Sarah Michelle Gellar reveals a “steamy” kiss between Velma and Daphne was cut from Scooby-Doo

"The world wants to see it," Gellar said this week, of a same-sex kiss cut from James Gunn's 2002 Scooby-Doo movie

Aux News Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah Michelle Gellar reveals a “steamy” kiss between Velma and Daphne was cut from Scooby-Doo
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard, Linda Cardellini, and Freddie Prinze Jr. together in 2004 Photo: Frederick M. Brown

The Sarah Michelle Gellar Revival Tour continues to pay dividends this week, as the Wolf Pack star—and, y’know, TV legend—continues to drop fascinating tidbits about her long career in the industry. Today, that includes a recent appearance where she talked about 2002's Scooby-Doo, directed by James Gunn—and specifically a “steamy” kiss between her character and Linda Cardellini’s Velma that was cut from the film, along with other supposedly “adult” material.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Reveals Deleted Moments From the Scooby-Doo Movie

“There was a steamy kiss,” Gellar said on Bravo’s What What Happens Live this week. “It got cut. There was an actual kiss between Daphne and Velma that got cut. I feel like the world wants to see it. I don’t know where it is.”

Gunn has talked quite a bit in the past about the film himself, revealing that in the original draft of the script, Velma was an out lesbian, but that continual pressure from the studio forced him to walk such material back. (Here’s Gunn in 2020, responding to then-recent news that Velma would actually be allowed to be gay in a mainstream Scooby-Doo project: “The studio just kept watering it down and watering it down, becoming ambiguous (the version shot), then nothing (the released version) and finally having a boyfriend (the sequel).”)

In addition to the Daphne-Velma kiss, Gellar also revealed another more risque line that was cut from the film: Her character telling Fred, played by Gellar’s husband Freddie Prinze, Jr., that “That ascot makes you look gay!” “I think that was the reason I signed onto the movie,” Gellar added, noting the ways the film changed in between the script and its final version. “It’s something everyone’s thought for a long time. There’s always been an implication about Fred being interested in both parties. It all got cut.”

[via Variety]


  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Linda Cardellini as Velma really changed the perception of that character. Great casting. The live action Scooby Doo actually is  pretty fun

    • paulfields77-av says:

      Both are great fun – arguably the second is better.  “Definitely not fat.  Is this kind of what you’re looking for?”

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I don’t think I’ve heard someone say the second film is better, ever, but I haven’t seen it in so long I can’t remember most of it. All I remember is that Seth Green was in it.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      I absolutely loathe the 2002 movie for a myriad of reasons (as alluded to in the article, it’s an absolute hot mess of tonal battles between execs wanting wholesome Scooby-Doo and whatever James Gunn was trying to write), but absolutely zero fault lies with Linda Cardellini and Matthew Lillard, who were perfection as Velma and Shaggy.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      How is that Linda Cardellini in the header photo? Was 2004 that hard on people? 

    • tryinganewthingcuz-av says:

      It was very funny that while Gellar and Prinze were arguably the more known actors, they are easily the most boring parts of the movies. The other two knock it out of the park. Though even in the cartoon Daphne and Fred are pretty boring.

      • captainbubb-av says:

        The whole cast gets to have some fun in the body switching scenes, but yeah your assessment is spot on. Linda Cardellini was the comedic MVP imo.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Raja Gosnell would be shocked to hear Gunn directed it.

    • wildchoir-av says:

      it’s truly impressive how basic facts continue to elude this site

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      Although if I directed Home Alone 3 and Scooby-Doo, it would probably be in my best interests that no one remembers my directorial filmography

    • veloram-av says:

      To be fair, he did write the story and screenplay. So while it’s still Gunn’s movie in that sense, they weren’t correct to say he directed it a few lines below it.

    • kreigermbs-av says:

      Are you sure?  I heard George Santos directed it.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    And meanwhile, we now have the Velma show trying to make a big deal about how it’s finally letting Velma be gay…except it got beat to the punch by the main franchise in the most low-key, normalized way imaginable.

    • ambassadorito-av says:

      Velma in the new show is bi, not gay.Are you talking about Mystery Incorporated? Because while Velma being gay was certainly “low-key” it wasn’t by choice. Velma is certainly…controversial, to put it lightly, but it’s nice that she can openly express attraction to both girls and guys (just like the straight characters in the franchise and the straight versions of Velma have always been able to do) instead of just being paired with a “very close female friend” (which, again, isn’t the fault of the creator).

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      It’s 2023 so being openly gay is a big deal…in the middle east.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      That’s kind of the whole problem with the series in general – it thinks it is being “edgy” by having gay characters, non-white characters, etc. But it’s about 15 to 20 years too late for that – it has misjudged where the mainstream is now.

  • pocrow-av says:

    Does Sarah Michelle not know she can just kiss Linda Cardellini, any time she wants?

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    The world wants to see Sarah Michelle Gellar and Linda Cardellini make out for completely admirable reasons to do with inclusivity, of course.  

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Based on what a close lesbian friend has told me, I don’t think it’s really a thing anymore for heterosexual men to ogle over two women kissing. Lesbians seem understandably not into that (their love isnt a show for the male gaze etc.) I can understand where this is coming from. If I was kissing my partner and a couple dudes came up and were like “awww yoo! yes bro! yes!” I’d be bothered.

      • south-of-heaven-av says:

        Well yeah you don’t (and never should have) publicly ogle anyone. But watching a video in your home is a different story.

      • agentz-av says:

        Based on what a close lesbian friend has told me, I don’t think it’s really a thing anymore for heterosexual men to ogle over two women kissing. Judging by the reactions I saw from certain people over Netflix Cowboy Bebop making Faye Valentine a lesbian (or possibly bisexual given what little we knew about her) you may be right.

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        Yeah, I mean, watching two chicks is alright, but they never get each other’s tits bouncing like takin’ cock does.

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        I don’t think that has much impact on what heterosexual men are into. There’s also nothing inherently wrong with that. You can enjoy the sight of two attractive (whatever that means to you) people getting together without acting like an eight-year-old Neanderthal or otherwise making people feel uncomfortable. People like what they like, you just want them to express it appropriately and find a venue that isn’t egregiously exploitive.  

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    people who type with one hand definitely are interested in that footage

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


  • capeo-av says:

    Jesus Fucking Christ: directed by James GunnI mean, how bad can you be as a writer? To get basic facts wrong?

    • milligna000-av says:

      They aren’t paid enough to do much research. Rewriting press releases and other stories is basically what you get.

      • keithzg-av says:

        Yeah, not enough pay and not enough time. Not to mention that sadly a procession of terrible owners chased tons of writers away from this site over the course of years.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    The James Gunn script certainly seems interesting from what has been shared over the years.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    “It got cut. There was an actual kiss between Daphne and Velma that got cut. I feel like the world wants to see it. I don’t know where it is.”I’m not saying it, she’s saying it…For real though, Linda Cardellini hit it out of the park as Velma. I grew up watching the 60’s reruns on TV and her portrayal completely changed how I viewed the character. I mean, I’m sure my teenage hormones probably played a role, but she was badass.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Yes, and you call the kiss steamy despite the fact that it’s obviously grilled.

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    Until it is released I guess we just have to make due with watching her make out with Selma Blair. The struggle is real.

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    Scooby Doo 2 was very weird and horny, so this comes as no surprise

  • hiemoth-av says:

    While there is nothing new in these quotes, I think I’d heard the actors talk about during the press junkets before, it is kind of fascinating how ahead of its time the initial version of that film actually was. Also at the time I just found it funny, but in retrospect it was kind of amazing how much the actors spoke about the film that should have been during their press tour instead of the film that was.In many aspects I can symphatize with them as they probably realized they were doing something boundary pushing with that film and kind of reimagining what those films could be. So to film all that and then have to do the most scared reshoots possible when the studio freaked out must have been quite the experience.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    We can get one of those fancy AI’s to make this happen, yeah?

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Isn’t this old news? Or am I thinking of the dozen other “James Gunn wanted Scooby-Doo to be more adult” stories that have been printed over the years. 

  • docprof-av says:

    I didn’t realize James Gunn directed the Scooby Doo movie in 2002. Which is a good job by me. Since he didn’t

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    They also cut out a scene where Shaggy eats out Scooby’s asshole, but nobody gripes about that.

  • bay123-av says:

    please don’t feed into her need for press. Just ride into the sunset sarah and do a voice on robot chicken every once in awhile

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    Yeah and we all saw it ages ago. This is old news. 

  • viktor-withak-av says:

    Didn’t we already know this? I swear I thought I read this before

  • gunnlauggr-av says:

    So funny thing. SMG and Freddie have done Robot Chicken Scooby Do skits and she did get to say the line about the ascot to him. 

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