Amid reports of a Scream VI leak, Ghostface themself asks fans to please just be cool

A verified Twitter account attributed to the masked villain released a statement on Thursday urging fans to "please be kind... and keep spoilers to yourselves"

Aux News Scream
Amid reports of a Scream VI leak, Ghostface themself asks fans to please just be cool
Scream VI Photo: Paramount Pictures

For those individuals in the Scream universe unlucky enough to exist at the murderous whims of Ghostface, there are few things more bone-chilling than an unexpected phone call. But for the creators and fans who experience the horror from the outside, there’s something certifiably scarier: an unexpected spoiler.

As rumors of a leaked Scream VI ending and killer reveal swirl online (and seem to have prompted a crackdown by administrators on the Scream Reddit page), Ghostface’s official Twitter account has shared a message urging any and all viewers to “please be kind to your fellow fans and keep spoilers to yourself.” The A.V. Club has reached out to representatives for Paramount for comment.

Addressed “Dear Scream Friends,” the tweet from Ghostface’s account reads as follows:

As opening day approaches, we’d like to ask you a small favor— please be kind to your fellow fans and keep spoilers to yourselves. The whole cast and crew has worked hard over the last year to keep it secretive, so that everyone can hopefully have the best kind of experience possible— spoiler free.

We love you, we thank you, and we hope you all enjoy watching the film as much as the cast and crew enjoyed making it.

It’s an honor.

This latest leak snafu is far from the first to terrorize the Scream franchise: Scream 2 notoriously had two endings leak—luckily, some prescient planning by writer and producer Kevin Williamson saved the day. “The first leaked script that went out was the fake one, so by the time the real one went out, no one believed it,” Williamson told Collider in December 2022.

For the most part, fans have rallied behind Ghostface, urging each other not to traffic in leaks or spoilers before the film officially hits theaters on March 10th. Informing users on the Scream Reddit that all posts going forward would be subject to approval given the leaks, moderator u/gonnablamethemovies wrote that the community is “disgusted with the leak.”

“These writers, directors and producers have worked hard for over a year to make this movie,” the post reads. “To leak something so huge 3 weeks before the release of the movie is awful.”


  • wangledteb-av says:

    Good to know, hopefully i can avoid spoilers til i get a chance to see it… I haven’t been this excited for a horror movie in awhile! I love Scream and this one looks great

  • legospaceman-av says:

    “Please wait till the end credits start rolling before you share spoilers.”

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    I wasn’t expecting Dewey to come back from the dead to be the killer, but the reveal was really cool!/not an actual spoiler

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “ few things more bone-chilling than an unexpected phone call”?
    WTF is this, 1996 or something?

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    I watched the video. Really regret it now.

    • ijohng00-av says:

      i did too. First time i’ve known who the killers are going into a Scream film. i guess it will be interesting to watch them in the film knowing who they are and see if the film is still fun.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        I tried to watch The Sixth Sense recently and I turned it off. I don’t know how, but despite not seeing that film I’ve known the ending my entire life. It was the same thing with Darth Vader’s identity. It was just so heavily discussed that somehow it became common knowledge for me as a toddler before I even understood what it was. Thanks spoiler culture. I didn’t get the full experience of Vader.

        I’m gonna take an opportunity to vent here: I was a big Star Wars geek growing up (Phantom Menace was my introduction, suck my ass people over 40) and so years ago I decided to take myself out on a date to see the newly released Solo: A Star Wars Story (SPOILERS FOR SOLO):
        I’d just gotten my popcorn and the previous showing of Solo had just ended so a wave of people passed through the lobby. Then at a decently loud speaking volume some dude was like “I can’t believe Darth Maul was at the end”…. To this day I still want to punch that guy square in the jaw. Don’t talk about spoilers until your in the parking lot asswipe. A reminder to all. Phantom Menace was like, the first film I remember so that guy stole a pretty big moment from me. I don’t care how badly you want to discuss the end credit scene with your sibling don’t talk about it until your in your car you selfish dicks.

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    Between the Neve Campbell exit and Jena Ortega being like “this one’s gonna be so extreme bro!!” the bad vibes are starting to mount

  • suburbandorm-av says:

    The title for this makes it sound like it is significantly more funny than it is. I was hoping for at least a video of Ghostface begging.

  • recognitions-av says:

    And if you’re not, the rest of the Wu will come to your house and fuck you up.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Is it available tho or is this just leaked information? I’m asking for a friend whose bored cuz nothing is on.

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