Sam Richardson on Veep, the demise of Detroiters, and his all-time favorite Pistons

TV Features Interview

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Sam Richardson is probably best known for playing the well-meaning but naïve Chief Of Staff Richard Splett on Veep, and for co-creating and starring in the now-defunct Comedy Central show Detroiters. In honor of the final season of Veep, we sat down with Richardson to talk about his time on the show, the unfortunate demise of Detroiters, and his favorite Detroit Pistons.


  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Sam Richardson steals every scene; Peter MacNicol does, too. Put Richard and Uncle Jeff together and I lose it every time:

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    Detroiters should have run for at least four more seasons!

  • skibo91-av says:

    The end of the Bickens Bones pitch is the hardest I can remember laughing at a TV show.

  • eatthecheesenicholson2-av says:

    Dammit I miss Detroiters so much. It’s up there with Another Period and (hopefully not!) Corporate in the list of great Comedy Central shows that never really found an audience. 

  • itsbeach-av says:

    Detroiters needs more seasons. It was one of the most delightful and funny shows on television. I assume that Sam is insinuating that the Comedy Central demographic has aged out for shows like this and Detroiters would have done better on streaming services. I hope it gets another life. 

  • cpz92-av says:

    It’s a shame that Comedy Central will barely put anything up on the streaming services. Broad City on Hulu is the only one I can think of off hand. GIVE US REVIEW DAMN IT!

    • atosaizo-av says:

      Review used to be on Hulu, that’s where I watched all but the last season. I think they may have added that too, but then took the whole show off not long after. Either way, I wish they kept it on there and I give their decision zero stars!

  • randomironicname-av says:

    Detroiters was so good. I stumbled into it because they didn’t promote much at all. I bet it would thrive if they could sell it off to Netflix

  • mmmm-again-av says:

    Vinnie the Microwave!!Nothing cooler than seeing the Pistons in the hole by 5-10, pop Vinnie Johnson in for 3-5 minutes and POW! A 4 point lead, just like that!!

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