jgp1972-av says:

    I never thought he looked much like Reed. Stephen Colbert looks like Redd. And i cant buy Krasinski as a genius, no way, nope.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Why do people want this to be true so bad? He’d be good in the role. Why would he have signed on to do this if it didn’t lead to other things? Who do you guys want as Mr. Fantastic??

    • rfmayo-av says:

      Someone who looks like the character, and could convincingly play him, preferably. (I’ll admit here that the only other things I’ve seen Krasinski in are The Office and his Brief Interviews with Hideous Men adaptation, so maybe there’s something wonderful in his filmography that I’m unaware of that makes him an ideal RR…?)

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      He could’ve signed on because it was an easy couple of days’ work, and because it might somewhat satisfy the fans who’ve been calling for him to get the role a bit, without him having to make a huge commitment. Dunno about Krasinski specifically, but some actors are put off by the idea of having a longterm Marvel contract where you have to be available for appearances in six or more movies, and they’re not always looking for roles that “lead to other things.”As for who else I’d rather see cast…someone joked about Andrew Garfield, and I’m shocked at how not-bad that is. As an actor, I’ve seen him credibly portray intelligence and cluelessness—sometimes at the same time—which I think is a core Reed Richards thing. Physically, he’s not very tall but he has the beanpole thing going on and a neck that looks pretty giraffe-ish to start with. It could work.

      • rfmayo-av says:

        That’s a really good call, although I expect already a hard sell after he played Spider-Man, and even harder now that he’s actually played Spider-Man in the MCU.A while ago I saw someone suggest Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who seems like a good enough fit imho. My mad dream casting is Luke Evans – he’s done some garbage in the past I’m sure, but he was phenomenal in High Rise and although that character is definitely not Reed Richards I’d be intrigued to see if he’d be as compelling to watch within the MCU. Plus he’d be (I think?) the first out queer actor in a major MCU role. (Depends whether you count Tessa Thomson’s Valkyrie as ‘major’…)

    • refinedbean-av says:

      I actually think the guy from Netflix’s You would be perfect – an intense, obviously intelligent “other” who sometimes forgets to hide the fact that he sees other people as fascinating or annoying objects.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Mannnn MCU fans are a bunch of fucking whiners this year.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    This is a Sam Barsanti article so I assume this is just %100 hacky neckbeard snark.

  • drips-av says:

    This version of Reed Richards meets a grisly death at the hands of Elizabeth Olsen

    Did he though? honestly I think out of all those deaths, his could be the most easily “undone”. Maybe he could reconstruct himself in time.Not counting Captain Marvel, because I refuse to believe one of the most powerful people in the.. universe(?) is gonna die from getting a big rock dropped on her.

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      because I refuse to believe one of the most powerful people in the.. universeThat was the other one. Maybe this one’s not so powerful.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      I think his head pops off his body. So probably not. 

  • shadymacshuyster-av says:

    Not to be nitpicky but wouldn’t that be weird? All the characters in the alternate universes are played by the same actor in every universe. A different person might be Captain Marvel or the Sorcerer Supreme or whatever but Reed Richard’s isn’t a TITLE, it’s a person. Just as Strange was played by Cumberbatch (with ludicrous makeup) in the different universes, and Wanda played by Olsen, it would break the pattern if Reed Richard’s was played by a different actor.I mean, whatever. I don’t actually care about any of it. But it would be weird if somebody else took over the role.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      On the other hand, there were 3 different Peters Parker.

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      Why?  Three different looking Spider-Mans met each other in the Marvel film that came out just prior to this.  And only maybe 50% of Lokis looked like Hiddleston.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      each of the multiverse movies seem to have different rules. this one they were all the same actor, loki’s were super different down to the species, spider-man (both spider-verse and no way home) seem to have completely different guys (except it also seemed like jake johnson’s and chris pine’s were meant to look alike?).don’t forget what if, where they were all cartoons.

    • lmh325-av says:

      There is the Peter Parker and the Loki precedent, but you could also just cast younger or older to skirt that issue if you really cared.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    “a decision made by Kevin Feige”Even though it obviously wasn’t the case, the way this article was framed, it comes across as the one person who had no input was John Krasinski.I can see Kevin Feige decreeing it from his office and then not much later as John is about to start eating his cereal one morning, a hand suddenly comes down on his shoulder from a very large man in a suit.“You have to come with us to play Mr Fantastic in the new Doctor Strange movie.”“But I didn’t even ask to-”“Mr Feige said now, Mr Kransinki.”“Uh OK. How long-”“No more questions Mr Kransinki. The car is outside and we leave immediately.”

  • aninsomniac-av says:

    which may be a real shock to anyone who saw his incredibly magnetic performance in the film.Is this snark? Because he was incredibly wooden in his performance. Mr. Fantastic is not bland action American Jack Ryan.

  • Axetwin-av says:

    This is as far as he knows.  WE know that Feige likes his secrets and doesn’t always tell the directors and writers everything.  If Feige asked for it personally, then it’s not just a one off bit.  Either Krasinski will be back in the role, or someone else will be.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    I mean what else does he got going on?And why wouldn’t marvel want him

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    Translation:  We’re still working on signing Krasinski to direct the FF movie.  

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Saw this last Friday … pretty good. Mrs. F. and I agreed what happens to Richards is … gruesome.

  • the-hebrewhammer-av says:

    Considering that every Wanda and every Stephen and every Christine, and every pair of twins we saw were all played by the same actors I don’t think it’s obvious that he won’t be our Reed Richards. It was definitely fan service but him appearing there doesn’t exclude him as being the main one as well. And until we see the X-Men movie I’m still not convinced that Evan Peters role in Wandavision was just a gag either, especially with Patrick Stewart as Professor X appearing right after. 

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Sam Raimi confirms that John Krasinski’s Doctor Strange cameo was nothing but fan service”

    No, he didn’t confirm it was “nothing but” fan service, he merely confirmed that it was fan service.

    Guess what? Sam Raimi is NOT a producer in the MCU, he doesn’t make ANY casting decisions, and as a work-for-hire director he absolutely would not be included in the discussions of who they may or may not cast as Reed Richards if/when they do a FF movie.

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    As reported by Comic Book Resources, the commentary track for Multiverse Of Madness features a moment where Raimi notes that Krasinski playing Reed Richards was a decision made by Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige and that it was specifically done because “fans had a dream of who the perfect Reed Richards would be”You buried the lede here, guys!  I am shocked to find out that people still buy physical media or, even stranger, that they still listen to commentary tracks!

  • coffeeandkurosawa-av says:

    Just because it’s fan casting doesn’t mean it’s not a solid choice. I was hopeful we’d see Krasinski in the role in the future, but alas. 

  • jimbjohn-av says:

    John David Washington would be an amazing Mr. Fantastic.

  • mattthewsedlar-av says:

    Someone pointed out in another article, why do characters like Reed and Peter Parker look different in other universes but Strange (and Christine, I guess) always looks the same?

    • dukethompson-av says:

      If the MCU is heading toward a second Secret Wars/Battleworld storyline like many seem to think, it may have to do with who they want to continue in the roles after the universes implode and combine into one and/or set them up to have new actors portray the same heros after the ones from “our” marvel universe are wiped out. I.e. an Iron Man from an alternate universe who didn’t die defeating Thanos and could be played by a new actor and still interact with the cast we know and love because they were not wiped out in the incursions

    • lmh325-av says:

      Multiverses is infinite. Presumably, if they went to enough of them they’d find a different Christine, different Strange. They touched on the idea that some universes are super similar and some super different. We saw this in Loki as well and He Who Remains sort of eluded to the different variants he has from different times etc in his monologue.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    I always thought Timothy Olyphant would be a fun Reed Richards. 

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Yes, because Kevin Feige is going to confide each and every bit of his plans for the future to a guy who hadn’t made a movie in nine years.

  • qwerty11111-av says:

    That seems obvious in retrospect, since Marvel wouldn’t have blown the big moment of revealing the MCU’s Mr. Fantastic in a one-off cameoYou mean like Samuel L. Jackson appearing unannounced as Nick Fury in the Iron Man credits to talk about the Avenger Initiative? No, Marvel definitely wouldn’t do that.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    MCU toxic fans fucking suck. They were spoon fed up until Endgame and now they complain about every fucking little thing. I saw another comment on here insisting Marvel would never cast Krasinski and then dump him on another director (for the Fantastic Four film) like that…

    You guys realize Black Panther was introduced in Civil War (directed by the Russos) and then Boseman was dumped onto Coogler for the solo film right?

    Quit acting like it’s never happened before and seriously stoooop bitching about the MCU. It’s getting really fucking annoying.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    MCU fans need to grow the fuck up. Ever since that Mephisto WandaVision nonsense. THE WORLD DOESN’T REVOLVE AROUND YOU, CHILL THE FUCK OUT. Fuck.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    toxic MCU fans need to find anything to grasp at to complain about to veil their racism and misogyny toward the fact that the MCU is introduce more ethnic and female heroes now. There I said it. 

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    now go find somewhere else to masturbate, you incels.

  • donkeyshaunjr-av says:

    They should cast Rainn Wilson as the 616 Reed and they can have an eternal rivalry 

  • mbiggs31183-av says:

    This movie was a prime example as to why Sam Raimi should not be allowed near any film. Ever. There was so much corn in this film I’m still picking it out of my teeth. Thank God he didn’t write it or it would’ve been 100x worse.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    If it weren’t for fan service I wouldn’t get no service at all.

  • thelambs-av says:

    Right, so let’s not use the guy who is perfect for the role, who is a fan favorite, and is married to another fan favorite who would also crush her role. Let’s also ignore the fact that he’s an excellent writer and director himself.All for . . . reasons.

  • czarmkiii-av says:

    The Fantastic 4 are like Hulk. They are excellent supporting characters but as the lead in something I don’t think they can really bring much to the table as far as gravitas. I love Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk but I just don’t think the character can really pull as a headliner. The FF are the same way.

    Dr. Doom as a villain how ever does pull as a solo antagonist however as does Galactus.  

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