Visionary filmmaker documents a whole bunch of different objects being sanded down into dust

It's time to watch everything from a Wolverine toy to a White Castle gift card be obliterated by a belt sander

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Visionary filmmaker documents a whole bunch of different objects being sanded down into dust
No object will be spared the belt sander. Screenshot: Sanding Shit

One of the greatest gifts the internet has given us is the ability to watch videos of stuff getting destroyed by machinery. Whether that takes the form of a man sticking an iPhone into a blender or a Furby coming to its untimely demise between the merciless metal jaws of a hydraulic press, the ability to see inanimate objects get absolutely mangled on demand is one of the increasingly rare upsides to life in the digital age.

And so, with this in mind, we happily present another person working in this grand tradition: A guy who makes videos of various objects being obliterated by a belt sander.

Stud finder, donut, battery, hotwheels, cracker, incredibles , paint brush

Sanding Shit, as the name suggests, is a TikTok account and YouTube channel dedicated to the singular pursuit of sanding every conceivable object into dust. Run by Paul Roth, who appears mostly as a set of fingers pushing these objects into their whirring executioner, these channels are filled with a massive catalog of stuff getting wrecked.

It’s not hard to understand the appeal of Roth’s work after watching a single video. Take, for instance, a Wolverine toy’s plastic body disappearing as if shorn away by some rival mutant’s laser powers while Goo Goo Dolls’ “Iris” soundtracks the destruction.

Wolverine after getting declawed #wolverine #xmen #satisfying #oddlysatisfying #sandingshit

In another, a doll hand seems to melt against the sander, its rubbery digits collapsing in on themselves as the power tool performs its grim task. The same idea is explored again and again, Roth feeding the insatiable, coarse-tongued beast everything at hand. A compilation video sees him grind down a stud finder, a toy car, a single cracker, and a paintbrush. Nothing escapes the sander for long. Even a Rice Krispies Treat must be sacrificed to the machine.

I can touch the sander and nothing happen? #hand #handwashchallenge #hands #fakebody #satisfying

When will Sanding Shit’s work be complete? Maybe one day, far in the future, when Roth looks out over a barren, perfectly smooth world and sees nothing left to sand but the sander itself. Until then, it seems, his mission will continue.

[via Boing Boing]

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