Sean Penn and Ben Stiller join elite Hollywood club of “actors banned permanently from Russia”

Penn and Stiller are among 25 inviduals who were permanently banned from the country on Monday over America's purported "Russophobic course"

Aux News Actors
Sean Penn and Ben Stiller join elite Hollywood club of “actors banned permanently from Russia”
Sean Penn, Kristen Wiig, and Ben Stiller, 2/3 of whom can never enter Russia again Photo: Frazer Harrison

“Stop a problem by going directly to its source”—it’s a logic that’s useful whether fixing a leaky stove pipe or when applied full-scale to government strategy. However, a new move from Russia in response to American sanctions reaches a wild conclusion by apparently trying to follow a similar logic. When it comes to Russia’s problem with American anti-Russia sentiment, it seems the country’s government is tracing the source not back to the invasion of Ukraine or Putin’s presidency, but to Derek Zoolander and Jeff Spicoli.

Well, not actually, but the reality isn’t that much stranger than fiction: the Russian government has permanently banned Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, and 23 other individuals from entering the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation announced the ban on Monday, September 5—the newly banned have apparently found their way onto Russia’s “stop list” over “the principle of reciprocity.”

“The hostile actions of the American authorities, which continue to follow a Russophobic course, destroying bilateral ties and escalating confrontation between Russia and the United States, will continue to be resolutely rebuffed,” the statement continues. (Side note: could there be a statement more “hear yourself” than Russia announcing they’ll be taking government action to punish “escalating confrontation” after okaying a full-scale invasion on civilians in Ukraine?) Also on the list of banned individuals: multiple members of the Biden administration including the ministers of trade and commerce, both Republican and Democratic senators, and a bevy of American executives and CEOs.

A ban against two Hollywood stars seems kooky at best, or intended to curtail free speech at worst—but Penn and Stiller’s vocal condemnation of Russia’s war on Ukraine lends towards the latter. In February, Penn went to Ukraine to film an on-the-ground documentary on the crisis with Vice Studios that he had been working on since November 2021. While there, he attended a press briefing from officials in Kyiv and also met with President Volodymyr Zelensky, and ultimately received a statement of stalwart support from the Ukrainian government.

“Sean Penn is demonstrating bravery that many others have been lacking, in particular some Western politicians,” the statement from the Ukrainian government read. “The more people like that — true friends of Ukraine, who support the fight for freedom — the quicker we can stop this heinous invasion by Russia.”

Stiller also traveled to Ukraine as part of his work with the United Nations Refugee Agency, a cause he spoke about in a video shared to his Twitter in late June. “War and violence are devastating people all over the world,” Stiller says in the video, originally shared by the UN. “Nobody chooses to flee their home. Seeking safety is a right, and it needs to be upheld for every person.” How dare he, we guess?


  • gdtesp-av says:

    Neither of them are invited into my home either. They know what they did.I had to throw that mattress out.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Aw, man. I always swore I’d get banned from Russia before Ben Stiller did.

  • markearly70-av says:

    I kept reading Penn and Stiller and wondering why Russia was banning the magicians.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    these childish tantrums are a good reminder of why Cult 45 is so smitten with Russia—another allegedly “strong leader” who is not above doing something hilariously petty and passive-aggressive to show how “tough” he is; “when they hit you, hit back twice as hard (by banning them from something they probably weren’t going to do anyway)“ LOL

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    Kristen Sinema got banned too…not sure why that amused me so much but I don’t think of her as an anti-Russia “firebrand” like the rest, more like an intentionally contrarian megalomaniac attention whore, maybe that offends Putin the same way it offends me LOL

    • hasselt-av says:

      More likely because the Kremlin needed a prominent gay or bisexual member of Congress to add to the list, and perhaps her name just came up first.  Kind of like how Hans Gruber was name-dropping random terrorist groups when he made his list of demands.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Sounds like Putin and wokesters have something in common. The stuff he cancels, stays cancelled though.

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    The War in Ukraine is a good war where good guys fight bad guys just like the defense contractors say.   No way anything bad will come from giving neo Nazis sophisticated weapon systems.  

  • retrofrank-av says:

    “We don’t need your second class actors, America. We have Steven Segal…..”

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