Uh-oh! It’s a leap year, the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, and Sarah Palin showed up on another singing show

Four years ago, Sarah Palin graced The Masked Singer with her rendition of "Baby Got Back." We were in quarantine by the end of the week.

Aux News Sarah Palin
Uh-oh! It’s a leap year, the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, and Sarah Palin showed up on another singing show
Sarah Palin and her cousin JD on We Are Family Photo: Tom Griscom/FOX

Maybe the Book of Revelation was onto something with that whole Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse thing. If you’ve been paying attention to world events in 2024, you may have noticed some eerie similarities to a certain calendar year where things went… a bit south. 2020 was a leap year (so is this one), the Chiefs beat the 49ers in the Super Bowl (guess what!), and Biden and Trump were set to go head to head in November’s election.

Now, it seems like those three harbingers may have just been waiting for their fourth horrible buddy to really seal the deal. In case you’re a healthier person than we are and somehow managed to block this one out, former governor of Alaska and all-around upsetting political and cultural figure Sarah Palin graced the world with her rendition of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back” on The Masked Singer in, you guessed it, March 2020. Three days later, the world locked its doors and started baking banana bread. That was four years ago, but oh—would you look at that! She just did it again. Cue the Jaws music.

This time, Palin took her meager vocal talents to a different clue-based, celebrity-focused Fox singing show. With her cousin JD, the former Republican VP candidate popped up on We Are Family, a game show hosted by Anthony Anderson and his mom Doris, where contestants have to identify the celebrity singing with their non-famous relative. The pair sang a brief version of Garth Brooks’ “Friends In Low Places,” which admittedly wasn’t quite as horrifying as a furry Palin singing about getting sprung, but was on the nose in an unsettling, “they’re all just laughing at us now” sort of way.

Palin didn’t say anything after the performance, but her cousin did share that her brief vice presidential run/shot at further undermining American politics was “mind-boggling for our entire family” and “a heck of a ride, but it was fun” as the audience clapped and cheered. So there’s that! Here’s hoping that this was the final nail in the coffin to reset the timeline away from whatever crazy alternate reality we’ve been living in for the past four years, instead of plunging us even further into the Bad Times.

Sarah Palin Sings “Friends in Low Places” With Her Cousin | We Are Family


  • brickhouse74-av says:

    I’m so glad “it was fun” for Palin and her family to lower the bar to new depths in the American zeitgeist. You could argue that she paved the way for trump to be a viable candidate.

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      I don’t think she really did anything to pave the way for Trump. Her ticket lost, she resigned as governor the following year, her TV career flopped, and she didn’t run for office again until 2022. The 2012 GOP race was full of nutjobs but they went with Mitt Romney, and his running mate was Paul Ryan, who at the time was widely considered a smart and serious alternative to someone like Palin. By the time Trump ran she’d been pretty much forgotten about.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      If she ever paved anything she’d be more useful than she’s ever managed to actually be.

  • yacobe-av says:

    It’s funny how much conservatives “hate” Hollywood but then will happily sign up for reality shows where they get to be one of the D-list celebrities on it.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      There’s only two US presidents with stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and neither one is a Democrat. This speaks to the dissonance of the conservative psyche.

    • nooyawkah-av says:

      I love it when Fox rails against liberal Hollywood and woke actors then goes, but here to speak about it is a washed up has been, Kirstie Alley!!

    • graymangames-av says:

      Christian or Conservative films ape Hollywood so bad. They want the reach and influence of secular entertainment, so long as it pushes their didactic agenda. 

  • presidentzod-av says:

    I believe the porn actress who bore an uncanny resemblance to Sarah Palin in the porn classic, Who’s Nailin’ Palin? died recently. Very sad. 

  • poutine42-av says:

    Filming this show it was quickly apparent how bad it would be. Then they brought out Sarah & Candace Cameron. The reason she doesn’t speak is because most of the audience was not clapping or were actively scowling at her being there. Fox Alternative (produced this show & others like it) can rot <3

  • samo1415-av says:

    Soon-to-be-great-grandmother Sarah Palin.

  • kickpuncherpunchkicker-av says:

    I’ve already begun hoarding toilet paper. If you are looking for Quilted Northern Ultra Soft and Strong in the Upper Midwest, you better buy quick because I’m coming to get it all./s, in case that wasn’t clear.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    I like how in 2024, people talk like Medieval peasants.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Leap year happens every 4 years… posting it like some alignment of a coincidence is insanely stupid.

    • hudsmt-av says:

      Also, almost every leap year is an election year. (The exception is another little glitch that we introduce every 100 years.) This is like being surprised when the Olympics happen in an even-numbered year. “Again???!!! WOW! What are the chances?”

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    why are we covering this

    • hudsmt-av says:

      Maybe we don’t need to hear clips of this one particular song, but I do think more outlets should be covering the weird way that these reality/competition shows play a role in “laundering” dirty politicians. (Sean Spicer also comes to mind.) If the piece were more expansive, that would be beneficial, don’t you think? This is happening too often to go unspoken.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      What do you mean “we”, white man?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
  • graymangames-av says:

    No means no, Sarah!

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