Sarah Jessica Parker recreates Sex And The City's opening credits for charity ad campaign

Aux Features Sex and the City

Carrie Bradshaw is back. No, it’s not for Sex And The City 3that’s never happening—but it is for a very good cause. Sarah Jessica Parker dusted off Carrie’s iconic shabby-chicness for a new ad campaign with Stella Artois and Matt Damon’s internationally-focused nonprofit,, which works to provide access to clean water in the developing world. In the ad, which you can watch above, Parker recreates Sex And The City’s opening credits sequence on the streets of New York City.

“It’s going to have everyone’s attention,” Damon told Huffington Post. “And that’s a huge megaphone she’s using to help this cause.” As for Parker, she said that recreating the bygone opening was “slightly peculiar in the best possible way,” but she ultimately felt comfortable with idea because it was being done “in good taste” and “the purpose was to amplify the initiative.”

You can see why Damon sought her out. The campaign’s slogan—“You make a little change to do a lot of good”—sounds a lot like something Carrie would say at the end of a SATC episode.

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  • whoisanonymous37-av says:

    Wait a minute, where’s the confused elderly Asian tourist who turns to look at her?That guy was the only person in the entire series that I could actually relate to.

  • fandangogurt-av says:

    Oh I thought this was a promo for the new season of Bojack Horseman

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    That’s nice, but I already liked and shared at the office.  Good luck tho!

  • cariocalondoner-av says:

    This is a Stella Artois beer ad, with a vague, incidental charity message in there somewhere. I mean, 1 bottle of Stella Artois = 1 month clean water? How? For whom? Without reading this article it’s not clear – and there isn’t even any mention of What is clear in the 15 seconds, however, is – Drink Stella Artois! Their logo is in the bottom right hand corner throughout + the “money shot” is of a bottle and glass of beer on the bus + the final shot is of the words “Stella Artois – Change up the Usual”.I mean, I like and already drink Stella Artois beer and this ad will probably make me feel better about choosing my next bottle over the competition because – I’m giving someone a free month of water, somewhere, somehow? So mission accomplished, I guess? Just feels disingenuous to say she recreated this for a charity ad campaign. Many large companies do some corporate social responsibility – sticking some message about what good they do at the end of an ad for their product doesn’t make it a charity ad. But congrats to Stella Artois for brilliant marketing – and for, whatever it is they are doing with the free water …

    • qvck-av says:

      Thank you! 

    • geralyn-av says:

      If only there was something you have right at your fingertips where you could get that information.

      • cariocalondoner-av says:

        Sheesh, are you being snarky just for effect, or did you fail to understand my point? Yes anyone can google the details of the charity, my comment was that the actual “charity ad” with SJP that this article is about is a beer ad first and foremost, with an incidental charity bit that is vague (and you’d have to google just for basic info about).

        • geralyn-av says:

          the actual “charity ad” with SJP that this article is about is a beer ad first and foremostAnd yet it still failed to convince me to buy a specific brand in order to support a charity. If I want to support a charity, I’ll give directly to that charity. I know a number of people who are like that which makes me think we’re not really that unique in that respect.Btw, I was being snarky on purpose because your bitchy diatribe was sophomoric at best.  Not every is as stupid as you seem to think they are. 

    • arundelxvi-av says:

      This is a Stella Artois beer ad, with a vague, incidental charity message in there.Abso-fucking-LUTE-ly. I saw the teaser for this at the DM, and thought if SJP wanted to re-create Carrie for a good cause, why not. But yeah this is just an ad for Stella Artois, they’ll throw ten cents at some charity and absorb the virtue. Gross. Also, Carrie would never drink beer, think of the calories!

  • qvck-av says:

    SJP dressed like that homeless lady who puts on all the stuff leftover at the clothing bank because she got there too late for the good clothes. And I don’t know who’s doing her facial fillers but they deserve every penny she’s giving them.  

  • julian23-av says:

    Ironically Sex And The City 3—never happening is a good cause. 

    • arundelxvi-av says:

      SATC 2 was a humanitarian war crime.  I’m not kidding, they show it in ISIS training camps to remind them why they hate us, the decadent West .

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