Sam Smith wore devil horns at the Grammys and conservatives are losing it

The satanic panic never seems to end, especially when a queer artist takes the stage

Aux News Sam Smith
Sam Smith wore devil horns at the Grammys and conservatives are losing it
Sam Smith performing at the 2023 Grammy Awards Photo: Timothy Norris/FilmMagic

As similarly seen with Lil Nas X’s devilish “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” promotion in 2021, conservatives have their satanic panic panties in a twist over last night’s performance from Sam Smith and Kim Petras. The two took the Grammys stage for a performance of their song “Unholy,” which won the award for Best Pop Duo Or Group Performance.

In addition to Petras making history as the first out transgender woman to win in the category, she and Smith stoked the flames of controversy with a fiery, hell-themed performance—much to conservative’s chagrin.

Bone-headed political abomination Ted Cruz added his two cents last night, calling the set “…evil.” Majorie Taylor-Green also tweeted about the performance, fit with a Pfizer conspiracy too dim-witted to even bother breaking down.

Aside from the blatant thematic ties to “Unholy,” Petras says the red-laced performance was inspired by the duo’s experience with religious institutions.

“I think a lot of people, honestly, have kind of labeled what I stand for and what Sam stands for as religiously not cool, and I personally grew up wondering about religion and wanting to be a part of it but slowly realizing it didn’t want me to be a part of it,” Petras tells Variety. “So it’s a take on not being able to choose religion. And not being able to live the way that people might want you to live, because as a trans person I’m already not kind of wanted in religion. So we were doing a take on that and I was kind of hellkeeper Kim.”

Like the discussion around Lil Nas X and his striptease with the devil, conservatives love to ignore storytelling context, opting to spout off nonsense about queer and trans artists pedaling out satanism and immoral lifestyles to—oh my—the children. It all feeds into the conspiracy that Hollywood’s trying to cause the collapse of society and poison the next generation, a dated but enduring theory.

Ultimately it’s boring, cyclical tripe that seeks to villainize artists from the LGBTQ+ community, but it’s not without its consequences. With anti-trans bills ravaging states such as the Cruz-led Texas, the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric of the satanic panic unfortunately motivates political repercussions. Over the last year, bills all over the U.S. have emerged looking to eliminate trans-affirming care, and even the mere existence of drag shows.

This form of political violence works on a macro and micro level. Smith—who came out as non-binary in 2019—has reflected on how it has impacted their experience with the public, citing verbal and physical harassment.

“What people don’t realize with trans non-binary people in the U.K. is it’s happening in the street. I’m being abused in the street verbally more than I ever have,” they recently told Apple Music’s Zane Lowe. “So that was the hardest part, I think, was being at home in the U.K. and having people shouting at me in the street. Someone spat at me in the street. It’s crazy.”


  • tommymartinhagen-av says:

    Sam Smith wore devil horns at the Grammys and conservatives are losing it; the satanic panic never seems to end, especially when a queer artist takes the stageJKR wrote that there are two biological sexes on Twitter and liberals are losing it; the scientific panic never seems to end, especially when a conservative artist takes the stage

    See how easy that was? Maybe next time try not to cheapen the discussion by acknowledging only stupid takes.

    • shartinyourjacuzzi-av says:

      Okay then, tell us: what’s the reasonable, thoughtful conservative take on Sam’s devil horns?

      • tommymartinhagen-av says:

        That it’s one’s choice to associate themselves with that kind of iconography and it’s on their own conscience, not anyone else’s.

        See? That wasn’t so hard. But I guess it’s easier to make a whole article out of Ted Cruz’s idiotic opinions and thus making them matter enough to report on them, pretending as if he didn’t disgrace himself before and his opinions are stupid.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      What’s the “discussion” being cheapened here? I don’t think the conservative outrage over Smith’s choice of attire has any basis in a legitimate review of his music or image.And, no, conservatives getting pissy about a pair of devil horns is not the same as people upset a prominent author is pushing anti-trans hate speech.

    • madgekin-av says:

      lol “scientific panic” Maybe post something that exists before asking bout it?

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Maybe stop with the stupid fucking takes.

      • tommymartinhagen-av says:

        Maybe stop reporting on “stupid fucking takes” and enabling people behind them even further.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Yeah, these guys are all taking their culture war cues from entertainment blogs.

          • tommymartinhagen-av says:

            Yeah, these guys are all enabled by any publicity from any source. They thrive on it.Keep reporting on anything dumbasses like Cruz write. That’ll definitely silence them!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You’re right: let’s just allow them to speak directly to their bases without reporting what’s going on to everyone else.  That will sure help us understand things.

          • tommymartinhagen-av says:

            Yes! Instead of limiting the reach of their opinions, let’s just keep reporting every stupid thing they say so it can be spread even further for more dumbasses to realize that, hey, we can be dumbasses in public too! That’s what we need: more idiots realizing they can be idiots and making lives of others insufferable.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            This take clearly comes from thoughtful and dispassionate consideration.

          • tommymartinhagen-av says:

            This comes from a thoughtful and dispassionate consideration because apparently it seems that there are people who don’t mind that kind of thing and are happy with this sort of reporting like a pig in sh!t, they don’t consider that sh!t slaps so there are others who want to avoid it, because sh!t is supposed to be in a barn, not in a civilized place. And yet there are that kind of reports which bring sh!t fron the barn straight into the living room.

            Get it now?

  • leobot-av says:

    It must be so boring to have it required by your identity to immediately throw up arms without any critical thinking involved when you see something akin to a red devil, which itself is just a hilarious caricature of some vague representation of evil.I have a tattoo of Reclining Pan, which is a very nifty sculpture. But Pan is really interesting to read about; he was a weird dude who got some aspects of himself borrowed by Christianity. Anyway: It’s obviously not really about the devil horns or the red but I guess some conservatives will use what they can get.

    • squigleysquirel-av says:

      Non-binary, red, flames, trans inclusion, sexy time dancing. You would think if those “outraged” over this were really that concerned, watching the performance should cause their heads to explode.

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Agreed, like getting up in arms when you see people acknowledge basic biology.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Are you trying to suggest that evil is a complex human phenomenon that has plagued all societies throughout history, and not just a man in red silk pyjamas with horns and a pointy beard? Pshaw!

  • dirtside-av says:

    Can someone please remind these people that they should keep their made-up fairy tales to themselves

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Nope! We’re guaranteed by The Constitution. Unless we’re not, in which case the constitution is not clear on this matter and must be interpreted by God Himself, through His righteous mouths on earth, the GOP.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      The only thing dumber than thinking wearing devil horns is “edgy” is taking the bait.That said, why do you think these (dumb) people you disagree with should not be allowed to share their (dumb) ideas out loud?

      • dirtside-av says:

        should not be allowed to share their (dumb) ideanobody said this

        • chiswede-av says:

          He just wants to be persecuted real bad

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            “He” is an atheist who increasingly sees atheists do all the same crap they complain about Christians doing.Funny that you’re doing that EXACT thing with your comment. “This person said something I disagree with they must be a bad person”… who does that sound like?

          • chiswede-av says:

            Keep trying harder, maybe someone will persecute you

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          “they should keep their made-up fairy tales to themselves”Didn’t you write that? How do they keep this to themselves without it limiting their ability to share their dumb ideas?

      • dammitspaz-av says:

        Because those dumb people are weaponizing hate and oppression. Much like you cannot legally yell “fire” in a crowded theatre – 1FA be damned – you should also not be allowed to call for the physical abuse of anyone, just because you don’t like them.And especially not when you have the political power to turn that call into the law of the land.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        Better question: what’s with the weak-ass straw man?

        • mr-rubino-av says:

          What you mean? Conservatives are always constantly talking about how they’re being silenced.

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            I’m going to tell all my friends I was accused of being a conservative online today. They’ll enjoy the laugh.I might be the only pacifist, vegetarian, atheist “conservative” in the world!

          • mr-rubino-av says:

            Your friends sound like they need hobbies and have questionable ability to follow a conversation.

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          I mean there is *technically* a difference between telling someone to never speak in public and literally arresting them for it.But if you just tell people you disagree with to shut up… you’re not really a fan of free speech. And you’re not as different from the people telling Sam Smith to not express themself in public. Is that the company you really want to keep?

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      The Supreme Court has decided that your request violates their freedom of religion.

      • beveryman-av says:

        In fact it has done nothing of the sort. As long as the person doing the reminding doesn’t work for the government in some form, it’s all above-board.The First Amendment: Get to know it before you opine on it.

      • madgekin-av says:

        how so? I don’t see random people reminding other people to STFU as something unconstitutional

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Will ya get these lamo’s outta your safe space?

    • walruswarfares-av says:

      I feel the same way about made up genders lmao

    • ftyperbruin-av says:


    • thomasservo-av says:

      Genuinely confused if you mean the conservatives or the artists.I think they can both ease up. There’s nothing new or interesting about using the devil in your art to critique religion. “Why can’t you respect me or love me?! Anyway, here’s me dressed as the only thing worse than Hitler in your eyes.” Seems a bit tired and contradictory.

    • budded-av says:

      Nope, while they simultaneously rant about the dangers of Sharia Law, they literally want the Christian version of it forced on everyone in the US. These people are societal cancer.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Me & ol’ Lucifer, y’know…we’re like this!”

  • frommyhotel-av says:

    Yet again another white artist appropriating from a black artist.  Dude, can’t you troll the conservatives your own way?

  • beertown-av says:

    Periodic reminder that these people never went away after the 80’s, they just lost their previous media/congressional foothold until That Guy came back, and brought Qanon along with him. Now they’ve got a bunch of their own elected, and we get to deal with people who speak in tongues and thrash around on the floor forever!

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      This was all the way up until like Obama’s second term, then barely in the background for a couple years. This is the mainstream conservative

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    I don’t care about the horns, but Sam Smith has been doing the most lately.  I’m not really feeling this ersatz Lady Gaga thing he’s been into.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      They* not he.

      Is is less acceptable to you because you perceive Sam Smith as a man and Lady Ga Ga as a woman? Hundreds of years of male homophobia etc.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Yes, I forgot Sam Smith is nonbinary. It was an oversight; definitely not on purpose.And, no. It’s less acceptable to me because it’s unoriginal and lame.  Nonbinary people are as capable of being unoriginal and lame as cisgender folks.And I’m not male.

        • notlewishamilton-av says:

          Why not read the article before commenting? Then you wouldn’t “forget.” Sheesh.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            That’s true, if I had read the article, I assume it would have reminded me, but I wasn’t in the mood to read about the nonsense complaints of fundies.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Commenter skips article, makes it everyone else’s problem, doesn’t learn anything.”‘Tis a tale as old as time.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            ?? I don’t see how I’ve made it anyone else’s problem, or what makes you think I didn’t “learn anything.” I acknowledged the oversight. I know Sam Smith identifies as they. I forgot. People forget things sometimes. I can’t go back and edit my comment because it’s been over 15 minutes, so tell me what you think the appropriate penance is? If Sam were here I would sincerely apologize to their face. Sam is not here, but if it helps I put the apology out into the universe.

          • terranigma-av says:

            Too late for an apology. You misgendered Sam Smith. We will remember that for the rest of your life.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “so tell me what you think the appropriate penance is”Beats me, I’m not a Catholic.  Talk to your priest.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’m also not Catholic, and know no priests.

          • necgray-av says:

            Him? But he’s so intense!

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            around here it is

          • softsack-av says:

            If you’re gonna adopt or support the use of pronouns that must be learned, as opposed to ones that you can just use intuitively, then
            you have to accept that sometimes people are gonna get them wrong.
            You and the others on this thread do NB people no favors by jumping down people’s throats like this, especially when those people have already corrected themselves.

          • shartinyourjacuzzi-av says:

            Hear hear. I am a parent to a kid who changed pronouns, it’s not like I’m not down with the cause. I still have deadnamed and misgendered him, doesn’t mean I don’t love him, just means I’m old, absent minded, and messed up. After I apologize for my error, I hug him and we move on. He doesn’t continue to berate me afterward.And it happens less often over time. You know, like progress.

          • softsack-av says:

            Glad to hear it! And may I just say, that is a very thoughtful and poignant post for someone with your username. Props.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Yep. It’s parenting. Gonna happen at times.

          • buriedaliveopener-av says:

            no one’s throat is getting jumped down christ

          • mckludge-av says:

            All pronouns, for that matter, all language is learned.

          • softsack-av says:

            All pronouns, for that matter, all language is learned.You are missing my point.
            For everyone in the world, except for non-binary people and a very niche segment of the trans population, you can intuitively discern a person’s pronouns from their external gender presentation. For non-binary people, you cannot – you have to learn them from the individual.

          • tboa-av says:

            This whole site and its affliates has become tabloid trash as it is, why would we value the articles?

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Why should I not behave like an asshole?” is certainly a take.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            You’re the only one acting like an asshole.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            I wish that were true, I really do.

          • charliebrownii-av says:

            Calm down. 

          • notlewishamilton-av says:

            My riposte: Fuck off.

          • RealmRPGer-av says:

            I read the article and these comments, but am not too involved in music, so I’m still slightly confused. Is Petra transgender and Sam Smith nonbinary? If so, the article does not make both those things clear.

          • whaaatt-av says:

            Petras is a trans woman, Sam Smith is nonbinary. 

          • notlewishamilton-av says:

            But did you? Did you really read the article?
            …Petras tells Variety…And not being
            able to live the way that people might want you to live, because as a
            trans person I’m already not kind of wanted in religion…”

            Smith—who came out as non-binary in 2019…

            I don’t care if you misidentify them, that’s not causing me any pain, but don’t claim you read the article that seems to pretty clearly include this information.

        • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

          >>It’s less acceptable to me because it’s unoriginal and lame. Back to the original (valid) point which has now been lost over the pronouns discussion.

      • walruswarfares-av says:

        Looks like a dude and sounds like a dude, probably a dude

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      I, for one, liked the movie “Horns”.

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      Said the same thing after their SNL performance. It was so extra it was downright goofy. They make some pretty good music and has a good voice that stands out from a lot of the others you hear nowadays. Let that shine. The other stuff is just a distraction and has been done already many times over.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Yeah, and to be fair, honestly Lady Gaga has a great voice that stands out on its own, but she was an unknown pretty much when she was doing those avant garde looks, so she was just trying to make herself stand out. Now that she’s all the way famous you notice she’s not doing as much of that anymore. Sam Smith was already famous and everybody liked them, and I’m not against anyone reinventing themselves, but it just seemed like a weak copy. I had the same issue when Taylor Swift reinvented herself as almost-Beyonce for a while.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    With a track record of voter suppression; denying abortion rights; demonizing people on public assistance; starting a war on drugs while taking bribes from Big Pharma and spreading opioids; anti-LGBTQ enforecement; anti-CRT; refusing to enact health care for all, refusing to ban guns, converting park land into oil wells;supporting Russia for oil; an attempted coupe; and vetoing key infrastructure bills, and killing families in the winter.

    But Republicans think some guy in a Devil costume is the bad guy? LMFAO!

  • recognitions-av says:
  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    “Ultimately it’s boring, cyclical tripe”The AV Club

  • mister-sparkle-av says:
  • jonathan-pdx-av says:

    The right are going to continue to attack and threaten the lives of LGBTQ+ folks, but get ready for them to absolutely lose their minds the day the communities under attack begin defending themselves.

    • necgray-av says:

      Oh for sure! You already saw this in how they responded to the armed members of BLM at the Floyd protests. Those were “thugs”. But Proud Boys with ARs storming the capital? Nah, those are “patriots”.I do not like or support guns. But if there was a group of armed gays at a Pride Parade in an open carry state, more power to ya.

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    Just as bad as the white supremacist panic.

    • drips-av says:

      Got your “good white linens” back from the dry cleaners today I see…

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        By all means prove me wrong: what percentage of murders in 2022 were committed by white supremacists? Show me the panic is justified. I’ll even let your feeble attempt to label me racist slide, cuz I’m that nice.Bonus points if you say “The FBI said so”.  Do it.

        • drips-av says:

          Dude. Literally your last dozen posts (sorry I couldn’t stomach to go back farther… further?) have been you moaning about how white people are the REAL victims in society. At least find a new song to play.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            “I guess I need to catch up, I only saw like half the first episode.”That is one of my past dozen posts. Hey son: break down where I mention whites, etc. Now. Do this one too:“Was this really a remake we needed? But still, it could be good I suppose.”Or do you need to be taught what words mean?  I can teach you if you want.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            That’s his “Stairway to Heaven”.
            His “Born To Run” is “Tim Allen couldn’t possibly have flashed Pam Anderson because there wasn’t a team of witnesses with cameras in the room with them.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            And Joe Biden is a rapist, right?

          • ooklathemok3994-av says:

            Rockwells’ bit is being a racist. You probably don’t see it much, but this dipshit is down here in the greys ranting nonsense like its a full time job. Every once in a while they get let out of the basement and gleefully proceeds to shit all over the house.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Where is the racism?  Show me son.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I’m just fascinated that saying racism against whites exists is now racist.If I’d said “whites have it worse than black people” then maybe you would have a point, but I didn’t do that so…I dare you guys to find one post that actually says anything like “whites are the real victims”.  Multiple things can be true at once.  Racism against whites is real and tolerated more than racism against anyone else?  Fact.  Racism against whites is nowhere near as bad as it is against other minorities?  Fact. 

        • chorg-av says:

          hey eat shit

    • madgekin-av says:

      which white supremacists? 

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        There is/was a narrative that we have a flood of white supremacists. It was a panic, acting like one was hiding behind every corner.When I ask what percentage of murders last year were done by white supremacists I am met with silence. Or, my motherfucking fav, “the FBI said so!”.To be fair, progressives eat up misinfo.  They thought you had a 40-50% chance of being hospitalized if you get covid.  It’s less than 1% chance.  Too funny, makes me fucking smile. 

        • madgekin-av says:

          Is there a narrative we have a flood? How many is that? Something conservative like the idea of “racial supremacy” is not going to be super rare in the US

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Agreed, tons of people from different races here probably feel superior to others, not just whites.  Black supremacists harassed the Covington kids, to name one example.
            They never gave an exact definition of how much a “flood” is, they like saying vague shit like that. It’s why I ask for verifiable things like: how many people in 2022 were confirmed murdered by white supremacists? And out of curiosity, are you playing dumb and pretending you never heard this narrative pushed? Or merely disagreeing with me that the narrative was false?

          • madgekin-av says:

            I honestly never heard such a narrative other than there were maybe some more open white supremacists around during the trump admin (which, of course) Though I suppose it also rides on the definition and which one is being used etc.   For example, Trump enjoys dining with open white supremacists, and him and his voters are fine with that.  Does that make them all white supremacists?  Arguably yes.  

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            That’s fair, so Biden has said racist shit, so anyone who votes for him must be racist. Right? Or is it (D)ifferent?

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Thanks for bringing up a totally not relevant topic to complain about other people bringing that topic up when it is relevant.You’re doing great!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            After 3 years of Trump deflections from progressives every time Biden got criticized? You’re very welcome kiddo. Very welcome.You guys sowing: FUCK YEAH THIS IS GREAT!You guys reaping: This fucking sucks

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You did it again.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Maybe you’re right, I should comment on the appropriate article. So link me to the article on AV Club calling out the white supremacist panic, because I can’t find one.Or the alternative: an article calling out the Hogwarts Legacy panic saying it will get trans people killed, I can’t find it either. But link me to them and I will move the discussion there. Thanks in advance for the links!Oh, and feel free to reply with some variation of ‘you did it again” if you need to sport.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            “I desperately need to complain about this thing that bothers me because it’s so ubiquitous and people can’t stop talking about it any chance they get BUT ALSO I’m sad because I can’t find any examples of this ubiquitous thing to complain about so I’m just going to keep talking about it any chance I get.”Also “There is no difference between American right-wing panic about Satan-themed pop music performances that have literally zero actual consequences and left-wing, centrist, and law enforcement fears of the rise of white supremacism following an explosion in hate crimes and white supremacist mass shootings.”You’re a super effective advocate!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            So no insight as to why places like this focus on unwarranted conservative panic, but not unwarranted progressive panic?Noted.
            There wasn’t an explosion of hate crimes. You do know the database we use to determine these has new police departments adding to it each year. So if one year 1,000 PD’s give their states and the next year 1,500 do…there will be more hate crimes. It doesn’t mean they are massively increasing. Good talk.Nuance is a thing too, you can say you’re worried about white supremacy among law enforcement without pretending like there is a white supremacist boogeyman behind every corner.  And the hogwarts legacy panic has no basis in reality either.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Man, you should call the FBI and DHS because you clearly have access to the real data unavailable to them. The DOJ data says you’re full of shit.Notably, no law enforcement agencies are concerned with the rise of devil-themed pop music performances.I know these nonsense false equivalences or like making a claim that can be refuted by examining the data for 15 seconds are all the rage in the “white people with no college degrees” spaces, but you are going to have to try a little harder elsewhere.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            FBI also cleared Kavanaugh. Glad you feel he’s not a rapist.Go on, do a “but that’s (D)ifferent”.  I’ll allow it.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Yes, because years-long enforcement initiatives and the crimes database that has been used for a century is EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING THING AS a 2-day, no-new-witnesses, no-new-evidence, no-following-up-on-existing-leads-except-these-two pro forma supplemental background check extremely tightly proscribed by the White House.Pointing out that the other guys say two different things are different is not particularly effective rhetoric when your audience is anything other than racist dropouts.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            There is that hypocrisy: cherry pick when you trust the FBI and DOJ. You’re a good little progressive. Just like I bet you have an excuse for why every democrat that called to get rid of the filibuster after Biden won was silent whenever they used it under Trump. It’s (D)ifferent. It always is (D)ifferent.If you love the FBI so much you should know they caution against comparing hate crimes on a year by year basis…for the exact reason I listed in a previous post. You will heed their advice and be more mindful in the future, correct?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I trust the FBI in both cases. In the Kavanaugh background check, I trust that, given that they weren’t able to follow any new leads or interview any new witnesses, they weren’t able to produce any information that wasn’t already provided by the existing witnesses. Within the job that they were allowed to do, constructed such that it wouldn’t produce any more evidence, they didn’t produce any more evidence.  I trust that they told the truth about not finding any further evidence, just as I trust that they told the truth when they mentioned that the tip line was routed through the White House so they didn’t have access to any of the tips.These things aren’t hard when you aren’t a fucking idiot.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Your hypocrisy is noted.  But Biden isnt a rapist, right?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You are sure spending a lot of time on some pointless fucking false equivalences and whataboutisms. Surely your side has some real arguments to make, right?Because if this is all you have, it’s a tacit acknowledgment that you’re full of shit and you know it.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            The equivalencies aren’t false, and I thought whataboutism is okay? We see “what about trump” all the god damn time.   Even with this chinese balloon we see it.  Call that out?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You’re doing great.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I accept your surrender.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Saying the same stupid shit until the other person moves on.Savor this lifetime peak.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Take your L son.
            Excited about Hogwarts Legacy? Getting rave reviews.  Gonna be awesome I fucking love that shit.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Incels need some joy, I suppose.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Okay well I hope I gave you some then bro.Just lower your standards, you’ll get pussy then.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Enjoy your awesome little video game about magic children engaging in broom sports, you fearsome culture warrior!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I will, and I will enjoy the fact you probably dont say shit to sad losers playing pokemon.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Hey, whatever you can do to trigger the libs while staying in a cutesy fantasy world of children and not leaving the house, champ!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Exactly, if someone here agreed with your politics and then gushed about playing Pokemon you wouldn’t say a damn thing.But yes I and millions of others will enjoy it. I love seeing journalists getting mad too over the positive reviews. Love that shit 🙂  Why they so fucking mad about a game about kids flying on brooms? 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You seem really, really, really desperate for me to give a fuck about your child wizard video game. I don’t. Most of your culture war shit, like boycotting M&Ms because they don’t get you hard anymore, could not matter less to anyone except as joke fodder.Nobody gives a fuck. Ten years ago, you people were banning Harry Potter for being satanic. We didn’t care then, and we don’t care that you love it now because the writer is bad at Twitter, especially the video game that that writer doesn’t have control over and which apparently introduces a trans character, in part at least to stick it to her and the bigots who suddenly fancy themselves superfans.Have fun!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            “You seem really, really, really desperate for me to give a fuck about your child wizard video game. I don’t. Most of your culture war shit, like boycotting M&Ms because they don’t get you hard anymore, could not matter less to anyone except as joke fodder.:”If laughing at you and your hypocrisy makes me mad, then I’m angry as hell. I do agree the M&M boycott is just as pathetic as the Hogwarts Legacy boycott. Yet I do guarantee you have never ever said shit to people on here(or writers) for liking and playing Pokemon. Your hypocrisy amuses me.
            “Nobody gives a fuck. Ten years ago, you people were banning Harry Potter for being satanic. We didn’t care then, and we don’t care that you love it now because the writer is bad at Twitter, especially the video game that that writer doesn’t have control over and which apparently introduces a trans character, in part at least to stick it to her and the bigots who suddenly fancy themselves superfans.Have fun!”It’s only TRA’s that are bothered by the trans character, they think it is pandering. I personally dont care, after all this is a world of magic, so men becoming women is probably possible there. Not here though.
            I will have fun, as will millions of others, it’s getting great reviews too, thanks kiddo!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            This moron bought a video game because someone told him the other guys are boycotting.It’s not true, dipshit.An incel and his money…

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I didn’t buy it for myself due to the boycott, I love HP and always planned to get it. It’s just the purchase is so so much fucking sweeter cuz dipshits think it’s harmful to play a game.  Did you know TRA’s harassed twitch streamers to the point of causing her to cry for daring to review the game?  AND the money from the stream was being donated to the trevor project, but these worthless assholes, these inferior assholes, dont care.
            What’s not true? I guarantee you havent called out Pokemon players, son. And yes TRA’s ARE whining and calling the trans character pandering.
            Why are you announcing you are easily parted from your money?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Awww adorable!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Progressives are so tolerant, until they arent.First asshole to post and misunderstand the karl popper meme gets a cookie. Folk here love to do that and show their misunderstanding, plus the “you want to improve society” meme they think makes them clever.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You really need to save up these hackneyed memes and only use them in situations when they are remotely relevant. Otherwise you just look like another incel with a big meme collection and no understanding of normal human interaction.Enjoy your children’s entertainment, groomer!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I’m not the one who misuses Karl Popper memes, that is assholes here who do. But nice try.Enjoy your hypocrisy kid 🙂

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            So, your entire fucking life is just outrage farming and then complaining about some things that barely exist but you were able to search and find in other spaces as though they are ubiquitous and not things you tried real, real fucking hard to find? You’re seriously defining your identity by opposition to things maybe three people on the other side ever said or did, most of which is people just monetizing incel outrage?I know you gotta fill the time you spend never, ever talking to girls somehow, but, kid, there are better things even someone like you can do to fill the bleak hours.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I like how you now resort to gaslighting and pretending it was only like 2-3 people who whined about Hogwarts Legacy. Too fucking funny. I’ll allow it though, because it entertains me.Was it a small but obnoxious and worthless minority of people whining? Yeah, but it wasnt like only a couple folk. A gaming forum even banned any mention of it. Another place said it shouldnt be reviewed based on merit alone.  Fuck every worthless TRA harassing people over playing a damn game. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            These things aren’t hard when you aren’t a fucking idiot. Yep.Then again, we’re talking about one of the occasional kinja trolls who like to wander into this left-leaning blog and pretend that it is not, in fact, exactly that.

            Seriously, if I wandered into Breitbart forums or comments, and said some insipid shit like “Lo! There’s partisan HYPOCRISY AFOOT!,” I’d be called a beta cuck and I’d be laughed off the fucking forum. You are sure spending a lot of time on some pointless fucking false equivalences and whataboutisms. That’d be part of the shtick. SEE ALSO: Gish gallop. Saying the same stupid shit until the other person moves on. Also that. It’s all very predictable shit. “If the other person gives up because I made the argument SO dumb, I WIN!”Anyhow, have fun with this!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            You’re trying so hard kiddo, adorable.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            You’re trying so hard kiddo, adorable. ~Someone Responding To Something That Took All Of 30 Seconds To Write ;-* 

        • yllehs-av says:

          The conservative’s favorite “news” channel is pretty much constant misinformation.  People who don’t watch the news are better informed than people who watch Fox News.
          Plus, you guys seems pretty anti-education in general. Trump loved the uneducated, because they didn’t realize he was lying all the time. It takes a lot of not-very-bright people to make MTG a congresswoman.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            MSNBC isnt much better, nor is CNN. Not a Fox News fan though.You guys made an unintelligent bartender a congresswoman. So there isn’t much room to talk. And the Trump shit doesnt phase me because I’m not a trumper. I’m not gonna get defensive and defend that obese asshole. MTG means nothing to me, shit on her all you want. She’s fucking dumb too.  Not everybody who calls out the stupid bullshit of progressives is a conservative.  It’s just convenient to label everyone who does so as one.  This is how Glenn Greenwald and Bill Maher magically have been labeled conservatives.

        • chorg-av says:

          shut the fuck up

        • chorg-av says:

          shut the fuck up

    • chorg-av says:

      shut the fuck up

  • walruswarfares-av says:

    If they had done a show glorifying firearms then you would be up in arms with your torches and cancel culture ready to go

  • pophead911-av says:

    I’ve not seen any discussion or disgust on Kim Petras being a transwomen or Sam being non binary which is refreshing. It seems like the devil horns makes them more mad. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Don’t forget, gang:

    • adohatos-av says:

      Hey, that’s a pretty good album if you like mid-twentieth century country gospel or enjoy a close harmony singing style! Although my two favorites of theirs, “Knoxville Girl” and “The Great Atomic Power” aren’t on it. It’s also the title of the book one of the Louvin brothers wrote about his experiences. Way more drugs and violence than one would expect from a gospel group.

      • wrecksracer-av says:

        Charlie Louvin came through the Chicago area a bunch of times  in the late 90s. Still had a great voice.

      • takeoasis-av says:

        A great record! I used to think The Byrds were taking the piss when they covered The Christian Life, but it’s a very nice song with a message the conservative right should probably be reminded of. 

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Fun fact though: if Satan is real God literally created him AND lets him still live.  Weird.  Is God also evil?  Maybe.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    The other thing they got pissed about was Shania using “their” to describe Willie Nelson.I feel bad for the poor conservative intern who has to watch all of this stuff to source for new culture war material. Imagine having to go through life that angry.

  • burnout1228121-av says:

    I think it’s fucking hot. No pun intended.

  • drips-av says:

    Jesus F Murray Christ are we really back here? it’s 20-fuckity-23. It’s like a bad movie with annoying villains and also the movie never ends.

  • mutant21-av says:

    They set out to do what they did and succeeded. They meant to make a controversy with their performance, and I see the GQPers ate it up as expected. There is never ‘bad publicity’. By them making all this noise, they just made the song go up on the charts and all the youtube views climb in numbers. So GQPers…congrats you did the dark lords work…again.

  • dfc1116-av says:

    Hey conservatives, stop the needless worrying! The ONLY “devils” America’s children care about are the ones apathetically allowing their peers to get shot and killed in their classrooms!

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    I hate reruns we already did the Satanic Panic. 

  • lordbobbmort-av says:

    Personally, I think the song is basic bitch bullshit and annoying as hell – but some people need to get a fuckin grip. Or we need to convince the other half they’re getting played into the culture war game and get them to stop letting Republican media control them.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    come on, Lil Nas X did Satan stuff way before Sam Smith. 

  • popsfreshenmeyer-av says:

    You don’t have to provide links to their hatred and nonsense if you don’t want to.As a matter of fact, it may even help transgender acceptance if less attention were paid to the hateful, ignorant objections of hateful, ignorant people.

    • fanburner-av says:

      The problem with ignoring them is they keep talking in their Klan meetings and wind up brainwashing idiotic seventeen year olds into shooting people in Kenosha. Not talking about them doesn’t help. Pointing out what big fucking crybabies they are does. Conservatives are a bunch of sissy, whiny babies who shit their pants in terror every time someone who’s gay or female or Black says anything. Watch them shaking in their boots because someone from another country wants a job! They are jokes, and we need to point out again and again what utter fucking jokes they are.

  • popsfreshenmeyer-av says:

    You don’t have to provide links to their hatred and nonsense if you don’t want to.As a matter of fact, it may even help transgender acceptance if less attention were paid to the hateful, ignorant objections of hateful, ignorant people.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Oh thank fuck , a shiney distraction from how awful we are ..’ US right wing politicians….

  • barada-nikto-byotch-av says:

    Lol, I figured the show would have some right wingers already primed to complain about the ‘wokeness’ before it even began, but as soon as this set started I knew it would send them into hysterics. I fully expect it to make the rounds on Fox.

  • adohatos-av says:

    Boring, predictable set gets boring, predictable response. News at 11.

  • cletis-av says:


  • chagrinshaw2001-av says:

    If I could find a way to make all the conservatives’ lives miserable 24/7 I would make that my life’s work. And it would be the easiest job in the world… because they are all miserable 24/7 already.

  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    Remember when they lost their shit when Kid Rock recorded Devil Without a Cause?Me neither…

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    The main thing I know about Sam Smith is that they came to my home state and did a surprise gig for a bunch of influencers and other celebrities, which my state government paid to make happen on the nebulous grounds that it brought money into the economy, but refuses to say how much it spent or how much was supposedly generated by a smattering of semi-important people who were given a bunch of free stuff.Which is nothing against Smith themselves – they got paid to do a gig and did it – it’s just that my main association with them is a pretty dodgy sounding political stunt.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Not surprising. You could see the conservative “outrage” coming from 10,000 miles away. It’s just as dumb now as it was every other time. On the two things can be true at the same time side of things, this “music performer does a satanic themed performance for attention (not conservative outrage, just attention) “ is played out. Like decades old played out. Sam Smith can sing, leave all the extra alone. I said the same thing after their recent SNL performance which was just as silly (less satanic). It’s a distraction. You’ve got a good voice and some catchy song. Other artists needs all that fluff for attention. You don’t.
    I did get a laugh out of that cheesy devil hat though so points scored for that

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    Idk, the only thing more played out than satanic panic is any contemporary artist using devil imagery in an attempt to be transgressive

    • necgray-av says:

      I mean… If the group that routinely bitches about how easily they “trigger” the “libtard” “snowflakes” can also be so easily “triggered”, then why not? Trolling is all the modern GOP knows, so why not troll them back? Not that I think it’s effective as a strategy, but I get kinda tired of the assholes throwing mud and not getting any thrown back at them.

  • liberalsarecastratingamerica-av says:

    You can’t be critical of this “art” because it’s made by oppressed people. It’s basically sacred, like the Mona Lisa.

  • clog-wog-av says:

    Bananarama did it better 37 years ago…

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:


  • yllehs-av says:

    Now I want to know what music Ted Cruz actually likes.  I can’t imagine it’s anything good.

    • necgray-av says:

      A while back he talked about loving No Doubt.And those of us in a certain age range died a little.(And then we remembered that Gwen left Gavin Rossdale and took up with a sentient cowboy boot. And for some reason thinks she’s Japanese by osmosis. So… you know… we’re less sad now.)

  • necgray-av says:

    Sam Smith is clearly a shill for Underwood Spreads!

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